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Class Listening Guides

to accompany


Guides prepared by
Harry R. Adkins
Adjunct Professor of Music
Williamsburg Technical College
Kingstree, South Carolina

The Elements of Music ............................................................................................3

The Middle Ages and Renaissance ........................................................................17

The Baroque Period ..............................................................................................28

The Classical Period ..............................................................................................42

The Romantic Period.............................................................................................52

The Twentieth Century and Beyond......................................................................66

Broadway and Film Music .....................................................................................80

Guidelines for Great Composer Essay ...................................................................87

Suggested Composers for Great Composer Essay .................................................88

Unit One – The Elements of Music
Chapter 1—Sound: Pitch, Dynamics, and Tone Color
Our world is filled with ______________________

Sounds can be ___________________________________________

Humans are able to focus on _______________________________

________________________sounds that do not interest us

________________________ sounds that do interest us

Begins as result of a ___________________________________

Transmitted through ____________________________ as vibration

Perceived by ______________________as vibrations

Impulses sent _________________________ for processing

Music is defined as the ____________________________________________

Four main properties of musical sounds:





Pitch: Highness or Lowness of Sound

Determined by ___________________________________________________

Fast vibration = ____________________________________________

Slow vibration = ____________________________________________

In music, definite pitch is defined as ____________________________

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Tones have ________________________________________________

Irregular vibrations create sounds of ____________________________ (noise)

___________________________________ difference in pitch between 2 tones

___________________________________ doubling/halving of frequency

Tones an octave apart seem to blend together

Western music divides octave into ______________________________________

Non-western music may divide into different numbers of tones

Most western music based on ___________________________________

_______________________: distance between voice or instrument’s highest & lowest

possible pitch

Dynamics is the _______________________________________________________

Sounds may be ____________________________________________

Changes in dynamics may be _______________________________________

___________________________: tone played louder than other tones near it

Italian terms used to indicate dynamics

Pianissimo _____________________________________________

Piano _________________________________________________

Mezzo Piano ___________________________________________

Mezzo forte ___________________________________________

Forte _________________________________________________

Fortissimo _____________________________________________

____________________________: gradually louder

____________________________: gradually softer

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Tone Color also called timbre: ___________________________________________

Changes in tone color create ___________________________________

Tone color can add ___________________________________________

Composers frequently blend sounds of instruments to create ____________________

Chapter 2—Performing Media - Voices

Range is based on physical makeup & training and ranked from highest to lowest







Vocal methods and styles vary between _____________________________________

_________________________________________ frequently accompany vocal music

Musical Instruments

_____________________________(not a natural voice) that produces musical sounds

Western instruments grouped into six broad categories







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Use and makeup of instruments varies ______________________________________

Instrumental groups frequently led by ______________________________________

String Instruments
Sound produced by ____________________________________________

Orchestral string instruments





Symphonic string music uses ___________________________to produce sound

Woodwind Instruments - traditionally made of wood

The longer the tube, the _______________________________________________

_______________________________ along instrument serves to lengthen the tube

Main orchestral woodwinds:





Sound produced by player's breath




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______________________________________single reed instrument common in jazz


Brass Instruments

Orchestral brass instruments (in order of range):





Sound produce by ___________________________________________________

______________________________________________ produces sound

Sound exits through flared end called ____________________________

Pitch changed in two ways:

_____________________of player’s lips (together or against mouthpiece)

_________________________________the instrument via slide or valves

Tone color is altered by inserting ____________________ into bell

Brass instruments provide ________________________________________ in music

Percussion Instruments

Sound (generally) produced by _____________________________________________

the instrument

Instruments ___________________________________________________ produce

noise-like sounds

Percussionists must play ____________________________instruments

Percussion traditionally emphasizes _____________________________________

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20th Century music — _________________________________________________

Complexity of _____________________ percussion music often surpasses percussion

of Western music.


The piano is a musical instrument played by means of a


Pressing one of the _________________ on the piano's keyboard causes a felt-covered

hammer to strike steel strings.

The hammers rebound, allowing the strings to


These vibrations are transmitted to


When _______________________________________________, a damper stops the

string's vibration.


A harpsichord is a musical instrument played by means of a


It produces sound by ________________________________________ when a key is


Pipe Organ
The pipe organ is a musical instrument that produces sound by driving

_______________________ through pipes selected via a keyboard.

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Because each organ pipe produces a single pitch, the pipes are provided

________________________, each of which has a common timbre and volume.

A pipe organ has ________________________________________ played by the

hands, and a ________________________________played by the feet.

The accordion is a box-shaped musical instrument of the _________________ family.

It is played by compressing or expanding a ________________ while pressing buttons

or keys which allow air to flow across strips of brass or steel, called _____________,

that vibrate to produce sound inside the body.

The performer normally plays the __________________ on buttons or keys on the

right-hand manual, and the _________________________, consisting of bass and pre-

set chord buttons, on the left-hand manual.

The accordion is often used in ______________________ in Europe, North America

and South America.

Electronic Instruments
_____________________________________________ sound using electronics

______________________________________ was main electronic tool of 1950’s

____________________________________came into use in 1960’s

__________________________(1983) allowed connection of devices

MIDI stands for ________________________________________________________

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The Elements of Music - Form, Texture, and Style

Music is a _______________________ of human society

Music provides __________________________________________________

Heard almost ____________________________ in modern life

___________________________________________is an innovation of 20th Century

_________________________________________ is now available to almost anyone

Informal music making is a source of pleasure for _____________________________

An amateur is a person who engages in an activity ____________________________

for the simple pleasure that the activity brings.

Live performance brings a _____________________________________________

Experience affected by _______________________________________ of both

performer and audience

Evaluating music performances

Background music vs. ____________________________________________

Perceptive listening _____________________________________________

Knowledge of musical elements ___________________________________

Chapter 3—Rhythm

Rhythm is the ______________________________________________ through time




Divides music into ____________________________________

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Grouping of beats are called ______________________________________

Downbeat is the __________________________________________ beat in measure

Types of meter:





________________________________is an emphasis placed on beat/note

________________________________is an emphasis on unexpected note/beat

Tempo is the ___________________________________________, the pace

Tempo indicated at ___________________________________

As with dynamics, ____________________________ are used

_____________________________________- very slow, broad

_____________________________________ - slow

_____________________________________ - walking pace

_____________________________________ - moderately

_____________________________________ - fast

_____________________________________ - very fast

_________________________________________ device that indicates exact tempo

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Chapter 4—Music Notation

Notation is a system of ____________________ so that specific __________________

and ___________________________ can be communicated.

Notating Pitch

Letter names for notes:


__________________________________- five lines and four spaces

__________________________________ - indicate where Middle "C" is located

____________________________ - "G" Clef

____________________________ - "F" Clef

______________________________________ - combination of Treble and Bass Clefs

Notating Rhythm

Rhythmic notation indicates _______________________________ in relation to other

tones in the piece

Primary rhythmic notes

______________________________ - 4 beats

______________________________ - 2 beats

______________________________ - 1 beat

______________________________ - 1/2 beat

Rests indicate ________________________________________

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Notating Meter

Time signature indicates the meter of a piece of music

Appears at ______________________________________

Written as ______________________________________, one above the other

Top number: _____________________________________________________

Bottom number: __________________________________________________

The score shows the _______________ for each instrumental or vocal category in a

performing group.

