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Anjani, Riri Feby. 2018.Perceptions About The Strengths and Weaknesses of Reading
Materials in Students’ Worksheet Used by Eighth Graders of MTs Sa’adatul
Abadiah Kuala Tungkal.Thesis. English Study Program. Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Jambi University in Academic Year, 2017/2018. First
advisor isDra. Radiatan Mardiah, M.Hum and the second advisoris Susanah,
S.Pd., M.Sc.

Key words: Worksheet, Descriptive Analysis, Reading Material.

This study is a descriptive analysis of reading materials in English worksheet for

eighth graders at MTs Sa’adatul Abadiah Kuala Tungkal. It aimed to identify
perceptions of eighth graders about worksheet: Bahasa Inggris published by CV
Kesowo used by eighth graders at MTs Sa’adatul Abadiah Kuala Tungkal and to
identify the strength and weaknesses of Reading Materials in worksheet: Bahasa
Inggris published by CV Kesowo used by eight graders at MTs Sa’adatul Abadiah
Kuala Tungkal to learn English reading
Questionnaire and textbook checklist were used as the instruments in this study.
Questionnaire used to gather students’ perception on reading materials in their English
worksheet. There are nine questions in questionnaire. There were 61 students from two
classed of eighth grade involved as participants in this study. Textbook checklist is used
to identify some aspects adapted from Pusat Perbukuan (2007). Those aspects are: (1)
checklists to identifiedrelevancy with the curriculum (2) checklist to identifiedreading
materials, and (3) checklist to identified worksheet layout.
The results of students’ perception were divided into fourth categories. The first
is about reading materials, the highest answer is on recount text and descriptive text
students answer about 92%-98%. The second is about text type, 87% of students
answered correctly that each text comes with exercises in the worksheet. The third is
about content and usage of worksheet.About 57% of students admitted that the materials
and exercises in each text were easy to be understood and about 72% of students
admitted that each text in worksheet was uninteresting because there was no picture.
The last is about worksheet layout. About 92% of students admitted that format of
exercises in reading materials were more than two formats, there are multiple choices,
essay, fill in the blank, true-false, find the meaning of the word, and matching.
The results of identified reading materials in worksheet shows some strengths
and weaknesses, they are; 1) Common vocabulary for eighth graders, 2) Many
variations of format exercises, 3) Each text types in worksheet has more than one
example of text, 4) In each chapter begin with standard competency and basic
competence. Then, the weaknesses are; 1) some of reading materials are not relevant
with the curriculum, 2) There is no learning objective in the worksheet, 3) most of the
text does not give general information, 4) The worksheet does not provide glossary
which contain hard vocabularies, 5) Almost of the text does not provide the picture, 6)
All of the text does not give source of the text.

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