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We did not find results for: Hands are being the most exposed part of the body which carries large numbers of
bacterias picked up from objects that come into contact, proper hygiene is the single most important, simplest,
and least expensive means of preventing health care associated with infection and the spread of antibacterial
resistance. The emergence of bacterial resistance to the currently available antibacterial drugs. Staphylococcus
aureus is the most dangerous of all of the many common staphylococcal bacteria. These gram-positive, sphere-
shaped coccal bacteria often cause skin infections such as Boils, Impetigo and Cellultis and can also cause
pneumonia, heart valve infections, and bone infections. Prevention of growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Is
usually done by maintaining good hygiene and regular and frequent hand washing.Liquid handsoap is known
used in maintaining good hygiene especially in hands Liquid hand soaps may have different features depending
on content.

There are variations, such as for children, opaque,with glycerine,with antibacterial,transparents and etc. Thatt is
why several types of these product can sometimes be expensive due to its ingredients and chemicals used in
making the product. necessities further research in the discovery of new safe and effective antimicrobial agents
(Londhe et al., 2015; Sajed et al., 2014). Medicinal plants have been used in developing countries as an
alternative treatment to health problems (Duarte et al., 2005). According to Selvi et al. (2012), medicinal plants
constitute an effective source of both traditional and modern medicine. In the Philippines, Origanum Vulgare is
locally known as Kalabo. Oregano is a flowering plant in the mint family. It is native to temperate Western and
Southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean region. Oregano is a perennial herb, growing from 20–80 cm tall,
with opposite leaves 1–4 cm long.

The flowers are purple, 3–4 mm long, produced in erect spikes.Oregano has a wide range of traditional uses and
its essential oil is a well-known cure for digestive issues, headaches, insect bites, and for the relief of common
colds. For its cathartic effects, it was also used as a laxative.It has a great potential for economic exploration
because of the proven use of its essential oil and in human health. Hastuti et al. (2017) proved that the
antibacterial compounds of the leaves of Origanum vulgare can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus..
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Essential oils often evoke thoughts of scented candles and day spas, but their benefits beyond relaxation are less
well-known. Essential oils are ultimately just plant extracts—and those are used in countless cleaning and
personal-care products, and are the main ingredient in some pest-control products and some over-the-counter
medications, like Vick’s Vapo Rub and some lice sprays. They’re used in the food industry because of their
preservative potency against food-borne pathogens—thanks to their antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal
properties. Various oils have also been shown to effectively treat a wide range of common health issues such as
nausea and migraines, and a rapidly growing body of research is finding that they are powerful enough to kill
human cancer cells of the breast, colon, mouth, skin, and more.

A handful of promising, real-life studies have been conducted with humans and other animals, though most of
the research in that realm thus far has been conducted in the lab. More controlled trials will be required before
some of these applications will be available to the public, but meanwhile, scientists have turned up exciting
results in another area of use: countering the growing antibiotic-resistance crisis. “The loss of antibiotics due to
antimicrobial resistance is potentially one of the most important challenges the medical and animal-health
communities will face in the 21st century,” says Dr. Cyril Gay, the senior national program leader at the United
States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service. As Cari Romm previously reported
in The Atlantic, livestock consume up to 80 percent of the antibiotics used in the U.S., and the amount actually
jumped by 16 percent between 2009 and 2012, according to a recent FDA report. This rampant use of the drugs
has led to “superbugs” that are becoming increasingly resistant to the antibiotics that are used to treat not just
farm animals, but humans as well. In fact, almost 70 percent of the antibiotics given to these animals are
classified as “medically important” for humans. According to Romm, “In the U.S., antibiotic resistance caused
more than two million illnesses in 2013, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
and an estimated 23,000 deaths,” and they’ve also amounted to an extra $20 billion in healthcare costs. And it’s
only poised to get worse: a recent report commissioned by the U.K. government estimates that drug-resistant
microbes could cause more than 10 million deaths and cost the global economy $100 trillion by the year 2050.