Chapter 5 — Melody

Melody is __________________________________________________________

A melody __________________________________________________________

A melody has _______________________________________________________

Melodies can move by _______________________________________________

Every melody has some sort of _________________________________________

Melodies may be ______________________ or ____________________________

Melodies are ________________________________________________________

There is usually a ___________________________ within melodies

Each melody must reach a _______________________: Complete vs. Incomplete

_________________: melody used as starting point and evolving throughout an

extended piece of music

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Chapter 6 — Harmony

Harmony is the way ______________ are constructed and how they ______________

each other

_________________________: 3 or more tones sounded at once

_________________________: how chords follow each other

Consonance and Dissonance

Stable, restful chords are ____________________________________

Unstable, tense chords are __________________________________

____________________________ is movement away from dissonance

The Triad is the simplest, most __________________________________

Made up of ___________________________________________

Triad built on 1st scale note is called ___________________________________

Triad built on 5th scale note is called ___________________________________

__________________________________ are chord tones (notes) sounded in series

Chapter 7 — Key

Centering of a melody or harmony around a ____________________________

________________________________ - Bright, happy sound

________________________________- Dark, sad sound

The Key Signature

Number of________________________________ played determines scale and key

The Chromatic Scale utilizes ___________________________ within the octave

Modulation: ________________________________________

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Provides ____________________________ within longer piece

Modulation is like a _________________________________ in gravity

________________________ is the main key of a piece

Modulations usually return to the ______________________________

Return to tonic creates feeling of _______________________________

Chapter 8 — Musical Texture

Musical texture is the ______________________________, how layers relate

_____________________________ - Single, unaccompanied melody

_____________________________ - 2 or more equally important melodies

Homophonic Texture - _________________________ with chordal accompaniment

Changes of Texture within a piece, creates __________________________________

Chapter 9 — Musical Form

Musical form is the ___________________________ of musical elements in time

Techniques that Create Musical Form

_________________________—restating musical ideas

_________________________—avoiding monotony with new ideas

_________________________—reworking ideas to keep them new

Chapter 10 — Musical Style

Based upon _____________________ and the continuous development of music as an

art form

Western art music can be divided into the following stylistic periods:

_____________________________ - 450-1450

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_____________________________ - 1450-1600

_____________________________ - 1600-1750

_____________________________ - 1750-1820

_____________________________ - 1820-1900

_____________________________ - 1900-present

Music of each these periods reflects the _______________________ that supported it.

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Unit 02 - The Middle Ages and Renaissance

Music in the Bible

Israelite worship music was both ___________________________________.

__________________________ contributed to the celebration of Israel's covenant with

the Lord.

Horns, trumpets, cymbals, harps and lyres were used in the _____________________.

The “Selah” of the Psalms may have been an _________________________________.

___________________, usually played by women, were used with dancing at Israelite


The Greek Heritage

All through the Middle Ages men turned back to Greece and Rome for




Disappearance of the traditions of Roman music - connected with _______________

religious exercises.

Greek mythology ascribed to music a _________________________ and named as its

inventors gods.

Early Greek Music

Primary Instruments

________________ - hand-held harp with five - seven strings

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________________ - double-reed instrument with shrill tone

Music associated intimately with _____________________________________

Similar to early church music

__________________________ - single melody without harmony

__________________________ doubled the melody

almost always associated with _________________________________

melody and rhythm linked to __________________________________

Greek music - basic to pursuit of _________________________________________

__________________________ - thought to be the key to understanding the universe

Music of the Spheres (Plato) - __________________________ of music to the planets

The Middle Ages

Period of ________________________________________________

Strong class distinctions

_____________________________: castles, knights in armor, feasting

_____________________________: lived in huts, serfs—part of land

_____________________________: ruled everyone, only monks literate

Music in the Middle Ages

Church dominates musical activity

Most musicians were ____________________

_____________ received music education in church school

_________________ did not sing in mixed church settings

Many _____________ created music and performed in convents

Music primarily __________________________________

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_____________________ not used in church

About 1000 AD ____________________________ introduced

Know very little about how medieval music sounded – few instruments ____________

Gregorian Chant

Was official music of _______________________________________

Written to enhance specific parts of __________________________________

Monophonic melody set to ___________________________

Flexible rhythm without _________________________________

Named for ____________________________________________ (r. 590-604)

Originally no ____________________________________ system

The Church Modes

________________________________—voice of church not person

Different pattern than ________________________________________

______________________________________________ use these scales

Secular Music in the Middle Ages

Performed by ____________________ (southern France) and ___________________

(northern France)

Nobles wrote ________________________ for court use

Performed by ____________________________________ (minstrels)

Used ___________________________________________ for dances



______________________________ - Medieval (Middle Ages) dance music

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____________________________ with strong beat (for dancing)

Notated as chant: only a ______________________________________

The Development of Polyphony: Organum

Between 700-900 a ____________________ was added to chant

Additional part initially ________________________, not written

_______________________ chant line at a different pitch

Between 900-1200 the added line grew _________________________________

Two vocal lines with individual ________________________________ content

New part, in top voice, ________________________ than the chant line

School of Notre Dame

Developed the system of _____________________________________

Parisian composers developed a _____________________________________

Chant notation had only indicated _________________, not rhythm

Notre Dame’s choirmasters ___________________________________ were leaders

14th Century Changes

Age of ___________________________

Hundred Years ____________________

Plague of _________________________

Weakening of ________________________________________________

Literary works emphasized _______________________

_________________________________ comes to the forefront

New music was ________________________ on Gregorian chant

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14th Century Music: “New Art” In France

Composers wrote music not based on chant

Borrowed ___________________________ to put in sacred music

New ______________________________________ had developed

New system allowed for _____________________________________

___________________________, now possible, became common

The new type of music was called _______________________________

Guillaume de Machaut

Mid- to late-14th Century _________________________ (1300-1377)

Also famous as a ____________________________________________

Though a priest, spent most of life working as ______________________________

Wrote both __________________________________ music

Best known for his _________________________________________________

Notre Dame Mass

One of the ____________________________________ preserved from Middle Ages

It was the first ______________________________ of the mass by a known composer.

Mass Ordinary – includes five sung ______________________






Mass settings are included in each ______________________________________

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The Renaissance (1450-1600)

Renaissance means: The _________________________________________ under

the influence of the classical models in the 14th–16th centuries.

Chapter 2: Music in the Renaissance

Universal Man – every educated man ______________________________________

Church choirs _____________________________ (all male)

Rise of the ______________________________________

Musical center shifted from ________________________________________

Court composers wrote ____________________________________

Women did not sing in _____________________________________________

Musicians had ____________________________________ than before

Composers became known for their ________________________

Many composers were __________________________________

Composers worked throughout ________________________, especially in Italy

Italy became ___________________________ in 16th Century

Characteristics of Renaissance Music

Words and Music

Vocal music _________________________________ than instrumental

Composers wrote music to ____________________________________

_____________________________________ influenced the melodic line and rhythm.

No _____________________________ in dynamics, tone color, and rhythm

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_____________________________________ – 4, 5, or 6 equal parts

Primarily vocal - __________________________________________

Instruments, if present, _________________________________________

Rhythm and Melody

Rhythm has _______________________ without a defined beat

Each melodic line has __________________________________

____________________________________ melodies predominate

Melodies are ____________________________________________

Sacred Music in the Renaissance

Two main forms:

Motet - Short polyphonic choral work

Latin text usually overlaid with _________________________________

Often borrows __________________________________ from a chant

Mass - the Catholic worship service

Extended work in _________________________ with five main sections






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Josquin Desprez - 1440-1521

Master of both _____________________________________ music

Worked with the ________________________ in Rome

Worked for ___________________________ of France

Wrote ______________________________________________

Leading _______________________ of his time—famous while alive

His work influenced other __________________________

Was highly praised by _____________________________

Motets of Josquin Desprez

Josquin's motet style varied from:

Strictly ________________________ settings

Highly ornate ____________________________ fantasias.

He wrote many of his motets for __________________________________

Almost all of Josquin's motets use some kind of ___________________ on the process.

Josquin frequently used ______________________ in writing his motets

Pioneered in writing polyphonic settings of _________________________

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music

Best known 16th-century representative of the ___________________________ of

musical composition

His work has often been seen as the ________________________ of Renaissance


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Became maestro at the ______________________________, the papal choir at St


His first published composition was the first book of Masses by a __________________

Council of Trent (1545-1563) addressed:

___________________________________ within Church

Emerging ____________________________________

Role of ______________________________________

Some advocated a return to ___________________________ music

Finally decided on ___________________________ music

Palestrina wrote music ____________________________ of Council of Trent

His work became the _____________________ for mass composers

Palestrina’s Music

Palestrina wrote ______________________ of compositions.

