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Abu Dhabi University

College of Engineering
M.Sc. in Sustainable Architecture
Spring 2018/2019
ARC 630: Passive Design Strategies

Passive Design Vs. Biophilic Design towards Better Sustainable Practices


Yara Mazen Anbar 1028794

Under supervision of: Dr. Nadia Mounajjed
24 April 2019

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Table of Content
1. Brief Introduction

2. Application Measures
2.1 Façade Openings
2.1.1 Brief Introduction
2.1.2 Design Parameters

• Windows
• Glazing Systems
• Shading Elements
2.2 Courtyards
2.2.1 Brief Introduction
2.2.1 Design Parameters
2.3 Skylights
2.3.1 Brief Introduction
2.3.1 Design Parameters

3. Testing & Results

3.1 Sustainability Indicator
3.2 Biophilic Test

4. Contextual Adaptability & Conclusions

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This research is trying to activate an experimental study to examine the basic passive design strategies on the biophilic
design scale and to measure the proximity between these strategies and the biophilic design patterns.
This experiment will start by using one of the most prominent passive design strategies (Daylighting) which will be
studied and analyzed in detail through the experiment.
The Workflow will start by selecting one by one strategy and analyze accordingly. The Analysis process of each strategy
will go through four main steps as shown in figure below

Figure 1: Experiment Phases

Starting from a brief introduction about the strategy which will give the reader a general understanding and background
about this passive design strategy to work with. Subsequently, a discussion of how this strategy can be implemented (
ways, methods, advantages, disadvantages..) and the application measures of this strategy will be tackled in the
second phase of the experiment.
Thereafter, coming to the third phase of the experiment which is the testing part where two tests will be conducted (
sustainability and biophilic test). Sustainability test will be much focusing on drawing conclusions about the
sustainability impact of this passive design strategy following the three main pillars of sustainability (environmental,
economic, and social ). Based on the results taken from the sustainability impact table conducted a visual sustainability
indicator is illustrated for easier visual communication of the results from the sustainability test. Moving to the biophilic
test which is the core subject of this experiment this test will be using a scheduling scheme where each strategy will
have a schedule of biophilic design patterns which needs to be filled based on the results from the previous stages and
understandings of this strategy. The schedule test will have a constants of the 14 biophilic design patterns and will
have a three variables where the first one will be asking if this pattern is applicable or not for this design strategy, if yes
the second variable will be asking about the proximity scale of how much related is this pattern into this passive design
strategy. Finally, the third variable will be drawing some design recommendation of how this relationship between the
passive design strategy and this specific biophilic pattern can be achieved
The last phase of this experiment will be about the contextual adaptability into the study area which is the UAE. This
section will be mostly drawing conclusions and design recommendations for the best possible form of implementing
this strategy in the research study area based on the contextual conditions ( climate, wind, sun, culture,..) of this area.

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1 Brief Introduction
Daylighting is the controlled admission of natural light, direct sunlight, and diffused skylight into a space. Daylight can
be considered as a highly cost-effective mean to reduce energy consumption for electrical lighting and cooling
demands. Its potential effects are not limited just on cost, but on improving health, well-being and occupants comfort
in a space (Schielke, 2014).
Daylighting is a building design strategy which gives us the opportunity to use the light provided from the sun. Presence
of natural light in an occupied space brings a sense of wellbeing, increases awareness of one’s surrounding and also
contribute to increase the energy saving potential with reduced demand on artificial light. Appropriate use of windows,
skylights, clerestories, and other apertures in the building provide efficient means to harvest daylight. The sunlight that
enters the building, more the heat that needs to be dealt with. Thus, by placing apertures correctly, nature can work
for our benefits. Integrating daylighting with artificial lighting can considerably reduce energy consumption, but at the
same time it may lead to higher air conditioning loads due to heat gain. As a result, architects and decision makers
need to appropriately balance daylight harvesting features and minimize solar heat gains. Hence, daylighting becomes
an integral part of a building design strategy from early design phase to lower the energy consumption of a building
(Daylighting, n.d.).

Figure 2: daylight factor is used for determining daylight. It is equivalent to the sum of the diffused skylight (SC), internally
reflected light (IRC) and externally reflected light (ERC). Quality and quantum of daylight entering a space can be controlled by
modifying these three factors.

Daylighting strategies could be implemented and incorporated into design from very essential stages such as starting
the design by optimizing the building orientation up to choosing the right interior surfaces that achieve the right
reflectance desired in the space. Incorporating daylighting strategies can significantly reduce the investment cost as
well as operating costs and it will improve the indoor environmental quality of the space (Schielke, 2014). Conceptually,

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daylight can be distributed into any interior space through openings from the side of the wall, from the top, or a
combination of the two. However, various factors such as building type, client budget, height, massing, dominant
climatic conditions, site obstructions, adjacent buildings, and other issues most often plays a role in taking decisions
during the design process.