While the drugs are, of course, sometimes necessary to treat infections in livestock, the real reasons they’re
overused are to speed up growth and to compensate for the cramped, unsanitary living conditions the animals
endure. Dr. Stuart B. Levy, a man of many titles—hematologist and professor at Tufts University; director of the
Center for Adaptation, Genetics, and Drug Resistance; president of the Alliance for the Prudent Use of
Antibiotics; and author of the book The Antibiotic Paradox: How the Misuse of Antibiotics Destroys Their
Curative Powers—says he and his colleagues consider the misuse of antibiotics on farms to be the biggest
influence on antibiotic resistance, which has been declared “an increasingly serious threat to global public health
that requires action across all government sectors and society” by the World Health Organization. Levy has been
warning about this impending disaster for nearly 40 years, a couple of decades after farmers discovered that
putting small amounts of antibiotics in the animals’ feed resulted in increased growth. Even back then, a study
led by Levy found that chickens developed resistance to the antibiotic tetracycline at a rapid pace–within a week,
the animals had resistant bacteria in their gut. Months later, the stubborn bugs had spread to untreated chickens
and even the farmers. And it didn’t stop there: Those resistant bacteria also became resistant to other antibiotics
that the chickens hadn’t even consumed. “Antibiotics used anywhere creates antibiotic resistance, and that
resistance doesn’t stay in that environment,” Levy says. “And resistance is transferrable among bacteria of
different types.”

What’s being done to confront this major contributor to this obvious, growing world health threat? The FDA has
asked those in the agricultural industry to voluntarily reduce their use of antibiotics, but no one is keeping track
of whether they do (nor has there been a record of the antibiotic use all these decades). Farmers can still say
they’re using it for prevention of infections. “The lobby is so strong it’s hard to get categorical refusal to do
this,” Levy says. “We really want to convince the users—the farmers—that this is a practice that should be

Whether farmers choose to use it or not, there is a strong alternative on the horizon. Numerous recent studies—
including several done by the USDA—have shown great promise in using essential oils as an alternative to
antibiotics in livestock. One of their studies, published in October 2014 in the journal Poultry Science, found that
chickens who consumed feed with added oregano oil had a 59 percent lower mortality rate due to ascites, a
common infection in poultry, than untreated chickens. Other research, from a 2011 issue of BMC Proceedings,
showed that adding a combination of plant extracts—from oregano, cinnamon, and chili peppers—actually
changed the gene expression of treated chickens, resulting in weight gain as well as protection against an
injected intestinal infection. A 2010 study from Poultry Science produced similar findings with the use of
extracts from turmeric, chili pepper, and shiitake mushrooms. A multi-year study is currently underway at the
USDA that includes investigations into the use of citrus peels and essential oils as drug alternatives.

Researchers have also directly compared the effects of commonly used antibiotics with those of various essential
oils. One such study, from the March 2012 issue of the Journal of Animal Science, found that rosemary and
oregano oils resulted in the same amount of growth in chickens as the antibiotic avilamycin, and that the oils
killed bacteria, too. Additional findings have shown that essential oils help reduce salmonella in chickens, and
another study found that a blend of several oils can limit the spread of salmonella among animals. One of the co-
authors of that study, Dr. Charles Hofacre, a professor at the University of Georgia’s College of Veterinary
Medicine, says it’s such a new area of research that they don’t yet know exactly how the essential oils work, but
“there is some strong evidence that they are functioning by both an antibacterial action in the intestine and also
some have an effect to stimulate the intestinal cells ability to recover from disease more quickly–either by local
immunity or helping keep the intestinal cells themselves healthier.”

Of course, there is also a dire need for alternatives to antibiotics for the direct treatment of infections in humans
and animals, not only for illness prevention and growth-boosting in livestock. Research investigating the use of
essential oils in humans has produced encouraging results, but such studies have been small and surprisingly
rare, especially given the demonstrated success of their use in livestock. An Italian study found that a
combination of thyme and clove essential oils was just as effective in treating bacterial vaginosis as the usual
antibiotic treatment, and results of a study by U.S. researchers show that staph-infected wounds healed faster
when they were treated with vapors of tea-tree oil than with conventional methods. Research published in
December 2013 reported that a hand gel made with lemongrass oil was effective in reducing MRSA on the skin
of human volunteers, and previous research has shown that a cleanser made with tea-tree oil clears MRSA from
the skin as effectively as the standard treatments to which bacteria appear to be developing resistance. This type
of simple, inexpensive fix—an essential-oil-based hand sanitizer—could be a major boost to hospitals, in
particular, since MRSA infections are so common in healthcare settings.