The "Palestrina style" now serves as a basis for ______________________________

Palestrina established and followed these basic guidelines:

1. The flow of music is ________________________, not rigid or static.

2. Melody should contain _____________________ between notes.

3. If a leap occurs, it must be ________________________________.

4. Dissonances are to be confined to ____________________ and weak beats.

Secular Music in the Renaissance

Madrigal – piece for several _______________________________

Every educated person __________________________________________________

___________________________________ – musical illustration of the text

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Development of ____________________________ helped spread secular songs

Madrigal as a musical form __________________________________________

_______________________________ were lighter & simpler

Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi

Italian composer, gambist, and singer (1567 – 1643).

His work marked the _______________________ from the Renaissance to the

Baroque period.

He developed two individual styles of ______________________________


_________________________________________ technique

Monteverdi wrote one of the earliest ____________________, L'Orfeo.

He was recognized as an ___________________________ and enjoyed considerable

fame in his lifetime.

Renaissance Instrumental Music

Still subordinate to _______________________________

Increasingly, instruments _____________________________________

Sometimes played ______________________________ alone

Published music stated that various parts of the music could be __________________

Purely instrumental music existed almost exclusively for ________________________

Every cultivated person was expected to be __________________, often taught by

professional masters

Used ____________________________________________ to accompany

Composers did not specify _____________________________________

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Most important Renaissance Instruments

______________________________ (wooden flutes)

______________________________ (similar to oboe)

______________________________ (wooden instruments with cup-shaped


______________________________ (early trombones)

______________________________ (guitar predecessor)

______________________________ (bowed string instruments)

______________________________ (similar to accordion)

______________________________ (small reed organs)

______________________________ (smaller portable keyboards)

Standardized _______________________________ did not exist.

Renaissance composers did not specify ________________________ for their pieces.

Large courts had ________________________________ instrumentalists.

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Unit 3 - The Baroque Period
The Baroque Style

The Baroque Style is defined as ___________________________________________

Baroque Style fills space (canvas, stone, or sound) with ________________________.

Artists exploited their materials to ________________________________________ of

color, depth, and contrasts of light and dark to create totally structured worlds.

Architecture created a magnificent setting that fused __________________________

into a symbol of royal wealth and power.

Baroque period was known as the _______________________________ because

rulers exercised absolute power over their subjects.

Science became a union of _____________________________________ which led to

new inventions and improvements in medicine and industry.

Chapter 1: Baroque Music

Opera is a _____________________________________________________________

The musical giants of the Baroque period are _________________________________

Other important Baroque composers were:





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The Baroque period can be divided into three phases:

Early: 1600-1640

Rise of _______________________________

Text with _____________________________

_______________________ (melody/chordal accompaniment) to project words

Middle: 1640-1680

New musical style spreads from Italy throughout ________________________

Use of the church modes gives way to ________________________________

Rise of importance of ______________________________________________

Late: 1680-1750

Instrumental music becomes as important as ___________________________

Elaborate __________________________ dominates

Most Baroque music we hear comes from the __________________________

Characteristics of Baroque Music

Unity of Mood

Expresses _______________________ per piece

Unique _________________________ associated with certain emotional states


Rhythmic patterns are _________________________ throughout

Rhythmic continuity provides _____________________________

_______________________________ of piece is rarely interrupted

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___________________________ heard again and again

______________________________________ remains constant

Melody is continuously _________________________________________


Volumes are _________________________with sudden changes

___________________________ – alternating loud & soft


Late Baroque mostly __________________________________

Extensive use of ______________________________________

Chords and the Basso Continuo

Emphasis on way chords _______________________________________

Bass part considered ________________________of the harmony

Basso Continuo is a bass part with numbers to represent __________________

Words and Music

______________________________________________ continues

Words often emphasized by writing _____________________ for a single

syllable of text

The Baroque Orchestra

Based on ________________________________ of instruments

__________________________ by modern standards

Varying ___________________________________

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Combinations of strings, woodwinds, brass, & percussion (timpani)

Nucleus was ______________________________________

Composers ___________________________ instrumentation

Timbre was subordinate to ________________________________________

Music director’s job – good & bad features

Pay & prestige were _________________________________

________________________ by composer was performed

Composer considered ______________________________________

Composers wrote music to make their patrons ______________________________

Baroque Church Music

Church music was written on a ____________________________ than in Renaissance

Used ______________________________________________________

Church was _______________________________________ for ordinary class

Church music director produced ______________________________ of compositions.

Responsible for ____________________________ of choristers in church school

Baroque Forms

Instrumental music frequently made up of _____________________________

_____________________ — a piece complete in itself and also part of a larger whole

Performed with ____________________ between movements

_________________________________ within individual movements

Movements often _________________________ with each other

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Chapter 2: Music in Baroque Society

Music was ____________________________

______________, not old-fashioned, was desired by the Courts of Aristocracy (wealthy)

Music and musical resources indicated ____________________________

Court Music Director

_____________________________, pay, and other benefits

Still considered a ___________________________________

Some aristocrats were ___________________________________

Church music was _______________________________________

Ordinary people heard music ____________________________________

Some, though few, ______________________________ in larger cities

Music careers taught by ___________________________________

Orphanages (school) taught ______________________ as a trade

Most music jobs required ____________________________ for consideration

Chapter 3: The Concerto Grosso and Ritornello Form

Concerto Grosso

For small group of _______________________ and orchestra (tutti)

______________________________ work usually in three movements


________________________________ (usually quieter)

________________________________ (sometimes dance-like)

Ritornello form began in _____________________________

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Frequently used in 1st & last movements of ______________________________

Theme repeatedly presented in _______________________________

Alternation between solo sections and ______________________

Chapter 4: The Fugue

Fugue is the ___________________________ of Baroque Music

Written for groups of ___________________________________________

__________________________________ based on theme

Main theme is the ______________________________

Voices ________________________ the “subject”

Each voice enters after _______________________ presenting the subject

Chapter 5: The Elements of Opera

_____________________ sung to orchestral accompaniment

______________________________ in music

Opera is ___________________________________ experience

Includes music, acting, poetry, scenery, and costumes

Plot and characters use ___________________ rather than speech

Opera can be __________________________, or both

Demands performers that can ____________________________________

Two primary types of solo songs:

_____________________________: presents plot material (almost spoken)

_______________: song with orchestral accompaniment that expresses emotion

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Other types of ensemble songs in opera:

_____________________ (2 singers)

_____________________ (3 singers)

_____________________ (4 singers)

_____________________ (5 singers)

________________________: groups of singers acting crowd parts

One to five acts subdivided into _______________________

_____________________________ - Instrumental selection that introduces opera acts

Overture draws material from _____________________________________

Chapter 6: Opera in the Baroque Era

Opera was born in _________________________

Modeled after the style of the _____________________________________

Wanted vocal lines to follow _______________________________ of speech

First known opera: _____________________________ (Jacopo Peri -1600)

__________________ (Claudio Monteverdi -1607) was first large scale (great) opera

Based on ____________________________________

Opera composed for ____________________________

Display of ________________________ and _______________________

Patrons compared to _________________________________

First _______________________________________opened in 1637 in Venice

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Rise of virtuoso singer

Chief was _______________________ (ie. Baroque Rock Star)

________________ of a man combined with _________________ of a woman

_______________________________ of all musicians

Chapter 7: Claudio Monteverdi

____________________, early Baroque composer (1567-1643)

Considered __________________________ early Baroque composer

Wrote first great ______________________ work, Orfeo

Worked 30 years as music director, _____________________, Venice

Wrote sacred music for ________________ and secular music for _________________

_____________________ between the Renaissance and the Baroque

Created music of __________________________________

Used _______________________ and ____________________________ effects

Orfeo (Orpheus – 1607)

Orpheus - supremely gifted musician of ___________________________

_____________________ (bride) - killed by poisonous snake

Orpheus goes to _______________ to bring her back

Uses vocal lines to show ___________________________________

_______________________________ - arias and recitatives

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Chapter 8: Henry Purcell

Greatest _______________________ composer (1659-1695)

Buried beneath the organ in _____________________________________

Wrote _________________ and ______________________ music in many styles

Wrote only one opera: __________________________________________

Considered to be greatest _________________________________ ever written

Ground Bass

Often called _____________________________ (persistent bass)

