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Dakota Ejnes

Coaching Philosophy

My athletic program will maximize every athlete's potential. There will be a positive,

motivational, and encouraging environment at all times to provide the athletes with a healthy

mentality. This will allow them to practice as they please to reach the level of skill that is

expected and needed. The more teamwork and involvement with each other, the better my

athletes will do as a whole. I expect them to push themselves to the proper extent and reach out

of their comfort zones to challenge themselves. We will begin each season with a meeting to

discuss rules, expectations, and goals. Each athlete will be required to write down at least three

goals they want to accomplish throughout the entirety of the season. After the first four weeks,

we will then go back to the goals and edit them or check them off if they were completed. Then,

we will do this every four weeks until the season is over. Once it is finalized, as a team we will

reflect upon both the success and failure we experienced and what we learned from it.

I am very personable especially when I can form proper relationships. I will be myself, a

passionate, approachable, encouraging, and strong individual while interacting with my athletes.

I believe that there is an important boundary between being a coach and a peer. I will make sure

that every one of my athletes knows that when they need anything, they can come to me for my

assistance and leadership. In terms of relationships between teammates, I will make sure that

each practice we begin with warm ups as a team and do team cool downs at the end of practice. I

will not tolerate any negative behavior towards teammates whatsoever. In order to have a safe

and healthy environment, there must be positive and supportive people. When there is a lack
thereof, I will bring it to my athletes attention and expect there to be immediate changes.

Structure and routine are key.

My athletes are required to be at practice at least five minutes before the scheduled start.

They will have a specific location to put all of their belongings so ensure that they are away from

the practice area to eliminate any safety hazards. Then as a team, they will go to the practice

location and begin their warm-up. Once the warm up is complete, they will get water to stay

hydrated and then begin the practice. Once the practice comes close to an end, as a team my

athletes will do a cool-down routine, static stretch to enhance their flexibility, and decompress.

To prepare for competition, my athletes will keep reflecting upon their goals and make sure they

have all of their requirements. The week before the competition will be more game-like (for

lacrosse) or routine based (for gymnastics). I will continue to motivate my athletes. However, the

day before the competition, I will not have my athletes practice. I truly believe that the body

needs rest before it can perform with its maximum potential. Practicing one day before a

competition will not change the athlete so dramatically that it is necessary. The rest will make

sure they are prepared and their bodies are relaxed. After the competition, we will reflect on how

it went, what we can change for next time, and address our goals again. As a team, we will figure

out areas that we think we excelled at and where we may need some improvement. This will

keep my athletes and me all on the same page and have the same understanding of future


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