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Lent Season 2020

February 25-April 5


Lent is classically defined as the period preceding Easter that in the Christian Church is devoted to
fasting, abstinence, and penitence in commemoration of Christ's fasting in the wilderness. It is
commonly observed by focusing upon six key categories: consecrated fervent prayer, doing penance
(confessing one’s sins to a Priest), mortifying (denying) the flesh, repentance of sins, almsgiving (giving food
or money to the poor), and denial of ego (walking in humility). As you can see, Lent is more than denying
our self of food (or fasting) but it is a total denial of self-indulging behavior so one can seek, hear,
draw nearer, and live unto the LORD more intimately.

These forty days are also significant in Scripture where whenever anyone spent time with GOD for
such a duration, a great cleansing and miraculous change took place within them. Here are some
examples to consider:
The number 40 has many Biblical references:
• Moses was called to commune with GOD for 40 days on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:18)
• The Prophet Elijah was 40 days and nights walking to Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:8)
• GOD caused it to rain for 40 days and nights when Noah entered the ark (Genesis 7:4)
• The children of Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness, in route to the Promised Land
(Numbers 14:33)
• Jonah's prophecy of judgment gave 40 days to the city of Nineveh in which to repent or be
destroyed (Jonah 3:4).
• Jesus retreated into the wilderness, where He fasted for 40 days, and was tempted by the devil
(Matthew 4:1–2, Mark 1:12–13, Luke 4:1–2). He overcame all three of Satan's temptations by
citing Scripture to the devil, at which point the devil left Him, angels ministered to Jesus, and
He began His ministry. Jesus further said that His disciples should fast "when the bridegroom
shall be taken from them" (Matthew 9:15), a reference to His suffering.
• The Apostles remained with Jesus for forty days after His resurrection (Acts 1:3)

ALL of the instances (if you read the Scriptural references) share a common element whereas, GOD
did a work of cleansing, purging, humility, strengthening, giving of insight, testing, or deliverance in
this forty-day time period. The same will happen for all of GOD’s people who seek Him in faith,
trusting that He will reward them who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

This year, our prayerful theme is to seek and embrace the fulness of GOD’s Kingdom. Lent is a
wonderful opportunity to exercise our theme in the seven categories, one more than the six named in
our opening paragraph: Fervent Prayer, Fasting, Penance, Mortifying of the Flesh, Repentance from sin, Almsgiving,
Worship, and Humility (ego-denial). Therefore, we are calling for everyone, in the name of the LORD
JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD to prayerfully observe the following on a daily basis:

1. Commit to setting aside guarded prayer and Scripture reading times but be sure that at
least one of them is alone with GOD while others are encouraged to be with other believers
in Christ.
2. Commit to fasting in one of the following manners
a. Fast daily up to 3 PM minimum, abstaining from all foods
b. Fast every Wednesday and Friday (up to 3 PM minimum), and on Sundays until the
end of morning worship service
c. If one must take medication (but desires to fast but are required to eat food) observe
the following for 40 days
i. Eat fruit and bread for breakfast only, drinking only water
ii. Eat meat-less salads or vegetables for lunch, drinking only water
iii. After 3 PM one may enjoy a hardy meal with meat

3. Commit to being accountable to Spiritual leadership and confessing sin to those you’ve
harmed or acted in an un-Christlike manner
a. Set up a meeting with the Archbishop or Elect Lady to confess (and be delivered from)
sin that’s been hindering your walk with GOD—things that are a stronghold and tough
to let go of
b. Reconcile relationships with your brothers or sisters whom you’ve wronged or have
had an antagonistic relationship with
c. Confess your sin of not giving GOD, His Church, nor the work of the Kingdom your
all (as the LORD convicts your heart). Seek Pastoral guidance on how to be released
from the heaviness associated with this.

4. Commit to repenting daily before the LORD of known sins, past sins, and lingering sins
and be open to the Spirit (by the Word of GOD or discernment) to reveal sin you knew not
of. Seek forgiveness and wholeness coupled with Grace to live triumphantly over all sin!

5. Commit to giving to the Church’s Mission fund and finding every way to help relieve the
burden of the poor among us (and around you) as the Holy Spirit leads.

6. Commit to spending more time worshipping GOD in song and in praise daily. Find a
hymn of choice and sing it unto the LORD (which music is likely on the Internet)!
Additionally, you can find music of choice and sing it. The key is to sing MORE unto the
LORD during this season with aim to glorify GOD and encounter His Holy presence.

7. Commit to denying your flesh of its unhealthy, unholy, and non-health-beneficial

cravings in food choices, words, social media, television, and in conversation.

Although we already gather on Sundays and Wednesdays for corporate worship, there will be called
times of consecrated gatherings (for those who can come). Daily, the church will be open for those
who desire to gather for prayer at 6 AM and 12 noon in the sanctuary, beginning Monday March 2,
2020 (due to the Prayer and Prophecy Conference taking place during the beginning of Lent).

Some have asked, “Are there any dietary restrictions during this fast?” In the Name of the LORD
JESUS CHRIST, I earnestly appeal to everyone of you to do the following when you do eat:
Abstain from ANY FOODS OR DRINKS which are harmful to your health, puts excess
weight upon you, or hinders your health in any way
Abstain from ANY TALK OR FELLOWSHIP which promotes gossip, lies, backbiting, idle
chatter, sows discord, or defiles your pure mind
Abstain from ANY BEHAVIOR which incites lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, the pride of
life, or challenges your fellowship and communion with GOD
Abstain from ANY PLACE OR ANY ACTIVITY which breaks your consecration, takes your
mind off of the LORD, entertains or encourages sin, awakens your old nature, or challenges
your faithfulness to GOD

Fast intentionally. Pray Fervently. Read feverishly. Repent sincerely. Submit wholeheartedly. Love
unconditionally. Give willingly. But most of all, keep it Holy.

In His Holy Name,

++Wayne R Felton
Archbishop of, CHCC
Pastor of, THCCI

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