________________________________ in bass repeated over and over

Constant ___________________________ of bass pattern gives unity

Free flow of melody creates ______________________________

Used in both ____________________ and ___________________________ works

Chapter 9: The Baroque Sonata

___________________________ music gained importance rapidly

_____________________________ piece for one to eight instruments

Trio sonata

Three _____________________________: basso continuo and two above

Written as three parts, but performed by _____________________ players

____________________________—church sonata (dignified)

____________________________—chamber sonata (more dance-like, intended for

court performance)

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Arcangelo Corelli (1635-1713)

Most prominent ________________________ violinist & composer

Outstanding ______________________________________

Laid foundation for modern ___________________ technique

Wrote only ____________________________ music

Sixty sonatas and twelve concertos for ________________________

Popularized ____________________________________ form

_________________________________ was student of Corelli

Chapter 10: Antonio Vivaldi

Towering figure of __________________________________ Baroque

Taught music at ____________________________________ in Venice

Girls performed at ______________ hidden behind screen

Wrote ________________________________ vocal & instrumental music

Best known for _________________________ and solo concertos for violin

Famous as a virtuoso ___________________________________________

The Four Seasons

Set of four _______________________ for violin, string orchestra, and basso continuo

Each concerto depicts sounds and events associated with a ______________________

Vivaldi placed ___________________ at appropriate places in score

Added __________________________ such as "sleeping goatherd" and "barking dog"

_________________ - instrumental music associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene

Concertos have three movements - _____________ / ____________ / _____________

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Chapter 11: Johann Sebastian Bach

___________________, late Baroque composer (1685-1750)

_________________ and violinist

Deeply _____________________ (Lutheran)

Worked in __________________________________ positions

Large family – four sons were __________________________

Known during lifetime as _________________________, not composer

Almost unknown outside ____________________________

____________________ style was going out of fashion during his lifetime

1829 – ___________________________________ revived Bach’s music

Bach’s music is staple of ____________________________________

Bach’s Music

Wrote in every form except _________________________

Compositions recognized for _________________________________________

His extensive ____________________ works indicate the new importance of

instrumental music

Wrote music _______________________ musical concepts

__________________________________ demonstrates potential of this form

__________________________________ explores new method of tuning

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Chapter 12: The Baroque Suite

Instrumental, ________________________________ work

Written for listening, but based upon __________________________

Movements differ in ___________________________________________________

Often began with a non-dance _______________________________

Forerunner of ______________________ in the next musical period

Chapter 13: The Chorale and Church Cantata

Lutheran _______________________________ was social event of the week

Music was major part of _________________________________

Congregation participated in singing ___________________________

____________________________: hymn tune w/ German text

_______________________ is a sung work with a sacred text

___________________________ church work for chorus, soloists, and orchestra

__________________________ religious text

Resembled _________________ in its use of:





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Chapter 14: The Oratorio

Like opera: ____________________________ for chorus, soloists, and orchestra

Contains _________________________________________________

Unlike opera:

No ______________________________________________________

Based upon _______________________________________________

Chapter 15: George Frederic Handel

Born in ______________________— same year as Bach

Not from ______________________ family

Father wanted him to be a _____________________________

Studied ________________ in Germany

Then went to Italy to study _____________________

Finally to England to __________________________

Became England’s most important ____________________________

Wrote many ____________________________ in London

Had his own ___________________________ company

Buried in _________________________________________________

Handel’s Music

Wrote in _________________ Baroque form

Bulk of his work in ________________________ and _______________________

Favored _____________________________ stories as topics for oratorios

His music has more changes in _______________________ than Bach’s

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Extensive use of ____________________________________________

His arias showcase ________________________________ abilities

The Messiah (1741) by George Frederic Handel

2½ hours of music written over a period of ____________ days

Premiered to wide acclaim during a trip to ___________________________

_______________________ in England until a performance to benefit an orphanage

Topic: prophesies about Christ’s __________________ and ___________________

Text drawn from ________________________ passages

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Unit 4 - The Classical Period - 1750 - 1820

The Classical Era

_________________________________________ changed world view

Faith in the ________________________________________________

Undermining of ____________________________________________

Called “Age of _________________________________”

Rise of the ________________________________________________

Visual Art moved away from ornate Baroque style to more intimate _____________style

with ______________________________, and grace.

Neoclassical Style

emphasized _______________________________________________.

demanded ________________________________________________.

focused on _______________________________________________.

The term “classical” is generally used to describe a style of expression that is concerned

mainly with _____________________________, _____________________________,

and a _______________________ characterized by __________________.

Chapter 1: The Classical Style

Pre-classical Period: ~ 1730-1770

___________________________and ______________________ were early pioneers.

Composers concentrated on __________________ and _____________________

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Three main classical composers:

______________________________________________ (1732-1809)

______________________________________________ (1756-1791)

______________________________________________ (1770-1827)

Characteristics of the Classical Style

Contrast of ________________ both between and within movements

Flexibility of ___________________________

Multiple ______________________________________ in a piece

Texture was mostly ____________________________, but with frequent shifts


Tuneful, __________________________, folk/popular-based

_______________ expressed in shades of dynamics

Use of gradual ______________________________________

Related to development of the _________________________

End of the Basso Continuo style of writing

Basso Continuo style was _____________________________ for amateurs

Composers wanted _________________________________ of their music

The Classical Orchestra

Standardization of instrumentation





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Increase in ___________________ of orchestra - Still smaller than that of today

Composers made use of various ________________________________ available

Instruments not treated as ____________________________, as in the Baroque

Melodies move around ______________________________________________

Classical Forms

Instrumental works usually in ____________________________ form

Frequently four movements





Multi-movement works for instrumental groups:

_______________________________ - for orchestra

_______________________________ - 2 violins, viola, & cello

_______________________________ - usually for one or two instruments

Wide diversity of ________________ within Classical period.

________________________ – restrained and elegant

________________________ – passionate and dramatic

________________________ – powerful and violent

Chapter 2: Composer, Patron, and Public in the Classical Period

___________________________________ affected musicians

Breakdown of the __________________________________________

Period of violent _____________________ and ___________________ upheaval.

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Related to decline of ______________________ and rise of ____________________

Rise of the public (________________________________) system.

_____________________________: worked 30 years for aristocratic family

_____________________________: began as court musician, broke away, died in debt

_____________________________: successful as independent musician

Prospering middle class wanted _______________________ (theatre, literature, music)

Middle class children received _____________________________

__________________________________________concerts became common

Rise of _____________________________________________ industry

Composers wrote ___________________ music that would ______________________

Serious compositions often flavored by ___________ and __________________ music

– familiar tunes.


Became the ____________________________________ of Europe

Musicians came to _________________________ and seek _____________________

___________________________ wintering there would bring their orchestras

Musicians, including Mozart and Beethoven, frequently played gigs in _____________

Many musicians also worked in _______________________ playing for garden parties

Chapter 3: Sonata Form

One of, if not the, _______________________________ Classical forms.

Also called ______________________________ form.

Sonata form refers to a _________________________________

A Sonata is an entire _______________________________________ work.

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____________________________________ frequently use sonata form.

Common in _______________, _______________, and _______________________

Sonata form is _____________________________ (A B A) — 3 main sections.

