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i llll
United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,585,646
Kossovsky et a1. [45] Date of Patent: *Dec. 17, 1996

[54] BIO-ELECTRONIC DEVICES ’ [58] Field of Search ................................ .. 257/40, 52, 53,
257/442, 72, 642, 643
[75] Inventors: Nir Kossovsky; Andrew Gelman; H.
James Hnatyszyn; Samir Rajguru, all [56] References Cited
of Los Angeles, Calif.
[73] Assignee: The Regents "f the University of 5,506,420 4/1996 Kossovsky et al. .................... .. 257/40
California, Oakland, Calif.
Primary Examiner—Minhloan Tran
[*] Notice: The term of this patent shall not extend Attorney, Agent, or pirm_poms, Smith, Lande & Rose
beyond the expiration date of Pat. No.
5,506,420. [57] ABSTRACT
Improved bio-electronic devices in which a layer of a
[21] APPL N04 447,560 polyhydroxy oligomer is provided between the surface of a
[22] Filed; May 23, 1995 semiconductor material and an electronically active bio
chemical molecule which is designed to be bound to the
Related US, Application Data _ semiconductor surface to provide an electronic device. The
layer of polyhydroxy oligomer functions as a biochemical
[62] Division of Ser. No. 306,004, Sep. 14, 1994, Pat. No. stabilization layer to prevent denaturization of the electroni
5,506,420- cally active biochemical molecule.
[51] Int. Cl.6 ................................................... .. H01L 35/24
[52] US. Cl. ............................................. .. 257/40; 257/642 10 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

/76 V / 70
\\ ' 11/14

“In "it; -12- W" "Ive-4

US. Patent I Dec. 17, 1996 5,585,646
1 2
BIO-ELECTRONIC DEVICES diode that emits a narrow band of wavelengths of optical
radiation when powered by an electric current above a
This is a divisional of application Ser. No. 08/306,004 speci?c threshold level.
?led on Sep. 14, 1994, now US. Pat. No. 5,506,420. Other kinds of optoelectronic diodes are used to detect
optical radiation, some being speci?cally designed to detect
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION various wavelengths and modulation frequencies. Solar cells
are large-area junction diodes, most commonly made of
1. Field of the Invention doped silicon, that produce an electrical current in response
The present invention relates generally to bio-electronic to solar radiation having wavelengths ranging from the
devices in which one or more ?lms of an electronically visible to the near infrared.
active biochemical material are placed on a semiconductor Other types of semiconductor devices include electronic
substrate. More particularly, the present invention relates to switching devices such as silicon recti?ers, triacs and tran
such bio-electronic devices where the electronic activity of sistors.
the biochemical ?lms or layers is preserved through the use The Materials Basis of Semiconductor Properties
of one or more biochemical stabilization layers which are One point that should be apparent from the above is that
located between the semiconductor and biochemical ?lms semiconductor materials are all essential crystalline ceram
ics. They may be metal oxide ceramics, interrnetallic ceram
and between the biochemical ?lms themselves.
ics, or combinations thereof but tend to be comprised of
2. Description of Related Art elements in the central columns of the periodic table.
The publications and other reference materials referred to In chemical terms, what makes the semiconductor crystal
herein to describe the background of the invention and to 20 so special is that the entire semiconductor crystal is a giant
provide additional detail regarding its practice are hereby covalently bonded molecule. In semiconductors, electron
incorporated by reference. For convenience, the reference wave functions are delocalized in principle over an entire
materials are numerically referenced and grouped in the macroscopic crystal. Because of the large spatial extent of
appended bibliography. these wave functions, no single atom can have much effect
25 on the electron energies. Because semiconductors are drawn
Semiconductors, materials that variably exhibit electrical from the central columns (III, IV, V) of the periodic table and
conductivity, are used to fabricate solid-state electronic tend to be non—polar, electrons in both the valence and
devices. Their utility arises from the property that their conduction bands (bonding and antibonding orbitals) tend to
conductivity can change in response to environmental ignore the crystallographic lattice of atoms as well as one
stimuli and because they are subject to photoelectric effects. 30 another. Therefore, instead of having one single chemical
Their properties arise from their crystalline nature, and potential (or Fermi level) for all the electrons in the material,
become manifest at their surfaces. the possibility exists for two separate quasi-Fermi levels in
Semiconductors are the product of a very creative and the same crystal (2).
