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Brazilian Coffee Blends: A Simple and Fast

Method by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for the

Determination of the Sensory Attributes Elicited
in Professional Coffee Cupping

New Horizons in
Food Research
Michel Rocha Baqueta, Aline Coqueiro, and Patrı́cia Valderrama

Abstract: The diversity of compounds and variations in the aroma and flavor of ground and roasted coffee make
the sensory evaluation by the “cupping test” a complex task to be performed. A total of 217 commercial coffee
samples classified as different beverage type and with different roast degrees were evaluated by official cuppers in the
“cupping test” and the responses for sensory attributes were used to verify the correlation to the near-infrared (NIR)
spectra. Chemometric models based on partial least squares (PLS) were built for the powder fragrance, drink aroma,
acidity, bitterness, flavor, body, astringency, residual flavor, and overall quality. The parameters of merit such as accuracy,
fit, linearity, residual prediction deviation, sensitivity, analytical sensitivity, limits of detection, and quantification were
evaluated. All sensory attributes were predicted with adequate values according to the parameters of merit. The proposed
method, when compared to the “cupping test,” is an alternative to the determination of the coffee sensory attributes. The
results demonstrated that the use of NIR associated with chemometrics is efficient and recommended for the prediction
of sensorial attributes of coffee by means of the direct analysis of roasted and ground samples, and without any additional
preparation, it is a promising tool for the coffee industry.

Keywords: Chemometric, cupping test, near-infrared spectroscopy, partial least squares, sensory attributes

Practical Application: This study has shown potential use of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy coupled with a chemo-
metric tool for the prediction of sensory attributes of commercial coffees. Prediction models for powder fragrance,
drink aroma, acidity, bitterness, flavor, body, astringency, residual flavor, and overall quality were built and showed good
predictive capacity. The use of NIR allows rapid analysis (1 min or less per sample), and it was possible to evaluate all
sensory attributes directly in roasted and ground coffee, without beverage preparation.

Introduction attributes and score the powder fragrance (by smelling the dry
Coffee is among the three most consumed beverages in the milled sample) and aroma (by smelling the water infusion) and
world, together with water and tea, and the evaluation of the sen- after tasting the drink, they score other attributes such as the fla-
sory attributes of coffee beans allows the differentiation of Coffea vor, acidity, astringency, bitterness, body, flavor, and residual flavor
arabica (C. arabica) from Coffea canephora (known as C. robusta) ac- (Bressanello et al., 2017). The sum of the individual scores of all
cording to its characteristics (Luca et al., 2016; Marcucci, Dias, attributes constitutes the final score, which represents the overall
Almeida, & Benassi, 2017). Brazil is the largest green coffee pro- quality of the coffee (Toledo, Pezza, Pezza, & Toci, 2016). Ac-
ducer and exporter, which makes the sensory analysis of coffee a cording to Cupping Protocol of the SCAA (2018), this sensory
rule in determining the quality of the beverage (Ribeiro, Boralle, testing is done for three reasons: to determine the actual sensory
Pezza, Pezza, & Toci, 2017; International Coffee Organization, differences between samples, to describe the flavor of samples, and
2018). to determine the preference of products.
Sensorial coffee evaluation is complex due to the variations of “Cupping test” is the most popular professional method of sen-
aromas, flavors, and the diversity of chemical compounds formed sory analysis of coffees (Associação Brasileira da Industria de Café,
during the roasting process (Alvarado, & Linnemann, 2010). The 2017; Bressanello et al., 2017; SCAA, 2018). In this method,
coffee beverage quality is based on the “cupping test,” an inter- expert tasters are adequately trained to identify, define, and under-
national standard recommended by the Specialty Coffee Associa- stand the sensory aspects that determine the quality of the coffee
tion of America (SCAA) for the classification of coffee beverages in the cup. In conducting these assessments, year after year and
(Lingle, 2011). In this method, accredited tasters evaluate sensory for a long period of time, coffee tasters become very sensitive
to the sensory changes that can occur in coffee (Feria-Morales,
2002). Although these professionals develop an acute sensibility
JFDS-2018-1373 Submitted 9/1/2018, Accepted 3/22/2019. Authors are with for the sensory evaluation of coffees, unfortunately this test has
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), CEP, 87301–899, P.O. Box been criticized due to its subjectivity, and often the tasters are the
271, Campo Mourão, Paraná, Brazil. Direct inquiries to author Valderrama (E-mail: only professionals to evaluate the sensorial attributes of coffees in
the industries. In addition, other negative aspects associated with

C 2019 Institute of Food Technologists


doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.14617 Vol. 84, Iss. 6, 2019 r Journal of Food Science 1247
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Brazilian coffee blends . . .

cupping include lack of qualified professionals and lack of repro- A number of studies, some of which involved a limited analysis
ducibility of results, variation in sensory perception among tasters, of sensory attributes of coffees, were conducted to investigate the
inadequate conclusions about samples, external factors that can relationship between the sensory perception given by a cup of
influence coffee preparation, time-consuming process, and signif- coffee (Lazim, & Suriani, 2009; Mendes, Menezes, Aparecida, &
icant waste after analysis (Esteban-Dı́ez, González-Sáiz, & Pizarro, Silva, 2001; Monteiro, Minim, Silva, Chaves, & Cardello, 2005;
2004; Feria-Morales, 2002; Ribeiro, Augusto, Salva, Thomaziello, Ribeiro et al., 2014; Ribeiro, Augusto, & Ferreira, 2010). How-
& Ferreira, 2009). ever, this number is limited and does not involve a complete
New Horizons in
Food Research

