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Biosensors & Bioelectronics 7 (1992) 709-714

In vivo evaluation of an
electroenzymatic glucose sensor
implanted in subcutaneous tissue

K. W. Johnson*, J. J. Mastrototaro, D. C. Howey, R. L. Brunelle,

P. L. Burden-Brady, N. A. Bryan, C. C. Andrew, H. M. Rowe, D. J. Allen,
B. W. Noffke, W. C. McMahan, R. J. Morff, D. Lipson 81 R. S.’ Nevin

Medical Devices and Diagnostics Division, Lilly Laboratory for Clinical Research, Eli Lilly & Co, Lilly Corporate
Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285, USA

(Received 1 April 1992; revised version received 1 September 1992; accepted 17 September 1992)

Abstract: Cleanroom processing techniques have been used to mass-produce

flexible, electroenzymatic glucose sensors designed for implantation in
subcutaneous tissue. In vitro characterization studies have shown the sensor’s
performance to be acceptable. Initial in vivo studies were conducted with the
sensor implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rabbits. Sensors implanted in
the subcutaneous tissue of normal human subjects showed an excellent
correlation between glucose concentrations measured by the sensor and
capillary finger sticks measured with a commercial analyzer.

Keywords: glucose sensor, subcutaneous, implantable, flexible, mass-

producible, disposable.

INTRODUCTION Most of the glucose sensors intended for in vivu

implantation currently being developed are
An implantable glucose sensor has been electroenzymatic (Shichiri et al., 1984; Bindra
recognized for many years as the critical et al., 1991; Bruckel et al., 1990; Koudelka et al.,
component necessary for optimal control of 1991). In these sensors, glucose oxidase catalyzes
blood glucose concentrations in diabetic patients. the reaction of glucose and oxygen, on an equal-
A sensor that would yield continuous readings of molar basis, to form hydrogen peroxide and
blood glucose levels so that a person with diabetes gluconic acid. Either the amount of hydrogen
could take the appropriate corrective steps during peroxide produced or the oxygen consumed by
the initial onset of hyper- or hypoglycemia would the enzymatic reaction is measured electro-
be a valuable addition to diabetes treatment. In chemically. We chose to quantify hydrogen
addition, incorporating such a device into a peroxide by electrochemical oxidation at the
closed-loop system with a microprocessor and an working electrode of a three-electrode system
insulin infusion pump could provide automatic poised at +0*6 V relative to an Ag/AgCl reference
regulation of the patient’s blood glucose. electrode. The current generated by the oxidation
of the hydrogen peroxide is linearly related to the
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. glucose concentration, provided the enzymatic

0956-5663/92/$0X10 @ 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd. 709

K W: Johnson et al. Biosensors & Bioelectronics

reaction takes place in an excess of oxygen approximately 5 pm thick, was electrodeposited