Figure 3: Daylight Penetration Types, Source:

In general, design professionals should try to get as much daylight as possible deep into a space while at the same
time they should address the right controlling measures to adjust the brightness of surfaces within the users’ fields of
vision. Daylight design strategies varies from one space into another based on the climatic conditions of each space
and sky conditions (Kroelinger, 2005).
Since the context of this research is focusing on the United Arab Emirates as a study area, UAE is considered as a hot
arid and hot-humid region so the reduction of heat gain is essential, therefore solar gain should be also controlled and
glare conditions resulted must be minimized.
Designers should control or minimize direct sunlight as much as possible using various measures such as roof
overhangs, louvers, skins, and windows should be also sized and oriented in a way to admit the indirect daylight and
it should use efficient glazing materials. Daylighting Strategies that admit indirect light are appropriate on eastern
facades while larger glass openings may face the northern facade. However, the solar controls strategies should
dominate on the southern and western facades. Enclosed courtyard spaces are frequently used in hot-arid locations,
(Kroelinger, 2005).
Daylighting is the one of the cornerstones of energy efficient building designs. enormous studies have proven the
advantages of incorporating daylighting strategies in the design of the building, linking its benefits to higher comfort
levels, enhancing productivity levels, and feeling of well-being in all building sectors specially in schools, offices, and
hospitals. An appropriately designed daylighting features will prolong better indoor environmental quality, improve
building occupant performance and reduce the building’s energy consumption at the same time. Daylighting can
significantly impact the energy use of a building by reducing the lighting energy demand by up to 20-30% (Daylighting,

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2 . Application Measures
The following section will list some of the most efficient daylighting strategies which has proved their valid contribution
in improving sustainability levels in spaces and their highly effective performance in contextual conditions similar to the
study area of this research. On top of that, the selected strategies are related somehow to the core subject of this
research which is Biophilic Design and contributes to obtain some Biophilic pattern.
2.1 Façade Openings
General Overview
A building envelope is the exterior wall or face of a building and it usually acts as the boundary between inside and
outer environment; it has protective functions and allows for the exchange of energy (solar radiation, heat), light and
air. This occurs mainly through the openings in the facade as they regulate other interface functions such as access
and visual connections. Building openings usually involves design elements like thoughtful placement of windows or
doors, but for the aim of this section only windows will be discussed as they let people inside see out and people
outside see in, thereby becoming “backdrops” for human coexistence where inside and outside could intersect. In this
sense, they are of great social significance because openings in the façades separate and connect the private and the
public at the same time (Cremers).
Building openings give the building a "face". Symmetrically designed perforated façades give the structure a sense of
calm, a clear grid of openings lends rhythm and structure, free placement creates excitement. Horizontal banks of
windows give the façade a direction and large-scale openings convey transparency. It also defines the transition from
artificial to natural, from warm to cold, from introverted to exposed, from dark to light, and from enclosed to open space.
Having a direct connection with the outdoors is important to a building’s users and helps to improve the IEQ levels in
a space. Studies have shown and proved that occupants’ satisfaction, comfort levels, and wellbeing in buildings is
closely connected with the possibility of having a direct connection with daylight and opening a window for fresh air.
Since most people now spend the majority of their day inside – in Central Europe about 80 – 90 % of it – building
openings are becoming increasingly significant. Building occupants need to be able to establish a link with the outside,
with our original living space, with nature (Cremers).
Design Parameters
"The windows are the eyes of a house" — Windows define the intensity of the connection with the outside environment,
which can be designed to be more open or more closed, based on the design requirements and the desired intent of
expression by the architect. Thus, a relationship is created between the public and the private — via these openings a
building reveals its inner core, hides it behind a closed façade, or via filters, allows a view to the outside without enabling
people outside to look in. Windows are important elements in the building envelope as it performs several functions,
which include supplying of daylight, providing outside views, and acting as a part of the natural ventilation system. In
addition, it can play an essential function in the architectural appearance of the building (Jonsson, 2010). However, the
windows are considered the weakest thermal link in a building envelope for heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter.
Although it presents a small area of the building, it has the greatest effect on heat flow than walls, ceilings, and floors
of the building. Therefore, it is considered as one of the important elements that affect the building energy consumption.
The position of the opening in the wall, the size of the window opening, and the geometric design of the reveal are
features that influence both the design and the desired use of the window. Specifically, these factors influence the view
and the type and intensity of the outside perspective, the quality of the illumination and energy factors such as the heat
loss via the area of glass but also the use of solar energy (Openings in the Wall, n.d.).