The coffee production is dependent on many factors including analysis of all sensory attributes recommended by SCAA in the
the quality of the green bean, roaster process, the extraction pro- “cupping test.”
cedure, and water type used during brewing. Furthermore, drink’s Thus, to the best of our knowledge, NIR spectroscopy coupled
aromatic profile is much related to the binomial time–temperature with PLS chemometric tool has not been tested for the determi-
used during the roasting process. If this process is not adequately nation of sensory attributes of commercial coffee classified as the
performed, roast defects can arise and indicate problems within the different type of beverages and grades of toast as an alternative to
roasting process, directly resulting in the presence of off-flavors in the “cupping test.” Therefore, the aim of this study was to evalu-
the coffee brew (Yang et al., 2016). Variations in time–temperature ate NIR spectroscopy associated with PLS analysis for determining
profiles within the roasting process will directly impact the rate of the sensory attributes of commercial coffee produced by a coffee
moisture loss, internal bean temperature, and chemistry of beans. industry in the Parana state, Brazil. The performance of the PLS
This will regulate the rate at which caramelization, Maillard reac- models was evaluated by parameters of merit such as accuracy, fit,
tion, oxidation, and pyrolysis occur, and the resultant development linearity, residual prediction deviation, sensitivity, analytical sensi-
of color and flavor in the final roasted coffee bean (Sunarharum, tivity, inverse of the analytical sensitivity, and limits of detection
Williams, & Smyth, 2014). and quantification.
Water type used during coffee brewing is an important aspect
to consider since drinking water is not chemically pure H2 O Materials and Methods
and contains small concentrations of minerals, gases, and organic
substances (Sheibani & Mohammadi, 2018). The compositions Green coffee
of water depend on the origin of water (geology and ecology), Green coffee from the Brazilian crop of 2016/2017 was provided
chemicals, which are added during water treatment, and other by a coffee industry from the Paraná state (Brazil). According
aspects that take place during the distribution and the storage to Normative Instruction 01/2011, page 6, item 3, of the Pro-
(Dietrich, 2006). For instance, research showed brewing coffee in Rectory of Undergraduate and Professional Education and Pro-
softened water results in overextraction and gives them salty flavor Rectory of Research and Post-Graduation of the Technological
(McGee, 2004), whereas coffee prepared with distilled water is Federal University of Paraná, it is not allowed to mention partner
too sour (Pangborn, Trabue, & Little, 1971). In espresso coffee, companies, since the company that provided the samples did not
hard water slows the extraction of flavor, causes clouding in the allow the disclosure of their identity. The coffee used is from
brew, and clogs the pipes in the machine (McGee, 2004). Addi- the Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora (Robusta) species cultivated
tionally, the presence of metals such as iron in water may react with in the Espı́rito Santo, Minas Gerais, and Paraná states of Brazil.
tannins in coffee, which affects taste (Dvorak, Prasai, Skipton, & Figure 1 shows the states where the samples were cultivated. Paraná
Wildt, 2014). Similarly, the presence of minerals (Pangborn, 1982), is located in the south of Brazil, and Minas Gerais and Espı́rito
cations, and disinfectants (Navarini & Rivetti, 2010) in water can Santo are located in the southeast region of Brazil.
also affect the flavor of coffee.
In recent years, the coffee industry has been searching for com- Postharvest treatment and green coffee classification
plementary methods in the quantitative determinations of sensory Green coffee varieties classified such as Hard, Rioysh, Rio, and
attributes (Sunarharum et al., 2014). For this, near-infrared (NIR) Robusta were acquired by industry. Postharvest treatments and dry
spectroscopy has attracted attention because it is a fast technique, system were performed by industry. Green coffee beans were dried
nearly universal application, low cost, easy to perform, requires in a mechanical dryer until they reached 12% moisture. Coffee
minimal sample preparation, does not generate residues, and can husks and impurities were separated from healthy endosperms and
be used for the characterization and quantification of properties green coffee was classified by grain shape. Benefited green coffee
in solid samples (Barbin, Felicio, Sun, Nixdorf, & Hirooka, 2014; was separated by sieve and number of defects, in the case of the su-
Bertone, Venturello, Giraudo, Pellegrino, & Geobaldo, 2016; Luca perior beverage. The classification by sieves was performed by a set
et al., 2016; Mees et al., 2018). Nevertheless, few studies have of sieves that separates the grains by shape and size. The set of sieves
emphasized the determination of the coffee sensory attributes by have sieves of various sizes and two different shapes: they can be
alternative methods such as NIR spectroscopy and only a few of oblong, to separate the “moca” coffee, or circular, to separate the
these studies are based on the chemometric data analysis with the coffees with a flattened format. Flattened coffee is grains with suit-
objective of correlating the coffee sensory attributes. able development and contains two seeds in the fruit. On the other
Different analytical methods and multivariate analysis have hand, the “moca” coffee represents an inadequately developed cof-
been used to study coffee sensory properties. Gas chromatography fee, where there is only one seed per fruit that has developed by
associated with partial least squares (PLS) was used by Ribeiro occupying the space of the other seed and has a round and longer
et al. (2009) and Bressanello et al. (2017). NIR spectroscopy shape. The sieve screen measurements are given in fractions of 1/64
(Esteban-Dı́ez et al., 2004; Ribeiro, Ferreira, & Salva, 2011) inch and the sieve number corresponds to the numerator of the
and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy fraction, for example, 20 = 20/64-inch sieve. The hard coffee va-
(Belchior, Franca, & Oliveira, 2016) also were combined for riety was separated by 17/18 sieves. The Hard/Rioysh variety was
coffee evaluation, but no association with the “cupping test” was separated by 15/16 sieves. The Rioysh/Rio variety was separated
studied. by the sieve 9/10. The variety of Robusta grains was acquired by