fortunate set of experiments performed in the 1940s by Semiconductor Surfaces are Critical to Their Function
Shockley and Bardeen demonstrating the transistor effect 35 Semiconductor surfaces are the most likely location for
(1). The consequences of their work has completely trans non-bonding or weakly bonding orbitals to occur. These
formed the world over the latter half of the 20th century. non-bonding orbitals with unwanted energy levels in the
Well recognized simple examples of semiconductor-based forbidden gap may promote slow decay of electrons from
devices include the temperature-sensitive thermistonmakes the conduction band back into the valence band in a process
use of the fact that semiconducting mixtures of certain that is known as “intemal conversion”. This is also known
metallic oxides decrease in electrical resistance with tem as non-radiative recombination. Defect levels, arising from
perature increase, The device thus acts as a temperature impurities within the crystal mass (also known as disloca
sensor/switch, and enables a current to pass through that is tions), act as stepping stones permitting conduction of
proportional to the temperature change. Another semicon electrons to cascade down to the valence band (2). For this
ductor component is the light-sensitive photoconductive 45 reason, semiconductor processing requires exquisite control
cell, or photoresistor. A photoresistor made from a thin ?lm of the materials’ surfaces and the cleanliness controls for
of cadmium sul?de has a resistance that can range from a manufacturing exceed both aerospace and medical standards
high of millions of ohms in total darkness to a low of tens (3).
of ohms when it is illuminated with visible light. The device Advances in semiconducting materials and related tech
thus acts as a light sensor/switch, and enables a current to 50 nologies enabling improved solid state electronics have
pass through that is proportional to the light change. arisen from the ability to grow macroscopically dislocation
Diodes are devices that are based, in part, on the latter free large diameter silicon single crystals, controlled growth
property of semiconductors, and those that have optoelec of thick epitaxial layers, advances in processing techniques
tronic properties are especially important. Light-emitting and an understanding of the interrelationship between
diodes can be made from gallium arsenide, gallium phos 55 “microstructures and device behavior”. The techniques used
phide, and certain other semiconductor compounds. These to grow crystals are the following: a) Czochralski, b) ?oat
diodes emit a relatively narrow-frequency spectrum of opti zone, 0) liquid encapsulated Czochralski, and d) Bridgman.
cal radiation, which may range from the visible to the Certain devices, such as light-emitting diodes, double het
infrared, depending on the semiconductor from which the erostructures or lasers, quantum well lasers, photodetectors
diode is made. Light-emitting diodes producing red, yellow, 60 and solar cells, all require multi layer structures consisting
and green light have found widespread use as long-lived of layers of different compositions and conductivity. Among
indicator lamps and as numeric displays in electronic cal the various techniques used to deposit epitaxial layers or
culators, Wristwatches, and other solid-state instruments. otherwise modify the surfaces of semiconductors include:
Infrared-emitting diodes are used for the optical transmis chemical vapor deposition, organo-metallic vapor phase
sion of information (optical communications) through 65 epitaxy, molecular beam epitaxy, organo-metallic molecular
highly transparent glass and plastic ?bers, as well as through beam epitaxy, dilfusion techniques and ion implantation
the atmosphere. The light-emitting diode laser is a junction techniques (4).
3 4
One of the common features of almost all semiconductor Both the surface modi?cation concept and the electron
devices is that they exhibit relatively linear responsivities donor-acceptor pair concept can be combined at the semi
(5). For example, thermistors produce a linearly proportional conductor surface. Electron transfer across the space
increase in conductivity relative to an environmental tem
between a donor semiconductor and an acceptor organic
molecule has been demonstrated in a three layered construct
perature increase, photoresistors produce a linearly propor comprised of polycrystalline titanium dioxide, a salicylic
tional increase in conductivity relative to environmental acid related spacer molecule, and an electron acceptor from
visible light radiation increase, and diodes become linearly the bipyridinium family (12). The product was viewed as a
more luminescent with an increase in current. regenerative photoelectrical cell based on transparent poly
While linear responsivity is extremely useful in a broad crystalline semiconductor ?lms sensitized by chernisorbed
range of applications such as biotechnology, physics, chem dyes (13, 14). Many others have been involved in similar
istry, medicine, aviation, oceanography and environmental types of experiments.
