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`English 8 Name__________________________________________________________

Mr. Callahan Period_____________

To Kill a Mockingbird
1. Who was Simon Finch?
2. How did Atticus and his brother Jack go against family traditions?
3. In what Alabama town does this story take place?
4. How old was Scout at the time of her mother’s death?
5. Besides being a lawyer, what other job does Atticus have?
6. Who is Charles Baker Harris?
7. Why are people always curious about the Radleys?
8. What challenge does Dill present to Jem?

1. What request did Jem make to Scout regarding her first day of school?
2. Why is Miss Caroline Fisher irritated with Scout?
3. What teaching method is Miss Caroline introducing to the students?
4. Why does Walter Cunningham refuse to borrow money?
5. What is Scout’s real name?
6. How do the Cunningham’s pay their bills?

1. Why did Scout try to beat up Walter Cunningham?
2. What did Jem do for Walter?
3. Why is Walter unable to pass the first grade?
4. What particular area does Walter know a lot about?
5. What did Walter do to his lunch?
6. What was in Burris Ewell’s hair?
7. What is known about the Ewells’ school attendance?
8. Why are the Ewells allowed to break the law?
9. What bit of advice does Atticus give to Scout regarding other people?
10. What agreement did Atticus make with Scout?

1. What did Scout discover in the knothole of the tree?
2. What state does Dill live?
3. What is a “Hot Steam”?
4. What happened to Scout as she rolled in the tire?
5. What game did Jem, Scout, and Dill create?

1. What does Dill ask Scout?
2. How does Miss Maudie Atkinson provide friendship to Scout?
3. What is a “foot-washing Baptist”?
4. What does Jem put on the end of a fishing pole?

1. On Dill’s last night in Maycomb, what do the children plan to do?
2. What did Jem lose as he flew from the Radley house?
3. Why did Mr. Nathan Radley shoot his gun?
4. What explanation does Jem give regarding his missing pants?
5. Why did Jem go out alone to the Radley house?

1. What does Jem tell Scout concerning his return to the Radley house?
2. Name some of the items that Jem and Scout found in the knothole.
3. Why did Nathan Radley cover up the knothole?
4. Why is Jem is crying?
1. What unusual occurrence happens in Maycomb?
2. What happened to Miss Maudie’s house?
3. What is Miss Maudie’s reaction?
4. Who put a blanket on Scout?

1. Why is Scout taking a lot of verbal abuse from relatives and classmates?
2. Why did Scout hit Francis?
3. What lesson did Uncle Jack learn from Scout?
4. How does Atticus view his chances of getting Tom Robinson acquitted?

1. Why is it a “sin to kill a mockingbird”?
2. Who is Tim Johnson?
3. What surprising talent did Atticus display in this chapter?
4. Who is Heck Tate?
5. Briefly describe Aunt Alexandra.

1. What did Mrs. Dubose do to cause Jem to get angry?
2. What was Jem’s punishment?
3. Why did Mrs. Dubose act cranky?
4. Why does Atticus respect Mrs. Dubose?

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