relative to glucose. In subcutaneous tissue, the onto the surface of the working electrode and
concentration of oxygen can be 100 to 1000 times crosslinked with glutaraldehyde (Johnson, 1992).
lower than that of glucose, making oxygen the A proprietary differentially permeable poly-
rate-limiting substrate. Membranes with urethane outer membrane was applied by spin-
differential permeabilities to oxygen and glucose coating over the surface of the electrodes. The
have been incorporated into the sensor to solve portion of the finished sensor inserted into the
this ‘oxygen deficit’ problem (Gough er al., 1985; subcutaneous tissue was approximately 2.5 cm
Clark, Jr. et al., 1987). long and 0.28 mm wide. Prior to implantation, the
Figure 1 illustrates the various layers and sensors were placed inside one lumen of a
chemical reactions associated with the sensor double-lumen polyethylene cannula (diameter =
developed in our laboratories. We chose to mass- 1.12 mm) with the tip heat-sealed shut. An
produce this type of sensor by developing a opening had been cut in the wall of the cannula to
fabrication scheme that utilized thin/thick film expose the active electrode surfaces of the sensor
cleanroom processing techniques similar to those to the surrounding tissue once implanted. The
used in the integrated circuit industry. The second lumen of the cannula was tilled with a
sensors were fabricated in batches of 112, piece of 27-gauge needle stock to add rigidity
although this number can easily be increased and during implantation.
the process automated. This approach was
intended to address the problem responsible for
the absence of an implantable glucose sensor
from the market, namely the inability to mass- 11v I!ZTRO EVALUATION
produce a reliable, reproducible and economical
disposable sensor. The in vitro performance of the sensor will be
summarized here as it has been published
previously (Mastrototaro et al., 1992).
FABRICATION The current output from the sensor upon
exposure to unstirred, air-saturated solutions
The actual steps involved in the fabrication of the with varying glucose concentrations from 0 to
sensors have been described elsewhere (Mastro- 400 mg dl-’ at 37°C was linear (R2 > O-98), and
totaro etal., 1992; Johnson, 1992). To create the 10 mg dl-’ incremental changes to the glucose
individual electrodes, gold is sputtered onto the concentration of a test solution were easily
flexible polyimide substrate and patterned photo- resolved. The background current was determined
lithographically by a wet etch process. A polyimide to be 1.3 nA + O-3 nA (mean f 1 standard
dielectric layer is applied on top of the electrodes, deviation). The output from the sensor was
and openings are created by an additional photo- unaffected by varying the oxygen concentration
lithographic process. The working and counter from 20.9% down to 1% (Pq from 150 to 7 mm Hg)
electrodes were electroplated with platinum black while operating in solutions with glucose
and the reference was created by electroplating concentrations as high as 400 mg dl-‘. The 90%
the gold with silver and silver chloride. A layer of response time of the sensor was determined to be
glucose oxidase and bovine serum albumin, approximately 90 s for both increases and
decreases in the glucose concentration. Finally,
the long-term stability of the sensor’s output was
good, drifting less than lo%, for more than 72 h of
continuous operation. The yield of properly
functioning sensors was greater than 95%.
Most of the in vitro data was collected using a
GLUCOSE + O2 + H202 + G.A.
computer-controlled calibration system which
varied the glucose and oxygen concentrations
automatically for a group of 16 sensors (Johnson
Fig. I. Block schematic of a hydrogen peroxide-based et al., 1989). The resulting data indicated that the
electroenzymatic glucose sensor with a differentially sensor had met all of its in vitro performance
permeable outer membrane layer. specifications and was ready for in vivo testing.