1248 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 84, Iss. 6, 2019

Brazilian coffee blends . . .

New Horizons in
Food Research
Figure 1–Brazilian regions where coffee samples were collected: (1) Paraná, (2) Minas Gerais, and (3) Espı́rito Santo.

the number of defects and quality beverage (Franca, Mendonca, Each day, the samples were collected, and an attempt was made to
& Oliveira, 2005). The type 5/6 corresponds to a Robusta coffee obtain the greatest possible representativeness.
with up to 86 defects (for example, black beans and others such as
sour, shells, unripe, dark green, bored, broken, and quakers) in 300
g of sample, and beverage was classified as excellent (coffee that Classification by roasting degrees
has a neutral flavor and medium acidity). The same classification The color of the ground and roasted coffee was measured
method by type of defects was also used in the acquisition of hard using a Minolta colorimeter (CHROMA METER CR-410,
drink to produce the superior coffee because the same variety of Minolta Co., Ltd, Japan) previously calibrated in a white stan-
coffee can present different quality and number of defects from dard (CR-A44, Minolta), with standard D65 illumination, and
one producer to the other. Therefore, the industry acquired Hard normal colorimetric observer angle of zero degrees was used in
and Robusta varieties coffees with specific aspects of number de- the color measurements. The readings were performed using the
fects to produce superior coffee. Only the drink Rioysh/Rio had CIELAB system (L∗ , a∗ , and b∗ ) and value of luminosity (L∗ ) was
beans and classified as “moca.” All other varieties were classified as used to determine the roasting degrees of the samples, as suggested
flattened. by Belchior, Franca, and Oliveira (2016).

Industrial roasting and milling, and sample collection Panelists

Industrial equipment such as roaster with the capacity of Two expert tasters, also called official cupping tasters, with more
1,000 kg/hr, roller mill, rotary sieve, hammer mill, silos, and than 20 years of experience in evaluating coffee beverage, partic-
pneumatic and mechanical conveyors belong to the coffee ipated in this study. In the cupping test, traditionally, the same
industry and are all from the same company that manufactures sample of coffee has been tried several times. Only one or both
equipment for the coffee industries of the whole world (Cia Lilla). tasters are responsible for the test, being able to taste more than
Green coffee beans were roasted at temperature between 200 and 200 cups/day. These professionals develop a unique ability to rec-
260 °C, under different time intervals. Roasting time and temper- ognize the quality of coffee drinks, the presence of defects, and
ature approximate of each coffee are described below: traditional the distinction of sensory attributes, due to the experience gained
Hard/Rioysh was roasted at 240 °C for 15 min, Hard/Rioysh over several years. These professionals are hired by coffee indus-
extra strong was roasted at 260 °C for 15 min, Rioysh/Rio extra tries to taste the coffees (Feria-Morales, 2002). The professionals
strong was roasted at 255 °C for 15 min, and Hard type 5/6– of this study are industry employees that provided the samples and
17/18/Robusta type 5/6 was roasted at 210 °C for 20 min. A total responsible for the sensory analysis of all coffee production and
of 217 of the roasted and ground coffee samples were collected the release of finished coffee lots.
and the sensory attributes were determined by the “cupping test.”
The samples of roasted and ground coffee have several varia-
tion factors: producing region, species, variety, postharvest process, Test location
drying conditions, transport, storage, coffee composition, roasting All the tests were conducted at the sensory evaluation facilities
process, coffee blend, and intra- and interlot variations. To include of the coffee industry, situated in Paraná, Brazil. The room had
these variations, a total of 217 samples were collected in the indus- adequate lighting, air conditioning (about 22 °C), and had no
try during 5 months of production (January through May 2017). strange odors.

Vol. 84, Iss. 6, 2019 r Journal of Food Science 1249

New Horizons in Brazilian coffee blends . . .
Food Research

Figure 2–Sensory evaluation sheet.

