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Tallinn University of Technology

MMO5530-Strategic and Financial


Reflection 04
Strategy Implementation and Control

Student Name: Farzan Yahya Habib

Student ID: 194228 KVEM
Program: MSc. Plastics
In this reflection, I am going to discuss my learning journey in the Strategic Management Module.
In order to demonstrate a clear picture on what I have learnt and developed in terms of academic
knowledge, skills and ability. I will review all the learning outcomes, and then I will reflect on my own
learning experience to illustrate what I have achieved after gaining knowledge from e-lectures
including chapter 09, chapter 10 and chapter 11 of strategy implementation and control.
In the chapter of strategy implementation: Organization for action I learned to develop programs, budgets and
procedures to implement strategic change. The importance of achieving synergy during strategy implementation
was also understood. In this part, I studied about the stages of corporate development and the structure that
characterizes each stage. I also acknowledged to identify the blocks changing from one stage to another. I also
come to know that how a construction of matrix and network structures supports flexible and nimble organizational
strategies. After studying this part, I can also take decision that when and which programs such as reengineering,
six sigma, lean six sigma and job design are appropriate methods of strategy implementation. I also understand
that how centralization and decentralizations issues affect multi corporation.
Strategy implementation showed me the sum of all activities and choices required for the execution of a strategic
plan. I studied that execution is the ways top management motivates and mobilizes the company’s managers and
how management communicate with employees to achieve consensus. In this chapter I came to know about
question which develops in mind while implementing strategies are WHO will carry out the strategic plan? WHAT
must be done to align the company’s operations in the new intended direction? HOW is everyone going to do what
is needed? This chapter also give me knowledge of the problems while implementing strategy. I learned timing
tactics: when to complete, marketing location tactics: where to complete, offensive and defensive tactics from this
chapter. Study of synergy give me knowledge that for a divisional corporation if the return of investment is greater
than what the return would be if each division were an independent business. I came to know about the forms of
synergy like shared know-how, coordinated strategies, shared tangible resources, economies of scale or scope and
new business creation. I got the information about structure follows strategy that changes in corporate strategy
lead to changes in organizational structure. I studied about the factors differentiating stages I, II and III companies
and came to know about the stages of corporate development including simple structure, functional structure,
divisional structure, matrix and network structure.
From the second chapter of this part, I gained knowledge that Staffing is the managerial function of recruitment,
selection, training, developing, promotion and compensation of personnel. It may be defined as the process of
hiring and developing the required personnel to fill in the various positions in the organization. Directing is the
process of. instructing, motivating, guiding and leading. I came to know that effective directing is really an art
which can be learned and perfected through long experience. However, managers may follow some principles while
directing their subordinates. Principles of direction are goal allocation, initiating action, accountability, decisiveness,
and scalar chain. I also understand four key elements of directing which are supervising, motivating, leadership,
and communication. Furthermore, the study of action planning gives me knowledge that an action plan is a
detailed plan outlining actions needed to reach one or more goals. I studied a strategic management model called
management by objectives that aims to improve the performance of an organization by clearly
defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and employees. In this chapter, total quality
management (TQM) describes me that it is a management approach to long-term success through customer
satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, services,
and the culture in which they work.
In the chapter of evaluation and control I studied that it is the process of determining the effectiveness of the given
strategy in achieving the organizational objectives and taking corrective actions whenever required. It was also in
study that controls can be exercised through formulation of contingency strategies and a crises management team.
I came to know that there are four types of controls including operational control, strategy control, further types of
strategy controls are premise control, strategic control, implementation control and special alert control. I also
studied in the importance of this topic that the strategic evaluation helps to keep a check on validity of strategic
choice. An ongoing process of evaluation would, in fact, provide feedback on the continued relevance of the
strategic choice made during the formulation phase. This part showed me that who are the participants in strategic
evaluation. I also came to know about the limitation of evaluation and the requirement for effective evaluation. I
also understand that the incentive management is the motivating programs used in organizations to improve
employee’s performance by encouraging specific actions.
In the end I would like to say that I gained valuable knowledge from this part of course. It is
concluded from my studies that strategy implementation and control is the way an organization should
develop, utilize, and amalgamate organizational structure, control systems, and culture to follow
strategies that lead to competitive advantage and a better performance. In an organization the control
system is also required. This control system equips managers with motivational incentives for
employees as well as feedback on employees and organizational performance.

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