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ine mat ried a muse ive and ingenu honor the ing ch I eaacob First Impressions of Barcelona ty where Rizal sojourned was Barc in the western. Mediterranean, in from Marseille, Fra came to Borcelona, on & : Sune 1862. On the way to Barcelona, “the only ted my attention” he said, were Gerona, mem it endured, and Figueras, for its lange ‘Disagreeable ‘the fist Spanish tone, a seaport retropol the Philippines tttended en international conference on medicine. (f Rita's frst impression of the city, he said, in a I to his parents and brothers, dated June 23, 1882: pression which Barcelona gave me was disagreeable. than the Marsileans. Tam very disappointed, spec wwe arrived at the hotel Fonda de Es fand the accommodation are bad’ where the Sie i Shel need eet it Catalan, which, to his ears, sound as a ind he complained likewiee of the carriage drivers, hotel porters, and hotel-keepers who fleeced his pockets ‘and took advantage of his inexperience. In due time, however, his impressions of Barcelona changed, jes Stree ing several of the Fi around the city, Ri said 8 urnonio M. ALIP lo Charm Rizal tria grande of Tol a Ct cs of Poi who Wits cm that Riz: Barcelona for Madrid.* sass tang Barcelona, Rizal mado study to TOE cry for pleaure and ent Creole, to the descendant of the Spaniard who by blood was excl Oriental. Sp fa second country is article which was published on Au his countrymen for the format love of country which to him was 1! Spain, nor Kalamba, nor Luzon—but the entx > him there was no other country but the Pit ines, He did not have the concept of patria chica and p> Rizal was in Barcelona four above, from June 15, to the first following hi the oldest cities of Spain. thon the 8th century. And Barcelona was already enjoy iarib:troding conn series of chang, but each change Wa8 towards democratic te rove andervent a eri of separatist revels Its peopl vo apak a tenguage distinct from Spanish o ms adstrius and somewhat individualistic, an in vray donot sem o Like the lie of gay Madr oe merely a seaport; itis Spain's greatest indu ‘commercial city. It is also a seat of learning and c' ‘Student Days of Rizal in Madrid From Barcelona, I followed Rizal's footsteps to Mod ‘whore he hd gone by train in October, 1882 I rea hid by the Iberia plane from Barcelona, Rizal's shout ten ours while mine was barely one hour. In Ml Rist enoled at the Central University, where he con! ad by frequent epidemics, He al took up philosophy and letters, which in leer ig Ri 16 to Maid, Rpt i 6 RIZAL IN SPAIN days had always-fascinated him, Besides, he his Manila schoo! in painting and sculpture San Fernando took lessons ‘Academy and der private tutors. He did not neglect

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