Colvin et a1. (15) describe a method for attaching serni
control (5), ultra sensitive detection systems in all of these conductor nanocrystals to metal surfaces using self
?elds of use would have to exhibit non-linear transduction— assembled difunctional organic monolayers as bridge com
would have to produce a disproportionately large signal in pounds. Recent advances have extended self assembled
response to an extremely low level of substance, and a monolayers beyond the prototype gold/thiol systems. Fatty
disproportionately small signal in response to an extremely acids on aluminum, silanes on silicon, isonitriles on plati
high level of substance—to be maximally useful. num and rigid phosphates on metals are all examples. Metals
In particular, low threshold detection has been a major provide the ideal support for organic compounds with large
technological challenge. The task is not physically impos non-linear optical behavior and by using self assembled
sible, for there are ample examples of naturally occurring monolayers, the molecules can be held in speci?c orienta
ultra-sensitive detection systems with a broad dynamic tions with respect to the metal (16). In other work, the ability
range. Indeed, biological systems are optimized for low to dictate the structural details of an interface is exploited to
level detection. Animals have optical and acoustic detection study processes of electron transport between an electrode
systems that are far more sensitive and have a far greater surface and an active moiety bound on top of a monolayer
25 (17, 18, 19).
dynamic range than any man-made device. Insects and ?sh
have extraordinary chemoreceptors far more sensitive than Yan and Bein demonstrate the potential of organically
any synthetic device. Mimicry of these biological non-linear modi?ed layered sorbents for the development of selective
systems in a synthetic device, however, has only recently chemical sensors, for example, for aromatic compounds.
been explored. The interplay of size exclusion and partitioning in the
Recent studies have shown that modi?cations in the 30 organic phases results in unique selectivities that can
surfaces of semiconductors can have a profound impact on
complement the molecular sieving of porous framework
hosts such as zeolites. Shown is a four layer composition
their electrical performance. This is particularly true for comprised of a silicate layer, an organic clay layer which is
polycrystalline semiconductor devices such as CdTe- and the molecular sieve and binding layer, an additional silicate
CulnSe2 based solar cells (7). Speci?cally, several recent and ?nally, a QCM gold electrode sensor (20).
studies have shown that exposure of semiconductors to 35 Feng and Bein (12) reported the oriented growth of
organic ligands can change both semiconductor lumines crystals of zinc-phosphate zeolite in gold surfaces modi?ed
cence or ?at band potentials (8, 9). In the primary study with metal phosphonate multi-layer ?lms. The high degree
cited, semiconductor’s electron a?inity (surface conductiv of orientation observed is attributed to a strong af?nity
ity) was modi?able over a 500 mV range with various between the phosphonic acid groups of the phosphate multi
substituted benzoic acid derivatives without affecting band layer and the (111) faces of the growing crystals. The
bending. These ?ndings suggest that semi-conductors may systems described are the ?rst examples of oriented surface
function as chemoreceptors/sensors in a manner analogous controlled growth of molecular sieve crystals. These mate
to thermistors and photoresistors. rials, they suggested could o?’er exciting applications such
Organized Complex Molecules (Homodyads) as controlled access of molecules of pre-selected size to a
The rediscovery of surfaces has led to investigations in 45 sensor surface or orientation of moleculars for non-linear
two directions. The ?rst involves exploration of devices optical applications.
based exclusively on surface elements while the other In general, the very low light emission e?iciency from the
involves exploration of bulk device tuning through surface molecules adjacent to metallic and semiconductor surfaces
modi?cation. As an example of the former, efforts to create is caused by the fast de-excitation processes governed by
electronic functions and devices based on molecules instead 50 energy transfer to non-radiative surface excitations (Auger
of bulk semiconductors are being inspired by the anticipated processes). Conductors such as indium-tin-oxides, which
enormous increase in computing speed and storage density. possess band structures that are responsible for the optical
Among the challenges of coupling conjugated systems and transparency in the visible and near ultraviolet and therefore
con?ned aromatic systems with operational devices is to preclude e?icient energy transfer in this energy range
achieve charge transfer in low ?elds such as metallic wires become an ideal surface to measure light emission from
and to establish communication with individual electrically immobilized molecules on their surfaces. Indium-tin-oxide
separated nanometer structures or molecules. Conjugated surfaces were coated with high emission and photochemi
polymers with mobile charge carriers in nanometer channels cally stable molecules 9-10 dichloroanthracene and the laser
that exhibit signi?cant conductivity when encapsulated have dyes DCM and coumarin (21).