____________________________________ (A)

____________________________________ (B)

____________________________________ (A)

Often concludes with a “tag” called a ____________________________

Chapter 4: Theme and Variations

______________________ form — no large contrasting “B” section

Basic idea presented, then ___________________________ over and over

Each repeat ____________________________ the musical idea

Each variation is about the ____________________________ as the original idea

Variations may alter ____________________________________________________

Chapter 5: Minuet and Trio

Based upon _______________________________ of the Baroque that included

curtsies and bows

Each ternary part is itself ternary:

_______________________ (A) - aba

_______________________ (B) - cdc

_______________________ (A) - aba

Return of the Minuet is usually marked on the music as _____________ (from the


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Chapter 6: Rondo

Features a _________________________________ that keeps coming back

Main theme section alternates with other ___________________________________

Common rondo patterns:

______________________________ (small rondo)

______________________________ (large rondo)

Rondo form is very popular and continues to be a tool of _______________________

Chapter 7: The Classical Symphony

__________________________________work lasting for 20-45 minutes

Multi-movement ___________________________ work

1st movement: ________________—frequently ___________________ form

2nd movement: _______________—sometimes _____________________________

3rd movement: _______________—usually ___________________________

4th movement: _______________—frequently _____________________________

Themes in one movement ______________________________ in another movement

Chapter 8: The Classical Concerto

Work for _________________________________ and orchestra lasting 20-45 minutes

Usually three movements: ______________________________________________

Contrasts _______________________________ with power and timbres of orchestra

Break near end of first and sometimes last movement called ____________________

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Chapter 9: Classical Chamber Music

Intended for performance in an ___________________________, not a concert hall

_________________________of 2-9 instrumentalists

_________________________to a part

Often intended for ______________________________________

Most important setting is ________________________________ (2 violins, viola, cello)

String Quartet has four movements





Other popular settings:

_____________________________ for violin and piano

_____________________________ (violin, cello, and piano)

_____________________________ (2 violins, 2 violas, cello)

Chapter 10: Franz Joseph Haydn

1732-1809 — early and mid-Classical Period _________________________ (long life)

______________________ recognized early

Age 8—sent to Vienna to be a ________________________

Dismissed from school because his _________________________________

Worked in _______________________________ and continued studies

_______________________________family’s composer for 30 years

Employment status as _______________________________

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Became famous in _____________________________ at this time

Moved to ___________________________ at Prince’s death

Made concert trips to London where he wrote the twelve _______________________

In late sixties, wrote six ________________ and two __________________________

Haydn’s Music

Pioneer in __________________________ of Classical forms

Both ____________________ and _______________________ influenced by Haydn

Father of modern ________________________________

Made use of _____________________________ in serious compositions

Possibly invented the _________________________________ form

Chapter 11: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1756-1791 (mid-Classical composer)

One of the most amazing ________________________________ in history

By the age of six, Mozart could play the __________________________________

Improvise ______________________ and write ___________________________

_____________________________perfectly at sight

Between the ages of six and fifteen, Mozart was continually _________________ in

England and Europe

At 25 he became a _____________________________ in Vienna

Initially successful, then _________________________ wore off

_________________________________________ was his greatest opera

Final piece was a ______________________ that was finished by one of his students

Very __________________, note short life span—35 years

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Died in debt and buried in a ________________________________________

Wrote in all _____________________________________

Mozart’s Music

Wrote _________________________ in all musical forms of his time

Compositions sound ____________________________

Composed with _____________________________ – like dictation

_________________________________ are considered to be his greatest works

Avoided ______________________________________ in his operas

Created operatic figures who ________________________________

Chapter 12: Ludwig van Beethoven

1770-1827—late Classical, _____________________________

Son of a _______________________________________________

Father, Johann, was a singer and _______________________________________

Forced the boy to __________________________________ (wanted $)

Financially successful as ________________________________________

Believed in period’s ________________________________________

Wrote final pieces while ____________________________________

Beethoven’s Music

Worked, sometimes for years, on a _____________________________

Carried ___________________________ with him jotting down ideas

Wrote in ______________ the Classical forms

Gave them new _______________ and _______________________

Bridged gap between ______________________ and _______________________

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Used _____________________ dynamic contrasts

Also increased ___________________________ of pitch

Expanded _____________________________________ sections of sonata form

Third Symphony – Eroica

Originally composed to commemorate the deeds of ___________________________

Ninth Symphony – Ode to Joy

Composed for ___________________________, ______________, and full orchestra.

Beethoven was _______________________ and ___________________________

Weak in _________________________

Was_____________________________ in dealing with publishers.

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Unit 05 - The Romantic Period
Romanticism (1820-1900)





Favorite artistic topics:

Fantasy and the _____________________________________________

Middle Ages/concept of _______________________________________

Nature: as mirror of the _______________________________________

Industrial Revolution resulted in _______________ and ___________________


Chapter 1: Romanticism in Music

Continued use of ____________________________ period forms

Much individual ____________________________________________

Greater range of _______________, ______________, and ___________ than in

Classical period

Expanded harmony—_____________________________

Characteristics of Romantic Music

Individuality of Style

Composers wanted uniquely _________________________ music

Worked to find their own _________________________ sound

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Music reflected their __________________________________

Expressive Aims and Subjects

All approaches were ___________________________

_____________________________ still the focus of songs and operas

Romantic composers drew from ____________ and __________________

Nationalism: music with a ______________________________________

Uses ______________________________________________ and history of a land

Exoticism: colorful materials from __________________________________________

Makes use of _________________________________ associated with distant lands

Frequently employed in _________________________ with foreign settings

Program Music

Association with a ______________________________________________________

Many Romantic composers were also _________________________________

Made possible a “_________________________________________________”

Expressive Tone Color

Composers tried to create _____________________________________

________________________________ allowed more instrument colors

_____________________________ came to be regarded as an art form

Advances in __________________________________ allowed more color

_______________________ brass instruments could now play melodies

___________________________ improved and range was extended

Colorful Harmony

Chords built with ___________________ not in traditional keys

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Chromatic harmony uses chords from the ______________________ (all twelve tones)

Dissonant, unstable, chords used __________________________________

Wide variety of ________________________________________________

Frequent and rapid _____________________________________________

____________________________________ becomes less clear

Expanded Range of Dynamics, Pitch & Tempo

________________________ expanded to a wider range

________________________________ was expanded

Changes in mood frequently underlined by fluctuations in ________________________

________________________means a slight holding back or pressing forward of tempo

Forms: Miniature and Monumental

Some compositions went on for ___________________

Required _____________________ of performers

Other compositions lasted only a __________________________

Written for a _____________________________ (usually piano)

The _______________ was commonly used in different movements of a symphony to

unify the work

Chapter 2: Romantic Composers and Their Public

Demise of the __________________ system

Needs of urban class led to formation of _______________ and __________________

_____________________________ founded in Europe and U.S.

Public was entranced by _______________________________

____________________________________ increased

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_______________________ became fixture in most homes

Composers and audience came from the ___________________________

Few composers were _________________________________________

Most supported themselves through




Chapter 3: The Art Song

Composition for __________________________ and piano

______________________________ was is integral part of the song

Written to be sung and enjoyed _____________________________

Linked to vast amount of _________________________ in this period

Composers interpret poem’s




The Song Cycle

Group of songs _____________________ in some manner

__________________________________ may link the songs

Chapter 4: Franz Schubert

Born in _________________________ (1797-1828)

Earliest master of ____________________________________

Extraordinary output of ____________________________________

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Not ____________________________________ and died at age 31

Schubert’s Music

Wrote over 600 ____________________________

_________________________________ pervades his instrumental music too

Chapter 5: Robert Schumann

_________________________, early to mid-Romantic (1810-1856)

Wanted to be __________________ virtuoso

_____________________ with right hand ended his ambition

Married his ______________________________ daughter

_______________________________ for some of the musical positions he attempted

Committed to ___________________________ where he died

Robert Schumann’s Music

Wrote ________________________________________________________________

Piano pieces and art songs frequently in ____________________________

Thought of music in _______________________________________________ terms

Works are filled with _____________________________________ references

Known for his _____________________________________

Chapter 6: Clara Wieck Schumann

A leading 19th Century German _________________________

One of first well-known _________________________________________

__________________________ Robert Schumann

Pair was friends with ___________________________________________

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Clara Wieck Schumann’s Music

Stopped _______________________ at age 36 to perform

Considered herself primarily a ________________________________

Perhaps related to negative attitude toward ____________________________

Possibly due to her close association with ______________________________

Chapter 7: Frederic Chopin

___________________ born musician (1810-1849) - Early to mid-Romantic composer

Came to __________________________ at age 21

Wrote almost exclusively for ______________________

Composed mostly for ______________________________________

Chopin’s Music

Developed ________________________________ at early age

Not program music, but evokes an ______________________

Unique __________________________________ influenced others

Most of his pieces are _______________________________________

Creates illusion that piano ___________________________

Chapter 8: Franz Liszt

_____________________________ born composer (1811-1886)

Handsome, magnetic, _______________________________

___________________________ until age 36

Incredible _______________________ and ___________________ “rock star”

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Retired from touring & took _____________________________________