In the lab, scientists have been testing all kinds of combinations of essential oils and antibiotics, and they’re
repeatedly finding that the oils—used on their own and in combination with some common antibiotics—can
fight numerous pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant strains of E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus (which causes
staph infection), and other common types of bacteria. Results consistently show that combining essential oils and
antibiotics significantly lowers the amount of antibiotic required to do the job. For example, two recent studies
showed that lavender and cinnamon essential oils killed E. coli, and when combined with the antibiotic
piperacillin, the oils reversed the resistance of the E. coli bacteria to the antibiotic. Another recent study found
that basil oil and rosemary oil were both effective in inhibiting the growth of 60 strains of E. coli retrieved from
hospital patients. Other research has produced similar results for many other essential oils, both alone and in
combination with antibiotics. Researchers believe that one mechanism by which the oils work is by weakening
the cell wall of resistant bacteria, thereby damaging or killing the cells while also allowing the antibiotic in.

Further investigation is clearly needed to advance this promising area of research, but that would require time
and money. “Such investment is not likely to come from the mainstream pharmaceutical industry, which has not
placed much emphasis on antibiotic development for a number of reasons, including the excessive cost in
bringing a single drug to market without a commensurate return,” says Dr. Nicole M. Parrish, associate professor
of pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and associate director of medical
mycobacteriology at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, who co-authored a recent review on the potential use of
essential oils as alternatives or supplements to antibiotics.

She says the situation is urgent: When she and her colleagues perform testing to determine the appropriate
medication for a patient, they often find that there are no longer any effective antibiotics in existence to treat the
bacteria in question. “We feel helpless in the face of this growing threat, and the answer as to why we have not
made more progress on this front is simple: economics. Unfortunately, the 'spectre' of monetary gain
overshadows the perspective from 'the trenches.'” She says that essential oils contain some of the most potent
antimicrobial compounds available, and that furthering our understanding of them may lead to the development
of entirely new classes of drugs. “Let us all hope the prevailing wind changes to move this field of research
forward,” she says.

Gay explains that “phytonutrients” or “phytochemicals” are chemical compounds derived from plants that have a
range of health benefits, “including promoting tumor killing and increased resistance to infectious diseases, and
they have been used as health-promoting agents by many cultures for several millennia.” Their potency isn’t
surprising when you consider that the plant compounds that make up essential oils exist in the first place to help
plants protect themselves from infection, endure temperature variations, heal from damage, and repel pests. Still,
skepticism is likely in a culture like ours that is used to lab-created synthetic medicines (not to mention the bad
reputation essential oils may have gained from being frequently touted as miracle cures for everything), even
though some of our most important and common pharmaceuticals originated from plants. For example, aspirin is
derived from willow bark, though the key compound is now synthesized by manufacturers; the treatment for
malaria (still used today) is derived from fever-tree bark; morphine is derived from the poppy plant; the cancer-
fighting drug paclitaxel was initially derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree; and many cold and cough
medicines and muscle-relief creams have mint extract as the main ingredient. Even a newly developed Ebola
treatment hinges on the use of tobacco plants.

Back on the farms, some are already putting essential oils into practice. “There are a number of companies that
are currently selling plant extracts as feed additive, and large integrated producers are also adding feed additives
to their rations to enhance the health of animals, especially their intestinal health, during their production cycle,”
Gay says. No one seems willing to readily offer that information, though—and they don’t have to. One farmer
who has talked publicly about using essential oils is Scott Sechler, owner of Bell & Evans Farms, a high-end
producer of antibiotic-free poultry. Back in 2012, he told the New York Times about his use of oregano oil and
cinnamon to fight infection on his farms, which now number about 140 with a total of 9 million chickens at any
given time. Though he says the approach worked better than all other options he had tried, he still told the
Times, “I have worried a bit about how I’m going to sound talking about this,” adding, “But I really do think
we’re on to something here.” He clearly knows about the stigma attached to his approach, despite the fact that
it’s working. So, essential oils are truly a secret weapon, an unsung hero being used successfully but not quite

It took Sechler nearly 10 years just to get the people he works with to believe in his method, including farmers,
workers at the feed mills, and his own employees, of which there are now around 1,200. He has met his share of
skepticism from colleagues, too. For someone who notes that he lacks a formal education, Sechler is at the
forefront of some cutting-edge methods (for one, he counts Temple Grandin, the famous animal-science expert,
as a friend who helped him implement a humane slaughter system). He has been on the antibiotic-free kick for
about 30 years, and he describes his current method in terms of its effects on gut bacteria—another hot topic
right now. “We started with a breed of chicken that wasn’t raised to be stressed and overfed and to live in
sanitary conditions,” he says. They also feed the chickens high-quality grains enhanced with essential oils, and
they avoid the use of toxic chemicals like hexane, which is commonly used by other farmers in processing their
feed. “With our chicken breed, housing environment, and feeding program, we’re able to promote healthy gut
bacteria—we use oregano oil to kill the bad bacteria and cinnamon oil to support the good bacteria.”

