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Nama : Indah Mewanty Ayunique

Kelas : Ilmu Komunikasi (F)

NPM : 19043010174


1. (B). Corporation
2. (C) everybody who invest his money in one company
3. (D) Creditor
4. (A) PDAM
5. (B) the corporation
6. (D) Stockholders
7. (A) profit
8. (C) issue stocks
9. (C) reinvest
10. Korea : Samsung, Hyundai motors
Japan : Toyota, Sony, Ajinomoto
Indonesia : Telkom Indonesia, Indofood, Pertamina


Bentuk kepemilikan perusahaan memiliki beberapa keunggulan. Yang pertama adalah

kemampuannya untuk menarik sumber daya finansial (keuangan). Keuntungan kedua adalah
jika korporasi menarik sejumlah besar modal, perusahaan bisa melakukan investasi di pabrik,
peralatan dan penelitian. Keuntungan ketiga adalah korporasi dapat menawarkan gaji yang
tingi, sehingga menarik manajer yang berbakat

Korporasi bisnis milik pribadi bukan satu-satunya jenis korporasi yang ada. Institusi
pendidikan, agama, dan amal juga diizinkan untuk bergabung. Biasanya tipe korporasi ini
tidak menerbitkan saham dan merupakan lembaga nirlaba. Jika ada keuntungan, keuntungan
tersebut biasanya diinvestasikan kembali di perusahaan daripada dibagikan kepada pemegang



1. Not to
2. Shall we?

3. had had

4. What my complete name was

5. an

6. any

7. whether they had any questions

8. this


10. no

11. they are mine

12. themselves

13. children

14. friends’

15. the same price as

16. interested


1. Mrs. Shinta asked her son what was his father doing then.

2. the teacher told his students to not to bring their books into the exam room

3. Mr. Robby said to his daughter Socca that he wouldn’t take her home when her class is

4. Mr. Yaddy asked us whether we had done our homework already or not

5. (a) Dina’s shoes are cheaper than Salsa’s

(b) Dinda’s shoes are the same price as Salsa’s

(c) Dinda’s shoes are more expensive than Dina’s

(d) Susy’s shoes are the most expensive of all

(e) Dina’s shoes are the cheapest of all

6. (+) There is something important to read in this small book

(-) There isn’t anything important to read in this small book

(?) Is there anything important to read in this small book?

7. (+) You found this dictionary somewhere in a book store in Surabaya

(-) You found this dictionary nowhere in a book store in Surabaya

(?) Did you find this dictionary anywhere in a book store in Surabaya?

8. (+) Mr. Ahmed wants to call somebody tonight

(-) Mr. Ahmed wants to call nobody tonight

(?) Mr. Ahmed doesn’t want to call anybody tonight

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