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Literature review:

For the present the researcher found some literature from different articles and
previous researches. Although the reviewed literature highlights the different aspect of
TV talk shows for creating political efficiency among youth.
A research was done by Hayat (2014), department of social science and humanities,
university of Lahore, the researcher concluded that political talk shows bring people
closer to the political process and making them aware that they can make an effective
contribution in the country by casting their vote.

The study conducted by Atif (2007), research of “impact of political communication

through electronic media on party loyalty”. For the conduction of the present research,
the researchers chose Pakistan People’s Party that the division or categorization
amongst this party has been seen to a much lower extent as compared to other
contemporary political parties. Researchers also observed that the element of loyalty
exists much more in PPP as compared with other parties of its own level.
The study conducted by Gautam Rk (2015), Respondents who watch news talk shows
have great level of political knowledge, than those who don’t watch talk shows.
Analysis showed that news talk shows are increasing the political awareness and
political socialization of the viewers.
Ahmed (2007), from the university of Punjab, found that due to news talk shows
people are getting confused and losing their ability of thinking and analyzing the
things. People get influenced and believe whatever news talk shows is representing.
Many scholars of social sciences and communication studies are of the view that
coverage of political issues by mass media can create a disparity in a political affair.
Many communication scholars believes that the media particularly TVs are valued
enough in worlds political matters. (Dahlgren, 2009). Having the potential to become
an agent of transformation in today's world, mass media has gained much significance
(Gautam, 2015). Over time television has evolved from just providing entertainment
to delivering information to its viewers and an exposure to the outside world (Jansen
& Oster, 2009).
Television is thought to be an important consideration when it comes to political
knowledge and responsiveness. In recent times, it tends to affect the political scenario
and has the ability to set agenda for national debate (Wilson, 2001). Considering the
value of political shows, even top-ranked politicians like to appear in television talk
shows (Boukes & Boomgaarden, 2016). The presence of political entities in political
talk shows along-with a reciprocated public interest has elevated the significance of
this genre and for this very reason mass communication experts and researchers feel
incited to study the social and political influences of this genre (Timberg, 2002).

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