He says his model works for him because he’s not trying to correct a problem that’s already out of control. Some
farmers need more powerful weapons because they’re trying to compensate for ongoing problems caused by
improper cleaning practices and unsanitary living conditions. They might put baby chickens on the remnants of
manure from previous flocks because they don’t properly clean out the barn first, and then they may use chlorine
to wash the processed chickens. Whatever bacteria (and antibiotics) that aren’t left at the chicken plant end up on
plates. On Sechler’s farms, he says he doesn’t allow these problems to get out of hand in the first place. “You
can’t just introduce essential oils into a bad environment and expect magic–—they don’t fix a screw-up,” he
says. “But if you meet them halfway by doing things right, they will carry you across the finish line.” People
warned him that the bacteria would become resistant to the essential oils, too, but they haven’t yet, and his farms
processed over 50 million chickens last year. According to C. Norman Shealy, a Duke-educated neurosurgeon
and author of The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common
Ailments, it is possible for bacteria to become resistant to essential oils, but it’s unlikely because the oils contain
hundreds more chemical compounds than antibiotic medications, making it difficult for bacteria to adapt to the

Adopting healthier practices may cost a penny or nickel more per pound, which could affect stock prices of the
big poultry producers. Sechler, whose company is not publicly traded, says he has been fortunate to have a loyal
and ever-growing customer base that is willing to pay a bit more for better quality. Sechler says if the public
starts asking for antibiotic-free meat en masse, more producers will comply, and change should come from other
key players, too. “Essential-oil use by the food industry should be a hundred times bigger than it is,” he says.
“Universities need to be able to speak up to some in the industry without getting their heads chopped off,”
instead of tiptoeing around them because they provide research funding. He also believes the USDA and the
FDA should create standards limiting antibiotic use and require everyone in the industry to comply by a certain
date, similar to the way fuel efficiency standards for cars have been introduced and enforced.

“Unfortunately in this industry, you have to force people. Unless everyone has to do it, many won’t,” Sechler
says. Despite encouraging study results and Sechler’s proven success, the lack of regulation and record-keeping
is a potential problem with the use of essential oils, too: “These products are being used every day, but I really
can’t tell you how many chickens or turkeys are being given these products because I don’t think there is anyone
keeping track of this across the country,” Hofacre says, and Gay notes that the feed additives are not regulated
either. “However, they are being used very successfully and I think as we learn more about the various essential
oils and other plant extracts we will find more effective combinations,” Hofacre says.