been described. The materials used include the mesoporous The design of selective coatings for rnicrosensors such as
alumino-silicate host, designated MCM-4l and the conduct optical waveguides, chemically sensitive ?eld e?ect transis
ing polymer, polyaniline (10). Organized complex mol tors, chemical resistors and acoustic wave devices has
ecules, known also as homodyads or dyads, have been attracted growing attention. The goal of these studies is to
fabricated from a wide variety of materials. Homodyads are increase the sensitivity and chemical selectivity of the sensor
simply paired electron donor molecules and electron accep by controlling the surface interactions and solubilities of
tor molecules separated by a spacer molecule (11). 65 analyte vapors to be detected. Yan and Bein (22) use the
Organized Complex Electronically Active Molecules at coupling agent 3-rnercaptopropyl-trimethoxysilane as a
Semiconductor Surfaces (Heterodyads) bifunctional molecular precursor for anchoring zeolite crys
5 6
tals to a gold electrode. A three layer composition comprised receptor protein, organelle, bacterial, plant or animal cell or
of a gold tin oxide quartz crystal rnicrobalance coated with whole slice of plant or mammalian tissue. The majority of
a cat ionic disilane coated with a zeolite arrangement has successful biosensors exploit enzymes as a biological rec
been used to control the self assembly of redox chains on ognition response system which are linked to transducers
electrodes (23). capable of responding to the protons, ions, gasses, heat,
Part of the problem of introducing non-linear functional light, mass or electrons generated during the catalytic cycle.
ity to semiconductor devices, essentially coupling allosteric Biocatalytic systems based on enzymes can display poor
electronically active biological molecules to the surfaces of stability, limited selectivity and insufficient sensitivity at low
semiconductors, arises from the molecular inactivation levels. Highly selective and sensitive devices based on
induced by the surfaces. It is important to note that not all immunological recognition systems may circumvent the
molecules that are electron-active lose their activity follow shortcomings. One example of an antibody system included
ing surface mobilization. Fumarate reductase from E. coli a surface acoustic wave quartz crystal which was comprised
can be immobilized in an extremely electroactive state at an of interdigitated transducers between which was deposited a
electrode with a retention of native catalytic properties. goat antibody by covalent immobilization to the silanized
Fumarate serves as a terminal electron acceptor (24). In
addition, many of the molecules which form homodyads
surface (29).
In general, the coupling of the semiconductor materials to
may retain activity after being surface bound, although there biologically active molecules or even living tissues is
is little data at present to support such a contention. More extremely di?icult, and the contact must be “gentle” (30).
importantly, surface induced denaturation is well recog More technically, optimization of molecular response of
nized. Loss of ?uorescence activity after direct adsorption to nonlinear optical materials will depend crucially on how the
solid surfaces, such as glass observed by Schlautman (25) chromophore molecule response is aifected by environment
using the dye perylene. The ?uorescence of polycyclic and the temporal characteristics of that environment (31).
aromatic hydrocarbons tends to be observed only with free
solute and almost universally is quenched following adsorp SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
tion or other association of non-organic materials. Fluores
cence quenching of perylene approached almost 100% with In accordance with the present invention, improved bio
the binding of perylene to humic acid as well, while bovine 25 electronic devices are provided wherein the electronic activ
semm albumin quenched only 42% of the associated ity of biochemical molecules is preserved when they are
perylene ?uorescence (25). In a similar vein, Gaines et al. located on the surface of a semiconductor electronic device.
have shown that a dyad may be stabilized by as much as 0.9 The present invention is based on the discovery that a layer
eV in going from a polar liquid to a rigid glass (26). Thus, of polyhydroxy oligomer placed between the semiconductor
solid states are clearly, in general, inhibitory of optimal surface and the layer of electronically active biochemical
electron carriage by electronically active biological mol molecules prevents or substantially reduces any denaturiza
ecules. tion of the biochemical molecule or other lessening of
Surfaces also tend to constrain a molecule’s ability to electronic activity.