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The arrangement of the opening in the wall has some basis for planning such as the opening should always be the use
of the room behind them. Like the placement of openings in the corner of the room, for example, can change the size
and shaping of the structure as well as the spatial impression of the room. Extreme formats such as strip or panorama
windows or particularly small openings, as well as a placement that references a special feature on the outside, allow
you to work with specific visual references.
To allow a sufficient visual connection in living spaces, the upper edge of the area of glass should be at least 2,20 m
and the lower edge at 0,95 m. The width of the area of glass should be equivalent to at least 55% of the width of the
room (Openings in the Wall, n.d.).
Natural illumination is a decisive feature for the living quality and comfort of a room and has a direct influence on human
sensitivity and well-being. As a rule, building regulations specify one eighth of the room area (useful area) as the
minimum dimension for the opening in living spaces, with the relationship to the depth of the room also playing a role.
If the upper edge of the opening is placed higher up, the light is improved significantly — above all in the room depth
— and therefore also the daylight factor. In contrast, openings below 0,85 m only have a slight influence on the light
incidence. Up to 40% of the area of windows is taken up by the frame, posts, transoms and Georgian/feature bars —
meaning that with a wall aperture of 1,5 m2 only approx. 1 m2 is taken up by the actual glass area.
Reveals that open out to the room reduce the contrast in light density between the wall and the opening — a transition
zone with medium brightness arises in the reveal. This allows you to avoid or significantly reduce glare. A slant that
opens to the outside increases the proportion of zenith light on the inside in the lintel area. If the window bank has a
significant slant, rainwater drains away better and the outside perspective is intensified. The reveals can also be
designed asymmetrically — a number of current constructions reflect different solutions to this issue. Particular
emphasizing of the reveal can also become an architectural element through, for example, extended reveal boards.
Window openings can be widely addressed in many forms and designs depends on the architect design intent, the
opening can be reflected in its most original form which is a result of the technical design conditions that have specified
the position and size of the openings in the wall (see figure below to the right). Bank of windows is also another way to
achieve opening in the façade and this feature immediately defines modern buildings due to providing significantly
better and more even illumination inside the building. Window walls is another approach were windows becomes a
door to the outer environment, this approach is also highly commonly used in contemporary structures. Last but not
least the scope for balconies, conservatories and recessed or protruding glazed entrance or habitation areas within the
depth of the façade offers further options for façade design. These interfaces can designate spatial crossovers and
transitions or form particularly private or particularly public spaces. However, private openings can also be designed
like display windows in residential constructions — mobile shading or privacy protection elements allow the degree of
opening to the outside to be determined individually. (Opening and the Facade, n.d.)

Figure 4: Windows Design Parameters

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Figure 5: Window Types

Fenestrations (windows, skylights, & other openings in a building etc.) are the basic tools used to allow daylight
penetration and the prevailing wind inside the building when needed.
However, the resulted solar radiation which penetrates through these fenestrations, especially windows, usually results
considerable heat gain. Glazing in windows allows the heat to transit inside the space. Window glass allows short wave
infra-red radiation from sun to penetrate through easily but is very resistant to passage of long wave radiations emitted
from objects inside the building that have heated from the solar radiation. Resultant temperature inside the building
can thus be even greater than outside temperature if fenestration systems are not designed carefully, building
fenestrations can affect lighting and air-conditioning loads considerable (Fenestrations, n.d.),
Location, sizing and glazing of windows can be designed carefully to contribute in reducing cooling load, and resultantly,
smaller building cooling systems. Achieving a balanced formula between daylight penetration and heat gain requires a
careful calibration between both the visual and heat transmission qualities of the selected glazing system, and the
orientation and sizing of opening. Architects and decision makers should control the heat gain and loss through
reasonable design of fenestrations with appropriate placement, and glazing specifications. Fenestrations could also
influence daylight harvesting potential by helping to reduce the lighting loads demands without compromising on the
visual and thermal comfort of building occupants (Fenestrations, n.d.).
Solar radiation intensity is usually minimal on the north facing openings
or walls both with respect to quantum and duration, followed by south
facing facades. East and west facing openings (or walls) receives the
largest amount of solar radiation throughout the year (Fenestrations,
A fenestration system with low U-value and low effective SHGC can
result in reduction of both the heating and cooling demand by 6-11% in
moderate climate and approx. between 8-16% in hot humid, hot dry, and
composite climates. These savings could scientifically increase to 8-17%
for moderate, and 12-26% for hot humid, hot dry, and composite
climates, if high performance fenestration system, with low-e glass,
frames with thermal breaks, and well-designed shading is implemented.
(Fenestrations, n.d.).
Using double glazing system helps to reduce the internal temperature of
the glass because of reduced conduction of heat from the outdoors. This Figure 6: Heat Transmission in a single glazing clear
glass, Source:
results in better radiant temperature control and enhanced comfort. This centre/passive-design/fenestration/
effect can be felt in both heating and cooling, especially in spaces which
have large glazed areas (Fenestrations, n.d.).