Levy thinks the investigations into plant extracts as alternatives to antibiotics is “wonderful,” but he cautions that
for any alternative, “it should be demonstrated that this practice is really useful, and alternatives should be given
the same scrutiny” that antibiotics haven’t been. (TORI RODRIGUEZ..2015 Since the discovery of antibiotics in
the 1920s and the development of new products through the 1980s, it has become much harder for scientists to
find new and effective antimicrobial products. This, combined with the growing problem of resistance
development in the pathogens that make us sick, has created a major problem. Historically, humans used natural
resources to combat bacterial infections, and these natural antibiotics are reemerging as a viable solution to
antibiotic-resistant bugs that can’t be killed with pharmaceuticals. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria
change and become unaffected by prescription drugs and chemicals. It’s hard to believe bacteria can outsmart
the antibiotics prescribed by doctors, but they have the amazing—and scary—ability to rapidly pump the
antibiotic out of their bodies before it takes effect, or they can even mutate to build defenses against the drug.
Each time you take a round of antibiotics, especially when you don’t need it, you’re contributing to the spread of
resistance by giving harmful bugs the opportunity to adapt to the drugs. And in addition to the bad bacteria, you
are also killing off the good bacteria in your body, which can make it even more difficult for you to fight off
infections in the future. So how can you prevent antibiotic overkill and control the spread of resistance? Stick to
using antibiotics only when necessary—that is, to treat serious, confirmed bacterial infections and certain life-
threatening diseases. When you’re dealing with the common cold, ear aches, sore throats, respiratory conditions
and toothaches, I recommend using “mother nature’s antibiotics,” which work just as effectively to reduce the
harmful bacteria in your body, while also reducing inflammation and increasing the presence of good, protective
bacteria. Oregano oil: Oregano oil is one of the most powerful antibacterial essential oils because it contains
carvacrol and thymol, two antibacterial and antifungal compounds. In fact, research shows oregano oil is
effective against many clinical strains of bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. To use oregano oil as a natural antibiotic, you can mix it with water or coconut oil. The dosage
depends on the condition you’re treating, but remember to take only very small amounts at a time—about 1-2
drops. Make sure you’re using 100 percent therapeutic grade oil, and if you’re taking any medications, talk to
your doctor about possible interactions. Also keep in mind that oregano oil should not be taken for more than 14
consecutive days. This study has made reference to which are pertinent to the study of the Hibiscus Leaf as an
liquid hand soap to fight Bacterial Infection.
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensus (H. rosa sinensis) is a plant that has been used for treating a wide variety of diseases as
well as wound healing. Egyptians used hibiscus tea to lower body temperature, treat heart and nerve diseases,
and as a diuretic to increase urine production. In Africa, Pulp made from the leaves was applied to the skin to
heal wounds. In Iran, drinking sour tea is still a common treatment for high blood pressure (Goldman, 2017).
According to Baddu and Ouano (2018), Kayanga or Gumamela flower petals are noted for their medicinal
properties such as anti-infectious, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antipyretic. Moreover, the
flower of Hibiscus rosa-sinensus were reported to possess various activity such as analgesic, anticonvulsant,
anti-diabetic, antipyretic, wound healing, antibacterial, immunomodulatory, antiestrous, antioxidant and hair
growth (Agrawal et al., 2015). Various research studies proved that the different parts of Hibiscus rosa
-sinensis plants possesses Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Anti-diabetic, Antiulcer, Hepatoprotective, Antifertility,
Anti-genotoxic and Anti-Inflammatory properties, which helps in treatment of many diseases (Khristi and Patel,

Sobhy et al. (2017) stated that Hibiscus Rosa sinensis flower (Gumamela) extract shows high concentration
that exhibit antibacterial potentiality Moreover, Lim (2014) stated in his book that Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower
exhibited 86% reduction in the wound area compared with water controls, which exhibited 75% reduction.

The preliminary phytochemical investigation of the flower extract showed the presence of flavonoids,
saponins, terpenoids and tannins. Studies have shown that flavonoids promote the wound-healing process mainly
due to their astringent and antimicrobial properties which appear to be responsible for the wound healing.
Theoretical Background
Germs live everywhere. You can find germs (microbes) in the air; on food, plants and animals; in soil and
water and on just about every other surface, including your body. Most germs won't harm you. Your immune
system protects you against infectious agents. However, some germs are difficult enemies because they're
constantly mutating to breach your immune system's defenses. Knowing how germs work can increase your
chances of avoiding infection. The solution of this problem is anti-bacterial liquid hand Oregano extract is
one of the most powerful antibacterial essential oils because it contains carvacrol and thymol, two antibacterial
and antifungal compounds. In fact, research shows oregano oil is effective against many clinical strains of
bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. To use oregano oil as a natural anti-
bacterial liquid hand soap, you can mix it with water, cdea, glycerine, salt and lime oil
using oregano liquid hand soap has many benefits actually there are
• Many are Cruelty-Free
One of the great things about using natural organic based soap is that they are usually cruelty-free. Ours certainly
is! This means that none of the ingredients are tested on animals before they are sold to the public. Many are
dermatologically tested on people’s skin, checking to make sure that it is suitable for those with sensitive skin.

• Gentler on the Skin

Natural organic based foaming soap and bar soap, tend to be much gentler on the skin, very ideal for
those who have sensitive skin, and also fantastic for children. Our kids love it! After all, antibacterial
soap can dry this skin out, which can be very uncomfortable over time, especially for little ones. Many
people love that natural organic based soap helps to naturally moisturize the skin, keeping your skin and
hands soft. We have received feedback from people with eczema that our natural and organic
based Foaming Soap and Bar Soap have helped. We certainly can't guarantee that it will help everyone,
but it does seem to help some.

