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SUDA entry kappa 1800: Κλίβανος (oven)

[Meaning] furnace, hearth.

"And an oven is like a woman in that it takes in things that are useful for life."[1] They are recipients of fire.


[1] Artemidorus 2.10, with a slight oversimplification of the rationale presented for this dream interpretation:
"If fire seems to flare up quickly when it is lit, or in a hearth or an oven, it is good, and it means childbirth.
For a hearth and an oven are like a woman in that they take in things that are useful for life. And the fire
within them is divined as the woman being pregnant; for the woman then becomes hotter."

[2] Grammatically, 'they' are the 'things', not the women.

Keywords: daily life; definition; dreams; food; gender and sexuality; imagery; women
Translated by Nick Nicholas; edited by David Whitehead.
This is the version of the Suda On Line entry created 3 March 2013; the current version, at, may be different.

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