assume various allosteric conformations. This can nega Bio-electronic devices in accordance with the present
tively impact the performance of certain bio-opto/electronic 35 invention include an electronic device which includes at
devices. For example, optical memory devices, by virtue of least one semiconductor layer having a surface formed from
the band width of laser devices, are expected to improve the semiconductor material. A biochemical stabilization layer is
density of microprocessor memory by a factor of 10. During deposited on and bound to the semiconductor layer surface.
the past eight years, investigators have shown considerable The biochemical stabilization layer is made up of a poly
interest in using light-transducing proteins for optical 40 hydroxy oligomer. The stabilization layer has an interior
memories. The use of biological molecules has signi?cant surface in contact with and bound to the semiconductor layer
advantages. The ability of biological molecules to respond to surface. Further, the stabilization layer of polyhydroxy oli
photons and convert to electrical energy in part, depends on gomer has an exterior surface. To this exterior surface is
changes in molecular shape. The shape change induces bound the electronically active biochemical molecule which
changes in a molecule’s frequency response which could functions in conjunction with the underlying electronic
make a device based on shape-changing molecules self 45 device to provide a bio-electronic device. The present inven
tuning as well as nonlinear (27). Restricting the allosteric
tion may be used to prevent or substantially reduce deacti
activity by a non-yielding surface would preclude the real vation of electronically active biochemical molecules when
ization of the projected gain. they are bound to semiconductor material surfaces present in
Biosensors are another class of devices dependent on an electronic device.
shape. Biosensors are analytical devices that respond selec The above discussed and many other features and atten
tively to analytes in an appropriate sample and convert their dant advantages of the present invention will become better
concentration into an electrical signal via a combination of understood by reference to the following detailed descrip
a biological recognition system and a physicochemical tion of the invention.
transducer. Biosensors promise to provide a powerful and
inexpensive alternative to conventional analytic strategies BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
for assaying chemical species in complex matrices; they do
this by being able to discriminate the target analyte from a FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of an exemplary
host of inert and potentially interfering species without the bio-electronic device in accordance with the present inven
requirement for separating and, subsequently, identifying all tion wherein a layer of electronically active biochemical
the constituents of the sample. Speci?c ?elds of applications material is bound to the surface of a semiconductor substrate
include veterinary medicine, agri-food, horticulture, phar via a stabilization layer of polyhydroxy oligomer.
maceutics, petrochemical industry, environmental surveil
lance, defense and security (28). All biosensors exploit a FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of an exemplary
close harmony between a selective biorecognition system bio-electronic device in accordance with the present inven
and a transducer which translates a physicochemical signal tion wherein two layers of electronically active biochemical
perturbation associated with the biorecognition process into 65 material are bound to the surface of a semiconductor sub
a usable signal. The biorecognition system is typically an strate wherein stabilization layers of polyhydroxy oligomers
enzyme, sequence of enzymes, lectin, antibody, membrane are placed between the semiconductor substrate and the
7 8
stabilization layers andbetween the stabilization layers
themselves. TABLE 2-continued
Donor-Acceptor II Conjugated Chromophores
6. D = 0011,, A = N02, n = 3
INVENTION 7. D = M01192, A = NO,_, n = 4
s. D = OCH, A = N02, 11 = 4
The present invention is directed to bio-electronic devices 9. D = OCH, A = cor-r, n = 1
in which electronically active biochemical materials are 10. D = 001,. A = con, 11 = 2
used in combination with a semiconductor material. In such 11. D=ocn,, A=COI-I, n=3
12. D = N(cr1,),, A = N02, n= 1
devices, the biochemical material is deposited or otherwise
applied to the surface of the semiconductor substrate to form
a layer of biochemical material which electronically inter The semiconductor materials used to form the semicon
acts with the semiconductor substrate. In accordance with ductor substrate 12 can also be any of the conventional
the present invention, any denaturization of the biochemical materials typically used to form semiconductors for use in
material which might be caused by the semiconductor electronic devices. Exemplary semiconductor materials
material is eliminated or substantially reduced by placing a include photovoltaic materials such as those set forth in
stabilization layer of polyhydroxy oligomers between the Table 3.
biochemical material and the semiconductor.