Sensory analysis by “cupping test” the industry to the university, where the equipment is available.
Coffee beverages were prepared by the percolation process using The NIR equipment located in university laboratories operates in
100 g of roasted and ground coffee and 1,000 mL of tap filtered the wavelength from 900 to 1,650 nm. The spectral measurements
water heated up to 92 °C using a digital thermometer (Incoterm, were performed at room temperature and the diffuse reflectance
model 9791.16.1.00) for temperature control. The beverage was mode in an equipment microNIR (MicroNIR, JDSU). The spec-
filtered through filter paper no. 103 (Mellita). A filter holder and tra were obtained from the samples in the solid phase. The blank
domestic teapot were used. The water was added continuously in was measured using an NIR reflectance standard (SpectralonTM )
the center of the powder to the end, without interruptions. Cof- with a diffuse reflection coefficient of 99%, while a dark reference
fee was served 15 min after preparation in white porcelain cups, (zero, to simulate nonreflection) was obtained with the lamp off.
free of strange odors. Before each sample and after analyzing the According to Barbin et al. (2014), carbohydrates, water, lipids,
beverage, mineral water was served to tasters. The trained tasters proteins, aromatics, chlorogenic acid, and caffeine present in cof-
evaluated the samples sensory attributes and provided a note for fees show absorption of groups CH, C = C-H, H2 O, CH3 , CH2 ,
each attribute on a scale ranging from 1 to 10; the average of RNH, and ROH in the region from 900 to 1,650 nm.
the values is obtained for the overall quality. This methodology
is recommended by Brazilian Association for the Coffee Industry
(ABIC, Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Café), and Brazilian PLS models
recommendation (Brasil, Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e For the PLS models development, the X matrix (NIR spec-
Abastecimento, 2010) and is based on professional cupping guides tra) was correlated to a y vector (y block), which contained the
described by Lingle (2011), SCAA (2018), and Bessanello et al. sensory attributes determined by the “cupping test” in a PLS1
(2017). The tasters evaluated the following sensory attributes: correlation. All spectra preprocessing and PLS models were per-
powder fragrance, drink aroma, acidity, bitterness, flavor, body, formed in MATLAB R2007B (The MathWorks Inc., Natick,
astringency, and residual flavor using the sensory evaluation sheet USA). The reflectance spectra were transformed into absorbance,
presented in Figure 2. In this research, a specific terminology was passed through the multiplicative scattering correction (Isaksson
used to evaluate the type of beverage. This work was approved by & Naes, 1988), had the baseline corrected through the baseline
the Ethics Committee in the Research of UTFPR under protocol algorithm from PLS Toolbox, and were smoothed by the Savgol
number 89924917.6.0000.5547. algorithm (Savitzky & Golay, 1964).
A total of 150 samples were employed in the calibration step,
whereas 67 samples were used in the external validation step, all of
Granulometry standardization
them selected by the Kenston algorithm (Kennard & Stone, 1969).
The granulometric analysis was performed by an automatic
Data were mean centered and the number of latent variables (LVs)
sieve (BERTEL Caieiras, BR). Sieves with apertures of 0.85 and
was chosen based on the lowest value found for the Root Mean
0.60 mm were used. The procedure was performed using 100 g
Square Error of Cross Validation (RMSECV) (Brereton, 2000) by
of coffee powder. The analyses were carried out for 10 min. The
continuous blocks cross-validation of 10 samples.
maximum frequency of the automatic sieve corresponds to 2 mm
of amplitude. Thus, 50% of the maximum frequency was used.
Parameters of merit
NIR spectra Multivariate models were validated by the determination of
An aliquot of the roasted and ground coffees was stored in an the parameters of merit such as accuracy, fit, linearity, residual
amber flask at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hr to obtain prediction deviation, sensitivity, analytical sensitivity, and lim-
the NIR spectra. This time was required to take the samples from its of detection and quantification, according to the description

1250 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 84, Iss. 6, 2019

Brazilian coffee blends . . .

presented in the scientific literature (Beltrame et al., 2016; Santos, ated quality are consequently cheaper and more consumed by the
Lima, Março, & Valderrama, 2016). population in general.

Results and Discussion Roasting color

The four groups of beverages discriminated by sensory attributes
Sensory attributes evaluated by “cupping test” on “cupping test” also had the roasting degrees determined by col-
For each sample analyzed by trained taster, cupping sensory orimetric analysis to complement the description of the sample,