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Shading Devices
External shading devices are basic environmental control elements which either evades or majorly reduce the demand
for mechanical cooling & heating systems to maintain an acceptable thermal comfort levels inside the space, through
controlling heat gain penetrating through openings in the facade. Along with the glazing specifications and size of the
fenestration, shading devices are evenly important in limiting heat penetration from outside through radiation. External
and internal shading devices can thus be used as an essential tool for enhancing the energy efficiency in the building
and thus improve the sustainability levels (Shading Devices , n.d.).
The most important factor in the design of its external shading devices is the orientation of an opening and the solar
radiation exposed on it. Impact of the difference in the seasonal variation in the sun path (and incident solar radiation)
is linked to the orientation. Sun path is usually recorded at a low angle and, slightly moving to the south of east and
west during the winter season in northern hemisphere. However, during summer the sun path is at a high angle and,
to the north of east and west. Hence the shading device suitable for the openings located on the southern facade must
allow for penetration of the low angle sun for heat gain during winter but must block the same during summer. For
opening in north, shading devices are only needed to prevent penetration of the high sun angle during summers
(Shading Devices , n.d.).

Figure 7: Horizontal Shadow Angle (HAS) and Vertical Shadow Angle (VSA) are used for designing vertical and horizontal shading
devices respectively, Source:

Shading devices can enormously reduce solar gains on the building facade. Effective shading strategies for better
sustainability levels and NZEB should aim at virtually preventing any direct solar radiation from penetrating through the
building, especially during the summer months. The solar radiation on eastern and western facing facades s does not
usually vary much by the seasonal variations in the sun path. Since they receive uniform solar radiation, while
compared to north and south facing openings, which receive higher solar radiation through the year (Shading Devices
, n.d.).
Shading reduces the effective solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the glazing. This means that a cheaper glass with
high SHGC can be used instead of high cost, low SHGC glass. Shading also helps in reducing glare through the
windows. Usually building’s occupants tend to pull down interior shades if there is direct solar radiation on the glass,
this negates all the benefits of daylighting. However, effective shading strategies helps to ensure glare-free daylight in
the buildings (Shading Devices , n.d.).

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External shading devices should be configured and designed according to two factors: the orientation of the wall which
has the openings and location of the building (latitude). Both decide the time period, both daily and annually, for which
the shading will be needed and angle of solar radiation on the wall. Shading masks, graphical representations of
shading provided by shading devices, can be then used to design the most suitable strategy for providing shade

Figure 8: Design Parameters for efficient shading elements, Source:


2.2 Skylights
General Overview
Skylights can be defined as a special type of openings provided in the roof of the building covered with translucent or
transparent material so as to allow natural light to penetrate into the space directly during daytime. Skylights are
considered an elegant and functional way to define and enhance architectural focal points throughout a building's
design (Rahman, n.d.).
Design Parameters:
In order to achieve the desired intent and making sure to select the right type of skylight, there are some design
parameters which is advised to go through when considering adding a skylight to a space:
1. Aesthetic Value vs. Natural Light

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Well, first thing first. Before making a selection, the architect needs to identify the desired use of the skylight, what is it
expected from the skylight to add to the design? Basically, its function, i.e. bring in aesthetic value or bring in more
natural light? (Gupta, 2018).
2. Positioning
Undoubtedly positioning is one of the most important aspects when planning to add a skylight into a space. Positioning
is what comes next after deciding the aim of implementing the skylight into the design. Natural light is a huge benefit
to any space clearly, but over exposure isn’t good so, the positioning of the skylight based on the orientation of the
building will affect the heat gain and illumination levels in the space, thus the position of the skylight is an essential
aspect to consider in early stages of the design (Gupta, 2018).
3. Size + Shape of the Space
Sometimes, the size and shape of the space can affect the selection of a skylight. An obscurely shared space and roof,
for example, might require multiple bends in the tubing to reach optimal performance of the skylight. But, in general,
for skylight one general rule applies – The larger the better (Gupta, 2018).
4. Operability
Factually, all types of skylight are divided into two main categories – fixed and vented. Fixed skylights are non-operable
and planned only for the purpose of daylight penetration. However, a vented skylight can be opened, either manually
or via remote, reliant on the type of skylight unit (Gupta, 2018).
In addition to the basics, remote-operable vented skylights are more costly as compared to fixed or manually operable
5. Glazing
Earlier, skylights were as simple as just a single pane of glass bounded within a metal frame. However, nowadays,
glazing systems are becoming limitless, it runs the range from single or multi-paned glass to innovative plastics, with
or without insulation and coatings to control such variables as heat and UV radiation. The choice of right glazing system
will influence the function of the skylight and will shape the efficiency performance of the skylight (Gupta, 2018).

