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Complete the sentences with the words below.
socialize • self-employed • amount of
progress • wind up
 Solving

1. Whenever I try to read in my bed I always wind up falling asleep.

2. My English is improving, but I'm not making amount of progress as quickly as I thought I would.
3. You will need a certain solving problem skill if you plan to move to a country where you don't speak the language.
4. I am not organized enough to be self-employed.
5. He travels so much for work that he doesn't get much of a chance to _Socialize_.

Task 1
You will hear an interview with six people talking about what they would do if they had more free time in their
schedules. Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) Anita would like to _____a____. 5) If Ruth had more free time she would ___b___ .
a) be in a band a) watch television
b) practice music b) be outdoors
c) be a musician c) make friends
2) Al thinks it would be good to ___a_____. 6) Why doesn't Simon see his friends?
a) spend more time with people a) It's the summer
b) start a weekend club b) Everyone is busy
c) stay at home c) He travels a lot
3) Why doesn't Barbara study Japanese? 7) What do people want to do in their free time?
a) She doesn't have enough money a) waste time on the internet
b) She needs time to study to improve b) make new friends
c) She feels scared c) learn something new
4) What does Mark regret?
a) He doesn't like work
b) He doesn't read enough
c) He doesn´t like books

TASK 2. You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about “Regrets”. For speakers 1 – 5, choose from
the list (A – H) what each person says about it. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do
not need to use.

A. wasted time when he/she could have been doing something else.
B. wishes he/she had said something to someone. SPEAKER 1: E
C. was extremely impressed by a CV he/she didn’t checked. SPEAKER 2: D
D. missed an opportunity because he/she wasn’t independent. SPEAKER 3: F
E. wasn’t old enough to take advantage of a situation. SPEAKER 4: __C___
F. was really offended by what someone had said. SPEAKER 5: G
G. regretted trying to change his/her appearance.

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