A simpli?ed schematic representation of a preferred
exemplary bio-optoelectronic device in accordance with the SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS
present invention is shown generally at 10 in FIG. 1. The
device 10 includes a semiconductor substrate 12, a stabili
Material (%)
zation layer 14 and a layer 16 of electronically active
biochemical material. The semiconductor substrate 12 is Semicrystalline (polycrystalline wafer)
connected to other conventional electronic elements, as 25
represented by box 18, which are required to provide a fully
functioning bio-electronic device. These electronic elements silicon l4
18 are standard electronic parts which are known to those Schottky, MIS, SIS
skilled in the art and will not be described in detail.
30 indium tin oxide>silicon (SIS) 8.5
The electronically active biochemical material used to tin oxide-silicon (SIS) l0
form layer 16 may be any of the known biochemical silicon (MIS) 8.8
materials which are used in conjunction with semiconduc Polycrystalline (thin ?lms)
tors in bio-electronic devices and especially bio-optoelec homojunctions
tronic devices. Exemplary biochemical materials include 35
rhodopsin, ?uorescein, chlorophyll, cytochrome C, oxido silicon (n*p SOC, Si—-MG—Si-graphite) 9-10
reductase with phospholipid, photosystem I protein, photo GaAs (n’rp) 6.5
system H protein, quinones, such as hydroquinone,
ubiquinone, NAD reductase and electron donor and electron Cu2S-—CdS 9—10
acceptor molecules such as those listed in Tables 1 and 2 40 Cu2S-—CdZnS 9
below. CuInSe2——CdS 6
InP—CdS 3
Cu2Te—CdS 6
TABLE I Schottky, MIS, SIS
Electron Donors (D) Electron Acceptors (A) GaAs (MIS) 6
Octadecylthio-l Amorphous (thin ?lms)
4,4’ bipyridinium perchlorate
bacteriorhodopsin bipyridinium salts: Schottky, MIS, SIS
ruthenium (II) tris{4,4' N,N'-dimetl1yl-4,4'
bis[(methyl- bipyridinium silicon (Schortky) 6
eneoxy)tris(ethyleneoxy)(4- MVP" silicon (MIS) 4.8
methoxybcnzene)]-2,2'- cyclo[bis(N,N‘-p-xy1ylene 50 homojuncn'ons
bipyridine} 4,4'-bipyridinium)]
para-xylene BXV‘“ silicon (11*p — n+lnlplp+) 13-20
l,2,4—t:rin1ethylbenzene 2,6,9,l0-tetracyanoanthracene gallium arsenide 22
durene octadecylthiobenzoquinone indium phosphide 6
pentamethylbenzene 9-10 dichloro-anthracene GaAlAs-gallium arsenide l8
hcxamethylbenzene DCM heterojunctions
i7~(N— coumarin 55
octaadodecylaminomethyl)-8— pCu2S-nSi 5
l6-dioxadenzo[f,g]perylene} pInP-nCdS l4
pCdTe-nCdS 8
Schottky, MIS, SIS
TABLE 2 60 silicon (MIS) 12
Donor-Acceptor II Conjugated Chromophores gallium arsenide (MIS) 15
indium tin oxide‘silicon (SIS) I3
l. D = N(Cl-I3)2, A= N02, 11 = l tin oxide-silicon (SIS) 12
2. D = OCI-I3, A= N02, 11 = I
3. D = N(Cl-I3)2, A= N02, n = 2
4. D = OCH3, A= N02, n = 2 Other exemplary semiconductor materials which may be
5. D = N(CI-I3)2, A= N02, n = 3 used to form the semiconductor include C, Si, Ge, ot-Sn,
9 10
GaAs, GaSb, InN, InP, InAs, InSb, BeO, BeS, SeSe, BeTe, zation layer. The thickness of the stabilization layer is
MgTe, ZnO, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, CdS, CdSe, CdTe, HgS, preferably from 1 nanometer to 100 nanometers.
