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Test 2 of communication skills and proficiency in English language:

Based on the profile of test 1 , that is the Anatoli’s profile, the candidate operator will
prepare a template letter, which will be used on an application of mass forwarding letters
to members of the dating site. That means that there is a program which gives us the ability
of mass forwarding letters (bombing) to members of the dating site in order to establish
communication. This letter i) will be appealing and interesting ii) will be grammatically and
syntactically correct in English language without spelling mistakes iii) will consist of the
salutation, the body of the letter and the complimentary close iv) will consist of 18-25
complete sentences v) will include 4-7 questions vi) will have the parameters {name}, which
will be replaced with the name of the male profile (client), {country}, which will be replaced
with the country of the male profile (client) and {profession}, which will be replaced with
the profession of the male profile (client). {name} is a compulsory parameter whereas
{country} and {profession} are optional.

Here we see 2 examples:

Example1 (exclusive use of the parameter {name}):

Hello dear {name},

I am here starring at your profile and realizing how difficult and strange it is to start writing
to a man that I find interesting. I thought it would be easy, but it’s not. I am kind of new on
this website. I am not into games or wasting time and I would like to find someone who
feels the same. I hope you do not mind me writing this so directly.
Shortly, about me: I’m a positive, full of life, trustworthy and straight forward woman. I like
transparency, honesty and I have family values. I do not indulge drama, jealousy and lies. I
love people and I have a very soft spot for animals. I believe that everyone is worth a chance
and I focus on the inner person much more than on appearance. I know appearance is
evanescent and transitory. I am looking for FOREVER! What are you looking for? What is
your dream at personal level? You might wonder what a woman like me is looking for. Well,
it’s simple: her other half. He needs to be what I am not, so he can complete me perfectly.
And I will be his missing part! What are you looking for in a woman, {name}? A trusted
friend, a passionate lover, a confident? I never cared about appearances, as all this is
evanescent and transitory…but soul and mind remain the same. I want to fall in love with
my partner’s mind and heart! What about you?
I will stop now, as I need to get a letter from you to be able to transform this monolog into a
correspondence! Have a lovely day and take care of yourself!

Example2 (use of the 3 parameters):

Hello dear {name} ,

You will wonder why I am writing you this letter probably but it is because I want to express
my interest in you. But before that I would like to introduce myself. I am Olga and I live in
Athens, Greece. I am originally from Greece so don’t get confused by my name. I work as a
civil engineer and an architect in a company. I am divorced for more than 16 years and i
have a daughter who is 18 years old. I am here because I want to find someone that i will
share my life with. Someone that I will share a great love, a mutual respect and support. I
have been alone for many years and I have been a single mother. I can tell it was really
difficult but life becomes so much better when you share everything with someone ...
So, tell me about you…. Do you like living in {country}? Do you enjoy being a {profession}? I
have to tell you I have never been in {country}, but I hope one day I will be able to come and
hopefully you will show me around. Have you ever been to Greece? What are you looking
for here? What do you want from a woman? People sometimes are looking for complicated
things but I am looking for simple. Just someone to hold my hand and show me his love. Is
that too much to ask? What do you like to do in your free time? Do you enjoy sports? I do
enjoy running and swimming, they relax me in some way and keep me healthy. I would like
to hear more from you and to know you better of course. I have a video in my profile mostly
because I want you to see that I am not different from the pictures I send you. If you are
interested as well it will be my pleasure to hear back from you.
I wish you a very nice day.
Basic rules at correspondence:
Based on the above examples we understand that correspondence has some basic rules for
the profiles that we operate. The reason for this is that the male profiles pay a great amount
of money in order to send and receive letters and in case of receiving letters like telegrams,
very short, they can protest on the site and be refunded. As a result, regardless of the style
of the letters which send the profiles we operate, which should be friendly and cheerful, the
letters should satisfy the following requirements:

a) They should be appealing and aim that the male profile (client), will answer when he will
receive the letter that has sent him the profile we operate.
b)They should be syntactically and grammatically correct, without misspellings, in English
language. In case that someone send us a letter in Greek or other language of which we
have an adequate knowledge, the letter should satisfy the same requirements, for example
a letter in Greek language should have the right accent marks. The administration of the site
has the right to check the quality of the letters we send and in case of more than 2
orthographical or/and syntactical mistakes, to penalize us.
c) The format of the letters should be specific. Regardless of the content, their format
should be formal consisting of the salutation, the body of the letter and the complimentary
d) The letters should consist of 10 complete sentences. In case that the complete sentences
are fewer than 5, in the event of administration’s check or client’s complain, it is possible
that we will be penalized.
e) Last but not least, it is recommended that there are at least 3 questions so that the male
profile (client) who will receive the letter, will have an additional reason to answer faster.
With the question we encourage him to send us one more letter and to have a more
frequent interaction.
 We never send the same letter from different profiles.
 We never send from a profile the same letter to a contact more than once.
 We don’t send template letters that we found online. Each letter that we send has
to be original, written by us.

Hello dear Max,

I am here looking at your profile and I realize how difficult and strange it is to start writing to
a handsome man that I seems to be interested in me, so I must say that I am kind of new on
this website. I don t want to waste my time playing games and I would like to find someone
who feels the same. I hope you do not mind that I am so directly but I am sincerely and
trustful woman.
Some words about me: I’m optimistic, full of life, sincerely and kindly woman. I like honesty;
I have principles and family values. I like duties and I am responsible. I am divorced with two
children, a girl of three years old and a boy of 1 year old. I like older guys so I would like to
know if you are agree with a younger girl who has 31 years old. I am on site because I want
to find someone like you. Someone that I will share a great love, a mutual respect and
support. I have been alone for many years and I have been a single mother. I can tell it was
really difficult but life becomes so much better when you share everything with someone
who can listen to you and share your dreams…
So, tell me about you…. Do you like living in Germany ? Do you enjoy being a doctor? I have
to tell you I have never been in Germany but I hope one day I will be able to come and
hopefully you will show me around. Have you ever been to Greece? What are you looking
for here? What do you want from a woman? People sometimes are looking for complicated
things but I am looking for simple. Just someone to hold my hand and show me his love. Is
that too much to ask? What do you like to do in your free time? Do you enjoy travelling? I
do enjoy travelling a lot with my children and travelling, relax me very much and keeps me
healthy. I would like to hear more from you and to know you better of course. I have a video
in my profile mostly because I want you to see that I am not different from the pictures I
send you. If you are interested as well it will be my pleasure to hear back from you.
I wish you a very nice day.

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