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was held on
The regular meeting of the Watertown City School District's Board of Education
uaicrr 3, zozo, in t6e District office Conference Room at HT wiley School. The meeting,
p.m. with the Pledge of
conducted Uy ifre goaiA President, Beth A. Linderman, opened at 6:00

Members Present: Beth A. Linderman

Maria T Mesires
Culley T. Gosier
Michael R. Struchen
Suzanne C. Renzi-Falge
Jason B. Harrington

Members Excused: Nancy C. Henry

officers Present: Patricia B. LaBarr, Superintendent of schools

Michelle R. Gravelle, District Clerk

Administrators: Stacey Eger, AssistantSuperintendentforlnstruction

lna M. fane, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Student Services
Administrator Excused: Joshua Hartshorne, School Business Manager

There were 2 visitors.

President Linderman welcomed those in attendance.

Agenda Changes: (Add) Location change from North Elementary to the District Office
Conference Room.
(Delete) Board and Staff Reports-welcome sandra cain, Principal,
postponed to a later date.
(Add) Items for Board Action-D. Approval for Emergency coVID-19
contractual related obligations.
(Add) Items for Board Action-E. Approval for Updated Reserve Plan.

Public Comments: None.

Communicationsl The District Clerk read a letter from Grace H. Rice, President of the Board
of Cooperative Educational Services for the Jefferson-Lewis-Hamilton-Herkimer-oneida BOCES.
Ms. Rice will be up for reelection to the Board and, notes in the letter, that she appreciates the
support of our Board of Education members.
A second communication read was a letter from Yvonne Reff, Director of the Flower Memorial
Library. In the letter Yvonne stated that recent communication from our legal counsel, Mr'
DTmperio, was shared with their counsel and they concur with Mr. D'Imperio's conclusion that
the School District is required by law to place the proposed proposition on the School District
with BCA presented to
Board and staff Reports: smart schools Bond Act-Bryan Cowell
in 20L4. He highlighted
the Board members how the 2 bitlion dollar program originated back
be focused on, such as:
through a power point presentation the priorities the district will
* School connectivity with network upgrades
* High tech securitY
* New visitor entrances
* Visitor badging sYstems
.t' Door access control
* Video network switches
* Network and fiber oPtic cabling
* TelePhone sYstem rePlacement currently and a
Bryan presented layout photos of buildings in the district as they appear
BCA has met with
conceptual layout once secured visitor enttances have been upgraded.
principals to help accommodate them with the security they need. Some work
will take place
Information Technology
Additional information is on the district website under Departments and
link outlining the process behind the smart schools Bond Act.

Items for Consent Aoenda:

Resolution offered by Michael Struchen.

RESOLVED, that Consent Agenda Items A, & B are hereby approved'

A. Approval of the Minutes of the Committee on Pre-school Education.

B. Approval of the Minutes of the Committee on Special Education.

Seconded by Maria Mesires and carried; allvoting aye'

Resolution offered by Jason Harrington.

RESOLVED that the annual publichearing, in lieu of the annual meeting, for the
5, 2020, at
voters of the Wateftown City School District be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May
Case Middle School.
be held on
RESOLVED that the vote by scanning voting machine upon the budget and election
prevailing time will be held at
Tuesday, May 19, 2020 between the hours of 12 noon and 9 p.m.
(Watertown High School and Nofth Elementaly School)'
RESOLVED that the School District Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
publish the
notice of said hearing, budget vote, and election and all other matters in accordance with
applicable provisions of the Education Law.

Seconded by Michael Struchen and carried; all voting aye.

Resolution offered by Suzanne Renzi-Falge.

RESOLVED that the following persons be and are hereby appointed Inspectors of Election to
serue in the respective school election districts for the School Budget and Board of Education
Vote to be held on the 19th day of May 2020, and the Clerk of the Board shall give written
notice of the appointment to each person as required by law.
Watertown High School

Terty Williams
Coryne Gorri
Katrina Cox

North Elementaru School

Frank Gorri
Claire Lafferty
Douglas Anderson

FURTHER RESOLVED that, in the event of the inability of any of the foregoing to serve, the
Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized to obtain and appoint a replacement.

Seconded by Maria Mesires and carried; all voting aye.

Resolution offered by Michael Struchen.

BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Patricia B
LaBarr, the Board of Education hereby approves the following:

Name Title Date Salary
1 Coyne, Taylor Custodian 4t1t2020 $15.08/hr

Effective End
Name Date Date
1 Smith, Alexandrea 3t18t2020 6t30t2020
2 Smoot, Lucy 3t1812020 6t3012020

Effective End
Name Date Date
I Fleming, Richard 311812020 6t30t2020
2 Parks, John 311812020 6t3012020
3 Parow, Lori 3t1812020 6t3012020
4 Trask, Annette 3t1812020 6t3012020

A Name Sport Salary

1 Clough, Peter* Mod. Lacrosse Asst Volunteer
2 Rich, Alec* Mod. Track & Field Asst $2,039.00
*Pending certification
B Name Sport Salary
1 Patrick, Dennis JV Lacrosse Asst. s2.730.22
2 Strader, Scott* Mod. Lacrosse 8th Asst. Volunteer
*Pending certification
Seconded by Culley Gosier and carried; all voting aye.

Tina Lane spoke briefly about the fact that the Spring Sports season is on hold. The coaching
staff is in place for when school resumes.

Resolution offered by Maria Mesires.

WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, the Governor of the State of New York signed Executive
Order 202, wherein the Governor declared a disaster emergency in the State of New York with
respect to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus;

WHEREAS, on March !2,2020, the Governor of the State of New York signed Executive
Order 202.L, whereby the Governor amended Order 201 to include the following as it relates to
school districts 180 days of required attendance for state aide purposes as public meetings as

1. Suspension of Education Law 3604(7), to allow the Commissioner of Education to

disregard such reduction in the apportionment of public money due to a failure
by a school to meet the instructional requirements proscribed within this section
due to the properly executed declaration of a local state of emergency as defined
within sub-section (i), a school is directed to close by a state or local health
official or following a properly executed declaration of a state of emergency as
defined within sub-section (i), limited to the extent that those specified schools
are unable to make up missed instructional days.
2. Suspension of Article 7of the Public Officers Law, to the extent necessary to
permit any public body to meet and take such actions authorized by the law
without permitting in public in-person access to meetings and authorizing such
meetings to be held remotely by conference call or similar seruice, provided that
the public has the ability to view or listen to such proceeding and that such
meetings are recorded and later transcribed.
WHEREAS, on March L4, 2020, the Governor of the State of New York signed Executive
Order 202.2whereby the Governor amended Order 201 to require any school district which is
closing pursuant to a local state of emergency declared as a result of COVID-l9, that such
school district shall be required to first consult with the local depaftment of health and to
exhaust any available time, including snow days and vacation days, as part of such closure in
relation to the 180 days of attendance requirement for purposes of state aid.

WHEREAS, on March L4,2020, the Counties of Jefferson and Lewis declared a state of
emergency in their respective jurisdiction after consultation with the local County Health
Department per the requirements of Governor Cuomo's Executive Order 20L, et seq,

WHEREAS, the School District is now directed and hereby is closed pursuant to the
declared states of emergency by both the County and the State of New York consistent with
Executive Order 20t, et seq., and shall remain closed to student from Monday, March 16,2020,
through Sunday, April 19, 2020, with a tentative reopening for the attendance of students
scheduled for Monday, April 20,2020.

WHEREAS, New York State Education Law 552503(5) and 2509 states that the Board
of Education has the authority as it relates to the payment of employee's wages and salaries to
contract with and employ such persons as qualified teachers and other staff of the District, to
determine the number of teachers to be employed in the several departments and at the time
of such employment, to make and deliver to each teacher a written contract; and employ such
persons as'may be necessary to supervise, organize, conduct the District's business; and to
adopt rules and regulations governing the excusing of absences of all teachers and other
employees and for the granting of leaves of absence to such employees either with or without


WHEREAS, New York State Education Law $$1950 and 1951 provide that the Board of
Cooperative Educational Seruices (BOCES) has the authority as it relates to the payment of
employee's wages and salaries to contract with and employ such persons as qualified teachers
and other staff of the District, to determine the number of teachers to be employed in the
several departments and at the time of such employment, to make and deliver to each teacher
a written contract; and employ such persons as may be necessary to supervise, organize,
conduct the District's business; and to adopt rules and regulations governing the excusing of
absences of all teachers and other employees and for the granting of leaves of absence to such
employees either with or without pay.

NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, hereby approves and declares as follows:

1. pursuant to the powers vested in the Board of Education, and in accordance with the
declared state of Emergency by both the County and the State of New YorK and in
accordance with Governor Cuomo's Executive Order 202, et seq., the Board of Education
hereby declares and directs that the during the period of emergency closure from March
t6, ZO2O, through April 20, 2020, all employees of the District will continue to be paid
their regular salary and/or contract hours pursuant to such employees regular contract
appointments and salary or hourly wage' as the case maybe;
2. AND FURTHE& Superintendent of Schools shall determine at the Superintendent's
discretion which employees are essential employees and/or which job functions are
essential job functions such that the District may require such employees to report to
work as necessary to carry out any critical and necessary functions of the District during
the period of emergency closure for the seruice of the students of the District, subject to
the requirements of this resolution;
3. AND FURTHER, that during the period of closure, where the Superintendent of Schools
finds that the absence of any employee from their jobs and/or duties with the District,
including such employees deemed by the Superintendent to be essential employees
performing essential job functions, is a direct result of the existing declared emergency
due to COVID-l9, such employee's absence shall be considered an excused absence
with pay subject to the Superintendent's determination and judgment;
4. AND FURTHE& that the Superintendent of Schools shall have the authority to
determine which employees in the District are not essential employees whose physical
presence in required in the District to perform job related duties and functions, and to
excuse such employees from physical attendance with such excused absence being
absence with pay, provided, that such employees are available during their normal work
hours on normal work days during this period of closure to consult by telephone or other
electronic means and to provide support to the District and the students of the District
as directed by the Superintendent;
5. AND FURTHE& the Board of Education shall consider any absences with pay during
this period of emergency closure to be paid seruice in the District subject to the final
determination any applicable New York State administrative agency and/or the
requirements of New York State Law;
6. AND FURTHER, the'superintendent of Schools is authorized to consult with any and all
of the District's unions for the implementation of this resolution, including where in the
Superintendent's judgment the Superintendent deems it necessary and appropriate to
execute any memorandum of agreements concerning the terms of declared emergency
as described herein;
Seconded by Suzanne Renzi-Falge and carried; allvoting aye.

Motion was made by Maria Mesires to bring tabled resolution back to the table and seconded by
Culley Gosier and carried; all voting aye.
BE IT RESOLVED that the updated reserue plan, is hearby approved.


Items for Discussion/Information: Superintendent of Schools' Repoft:

March t4, althe Jeff Lewis BOCES, with several local district Superintendents. In an
abundance of caution, the decision was reached to close the schools in the Jeff Lewis
BOCES region until at least April L9,2020. Following the meeting, Superintendent
LaBarr met with the district's administrative cabinet team at the District Office to discuss
a plan moving fonarard.

more COVID-l9 information at the top for viewers and local updates from the district.
The website will be continuously updated.

children aged 18 and under; this system is run much like the summer feeing program.
Five locations in the city will provide a drive-thru type plan for familie3s and students to
pick up a bagged lunch and breakfast. Student numbers in each building were
evaluated and it was estimated approximately how many meals might be needed at
each location. The Food 4 Families program will also continue. The program generated
100 volunteers, who will pack bags, pick up, and deliver to the homes of 95 families in
this pafticular program.
Urban Mission to see how these agencies might be able to be of any assistance and

encourage them to utilize the district website for the more frequently used online
resources and websites. Teachers are asked not to send packets of work to students
this time and not to introduce any new instruction at this time. It was noted, that as a
result of a recent poll of the students in grades 3-12, in the district, 94o/o of the students
have Wi-Fi access at home. Hot Spots are an option for the district to
purchase with
Tltle I funding, if there is a need for a long-term plan. The distribution of Chrome books
will be for Grades 7-12.

by all building principals in order to get messages out to students.

issues different schools are having, It was confirmed that ELA State Testing has been

the needs of the part-time staff, bus drivers in particular, during this time. She
proposed trying to keep the drivers compensated, as she doesn't want to lose the
drivers currently employed by First Student.

Uocoming Dates: president Linderman reviewed the upcoming meetings in the district that
are subject to change.

Adjournment: At l;20pm, with no further business, the President asked for a motion to
uaj** ttru meeting. tr4aria Mesires made the motion, seconded by Culley Gosier and carried;
all voting aye.

Respectfully Submitted t i, l] ^

Michelle R. Gravelle

District Clerk

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