Biosensors & Bioektronics Evaluation of an electroenzymatic glucose sensor

IiV WO (RABBIT) EV-UATION change in the plasma glucose values. This lag was
thought to be a physiologic phenomenon and not
New Zealand White rabbits, with venous and related to the response time of the sensor. This
arterial cannulas surgically implanted, were used study was conducted 24 h after implantation of
for these studies. The sensors were implanted in the sensor and initial polarization. The
the subcutaneous tissue between the scapulas or calibration parameters from the in vitro calibration
above the lumbar muscle area near the most appear still to be valid, suggesting no appreciable
posterior rib and sutured to the skin. A custom drift or loss of sensitivity due to encapsulation.
connector was used to make electrical contact This type of study also confirms the subcutaneous
with the three leads of the sensor. Prior to tissue as a viable and accurate location in which
implantation, a two-point in vitro calibration was to monitor steady-state glucose values as an
performed with the sensor in the manner indicator of actual blood glucose concentrations.
mentioned previously by exposing the sensor to Experiments conducted in our laboratories,
solutions with glucose concentrations of 100 and incorporating a microdialysis probe implanted in
200 mg dl-’ following a settling period of the subcutaneous tissue, have also verified this
approximately 1 h. The calibration equation correlation (Phebus ef al., 1991).
derived from this study was used to convert the
in vivo current values from the sensor to glucose
concentration values. 11v IWO (HUMAN) EVALUATION
Arterial blood samples were collected inter-
mittently throughout the duration of the glucose This study was designed to assess the feasibility of
infusion study. The plasma was separated from safely and accurately monitoring blood glucose
the sample and analyzed by a commercial clinical levels continuously for 72 h via the glucose sensor
chemistry analyzer. The current output from the implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the
sensor was recorded at regular intervals. A sterile abdomen. These tests were conducted on six male
glucose solution was infused into the venous volunteers without diabetes, with an individual
cannula to elevate the rabbit’s blood glucose sensor implanted in each of them. A parallel
levels. comparison of data from the glucose sensor, data
Figure 2 illustrates the change in plasma from a Biostator@’ instrument which analyzed
glucose values during the continuous intravenous venous whole blood continuously, and capillary
infusion of a glucose solution (20 mg glucose blood glucose measurements analyzed by a YSI
min-’ kg-‘). The output from the sensor follows 2300G STAP was performed.
this trend very well, with a slight lag of approxi- The sensors implanted in the volunteers were
mately 20 min visible during periods of rapid sterilized by electron beam irradiation. The
portion of the sensor containing the electrodes
was aseptically inserted into the subcutaneous
tissue of the abdomen following the creation of a
tunnel in the subcutaneous tissue with an 18
gauge hypodermic needle. The site of implantation
was perfused with xylocaine, a local anesthetic. A
battery powered potentiostat, fabricated in our
laboratory, was connected to the sensor and a
potential of +0*6 V was applied. A portable data
logger was connected to the analog output from
the potentiostat to collect and store data at 10 s
- SENSOR GLUCOSE intervals. This electronic system allowed the
4 volunteer to be ambulatory during the test period,
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
except during Biostator use.
TIME (MIN) After an average settling time of approximately
Fig. 2. The change in glucose concentration of a rabbit 2.5 h, a venous cannula was placed in the
during the constant infusion of a glucose solution as volunteer and conncected to the Biostator. This
measured by the sensor in the subcutaneous tissue and by device continuously removed blood and measured
analysis of arterial plasma samples. the glucose concentration. The results were stored

K. W. Johnson et al. Biosensors & Bioelectronics

at increments of 1 min. The volunteers were

connected to the Biostator for 12 h periods on two - BIOSTAT
separate occasions during the 72 h test. Capillary
blood glucose measurements were conducted
hourly from 8:OOa.m. to 8:00 p.m. throughout the - SENSOR
study. These measurements were considered the
‘true’ reference points, so the Biostator was
calibrated to agree with these values.
The volunteers’ blood glucose levels were
elevated either by consuming a normal meal or by
conducting a standard oral glucose tolerance test
(OGTT). The OG’IT consisted of the volunteer
drinking a solution containing 100 g of glucose. o~...,...,...,.,.,...,...~
0 4 20 24
In viva calibration methods were necessary as
an in vitro calibration was not performed prior to
implantation due to sterility concerns. One Fig. 3. Glucose concentration versus time of day for a
method derived a calibration equation by human volunteer Theglucose concentration was measured
by a glucose sensor implanted in the subcutaneous tissue, a
determining the line of best fit between all of the
Biostator, and by analyzing blood samples with a YSZ
YSI values and the sensor current values for the
glucose analyzer An oral glucose tolerance test was
first day. They-intercept value from this plot was administered at approximately 1Z:OOh and a normal meal
used, along with one of the in vivo points, to was eaten at 17:oOh.
generate the calibration equation by the point-
point method. The second method used the slope
from an in vitro calibration, performed by the Biostator is illustrated in Figure 4. The
immediately after the removal of the sensor from Biostator had to be recalibrated several times
the volunteer, and one of the in vivo points to during the experiment due to drift in the output
derive the calibration equation by the point- and clotting of blood in the cannula supplying
slope method. A one-point in vivo calibration, blood to the device. The correlation between the
coupled with an assumed baseline current value sensor glucose level and the data obtained from
b-intercept), was found to be inaccurate since a the capillary blood samples analyzed with the
higher baseline value was found in vivo than the YSI (Figure 5) was felt to be a better represent-
well characterized and predictable in vitro
baseline. This offset most likely occurred because
other compounds present in vivo were oxidized at
the same potential as hydrogen peroxide. This 18
perhaps suggests that there are higher levels of 16
interfering compounds in human subjects than
in rabbits.
Figure 3 illustrates the typical results obtained
from these studies. The glucose concentration, as
measured by the three different methods, is
plotted versus time. The elevation of the 6
volunteer’s glucose level is obvious following the
OG’IT and the meal. The point-slope method of f(x) = 9 3466OOE-1*x + 4.3553973+0
2@j/ i2 = d.721E47E-1
calibration was used for this set of data, as the
intent of the study was to assess safety and feasi-
bility of glucose monitoring in the subcutaneous
tissue, not to evaluate a final product. Please note BIOSTATOR GLUCOSE (mg/dL)
that no form of sensor signal averaging or lag time Fig. 4. Correlation plot of the glucose concentration
correction has been used for any of this data. measured by aglucosesensorin thesubcutaneous tissueofa
The correlation between the subcutaneous volunteer versus theglucose concentration indicated by the
glucose concentration as indicated by the sensor Biostator which measured venous whole blood (data from
and the blood glucose concentration measured Fig. 3).