• No Chemicals or Pesticides
One of the best benefits for you, your children, and your family is that organic soap does not contain
any chemicals or pesticides. All of the ingredients are natural, with any plants or herbs that are used in
its production being completely free from any kind of pesticide. So when you and your child wash their
hands, you aren’t being exposed to unnatural chemicals that could be absorbed by their skin.

• Natural Antibacterial Qualities

Many of the natural oils that are found in natural and organic based soap contain antibacterial and anti-
fungal properties of their own.These work as nature intended and are completely natural, so no risk of
exposure to synthetic chemicals. Plus, the soap often includes the essential and organic oils that come
with the plants used. Our Foaming Soap and Bar Soap certainly do! These help us to feel relaxed as
well as help to protect our hands from bacteria.

• Environmentally Friendly

Natural organic based soap is also environmentally friendly.

This is partially due to the fact that no pesticides and chemicals are used in its creation, but also because they are
far more biodegradable than their antibacterial counterparts, and they do not contain synthetic chemicals!


Research Procedure

Table 1: Ingredients Needed for Liquid Hand Soap Making

Ingredients Quantity needed

1/3 cup


¼ cup


2 ½ tbs.

Distilled water

1 tbs.


½ tbs.

Lime Extract

Table 2: Raw Ingredients Needed in Sample A

Ingredients Quantity needed


Oregano Leaves


Distilled water

2 tbs.

Liquid hand soap solution

½ tbs.

Lime Extract

Table 3: Raw Ingredients Needed in Sample B

Table 5: Equipment Needed

Equipment Quantity needed

1 piece

Stainless steel pot

1 piece

500 ml pump bottle

1 piece


2 piece

Mixing bowl



Table 4: Expenses

Equipment Quantity needed Price Total Price

Stainless steel pot 1 piece Php. 169.00 per Php. 169.00


500 ml Pump bottle 1 piece Php. 79.00 per piece Php. 79.00

CDEA 2 ½ cup Php. 115 per 1000 Php. 115.00


Glycerine 1 tbs. Php. 114.50 per 50 Php. 114.50


Distilled water 5 ½ cup Php. 15.00 per 500 Php. 45.00


Lime Essential oil ½ tbs. Php. 95.00 per 30 Php. 95.00



Liquid Hand Soap Making:

• First gather all the ingredients and equipments needed

• Pour 250ml water in the pot and put 50 oregano leaves

• Boil it for 30mins and wait for it to cooldown and color turns to dark green

• Separate the leaves from the extract using a strainer or a filtered paper

• Seat a side the exctract and start mixing the remaining ingredients

• Put 250ml of water in a bowl

• Pour 150 ml of CDEA AND STEAR continuesly

• Put 20 grams of salt and stear continuesly

• Pour the glycerine and steer for about 15 minutes

• Add the origano exctract together with a liquid soap base

• Steer for about 10 min or so until it gets slimy

• Add the lime extract to add scent to your soap


Cocamide DEA (Cocamide diethanolamine) - is a diethanolamide made by reacting the mixture of fatty acids
from coconut oils with diethanolamine. It is a viscous liquid and is used as a foaming agent in bath products like
shampoos and hand soaps, and in cosmetics as an emulsifying agent.

Distilled water- is a type of purified water that has had both contaminants and minerals removed.

Glycerol (Glycerol) - is a simple polyol compound. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is sweet-tasting
and non-toxic. The glycerol backbone is found in those lipids known as glycerides. Due to having antimicrobial
and antiviral properties it is widely used in FDA approved wound and burn treatments

Lime essential oil- is a concentrated essential oil used for aromatheraphy. .

Salt - is a mineral consisting primarily of sodium chloride, a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of
salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite. Salt is present in vast
quantities in seawater, where it is the main mineral constituent

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) - a kind of bacteria that can infect the body through wounds.

Hygiene - conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through


For future researchers that plan to pursue the same topic as this study, these recommendations may help in
making new studies more reliable and effective:

• Make the product in a room that has all the equipments and materials that is needed in making the
product. Science laboratory is best example.

• Do laboratory testing of the product, to test its effectivity against the bacteria not just for Staphylococcus
aureus but for other infectious causing bacteria.

• Use the oregano leaves in making the product for higher effectivity.

• Make sure to observe the shell life of the product.

Know what is the expiration date of the product.

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