New Horizons in
Food Research
attributes were obtained with a score for each attribute. A total of as suggested by Reis, Franca, and Oliveira (2013). The luminosity
1,953 sensory responses were obtained (217 samples evaluated for (L∗ ), ranging from 0 (black) to 100 (white), was used for determi-
nine sensory attributes) and due to the dimensions of this table, nation of the roasting degrees (light, medium, dark, and very dark).
these results are presented in Table S1. These results are present in Table S1 (Supporting Information).
In the “cupping test,” each sensory attribute reveals a charac- In this evaluation, three samples of superior Hard type 5/6-
teristic of the coffee and, for this reason, it is necessary to per- 17/18/Robusta type 5/6 beverage were classified as light roasted
form the sensorial analysis of the coffees by experienced tasters. (L∗ between 50 and 60). Note that 87 samples of traditional
The acidity is related to the perception caused by substances such Hard/Rioysh beverage were classified as medium roasted (L∗ be-
as chlorogenic, citric, malic, and tartaric acids that produce acid tween 45 and 55) and 42 samples of extra strong Hard/Rioysh
taste. The astringency translates to the sensation of dryness in the beverage were classified as very dark roasted (L∗ between 35 and
mouth left after drinking. Bitterness is revealed by the taste per- 45). Finally, 85 samples of extra strong Rioysh/Rio were classified
ception caused by substances such as caffeine, trigonelline, caffeic as dark roasted (L∗ between 40 and 50). Analyzing the results of
and quinic acids, and another phenolic compound that produces roasting degrees of all the samples, it was possible to observe that
the bitter taste of coffee. The powder fragrance induces the olfac- coffee blends formulated with beans of superior sensorial quality,
tory perception caused by the volatile compounds released from as in the case of the superior Hard type 5/6-17/18/Robusta type
the roasted and ground coffee, while the drink aroma reveals the 5/6, have lower roasting degrees than the coffees of inferior qual-
same olfactory perception, but after the beverage preparation. The ity or with lower overall quality, such as other beverages. In other
attribute body expresses the perception of oiliness and viscosity in words, the more roasted the coffee, the lower were the points of
the mouth. The flavor is related to the sensation caused by the the sensory attributes, possibly associated with more intense roast-
chemical compounds of the beverage when consumed. Finally, ing of these samples. In the literature, studies have shown that
the residual flavor indicates the persistence of the taste sensation higher temperatures and roasting times affect the formation and
after the coffee beverage tasting (Brasil, Ministério da Agricultura, degradation of volatile compounds and other markers of the sen-
& Pecuária e Abastecimento 2010; Lingle, 2011). sorial quality of coffee, such as bitter taste (Ribeiro et al., 2009). In
The Brazilian Association for the Coffee Industry (ABIC) certi- addition, coffee variety also implies sensory quality (Franca et al.,
fies the coffee quality through the “cupping test” sensorial analysis. 2005). In this study, the coffee blend with lighter roasting has a
ABIC considers the following coffee quality categories and then higher quality classification. This blend is roasted by the indus-
determines the overall quality (OQ) score range on a scale from 1 try at a milder temperature to preserve the volatile compounds,
to 10: Traditional and Extra Strong (OQ ࣙ 4.5 and <5.9), Supe- flavor, and other markers of the superior quality of this coffee
rior (OQ ࣙ 6.0 and <7.2), and Gourmet (OQ from 7.3 to 10.0) blend. However, color is not the best measurement of roasting
(ABIC, 2017). Our trained tasters differentiated the commercial degree, since color also depends on the bean original composition
coffee samples according to the sensory attributes, even in coffees and roasting temperature evolution. Many different methods have
with similar grain blends and with a different roast degree. The been proposed to determine the roasting degree, such as color
scores obtained for the sensory attributes and OQ showed that generation, weight loss, moisture content, degradation of chloro-
87 samples were classified as traditional beverage Hard/Rioysh, genic acid, or the ratio of free amino acids (Baggenstoss, Poisson,
42 as extra strong Hard/Rioysh, 85 as extra strong Rioysh/Rio, Kaegi, Perren, & Escher, 2008). Nevertheless, the nature of the
and three as superior Hard type 5/6-17/18/Robusta type 5/6. roasting process is very complex, and no clear universally accepted
In general, by analyzing the grades obtained for each attribute definitions exist. Color, although imprecise, is therefore currently
and for overall quality in Table S1, it was possible to observe used as the industry standard (Yang et al., 2016).
that coffee sample with superior quality, such as Hard type 5/6-
17/18/Robusta type 5/6, had higher scores for all attributes, as Granulometry analysis
expected. On the other hand, the coffee samples with low quality, The particle size values of the roasted and ground coffee samples
such as the Rioysh/Rio, had lower notes when compared to the are shown in Table S2. In the studied coffee samples, the particle
other coffee samples, as suggested by ABIC. size is very similar, with a prevalence of particles in the range of
According to Brazilian official classification (COB, Classificação 0.85 to 0.60 mm. The results in Table S2 show how much of the
Oficial Brasileira), a coffee named Hard coffee has an acid taste, sample was classified with 0.60 mm of particle size. Approximately
astringent, rough, and without sweetness, featuring a full-bodied 80% to 92% of each sample had these granulometry values.
and pleasant drink. Rioysh coffee has a slight taste, similar to iod-
oform or phenic acid, and Rio coffee has an unpleasant taste, very PLS models
accentuated, which resembles even more iodoform or phenic acid The aim of the present work was to investigate an alternative
(Farah et al., 2006). Using the combination of these varieties of to determine the sensory attributes of commercial coffee classi-
coffee, the coffee industries, as in the case of this study, produce fied with different beverage types by NIR spectroscopy coupled
coffees with different qualities and different prices. It is possible with PLS. The results demonstrated that the sensory attributes can
to verify that less classified samples with higher quality were col- be predicted by these techniques associated with the PLS regres-
lected, because coffees of superior quality are produced once or sion and may be an alternative to the “cupping test” for coffee
twice during a year by the industry and the coffees of less appreci- evaluation.

