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Since the beginning of time, people have dreamed of flying.

This dream has become a

reality for a growing number of us. The aviation industry represents a rapidly growing
sector of the economy. Aviation is the safest, most efficient form of public
transportation. The affordable transportation services of the aviation industry offer
even the most isolated communities access to the rest of the world, expediting the
exchange of cultural and educational practices. The extensive global travel also
stimulates sustainable economies around the social world. Air transport’s impact on
tourism creates millions of direct and indirect jobs. In addition to this, the industry
supports millions of jobs globally. The international food and hospitality industries are
substantially impacted by the level of tourism in an area. From employment, the
aviation industry is a major contributor to economic activity in many locations.
Instantly flying undoubtedly possesses the ability to negatively impact the health of
passengers. Flying across time zones can confuse your body clock, resulting in jet lag.
A passenger can also suffer from travel fatigue, which is caused by the stress from
traveling and the sleep deprivation that a passenger incurs. This can reduce judgment
and decision-making, communication, memory, and attention. Passengers are also at
elevated risk for permanent hearing loss during any flight in which the possible
duration is longer than 4 hours. Air travel has willingly given all nations the freedom
to travel. It connects people, countries, and cultures, providing access to global
markets. Air travel connects developing countries to developed countries and serves as
a means of inclusion for remote areas in which air travel is the only means of
transportation. The affordability of air travel makes the cultural experiences that come
from traveling around the globe access to the majority of the world's population. This,
in turn, exposes the world to tourism, which significantly improves living standards
and decreases poverty in many nations. Air and noise pollution caused by aviation has
the potential to negatively impact the health of residents in the vicinity of airports and
under flight paths. Noise pollution caused by aircraft negatively impacts the health of
residents, detracts from their quality of life, damages wildlife and the learning
capabilities of children, and it is economically costly as a result of noise mitigation
and noise abatement. Air pollution caused by aviation can undoubtedly lead to a
varied number of diseases, especially in urban areas where flying rates are highest.
Direct emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulphur have varied but
impactful effects on human health. Air transport is an innovative and environmentally-
responsible industry that drives economic and social progress. It has become one of
the greatest contributors to the advancement of modern-day society.

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