Later wrote music foreshadowing ___________________________________

Liszt’s Music

Extremely controversial

Some call it “___________________” and “____________________”

Others say that it is _______________________________________

______________________________ from strict Classical forms

Created ________________________________ (tone poem)

_________________________________ orchestral composition

based on _____________________ or _______________________ ideas

Chapter 9: Felix Mendelssohn

_____________________________ composer (1809-1847)

Wrote symphonies, concertos, sonatas, and other works before becoming a _________

Responsible for revival of ________________________ music

Died of a _______________________ while touring

Mendelssohn’s Music

Somewhat more _________________________________

Avoids ________________________ extremes

Projects both _____________________ and ____________________________

Wrote ____________________________________ in all forms of his day, except opera

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Chapter 10: Program Music

Instrumental music associated with a _______________________________________

Usually performed with a written explanation of the piece - a ____________________

Depicts ________________________________ and __________________________

Non-program music is called ______________________________________

In Romantic Period, program music usually was written for ________________ or


Common types of Program Music:

__________________________________ - multi-movement/orchestral

__________________________________ - modeled on opera overture

________________________________ - 1 movement, orchestral, flexible form

__________________________________ - for use before or during a play

Chapter 11: Hector Berlioz

French composer (1803-1869)

Gave up ______________________________ for music

Wrote _______________________________________________ (daring)

____________________________ & _____________________________

Major award for ______________________________________




Worked as ______________________________________ for support

One of the first of the great __________________________________

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Berlioz’s Music

Imaginative, innovative ________________________________

Required huge _________________________________

Wanted _________________, new ___________________ and _________________

Pioneered concept of ______________________ – musical theme of character in opera

As a pioneer, his work was not always ______________________by his listening public

Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

An ______________________ who wrote more than 500 musical compositions

Compositions such as "The Blue Danube" helped establish Strauss as


Began __________________________________ in a Viennese restaurant when he

was still a teenager.

Strauss was awarded the _________________________________ of the 2nd Vienna

Citizens' Regiment.

Was working on a ballet, Cinderella, when a _______________________ turned into


Chapter 12: Nationalism in 19th Century Music

_______________________________________ grew during the Romantic Period

______________________, not mercenaries now fought wars

Bonds of ________________, _________________, and _______________ formed

Composers deliberately gave their works distinctive ___________________________

Use of _________________________ and ______________________________

Created original melodies with _______________________________________

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Wrote ____________ and ______________________ inspired by native history,

legends, and landscapes

Bedrich Smetana (1824 – 1884)

was the founder of Czech ______________________________________

works are steeped in the ____________________ and ________________ of

his native Bohemia

composer, _________________, conductor, and ______________________

Chapter 13: Antonin Dvorak

Followed Smetana composing Czech _______________________ music (1841-1904)

Became director of the _________________________________ in New York in 1892

Urged __________________________ to write nationalist music

Became interested in __________________________________________ melodies

Chapter 14: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Most famous ____________________________ composer (1840-1893)

Studied music in __________________________

Did not start until age ___________ (government clerk)

By age 30 had written




and his first great orchestra work (___________________________________)

Married, divorced two weeks later

Supported by wealthy ______________________________ (patron)

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Traveled ________________ and _____________________________

Tchaikovsky’s Music

“___________________________ in the fullest sense of the word.”

Fused ___________________________ and ___________________________ style

Drawn to works of Shakespeare because of

passionate ___________________________

dramatic ________________________________

profound knowledge of the _____________________________________

Chapter 15: Johannes Brahms

___________________________ composer (1833-1897)

Son of a _______________________ (father played bass)

Became close friends with the ____________________________

Studied earlier _________________________________________ in detail

Especially _____________, _______________, _______________ &


Brahms’s Music

Considered somewhat ________________________ due to his use of classical forms

Wrote masterpieces in all traditional forms except ________________________

Rooted in music of _______________, _______________________, &


Re-interpreted classical forms using the _____________________________________

of his time

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Chapter 16: Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1902)

Most popular ______________________ composer

Wrote _______________________ with political overtones

______________________________, supported unification of Italy

Critics blasted him for his _____________________________________________

Seemed to ________________________ rape, suicide, and “free love”

Verdi’s Music

Wrote for ________________________________________________

Favorite topic: ________________________________________________________

Subjects were _____________________, ____________________, &


Expressive _____________________________ is soul of his operas

Later works have greater ______________________________________

Master of __________________________________________________

Final opera ends with “__________________________________________________”

Chapter 17: Giacomo Puccini

Italian (1858-1924)

From long line of ___________________________

Known primarily for ________________________

Became __________________ and ____________________________ due to the

popularity of his music

Opera __________________________ was his first major success

Made use of _____________________, setting his operas in foreign places

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______________________________ – set in Japan

______________________________ – set in China

His operas make use of




Marvelous sense of _____________________________________

Many operas employ latest ______________________________________

Artistic style verismo means “_______________________________________”

Chapter 18: Richard Wagner

German (1813-1883)

___________________________________ on his time

Studied in _____________________________

Influenced by ____________________________ works

Known for __________________________________________________________

Appointed conductor of ________________________________________________

Wrote in many styles, most famous for ____________________________________

Wagner’s Music

His works were _____________________, full blown affairs

Rabid sense of ___________________________________________

__________________________ was temple in which spectators were overwhelmed by

music & drama

Called his works __________________________ not operas

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__________________________________ – no breaks

Huge orchestras required _______________________________________

__________________________ – short musical idea associated with person, object, or

thought in drama

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Unit 06 - The Twentieth Century
Twentieth-Century Developments
____________________ and ______________________ are hallmarks

First half of century—____________________ and ______________________

Second half—colonial empires _____________________________

Unprecedented rapid ____________________________________________

Widespread gain in principle of ____________________________________

Rapid advancement of _______________________ and ________________________

Chapter 1: Musical Styles 1900-1945

First 13 years brought _____________________________________

Seen as time of ___________________ and ______________________ in music

Composers broke with ______________________ and ____________________

Rules came to be ______________________ to each composer

Some reviewers said that the new music had ________________________________

1913 performance of The Rite of Spring caused a __________________________

Sounds that were __________________ to turn of the century ears are

_________________ to us now

Key, pitch center, and harmonic progression practices of the past were _____________

1900-1945: An Age of Musical Diversity

Vast range of _________________________ during this time

Musical influences drawn from ____________________ and ____________________

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Composers drawn to unconventional


______________________________ incorporated into personal styles

__________________________________ also influenced composers

For American composers, jazz was ___________________________________

For European composers, jazz was ___________________________________

Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music was ______________________________

Forms from earlier periods were _____________, but with 20th Century harmonic and

melodic practices

Characteristics of 20th Century Music

Tone Color

_________________________playing techniques were called for

________________________________ use was greatly expanded

_______________________instruments were added/created

Music not written for ____________________________________

Composers wrote for timbres, or _________________________________________

Chapter 2: Music and Musicians in Society

_______________________and _______________________ music brought concert

hall to living room

Recordings allowed lesser known music to reach ______________________________

1930’s—__________________________________ formed their own orchestras

Many modern composers _____________________________ audience

Turned to _____________________________ music (Classical, Romantic)

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Recordings helped to make the modern ___________________________

____________________became active as composers, musicians, and music educators

___________________________ composers and performers became more prominent

Some governments controlled their music

______________________demanded non-modern, accessible music

_____________________________ banned Jewish composers’ work

Many artists and intellectuals left Europe for the _______________________________

Working, creating, and teaching in American ___________________, they enriched the

culture of the US

American _______________________________________________ swept the world

__________________________supported modern music and composers—became

music’s new patrons

Chapter 3: Impressionism and Symbolism

Used _________________brush strokes and __________________________colors

Viewed up close, the painting appears ______________________________

Viewed from a distance it has _____________________________________

Focused on ___________________________________________________________



Style named after _____________________________Impression: Sunrise

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Chapter 4: Claude Debussy

_____________________________ Impressionist composer

Studied in ___________________ and _________________________

Influenced by _____________________ and ________________________ music

Lived large—liked luxury, but stayed ___________________________________

Debussy’s Music

Attempted to capture in _____________________what Impressionist painters did in

visual art

Titles imply a _____________________________ type approach

Used orchestra as ____________________________________, not tutti

Expanded ________________________________ vocabulary and practice

___________________________________harmony, tempo, meter, and rhythm

Chapter 5: Neoclassicism

Based _____________________ upon devices and forms of the Classical and Baroque

Used earlier techniques to organize ______________________ harmonies and rhythms

Turned away from ____________________________________

Preferred to write for __________________________________

Partially due to ___________________________________ in post-WWII Europe

Sounded ___________________________, not classical

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Chapter 6: Igor Stravinsky

Born in _________________________ (1882-1971)