Vol. 84, Iss. 6, 2019 r Journal of Food Science 1251

Brazilian coffee blends . . .

elimination in all models. The total number of outliers eliminated

in the calibration and validation models is described in Table 1.
The optimization of the calibration and validation sets after
the outlier elimination resulted in 150 calibration samples for all
the attributes, except for the body attribute that had 13 outliers
removed during the calibration step, resulting in 137 calibration
samples. For the validation sets, outlier evaluation resulted in 49
New Horizons in
Food Research

validation samples for the body attribute; 65 for flavor, acidity, and
bitterness; 66 for residual flavor, powder fragrance, drink aroma,
and overall quality; and 67 for the astringency.

PLS models and parameters of merit

The outlier identification allows the construction of models
with higher predictive capacity (Valderrama et al., 2007). How-
ever, the exclusion of these samples may be performed up to a
limit. Some recommendations from Brazilian (Botelho, Mendes,
& Sena, 2013) and international guides (ASTM International,
2005) show that samples classified as outliers can be removed up
to 22.2% as a maximum of the total number of samples. Even for
the body sensory attribute that had the largest number of outliers
identified in the calibration and validation sets, this, as well as the
other attributes, did not exceed the number of samples removed as
recommended by these guides. The values obtained for parame-
ters of merit such as accuracy, fit, linearity, and residual prediction
deviation are presented in Table 2.
The accuracy of the chemometric models can be evaluated
Figure 3–NIR spectra of coffee samples. through the root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) and
root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) (Valderrama et al.,
2007). When these values are close to each other, this indicates
A vector of instrumental responses was obtained for each roasted
that the values predicted by the model have a good agreement
and ground coffee sample by using NIR spectroscopy. The spec-
with the reference method (responses of “cupping test”) and that
tra obtained in the NIR region for all samples are presented in
the number of LVs was properly chosen, there is no adjustment or
Figure 3.
subadjustment (Santos, Março, & Valderrama, 2013).
PLS models were constructed individually for each sensory at-
RMSEP and RMSEC express models accuracy but these pa-
tribute (PLS1 models) by using five LVs for residual flavor, acid-
rameters can incorporate systematic and random errors. Therefore,
ity, bitterness, powder fragrance, flavor, drink aroma, and overall
the correlation coefficient is another accuracy indicator. This pa-
quality; 11 LVs for astringency; and 20 LVs for body (Table 1),
rameter consists of the correlation coefficient for the adjustment
considering the RMSECV values and the percentage of vari-
between the reference values (sensory responses obtained by “cup-
ance explained in the sensorial responses obtained by the tasters
ping test”) and the sensorial responses predicted by the PLS model.
(y block). In order to optimize the PLS models, the outlier samples
For each attribute modeled, the results were as follows: 0.7988 for
were evaluated. Outliers correspond to the samples with different
the body, 0.7724 for flavor, 0.8398 for astringency, 0.7986 for
behavior from the bulk data set (Valderrama, Braga, & Poppi,
acidity, 0.8351 for bitterness, 0.7514 for powder fragrance, 0.7533
2007). Outliers were identified in the calibration set for the body
drink aroma, 0.7469 for the residual flavor, and 0.7357 for the
attribute. These outliers were detected based on the leverage and
overall quality. Astringency and bitterness presented the highest
residues on the dependent variable. These outliers were elimi-
correlation coefficients, around 0.8, whereas for other attributes
nated, and the calibration model was rebuilt. An optimization step
the correlation coefficients are in the range of 0.73 to 0.79. For
was also applied in the validation sets for outlier identification and
multivariate calibration models elaborated from results obtained
with high variability (as in this case), a correlation coefficient up
Table 1–Outlier information. to 0.7 can be considered satisfactory (Beltrame et al., 2016; Santos
et al., 2016). In addition, it is known that the correlation coeffi-
Before opti- After opti-
mization mization Total cient is directly related to the errors embedded in the execution
Sensory quantity of of the reference method, in this case, the “cupping test.” This
attributes C. S. V. S. C. S. V. S. outliers LVs method of analysis requires preparation of the coffees by percola-
Body 150 67 137 49 31 20 tion of roasted and ground coffee for further analysis and demands
Flavor 150 67 150 65 02 05 tasters with a high level of experience in coffee tasting, capable
Astringency 150 67 150 67 00 11 of distinguishing and quantifying the sensory attributes. There-
Acidity 150 67 150 65 02 05
Bitterness 150 67 150 65 02 05 fore, if this method presents high levels of analytical errors, they
Power fragrance 150 67 150 66 01 05 will possibly be inserted in the modeled multivariate calibration
Drink aroma 150 67 150 66 01 05 models, consequently decreasing the correlation coefficient val-
Residual flavor 150 67 150 66 01 05 ues. Finally, this study is a real application, without laboratory
Overall quality 150 67 150 66 01 05
simulation, with all the scores of the sensory attributes acquired
C. S., calibration set; V. S., validation set; LVs, latent variables. during the production of industrial coffee.

1252 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 84, Iss. 6, 2019

Brazilian coffee blends . . .

Table 2–Performance parameters of the best PLS models.

