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Student Advocacy

Lesson One: Generating ideas - What are issues that you are facing or you see in your

Objective SWBAT understand what advocacy is and how students can have an impact
SWBAT generate ideas of issues they notice in their community
Intro  Review the objective
 Review the project – preview the next two months
(4 min)
o Engaging in an student-driven advocacy project that makes a
change in their community
Video 1. Students watch the video, with a pause point in the middle to
summarize the first portion before watching the second portion
(8 min)
After the video:
 T&T: What is advocacy? [Full class share]
 T&T: How can students have an impact? [Full class share]
 T&T: Why is advocacy important? [Full class share]
Idea Generation  At tables of six, students discuss what issues they notice in their
(8 min) communities
 One scribe is jotting down ideas
 Teacher push: Once lists have started, push students to discuss issues
*At tables of 6 and brainstorm some ways to change the issue

Class discourse  Prior to discussion, give students directives of how to engage in the
o “Agree” sign
o “Add on” sign
o Respecting everyone’s experience
 Students share out as a class. Teacher is noting the trends on an anchor

Once done with the discussion, review the final list with students and explain
that we may add to the list as other classes come up with ideas.

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