HgSe, HgTe, CuF, CuCl, CuBr, Cul, AgI, Si-Ge, AIAs-Ge, Once the stabilization layer 14 has been formed, the
AIAs-GaAs, AIxGa1_xAsGaAs (Average value: x:O.()9—O.7), electronically active biochemical material is coated onto the
AIxInLxAs-InP (x=0.48, staggered gaps), AISb-GaSb, exterior surface 20 of the stabilization layer 14 to form layer
GaAs-Si, GaAs-Ge, GaAs-InAs, GaP-Ge, GaP-Si, GaSbGe, 16. The particular procedure used to form the layer of
GaSb-Si, InAs-Ge, InAs-Si, InP-InxGa1_xAs (x=0.53), electronically active biochemical material 16 will vary
InxAI1_xAsInyGa1_yAs (x2052, y=0.53), InP-(In,Ga),(As,P), depending upon the particular material being deposited.
InP-Ge, InP-Si, InxGa1_xP-GaAs, InSb-Ge. Solution deposition as well as vapor phase deposition pro
The stabilization layer 14 is made up of one or more cesses may be used. The thickness of layer 16 will also vary
polyhydroxy oligomers which provide an outer layer on the depending upon the particular biochemical material being
semiconductor to which the electronically active biochemi
used and the particular electronic device being made. For
cal molecules may be bound without undergoing the dena
turization associated with direct binding of the biochemical most bio-electronic devices, the biochemical material layer
molecules to the surface of the semiconductor. Exemplary will have thicknesses ranging from 1 nanometer to about
polyhydroxy oligomers which may be used to form the 100 nanometers.
stabilization layer include carbohydrates, carbohydrate A second exemplary bio-electronic device in accordance
derivatives, and other macromolecules with carbohydrate with the present invention, is shown generally at 30 in FIG.
like components characterized by the abundance of ——OH 2. The device 30 is similar to the device 10 shown in FIG.
(hydroxyl) side groups. The coatings may include, but are 20 1 except that it includes two layers of electronically active
not limited to: biochemical material 32 and 34. The two layers of biochemi
short chain carbohydrates including glucose, sucrose, cal material are made from the same type of materials used
cellobiose, nystose, triose, dextrose, trehalose, glucose, to form the electronically active biochemical material layer
lactose and maltose. 16 present in device 10. The two layers 32 and 34 are
hydroxyl rich weak acids such as citrate, fumarate, suc
25 separated by a stabilization layer 36 which prevents or
cinate, isocitrate, oxaloacetate and realate. substantially reduces any denaturization of the biochemical
nucleotide-like molecules with pendant carbohydrate or materials which might result from incompatibility between
phosphate groups such as pyridoxyl-t-pyrophosphate, the materials. The interior electronically active biochemical
thiamine pyrophosphate, uridine-diphosphate-glucose, layer 32 is separated from the semiconductor 38 by a
glucose-l-phosphate, adenosine, nicotinamide-ad stabilization layer 40. The semiconductor 38 is in turn
enine-diphosphate, etc. connected to other electronic elements. represented by box
derivatives of carbohydrates such as nitrocellulose. 42 to provide desired electronic devices.
The two electronically active biochemical material layers
complex polymeric carbohydrates and derivatives such as 32 and 34 may be deposited onto the surface of the semi
dextran, glycogen, cellulose and chitin. Preferred poly 35
conductor in the same manner as described above for device
hydroxy oligomers include cellobiose, pyridoxyl-S 10 provided that the stabilization layers 36 and 40 are
pyrophosphate and citrate. deposited between the two layers themselves and between
The polyhydroxy oligomers may be applied to the semi the layers and the semiconductor surface. The present inven
conductor surface in a variety of different ways to form the tion is not limited to devices having one or two electroni
stabilization layer. Exemplary procedures involve pouring or 40
cally active biochemical layers. Bio-electronic devices hav
spraying the polyhydroxy oligomer onto the semiconductor ing as many layers as desired may be made in accordance
surface or dipping the semiconductor in a solution of the with the present invention provided that each of the bio
polyhydroxy oligomer. It is important that the surface of the chemical layers is separated from the others by a stabiliza
semiconductor be ultraclean to insure formation of the tion layer of polyhydroxy oligomers.