Power Drink Residual Overall

Parameters of merit Body Flavor Astringency Acidity Bitterness fragrance aroma flavor quality
Accuracya RMSEC 0.2536 0.1581 0.1300 0.1467 0.1289 0.1618 0.1733 0.1732 0.1698
RMSEP 0.2849 0.1313 0.1339 0.1104 0.0996 0.1493 0.1633 0.1545 0.1594
Correlation coefficientb 0.7988 0.7724 0.8398 0.7986 0.8351 0.7514 0.7533 0.7469 0.7357
Jarque-Bera testc JBSTAT 1.4881 1.3041 2.685 1.206 0.5366 3.157 1.7907 3.0236 3.2268

New Horizons in
CRITVAL 5.1203 5.1795 5.2009 5.1795 5.1795 5.1904 5.1904 5.1904 5.1904

Food Research
RPDcald 1.1771 1.8505 1.8529 1.7291 1.9422 1.7521 1.7772 1.7115 1.7167
RPDvale 1.8627 1.2305 1.0856 5× 0.7381 1.0549 1.0152 0.8942 1.0225
Accuracy: This parameter reports the closeness of agreement between the reference value and the value found by the calibration model. RMSEC is the Root Mean Square Error of
Calibration and RMSEP is the Root Mean Square Error of Prediction. The proximity of these values indicates that the number of latent variables was properly chosen and the
model does not present over-fit or under-fit.
Correlation coefficient: The correlation coefficient provides information on the goodness of fit of the model. Values ranging from 0 to 1.0 can be attained, with 0 indicating no
correlation and 1.0 revealing perfect linear relationship of predicted and reference values, respectively.
Jarque-Bera test: When JBSTAT< CRITVAL, the null hypothesis (residuals are normally distributed with unspecified mean and standard deviation) can be accepted at significance
level of 95%.
RPDcal = Residual Prediction Deviation of the calibration. Values between 2.4 and 1.5 are considered satisfactory for good prediction ability in the model.
RPDval = Residual Prediction Deviation of the validation. Values between 2.4 and 1.5 are considered satisfactory for good prediction ability in the model.

The linearity of the developed multivariate calibration models sensory attributes are described in Table 4. The minimum sensory
was evaluated by the error distribution using the statistical test of responses that can be reliably detected by the NIR spectroscopy
Jarque-Bera. In this test, when the JBSTAT values are lower than model were 0.7159, 0.0662, 0.2165, 0.0918, 0.0799, 0.0656,
those of CRITVAL, it is considered that the residues exhibit a 0.0663, 0.0785, and 0.0675 for the attributes body, flavor, astrin-
random behavior at a 95% significance, and this is an indication of gency, acidity, bitterness, powder fragrance, drink aroma, residual
linearity for the PLS models (Beltrame et al., 2016). Analyzing the flavor, and overall quality, respectively, indicating that samples with
obtained results, all the models presented JBSTAT values inferior lower scores for each sensory attribute cannot be detected. The
to those of CRITVAL confirming that the errors present a random limits of detection were greater for the attributes flavor, acidity, bit-
behavior and are appropriate for the PLS model. terness, powder fragrance, drink aroma, residual flavor, and overall
Chemometric models can use the residual prediction deviation quality than for the attributes body and astringency. This may be
(RPD) to evaluate the predictive capacity of these models. RPD associated with the greater number of outliers identified in these
values can be considered satisfactory between 1.5 and 2.4 and models as shown in Table 1, which possibly decreases detection
indicate a good predictive quality above this value (Botelho et al., performance. For other attributes, detection limits in the order of
2013; Porep, Kammerer, & Carle, 2015). In the evaluation of the 0.06 to 0.09 can be evaluated by the models and properly detected.
RPD values for the calibration sets, the body sensory attribute The quantification limits showed that samples of coffees with
was the one with less predictive capacity (1.17), whereas for other sensory responses for body, flavor, astringency, acidity, bitterness,
attributes, the RPD was higher than 1.7, indicating that the PLS powder fragrance, drink aroma, residual flavor, and overall qual-
models present satisfactory predictive capacity. In contrast, in RPD ity lower than 2.1693, 0.2005, 0.6561, 0.2771, 0.2422, 0.1987,
values for the validation sets, the body sensory attribute was the one 0.2008, 0.2378, and 0.2047, respectively, may not be accurately
that obtained the highest value (1.86), whereas the other attributes quantified, because they exceed the limit of quantification of the
had lower RPD values. These results suggest that PLS models have PLS models. Similarly, there was a lower quantification capacity
an excellent forecasting capability, which is fundamental when the of the PLS models for the body attribute (2.17) and astringency
multivariate models are applied in quality and process control. (0.66), while for the other attributes, better quantification per-
The sensitivity results of the models are presented in Table 3. formances were obtained (between 0.19 and 0.27). The body
Sensitivity and analytical sensitivity of models were evaluated ac- attribute presented the lowest performance in the quantification,
cording to Beltrame et al. (2016), demonstrating that the models but still achieved satisfactory results because the coffee does not
are highly sensitive to predict sensory responses. The inverse of have sensory notes lower than 4.6 for both samples.
the analytical sensitivity (analytical sensitivity−1 ) determines the In the exception of the body attribute, the limits of quantifi-
smaller difference of response measure between the samples, which cation had values ranging from 0.2 to 0.6, far away from the
can be distinguished by the method, considering the instrumen- values obtained by the reference sensorial method (“cupping
tal random error as the only error source (Beltrame et al., 2016). test”) for the different attributes (scores between 4.6 and 7.0),
Thus, the PLS models showed that it is possible to distinguish demonstrating that the PLS models presented a high performance
coffee samples by NIR spectroscopy with a difference in sensory for discrimination of the sensory attributes of coffees classified
responses up to 0.2169, 0.0201, 0.0656, 0.0278, 0.0242, 0.0199, as different beverage types and roasting degrees, allowing the
0.0201, 0.0238, and 0.0205 for body, flavor, astringency, acid- implementation in the routine of coffee industries. Cupping tests
ity, bitterness, powder fragrance, drink aroma, residual flavor, and typically distinguish 0.5 points for each attribute. Thus, except
overall quality, respectively. for “body,” our method is well within the range of cupping tests.
The limit of detection is the lower concentration of the sub- Although classifying coffees with sensory grades lower than 4.5
stance of interest that can be detected, but not necessarily quan- in sensory classification is not interesting for quality inspection
tified and the limit of quantification represents the lowest con- purposes, as they are below the minimum quality, we would like
centration of the substance of interest that can be quantified with to mention the performance of the models in the quantification,
reliability (Bóque, & Rius, 1996; Valderrama et al., 2007). The even in coffees with inferior quality. In addition to allowing the
performance of all models in the detection and quantification of classification of coffees with regular and superior quality, the tool