Skylights has advantages on all sustainability pillars scales, skylights help hugely in improving energy efficiency,
illuminating low-light areas, and also provide the much-needed dimension to a living space. In addition to that some
the most advantages of skylights is listed below (Rahman, n.d.):
1) Increase natural ventilation flow.
2) Increase daylighting penetration to the space
3) Skylights improves the aesthetical appearance of the building.
4) Minimize the demand of artificial lightning in the space.
5) Skylights can help in cutting down the lighting costs
6) Provides a healthy dose of Vitamin D, as the sunlight enters directly into the space

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7) Ventilated skylight helps to adjust the temperature balance in the space by constantly replacing the hot air by
fresh and cool air.
8) Reduction in the use of Air Coolers and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.
Even though, skylights has many advantages there are some concerns which should be taken into consideration when
planning to implement skylight design feature into a building structure. Some of the most popular design concerns are
listed below (Rahman, n.d.):
1) Excess penetration of sun light and heat gain cannot be controlled.
2) In summer season, due to the increase in the heat gain through skylights, the need of AC is required.
3) Accumulation of dust in the skylights, which needs to be cleaned regularly.
4) As the placement of the skylight is in the roof, cleaning of the skylight becomes a hectic job.
5) Improper sealing of skylights could lead to some leakage problems.
6) Direct sunlight penetration in classrooms and office spaces often produces an unpleasant glare on work
surfaces, making it difficult to work or view a computer screen.
7) The intense sunlight penetrating through the skylight also can cause fading of exposed furnishings.
8) The installation cost and maintenance of skylights is quite expensive when compared to normal windows
Types of Skylights:
There are many types and forms coming for skylights the figure below illustrates the most commonly used types of
skylight in their basic forms however, these basic forms can vary in scale and shapes and can be customized to meet
the design intent.

Figure 9: Types of Skylights

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2.3 Courtyards
A courtyard is a circumscribed area which turn its back on the outside world, a courtyard is a design element in most
of the vernacular buildings and was originally used in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Tropical regions.
Agreement between building geometry, enclosure, orientation, density of the building context and access to wind flow
can carry considerable architectural implications in modifying the microclimate of the courtyards. With the climate
variations, this has resulted in subtle regional variations to the courtyard form of building (RAJAPAKSHA & HYD, 2005).
Courtyards are often surrounded by walls or building, which is open to the sky. Courtyards creates connectivity between
interior and exterior space as shown on figure below. The open-air oasis, a rarity in dense cities, courtyards provides
a multifunctional extension of living space ideal for meditation, entertaining, relaxing, gardening, yoga and star gazing,
right in the middle of the busy city. Unlike a yard, courtyards are usually carved out in the centre of a building provides
a private tranquil space for the building occupants (Cripe, 2018).
As one of the most common typologies in architecture, courtyards have been seen in various types of buildings,
commercial, residential, institutional, recreational or industrial. They serve as source of air flow, illumination and provide
thermal comfort to the buildings occupants by acting as a heat radiator in summers and absorber in winters.

Figure 10: Possible Configurations of courtyards

For improving the overall mental and physical health, human beings need to see the sky every so often. Due to living
on busy urban cities, it’s quite hard to steal a quiet moment for meditation. There are many benefits of a courtyard that
go beyond aesthetics. Some of the benefits include:
1. Privacy + Security: the primary benefit of this approach is the sense of enclosure and privacy which it does give
to the occupants of the space because of its inward form location. The courtyard acted as the principle organizer of
space with all functions oriented towards it. It functioned as the heart of the space, where different activities could take
place during different parts of the day (Cripe, 2018).

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2. Therapeutic Properties: As a society we suffer from nature deficit disorder. Studies have proved that spending
time outdoors could help in reducing stress levels and strengthen our immune system. Putting down the electronics
and spending time in the privacy of a courtyard and allowing occupants to get lost in the surroundings can help to reach
a greater sense of calm (Cripe, 2018).
3. Possibilities: Unlike a yard, an enclosed courtyard becomes an infinite possibility room in a building offering a
private respite space with unlimited options to use the space. Being open to the sky, there are no limits, the courtyard
can be used as a space for relaxing, meditation, break area or even as a meeting room, or whatever the occupant
4. Environmental Benefits: courtyards are considered as "microclimate modifier" in the space due to their ability to
mitigate high temperatures, channel breezes and adjust the degree of humidity and allows for daylight access.
Courtyards acts also as a passive cooling strategy, operates as follows: the air in the courtyard becomes warmer as
the day progresses toward night-time. Cool air is stored in the courtyard in laminar layers and flows into the rooms
surrounding the courtyard and then the temperature in the courtyard slowly increases in the morning, allowing the
courtyard to remain cool until solar radiation falls directly onto it. Warm wind passes over the house during the day,
and does not enter the courtyard and merely creates eddies inside it, unless baffles are installed to deflect airflow
(Saxon, 1989).