Studied with ________________________________________

Early success writing _______________________________________

The Rite of Spring caused ______________ at its premier in Paris

Moved due to the ______________________________

Stravinsky’s Music

Extensive output includes compositions of every kind for ________________________

__________________________________ in rhythm, harmony, and tone color had

enormous influence

Frequently used changing and irregular _____________________

Sometimes several _____________________ played at once

Used __________________________ – repeated musical patterns

Chapter 7: Expressionism

Attempts to explore ____________________ rather than depict outward appearances

Stressed intense, subjective _________________________

Used deliberate _____________________________

To assault and shock the _________________________________

To communicate ______________________ and ___________________________

Direct outgrowth of the work of ________________________

Rejected ___________________________________________

Favored “ugly” topics such as ______________________ and


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Reaction against ___________________________________________

Art also seen as a form of __________________________________

Anguish of the ___________________________

Bloodshed of ____________________________

Man’s ___________________________ to man

Chapter 8: Arnold Schoenberg

Born in ___________________ (1874-1951)

Almost entirely _________________________ musician

First to completely abandon the traditional _________________________________

Father of the ____________________________________________

When ________________ came to power he (Jewish) was forced to leave—came to


Taught at ________________________ until his death

Schoenberg’s Music

Atonality evolved from _________________________________________

Starting 1908, wrote music with ___________________________________

Used all twelve tones ________________________________

The 12-Tone System

Gives ____________________________________ to all 12 pitches in octave

Pitches arranged in a ____________________________________________

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Chapter 9: Alban Berg

Born in ______________________, 1885-1935

Student of _______________________________ wrote atonal music

Due to ______________________________, did not tour or conduct

Most famous work is ____________________________________

Chapter 10: Anton Webern

Born in ________________________________, 1883-1945

______________________________other famous student

His music was _____________________________ during his lifetime

Shy family man, devoted ______________________________

Webern’s Music

Expanded Schoenberg’s idea of ___________________________ being part of melody

His melodies are frequently made up of several ____________________________ that

add up to a complete whole

________________________ replaces “tunes” in his music

His music compositions are almost always _____________________________

Wrote for small ___________________________________

Chapter 11: Bela Bartok

Taught piano in ______________________________, wrote pedagogy books

Like others, fled _______________________ and came to live in the US

Used ______________________________ as basis of his music

Went to remote areas to _______________________________________ folksongs

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Bartok’s Music

Best known for ___________________________________________

Compositions contain strong __________________________________________

Considered a leading authority on ______________________________________

Worked within ______________________________________

Chapter 12: Charles Ives

_______________________, 1874-1954, Son of a professional bandmaster (director)

Worked as an __________________________________, composed music on the side

First published his _____________________________, initially ridiculed

Won ________________________________ in 1947 for his Third Symphony

Wrote quite _____________________________ music

Ives’s Music

Music based upon _____________________________________________________




Often, his music is very _______________________________________________

Chapter 13: George Gershwin

_________________________________________, 1898-1937

Wrote _______________________________



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Frequently blended the three into a ____________________________________

At 20 wrote Broadway musical _________________________________

Wrote _________________________________






and an opera, ________________________________________

Often co-wrote with his brother, ___________________________, as lyricist

Met ___________, ______________, and ___________________________ in Europe

_______________________________________ — songs were popular

Chapter 14: William Grant Still

_____________________________________composer (1895-1978

First __________________________ composer to have work performed by a major

American orchestra

Worked for ______________________ in Memphis, TN

Later wrote ________________________ in Los Angeles

First African-American to conduct _____________________________________ (1936)

Also first to have an opera performed by a ______________________________ (1949)

Chapter 15: Aaron Copland

______________________________, 1900-1990

Wrote music in modern style more accessible to audience than many other composers

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Drew from _________________________________ for topics

Wrote _________________________________________





Wrote simple, yet _____________________________________ music

Other contributions to American music:

Directed __________________________ groups

Organized __________________________________

_________________________________, taught, & conducted

_____________________ books and articles

Chapter 16: Sacred Harp Singing

Uniquely American tradition that brings communities together to sing


Born from colonial ____________________ and is performed ____________________

Technically, Sacred Harp singing is “____________________________.”

Its notation uses note heads in ______________________ to aid in sight-reading.

Term “sacred harp” refers to the __________________.

The Sacred Harp was published in the ______________________________

Community Bands in America

A community band is a _____________________

Composed of _______________________ musicians in a particular geographic area

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Groups ___________________________ and perform at least once a year.

Some bands are also ____________________________________

Modern American community band is rooted in _______________________.

_________________________ brought the band tradition with them to the United


Community bands in the United States often emerged from ____________________.

Popularity of early community bands can be attributed to

the ___________________of thousands of ordinary citizens

the ___________________________ of the music and performance.

Chapter 17: African American Spirituals

The African-American Spiritual is a type of _____________________________

most closely associated with the ______________________ in the American South.

Term "spiritual" is derived from __________________: "Speaking to yourselves in

psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the


The early slave population in America was fascinated by _____________________.

Created spiritual songs that retold ______________________________________

Served as a way to express the _______________, as well as its sorrows and hopes.

Spiritual Musical Form

Spirituals are typically sung in a __________________________________________

The leader will sing a phrase of the melody and the congregation will _____________

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Chapter 18: Jazz

Developed in the ____________________________________

Began around 1900 in ____________________________________

Originally music for ______________________________________

Early practitioners primarily _________________________________________

Main characteristics





Originally performance music—_____________________________________

Tremendous impact on _______________________________ music

Jazz in Society

Geographical center has ______________________________________

Originally music for ___________________________

__________________________________ later developed

Roots of Jazz

Blend of elements of several ____________________________________

___________________ emphasis on improvisation, percussion and call and response


________________________________________ influence on instrumentation

____________________________________________ and structural practice

_____________________ and _______________ were immediate sources

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___________________ and _________________ music

___________________ music

Usually in duple meter at moderate ___________________________

___________________________ part highly syncopated

_______________________________ “oom-pah” part keeps steady beat

“King of ragtime” was ____________________________________ (1867-1917)


__________________ and _____________________________ form

_______________________________ (bar) musical structure

________________________________ vocal structure: a a’ b

Bessie Smith was known as _______________________________________________

Elements of Jazz

Tone Color

Usually performed by combo of ________________________________

Backbone is __________________________________________

Main __________________ trumpet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet, vibraphone, piano


Created and performed ______________________________________

Usually in _______________________________________ form

Rhythm, Melody, and Harmony

_______________________________ and rhythmic swing are features

__________________________________ on beats 2 and 4

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Syncopation often occurs when performer accents note between the _______________

___________________________ result of uneven 8th notes (triplet feel)

Melodies are _______________________ in pitch

_____________________________________ similar to tonal system

Jazz Styles

New Orleans Style, Also called _____________________________

_________________________________ was center of jazz 1900-1917

______________________________________________ supported by rhythm section

Songs frequently based on _________________________________, ragtime piece,

pop song, or blues


_____________________________ arrangements

Multiple instruments improvising _______________________________

______________ singing (jazz syllables)

______________________________________ form predominates

Most famous performer was trumpeter ____________________________________

Swing - Popular 1935-45 (Big Band Era)

___________________________ music

Primarily for _____________________

The music of _____________________

Large bands (usually ____________________ players)

Melody usually performed by ____________________________ rather than by soloists

_________________________________________ form common

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Unit 07 – Broadway and Film Music
Chapter 19: The American Musical

___________________________________________ combines script, acting, speech,

music, singing, dancing, costumes, scenery, and spectacle.