Vol. 84, Iss. 6, 2019 r Journal of Food Science 1253

Brazilian coffee blends . . .

Table 3–Parameters of sensitivity of the PLS models.

Power Drink Residual Overall

Parameters of merit Body Flavor Astringency Acidity Bitterness fragrance aroma flavor quality
Sensitivitya 2.4 × 10−4 0.0226 0.0018 0.0169 0.0195 0.0228 0.0222 0.0193 0.0223
Analytical sensitivityb 4.6098 49.865 15.242 35.963 41.289 50.328 49.805 42.049 48.862
Analytical sensitivity −1c 0.2169 0.0201 0.0656 0.0278 0.0242 0.0199 0.0201 0.0238 0.0205
New Horizons in

This parameter is the fraction of analytical signal that is due to the increase of the concentration of a particular analyte at unit concentration.
Food Research

is the ratio between sensitivity and the standard deviation of instrumental noise.
The inverse of the analytical sensitivity allows one to establish a minimum difference between the samples that can be distinguished by the method, considering instrumental
random error as the only source of error.

Table 4–Limits of detection and quantification of the PLS models.

Power Drink Residual Overall

Parameters of merit Body Flavor Astringency Acidity Bitterness fragrance aroma flavor quality
Limit of detectiona 0.7159 0.0662 0.2165 0.0918 0.0799 0.0656 0.0663 0.0785 0.0675
Limit of quantificationb 2.1693 0.2005 0.6561 0.2781 0.2422 0.1987 0.2008 0.2378 0.2047
Lower sensory response that can be detected, but not necessarily quantified with accuracy.
Lower sensory response that can be quantified with reliability.

proposed in this study also allows identifying a coffee of inferior ples. The proposed methodology, when compared to the “cupping
quality that can be commercialized by the coffee producer or other test,” is an alternative to the traditional coffee sensory analysis,
coffee industries. Many coffees are sold without purity labels and which does not require the sample preparation, does not generate
without any quality certification. In these cases, the proposed tool residues, and contributes to cost reduction, being a promising tool
can be tested in new samples to identify if the quality of these un- for the coffee industry. On the basis of results of our studies, in the
known coffees falls within the regular, superior, or inferior quality. future, it will also be possible to evaluate other varieties of coffee
Although the prediction of sensory attributes of coffee samples produced in Brazil and in other countries, contributing to rapid
has already been studied, there are insufficient reports in the liter- and analytical discrimination of sensory attributes of coffees with
ature that report the use of NIR spectroscopy associated with the different qualities.
PLS method for the sensorial evaluation of commercial roasted
and ground coffee and there are a lot of studies where roasting Acknowledgments
trials and laboratory coffee production are performed. Moreover, The authors thank Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
differentiating the sensory attributes of coffees classified with dif- de Nı́vel Superior (CAPES) for the master scholarship (M. R.
ferent types of beverages and roasting degrees is a task that requires Baqueta) and Postdoctoral scholarship (Dr. A. Coqueiro).
experienced tasters (Esteban-Dı́ez et al., 2004) and for this rea-
son, there must be a difficulty in carrying out studies with this
objective. Most studies report on the evaluation of C. arabica or Author Contributions
C. canephora (Robusta), with few studies involving the analysis of P. V. designed the study. M. R. B. collected test data. P. V.
commercial blends of these species, as in this study. and M. R. B. constructed the prediction models and interpreted
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industry, which tries to deal with variability in the raw material critically revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved
received. In these 5 months of collection, many lots of green cof- the final manuscript.
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