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Swami’s Mission and Our Role in It ....

3 Reasons for Lord’s incarnation

Giving Joy to Devotees

Destruction of Evil

Establishment of Dharma
Avatar’s Mission
The establishment of righteousness (dharma): that is my aim. The teaching of dharma, the
spread of dharma: that is my object. These miracles, as you call them, are just a means toward that end...

My task is not merely to cure and console and remove individual misery but is something far
more important. The removal of misery and distress is incidental to my mission. My main task is the
reestablishment of the Vedas and Sastras (spiritual scriptures), and revealing the knowledge about them
to all people. This task will succeed. It will not be limited. It will not be slowed down. When the Lord
decides and wills, his divine will cannot be hindered...
-23rd November 1968

“Many hesitate to believe that things will improve, that everyone will be happy and joyful, that
the Golden Age will ever dawn. Let me assure you that this Dharma Swarupa (personification of
Righteousness) has not come in vain. It will succeed in averting the crisis that has come upon humanity.”
-SSS Vol 5, D11
Relationships Friends Work

Parents/Children DHARMA School/College

What is Dharma?
@Home, @Work, @Friends... Values, attributes
-Changing with Time and Place -Changeless
-Of the World -Divine

Duty suffused with Dharma is the Path

Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Binge watching our favorite show on NetFlix

Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Keeping one’s Room/Home/Workplace disorderly

And/Or Have our minds disorderly
Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Being immersed in Bliss singing Swami’s bhajans

Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Reacting angrily when provoked

Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Be Worried and Having a long castor-oil face

due to stress at Home/Work
Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Being immersed taking part in a service project

Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Complaining about an exceptionally difficult situation

one finds oneself in
Is Dharma violated in the following instance?

Having the ‘I am the Body’ identity about oneself

What are the characteristics of Dharma ?
Patience Non-stealing Knowledge Non-anger

Forbearance Purity Intellect

Self-control Control of senses Truth
How Dharma violated in the following?

 Binge watching our favorite show on NetFlix of Dharma:
Control of Senses/...  Patience
 Forbearance
 Keeping one’s Room/Home/Workplace disorderly/Have our minds  Self-control
disorderly  Non-stealing
Purity – External and Internal/...  Purity
 Control of
 Reacting angrily when provoked senses
Self-control/...  Knowledge
 Intellect
 Having a long castor-oil face  Truth
Knowledge/Intellect/...  Non-anger
How Dharma violated in the following?

 Complaining about an exceptionally difficult situation one finds oneself in. of Dharma:
 Patience
Forbearance/...  Forbearance
 Self-control
 Having the ‘I am the Body’ identity about oneself.  Non-stealing
 Purity
Knowledge/...  Control of
 Knowledge
 Intellect
 Truth
 Non-anger
Dharma solves Problems….
Solving problems @ Individual level

Characteristics of

?? Dharma:

 Non-stealing
Disagreements in relationships  Purity
 Control of senses
 Knowledge
 Intellect
 Truth
 Non-anger
Solving problems @ Society level

Characteristics of

?? Dharma:

 Non-stealing
Conflicts between Nations  Purity
 Control of senses
 Knowledge
 Intellect
 Truth
 Non-anger
Solving problems @ Nature’s level

Characteristics of

?? Dharma:

Environmental pollution 

(ex. plastic pollution)  Control of senses
 Knowledge
 Intellect
 Truth
 Non-anger
Obstacles to Dharma?
Attachment towards sense objects causes loss of discrimination and
leads one away from the path of Dharma.. -Gita
Technique for overcoming attachment to sense-objects as laid down
by Swami..
“True dharma is to be immersed in Atmic bliss, the inner vision, the steady faith in the
identity of one’s real nature with the Absolute, and the realization that all is Brahman...
In this physical existence as particular individuals, these four are named truth, peace,
love and nonviolence (Sathya, Shanthi, Prema, and Ahimsa), that particular
individuals who are also personifications of that Absolute can follow them in daily life.
The mode of pursuit of dharma, now, as in the past, is to adhere to these high principles
in every act and thought.” -Baba

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