Figure 11: Thermal Properties of Courtyards

Economic Benefits: Some financial benefits are closely associated with the courtyard form and construction.
Courtyard designs could help to increase efficiency in land use, as they do not require a conventional yard for outdoor

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3 Testing & Results
3 Sustainability Test
3.1.1 Sustainability Impact
The following table is showing the impact of considering Daylighting in improving sustainability levels in spaces and
their effective performance in contextual conditions similar to the study area of this research.

Daylighting Strategies Impact on Sustainability

Approach Environmental Impact Social Impact Economic Impact

• Minimize the use of • Aesthetic • Cuts down energy
electrical lighting • high quality indoor bills and running
• Minimize the use of energy environment and construction
Daylighting costs
resources • Increase productivity
• Less harmful emissions on • Increase Creativity
the environment • Improve Health

Table 1: Daylighting Strategies Impact on Sustainability. Source: Author

To emphasize on the target of this section, the main objective is to propose some daylighting strategies which will be
implemented later during the research process, and weigh their sustainability impacts in the three dimensions
mentioned in table above (environmental, social, economic), and finally find the connection between these strategies
and Biophilic Design and if the connection is valid then the discussion of how this strategy will fit the Biophilic Design
criteria towards better sustainable practices will be tackled.
3.1.2 Sustainability Indicators
Based on the daylighting strategies impact on sustainability table shown earlier and taking in mind the previous
extensive study on façade openings and its design parameters, courtyards, and skylights a set of proximity illustrative
diagrams has been produced to derive results noted from the previous studies and analysis. This diagrams are showing
the proximity relationship between the Daylighting design strategies and the three pilots of sustainability.

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Illustration 3: Façade Openings Sustainability Indicator , Source: Author

Illustration 1: Courtyards Sustainability Indicator , Illustration 2: Skylights Sustainability Indicator ,

Source: Author Source: Author

3.2 Biophilic Tests

The objective of this test is to examine the possible connections between the daylighting design strategies and Biophilic
design. The test results will indicate whether this strategy is applicable to the patterns of Biophilic design and it will give
us a proximity scale of its relevance to Biophilic design. Finally, the test will verify if the connection is valid thus, it
should be achieved through implementing specific techniques and design elements which are also highlighted and
mentioned in the tests below. However, verifying the Biophilic design through daylighting strategies is not limited only
to the listed design elements and techniques.
To ensure that each design strategy is analysed properly on the Biophilic scale, façade openings and its design
parameters has been grouped into one category and tested separately from the other strategies which are courtyards
& skylights were analysed on separate tests.

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Biophilic Design Test 01 (façade openings)

Façade Openings test on Biophilic Design

Patterns Proximity
Code Pattern Name Applicability Achieved Through
Category Scale
P01 Visual Connection with Nature Applicable 4 Window Transparency

P02 Non- Visual Connection with Nature Applicable 4 Operable windows

• Billowy fabric or screen

materials that move or
glisten with light or
P03 Non-Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli Applicable 5 breezes
• Shadows or dappled
light that change with
movement or time

• Solar heat gain

• Shadow and shade
• Space/place orientation
P04 Thermal & Airflow Variability Applicable 5 • Window glazing and
Nature in The • window treatment
Space • Window operability and
cross ventilation
P05 Presence of Water Not Applicable NA NA
• Daylight from multiple
• Direct sunlight
• Diurnal and seasonal
P06 Dynamic or Diffused Light Applicable 5 • Firelight
• Moonlight and star light
• Bioluminescence
• Daylight Distribution in
the space
• Illuminance
P07 Connection to Natural Systems Not Applicable NA NA
• Façade screens or
mesh which has
biomorphic forms
• Window details: trim
and moldings, glass
P08 Biomorphic Forms & Patterns Applicable 5
color, texture, mullion
design, window reveal
Natural • Window details: frit, light
Analogues shelves, fins
Patterns • The use of natural
materials for shading
• Accent details made
P09 Material Connection with Nature Applicable 3 (natural wood grains;
leather; stone, fossil
textures; bamboo,
rattan, dried grasses,

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• Window details: trim
and moldings, glass
color, texture, mullion
design, window reveal
P10 Complexity and Order Applicable 5 detail
• Façade materials
• Façade, spandrel and
window hierarchy
• Transparent materials
P11 Prospect Applicable 4 • Balconies & Terraces
• Views
• Spaces reserved for
reflection, meditation,
rest, relaxation
P12 Refuge Applicable 5 • Operable, adjustable or
translucent (or semi-
Nature of the opaque) shades, blinds,
Space • screens or partitions
Patterns • Views are medium (≥
20 ft) to high (≥ 100 ft)
depth of field
P13 Mystery Applicable 5 • Light and shadow
• Peak a Boo Window
• Translucent materials
• Façade with floor-to
P14 Risk/Peril Applicable 3 ceiling
• transparency
Table 2: Biophilic Test for Façade openings design strategy, Source: Author

