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Employer duties

13.2.1 This section applies to all ships. Every employer is required to appoint one or
more competent persons to promote health and safety in their undertaking. On board some
large ships, where there are personnel working who are employed by several different
employers, each employer must appoint (a) competent person(s). They do not have to work
the ship themselves, but to be ‘competent’ for the task they should have a knowledge of the
duties undertaken by those for whom they are responsible, and should ensure that any specific
risks encountered as a result of that particular working environment are dealt with
appropriately, e.g. by checking that the Company has adequate safety procedures for all on
board, and by coordinating risk assessments with the Company.
Reg. 14(1)
13.2.2 The employer may ‘appoint’ themselves where, in a small organisation, there is no
one else available to take on this responsibility. Alternatively, they may employ someone
from outside their own undertaking to advise on health and safety, provided that person is
13.2.3 The employer must provide the competent person(s) with all relevant information
they need to do their job. This includes a copy of the Company’s safety policy and risk
assessments, information about the duties of personnel, and any information provided by
other employers about risks and safety procedures in shared workplaces.

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