desired stabilization layer. Any of the well-known proce 45
Examples of combinations of semiconductor substrate,
dures for producing ultraclean semiconductor surfaces may stabilization layers and electronically active biochemical
be used. For example, the cleaning procedure using hot layers which can be used in bio-electronic and bio-opto
methanol in combination with alumina polish and sonication electronic devices is as follows:
as described by Bruenig (7) may be used. Other suitable
cleaning techniques include plasm glow discharge and/or 50
cleaning with NaCl and sodium bicarbonate followed by Semiconductor Stabilizer Biochemical Layers'
thorough rinsing with double distilled HPLC grade water. silicon tin oxide cellobiose rhodopsin
In a preferred process, the ultraclean surface of the silicon tin oxide cellobiose rhodopsin/?uorescein
semiconductor is exposed to an ultrapure aqueous solution gallium arsenide cellobiose rhodopsinl?uorescein
of the polyhydroxy oligomer by dipping the semiconductor 55 silicon tin oxide cellobiose cytochrome-C/
in the solution or simply applying the solution to the rhodopsin
cadmium sul?de cellobiose photosystem I
semiconductor surface. The semiconductor is left in contact protein/photosystem
with the solution for a su?icient time to form a stabilization II protein
layer having the desired thickness. ' gallium arsenide trehalose photosystem I
The polyhydroxy oligomer solution into which the semi 60 proteinlphotosystem
7 11 protein
conductor is placed may contain from 1 to 30 weight/volume cadmium telluride maltose rhodopsin
percent of the polyhydroxy oligomer. The solute is prefer indium phosphide zylotol cytochrome-C/oxido
ably double distilled water (ddHZO). The semiconductor reductase with phos
surface is maintained in the coating solution for a suf?cient pholipid
time to provide uniform coating of the surface. Emersion 65
times ranging from 30 minutes to a few hours at room Examples of practice are as follows:
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30. May, M., The electric eye, Popular Science, 60—62, 6. In a bio-electronic device comprising a layer of elec
76, August 1993. tronically active biochemical material and a semiconductor
31. Di Bella, 8., Marks, T. 1., Rather, M. A., Environ layer wherein the electronic activity of said biochemical
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abilities in solvating media, J. Am. Chem. Soc., reducing the denaturization of said electronically active
116:4440-4445, 1994. biochemical material by providing a biochemical sta
What is claimed is: bilization layer between said layer of electronically
1. A bio-electronic device comprising: active biochemical material and the surface of said
a semiconductor layer having a surface consisting essen semiconductor layer, said biochemical stabilization
tially of a semiconductor material; layer consisting essentially of a polyhydroxy oligomer,
a biochemical stabilization layer consisting essentially of said stabilization layer having an interior surface in
a polyhydroxy oligomer, said stabilization layer having contact with and bound to said semiconductor surface
an interior surface in contact with and bound to said and an exterior surface onto which said electronically
semiconductor layer surface and an exterior surface; active biochemical material is bound.
an electronically active biochemical molecule bound to 7. An improved bio-electronic device according to claim
said exterior surface of said biochemical stabilization 6 wherein said semiconductor material is selected from the
layer to provide an electronically active biochemical group consisting of silicon, indium tin oxide, tin dioxide and
layer having its own exterior surface. . silicon tin oxide.
2. A bio-electronic device according to claim 1 wherei 8. An improved bio-electronic device according to claim
said semiconductor material is selected from the group 6 wherein said semiconductor material is an amorphous
consisting of silicon, indium tin oxide, tin dioxide and material selected from the group consisting of gallium
silicon tin oxide. arsenide, indium phosphide, cadmium telluride and cad
3. A bio-electronic device according to claim 1 wherein 25 mium sul?de.
said semiconductor material is an amorphous material 9. An improved bio-electronic device according to claim
selected from the group consisting of gallium arsenide, 6 wherein said polyhydroxy oligomer is selected from the
indium phosphide, cadmium telluride and cadmium sul?de.
4. A bio-electronic device according to claim 1 wherein group of oligomers consisting of trehalose, maltose, cello
said polyhydroxy oligomer is selected from the group of 30
biose and zylotol.
oligomers consisting of trehalose, maltose, cellobiose and 10. An improved bio-electronic device according to claim
zylotol. 6 wherein said electronically active biochemical molecule is
5. A bio-electronic device according to claim 1 wherein selected from the group consisting of electron donors and
said electronically active biochemical molecule is selected electron acceptors.
from the group consisting of electron donors and electron

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