Similar to opera, but musical has _____________________.

Sometimes called the ______________________________.

Originally designed for _________________________________.

__________________________ soon followed.

Development of the Musical

Roots go back to _____________________________________________________.

_________________________ (1927) topic: interracial romance.

Some musicals were _______________________________________________.

_______________________ – variety show with songs, comedy, Juggling, acrobats,

and animal acts, but no plot.

_________________ – a variety show without a plot, but with a unifying idea, featured

chorus girls and comedians.

What Is a Musical?

A _____________________________________________ utilizing popular-style songs

- dialogue optional - to either tell a story (book musicals) or showcase the talents of the

writers and/or performers.

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The best musicals have three essential qualities –

_______________ – intelligence and style

_______________ – genuine and believable emotion

_______________ – the guts to do something creative and exciting.

Music in Film - Early Film Music

Began in 1890s

Originally performed live while _________________________________ was shown

Music used to enhance _______________________ and to cover noise from projector

First “talking movie” ___________________________________ (1927)

Functions and Styles of Film Music

Provide __________________________ and __________________________

Suggest ______________________ and ______________________________

Support _______________________________________

_________________________________________________ varies from film to film

___________________________________________ usually determined by the film

Creating Film Music

On-staff vs. outsourced:

Through 1950s, film studios kept in-house _____________________________

Since 1960s, ___________________________________ are hired for each film

Composer and director determine _________________________________________

___________________ and _____________________ are two critical issues in

creating film music

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Music and Image

Wagner’s __________________________________________ still employed in film

Sometimes mood of music does not match _______________________

Intentional mismatch by composer can lend a feeling of ___________________ to a


____________________________of film music still widely recognized

________________________ often bring film’s music to listeners outside of the theater

The 1900s

During the early 1900s, imports like Franz Lehar’s The Merry Widow had enormous

influence on the Broadway musical, but American composers

___________________________________ gave the American musical comedy a

distinctive sound and style.

The _____________________________ were a series of elaborate theatrical

productions on Broadway in New York City from 1907 through 1931.

The 1920s

In the 1920s, the American musical comedy gained worldwide influence. Broadway

saw the composing debuts of

____________________________________________________ and many others.

_______________________ is a 1927 musical that follows the lives of the performers,

stagehands and dock workers on the Cotton Blossom, a Mississippi River show boat.

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The 1930s

The _____________________________________ did not stop Broadway – in fact, the

1930s saw the lighthearted musical comedy reach its creative zenith.

___________________________ is a musical with music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The

story concerns madcap antics aboard an ocean liner bound from New York to London.

The 1940s

___________________________, set in Oklahoma Territory outside the town of

Claremore in 1906, it tells the story of cowboy Curly McLain and his romance with farm

girl Laurey Williams.

The 1950s

During the 1950s, the music of _______________________ was the most popular

music of the western world. Every season brought a fresh crop of classic hit musicals

that were eagerly awaited and celebrated by the general public.

_______________________________ was an Austrian-American composer. He

collaborated with lyricist Alan Jay Lerner on a series of Broadway musicals, including

the long-running My Fair Lady and Camelot, both of which were made into films.

_______________________________ is the story of Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower

girl who takes speech lessons from professor Henry Higgins, a phoneticist, so that she

may pass as a lady.

______________________________ was a conductor, pianist, author, lecturer, and

composer who wrote orchestral and vocal works. Dance was an important part of his


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____________________________ is an American musical by Leonard Bernstein. It

was inspired by William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. The musical explores

the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of different ethnic


The 1960s

The rock musical _____________ was hailed as a landmark creation, but it ushered in a

period of confusion in the musical theatre.

Hair was a product of the _______________ counterculture and sexual revolution of the

1960s, several of its songs became anthems of the _____________________________

peace movement.

___________________________ was an American musical theatre composer and

theatrical producer best known for the musical Man of La Mancha.

____________________________________ tells the story of the "mad" knight, Don

Quixote, as a play within a play, performed by Cervantes and his fellow prisoners as he

awaits a hearing with the Spanish Inquisition.

The 1970s

Composer Stephen Sondheim and director Hal Prince refocused the musical genre in

the 1970s by introducing ________________________ – shows built around an idea

rather than a traditional plot.

__________________________________ is centered on seventeen Broadway dancers

auditioning for spots on a chorus line, the musical is set on the bare stage of a

Broadway theatre during an audition for a musical.

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The 1980s

The public ruled heavily in favor of the mega-musicals, so the 1980s brought a

succession of long-running _______________________ to Broadway.

_________________ tells the story of a tribe of cats called the Jellicles and the night

they make what is known as "the Jellicle choice" and decide which cat will ascend to the

Heaviside Layer and come back to a new life.

The London production of __________________________________ is the story of

Jean Valjean, a French peasant, and his quest for redemption after serving nineteen

years in jail for having stolen a loaf of bread for his sister's starving child.

___________________________________________ has composed 13 musicals, a

song cycle, a set of variations, two film scores, and a Latin Requiem Mass.

___________________________________________is based on a central plot that

revolves around a beautiful soprano, Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of a

mysterious, disfigured musical genius.

The 1990s

By the 1990s, new mega-musicals were no longer winning the public, and costs were so

high that even long-running hits were unable to turn a profit on Broadway. New stage

musicals now required the backing of ______________________________________ to

develop and succeed – a trend proven by Disney’s Lion King, and Livent’s Ragtime.

__________________________________ features actors in animal costumes as well

as giant, hollow puppets. The show is produced by Disney Theatrical Productions.

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The 2000s

As the 20th century ended, the musical theatre was in an uncertain state, relying on

rehashed numbers and stage versions of old movies as well as the still-running mega-

musicals of the previous decade. But starting in the year 2000, a new resurgence of

American __________________________________ took Broadway by surprise.


Today, _________________________________ is a major industry bringing in $937

million dollars annually in ticket sales alone from the 39 theaters in the district.

____________________________________________________ tells its story from the

perspective of the witches of the Land of Oz; its plot begins before and continues after

Dorothy's arrival in Oz from Kansas and includes several references to the 1939 film

and Baum's novel.

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Guidelines for Composer Reports

Each student will select one composer from each of the five designated periods of
Music History and write a brief report. Due dates are provided on the syllabus. The
composer you choose must be one who has a musical example listed in the syllabus or
covered in class.

● Reports must be typed and double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides using a
standard 12-point font. Length must be at least two full pages and no more than three
full pages. Do not include photos or diagrams in your report.

● Your title page should include the composer’s name, your name, and the date
completed centered at the top of the first page. Be sure to staple the pages together or
put them in an inexpensive report binder.

● In terms of content, your essay should include: when and where they were born,
when and where they died, nationality, personal life (family, health, personality), career
(significant places, people, employers or patrons, means of earning a living, financial
situation), and music (style of composition, general characteristics, types of
compositions they wrote).

● Your report needs to have at least three sources. Online e-Books or articles from a
library database (other than Wiki) are considered credible. You may also use books
from the school/public library.

● Late reports will automatically drop one letter grade. NO reports will be accepted that
are more than two weeks late. Reports may be submitted in any class session or via
email but NO reports will be accepted after the Final Exam.

This website can give you some basic tips to writing better biographies.

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Suggested Composers for Composer Essay
Middle Ages / Renaissance
Guillaume de Machaut
Josquin Desprez
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi

Baroque Period
Henry Purcell
Claudio Monteverdi
Arcangelo Corelli
Antonio Vivaldi
Johann Sebastian Bach
George Frederic Handel

Classical Period
Franz Joseph Haydn
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Ludwig van Beethoven

Romantic Period
Franz Schubert
Robert Schumann
Clara Wieck Schumann
Frederic Chopin
Franz Liszt
Felix Mendelssohn
Hector Berlioz
Bedrich Smetana
Antonin Dvorak
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Johannes Brahms
Giuseppe Verdi
Giacomo Puccini
Richard Wagner

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Twentieth Century
Claude Debussy
Igor Stravinsky
Arnold Schoenberg
Alban Berg
Anton Webern
Bela Bartok
Charles Ives
George Gershwin
William Grant Still
Aaron Copland
Leonard Bernstein

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