Biosensors & Bioelectronics Evaluation of an electroenzymatic glucose sensor

The sensors were removed from the volunteers

exactly 72 h after implantation. The volunteers
reported no pain or discomfort either during the
test or following removal of the sensor. Several
volunteers reported being able to feel only the
tape on their skin, and not the implanted flexible
sensor. No infection or irritation was detected at
any point of the study.

= l.O23004EtO*x t 2.521341EtO CONCLUSIONS

= 9 816394&-l

A subcutaneous glucose sensor produced using

cleanroom processing techniques has been
shown to be a viable and accurate device for
YSI GLUCOSE (mg/dL) monitoring blood glucose levels. This fabrication
Fig. 5. Correlation plot of the glucose concentration method has exhibited greater yields of
measured by aglucosesensor in thesubcutaneous tissue of a functioning sensors than other techniques. The
volunteer versus theglucose concentration indicated by the method also allows the fabrication of a flexible
YSZ 23ooG Stat analyzer which measured blood from device which has been shown to reduce patient
capillary finger sticks (data from Fig. 3). discomfort and tissue irritation.
In viva tests performed in rabbits and human
volunteers have shown an excellent correlation
ation of sensor performance in the human between glucose levels indicated by the
subjects. subcutaneous sensor and commercial glucose
These graphs all indicated that the subcut- analyzers. The human in vivo tests also revealed a
aneous tissue was an acceptable region in which positive current offset, due to other oxidizable
to monitor the glucose concentration of normal compounds, which has been corrected and will be
volunteers for concentrations ranging from presented in a later publication. Additional
approximately 45 to 200 mg dl-‘. In addition, the research is necessary to either develop a simple
lag time observed in rabbits following the infusion calibration method or eliminate entirely the
of glucose directly into a vein was absent in the necessity of a calibration step by the user. In
human study when the glucose concentration was addition, the final packaging of the sensor for
elevated by ingesting glucose orally. This human implantation must be downsized and
illustrates the excellent correlation between refined to allow the sensor to be inserted by the
blood and subcutaneous glucose levels, even user easily and without the use of a local
during excursions of the blood glucose levels, in anesthetic.
normal human volunteers.
The accuracy of the sensor was determined by
calculating the average error in mg dl-’ between REFERENCES
values obtained with the glucose sensor and all
points determined by the YSI analyzer. The Bindra, D. S., Zhang, Y., Wilson, G. S., Stemberg, R,
average accuracy for the sensors (n = 6) was Thevenot, D. R., Moatti, D. & Reach, G. (1991).
found to be 6.80, 10.26 and 12.01 mg dl-’ Anal. Chem., 63, 1692-6.
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(1987). Trans. Amer. Sot. Arttif: Intern. Organs,
compared to the YSI analyzer was calculated as
33, 323-8.
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the two measurements. The average precision for Anal. Chem.. 57, 2351-7.
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13.70 mg dl-’ respectively for the first, second 85-9.
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