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(a) Define posting to FICA for customer account group- Inhere, you need to

check the relevant account group that you want to post to FICA. FM
FKK_FICA_FOR_SD_ACTIVE determines the activation of customer account
group to FICA.
(b) Derivation of Main sub transaction for SD information-Based on the
account assingment, you derive the main and the sub transaction
(c) Derivation of Document Type from SD-Here, you define the type of
document that would be posted in FICA.
You will find these steps in the following SPRO config-
IMG->Financial Accounting (New)->Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable->Integration->Sales and Distribution
After performing the above activities, you also need to maintain the account
assignment under the following configurations-
IMG->Financial Accounting (New)->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions-
>Account Assignment/Costing
Morover, if you want that the SD document will be posted with the ISU
invoice, then you need to code it in event 4000.

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