Biophilic Design Test 02 (Skylights)

Skylights Impact on Biophilic Design

Patterns Proximity
Code Pattern Name Applicability Achieved Through
Category Scale
• Openings in the ceiling
• Clerestory Windows
P01 Visual Connection with Nature Applicable 5
• Skylights
• Light Shelves
P02 Non- Visual Connection with Nature Not Applicable NA NA
Shadows or dappled
P03 Non-Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli Applicable 2 light that change with
movement or time
• Shadow and shade
Nature in The P04 Thermal & Airflow Variability Applicable 3
• Ventilation
Space P05 Presence of Water Not Applicable NA NA
• Illuminance
• Daylight Distribution in
the space
P06 Dynamic or Diffused Light Applicable 5 • Penetration of different
types on natural light
(sun, day, night, moon,
star lights)
Climate and weather
P07 Connection to Natural Systems Applicable 1

18 | P a g e
screens or mesh which
P08 Biomorphic Forms & Patterns Applicable 1 has biomorphic patterns
Natural may be used
Analogues P09 Material Connection with Nature Not Applicable NA NA
Patterns The use of shading
P10 Complexity and Order Applicable 3
structures over skylights
P11 Prospect Not Applicable NA NA
Nature of the Protected Seats or
P12 Refuge Applicable 1
P13 Mystery Applicable 1 Peek-a-boo windows
Sharp & Geometrical
P14 Risk/Peril Applicable 1
Table 3: Biophilic Test for skylights, Source: Author

Biophilic Design Test 03 (Courtyards)

Courtyards test on Biophilic Design

Patterns Proximity
Code Pattern Name Applicability Achieved Through
Category Scale
• Courtyards
• Secret gardens
• Green wall
P01 Visual Connection with Nature Applicable 5
• Body of water
• Highly designed
• Songbirds
• Flowing water
• Textured materials
(stone, wood, fur)
• Fragrant herbs and
P02 Non- Visual Connection with Nature Applicable 5
• Horticulture/gardening
, including edible
• Domesticated
Nature in The • Sun patches
Space • Breezes
• Plant life rustling
• Water babbling
• Insect and animal
• Birds chirping
• Fragrant flowers,
trees and herbs
P03 Non-Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli Applicable 5 • Reflections of water
on a surface
• Shadows or dappled
light that change with
movement or time
• Nature sounds
broadcasted at

19 | P a g e
• Shadow and shade
• Vegetation with
P04 Thermal & Airflow Variability Applicable 5 seasonal
• Densification
• Cross Ventilation
• Water Features
• Water wall
• Constructed waterfall
• Aquarium
• Fountain
• Constructed stream
P05 Presence of Water Applicable 5
• Reflections of water
(real or
• simulated) on another
• Imagery with water in
the composition
• Daylight from multiple
• Direct sunlight
• Diurnal and seasonal
P06 Dynamic or Diffused Light Applicable 5 light
• Firelight
• Moonlight and star
• Bioluminescence
• Wildlife habitats (e.g.,
birdhouse, honeybee
apiary, hedges,
flowering vegetation)
• Climate and weather
P07 Connection to Natural Systems Applicable 4
• (rain, hail, snow;
wind, clouds,
• fog; thunder,
• Installations and free-
P08 Biomorphic Forms & Patterns Applicable 3 • Sculptures
Natural • Furniture details
• Shading Canopies
Analogues • Use of natural
Patterns P09 Material Connection with Nature Applicable 3
• Plant selection
P10 Complexity and Order Applicable 2 variety and
• Elevated planes
• Balconies
• Views including
P11 Prospect Applicable 4 shade trees,
• bodies of water or
Nature of the • of human habitation
Space • Tree houses
Patterns • Spaces with
• protection, or speech
P12 Refuge Applicable 4
and visual privacy
• Spaces reserved for
reflection, meditation,
rest, relaxation,

20 | P a g e
reading, or complex
cognitive tasks
• low maintenance
P13 Mystery Applicable 3 • gardens with winding
• Getting wet
• Passing under, over
• or through water
P14 Risk/Peril Applicable 3 • Proximity to an active
• apiary or predatory
Table 4: Biophilic Test for Courtyards, Source: Author

4 Contextual Adaptability
4.1 Orientation and form for daylighting

• The building’s south face should receive the most sun between 9 am and 3 pm during the heating season.
Openings and thermal mass should be designed to take advantage of this.
• Interior spaces requiring the greatest heating/cooling and light should be on the south side of the building.
Those requiring less, or those used less, should face north.
• Passive systems work best in an open floor plan (limited number of full height walls).
• Buildings should be located and oriented to take advantage of sun’s movement throughout the day, as well
as seasonal variations.

Figure 12

• Buildings that are longer on their east-west axis are better for daylighting and visual comfort levels.
• Larger and taller buildings should have thinner profiles to maximize daylighting penetration potential from side
• Large buildings can get daylight into more spaces by having central courtyards or atrium , or having other cut-
outs in the building form to allow for daylight to get through
• Focus should be given to maximum daylight factor, increase uniformity of light spread, reduce glare, and
minimize the solar gains.
• Increasing the height of each floor level to allow for higher windows also helps to get daylight further into the
• Plan for daylight by minimizing floor plate depth, especially in office buildings.

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4.2 Windows

• Determine the window size, height and glazing specification for each facade separately.
• Maximize the northen exposure and optimize southern exposure.
• North-facing facades provide consistent indirect light with minimal heat gains.
• Minimize eastern and western exposure when the sun is lowest and most likely causes glare and overheating.
They are more difficult to shade because the sun is closer to the horizon.
• There is a direct relationship between the height of the window head and the depth of daylight (Typically
adequate daylight will penetrate one- and one-half times the height of the window head).
• Top lighting is an effective daylighting solution for wide buildings where side lighting cannot be used for

adequate lighting of the deeper areas of the floorplate. To reduce glare, skylights must be designed with
reflective surfaces that redirects direct sunlight into the space. Design of direction specific skylights must take
in consideration angle and path of sun during winter and summer. North facing skylights are most suitable for
• Allow daylight penetration high in a space. Windows located high in a wall or in roof monitors and clerestories
Figure 13

will result in deeper light penetration and reduces the excessive brightness.

Figure 14: Sidelighting is the most common method of allowing daylight into the building. Glare from direct sunlight
can be prevented by using light shelves. These shelves redirect the light rays toward the ceilings which in turn reflect
uniform, indirect light.

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• Use advanced daylight harvesting methods in case of large window area (such as use of external light shelves,
light tubes, a higher ceiling height and other similar technologies, would help to distribute the daylight deeper
into the building).
• Use skylights and roof monitors to areas without easy access to windows.
• Use of light coloured interior surfaces reduces luminance contrast and improves coverage.
4.3 Fenestration
• Glazing area should be reduced as long as it does not affect the uniformity of daylight distribution in a building.
• Reduce Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) as less heat will be transferred into the building.
• Reduce the U-Value of glazing and also lower the SHGC except for the cold climate where higher SHGC is
• In general cases, specify low U-values for residential applications. Even lower values may be desired in extreme
heating climates. For buildings where passive solar heating energy (cold regions) is desired, south-facing
windows with high SHGC values coupled with low U-factors should be recommended.
• When specifying windows performance, take care to specify “whole product performance values” / whole window
unit for U-factor and SHGC.
• Use of “glass-only” U-factors should be avoided as they can be 10% to 40% better than the whole product value.

Figure 15: glazing properties relevant for daylight harvesting and energy efficiency, Source:

In climates with significant air conditioning loads, specify windows with low SHGC values (< 0.40). In general, high
(>30%) Glass Visible Transmittance is desired, especially for daylighting applications.

4.3 Shading Devices

• As a first step towards shading, longer sides of a building should be oriented North- South which is preferred to
minimize overall solar gain through the envelope.
• South-facing windows are the easiest to shade. Overhangs on south-oriented windows provide effective shading
by blocking summer sun and admitting winter sun.
• Use fixed horizontal overhangs on south-facing glass. 1m shading device can reduce cooling loads substantially.

23 | P a g e
• To the greatest extent possible, limit the amount of east and west glass (minimize window area) since they are
harder to shade. Consider the use of landscaping to shade east and west exposures.
• An extended roof can provide shade to the entire north and south wall from the noon sun
• Shading is generally not required at the north side. Only cutting the low evening summer sun can be achieved
by vertical shades or internal blinds.
• On lower buildings, well-placed deciduous trees on the east and west will reduce summer overheating while
permitting desirable winter solar gains
• Semi-outdoor spaces such as balconies (2.5m – 3m deep) can provide shade and protect interior spaces from
overheating and climatic variations. At the same time they act as wind scoops and provide a private social space
for the unit.
• If no exterior shading is possible, a lower solar heat gain coefficient for the glazing will be mandatory
• To enhance natural light utilization, passive design strategies such as light shelves are very useful for deeper
and uniform distribution of light (most effective on the south side of the buildings, mostly recommended in mild
climates and not for tropical or desert climate).

Location, form and dimensions of shading devices

• South-facing windows are the easiest to shade. Horizontal shading devices are most effective as they can
block summer sun and admit winter sun.
• East- and west-facing windows are best shaded with vertical devices, but these are usually harder to
incorporate into a building, and limit views from the window.
• The provision of glare protection devices will reduce the amount of daylight harvested. A balance between
glare protection and daylight harvesting needs to be done carefully to ensure that the design of the daylight
harvesting system will perform as intended.

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