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Director: Michael Bay

Producers: Jerry Bruckheimer, Gale Anne Hurd

Who are the protagonists? The protagonists are Bruce Wills, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben
Affleck, Liv Tyler, Owen Wilson, Will Patton, Michael Clarke Duncan, Peter Stormare y
Steve Buscemi.

Who is (are) the antagonist(s)? A huge Asteroid

Chronological time of the movie: The movie begins in Mass Extinction at the end of the
Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago, when a 10-kilometer meteorite hist earth and it
ends the age of dinosaurs.


Beginning: A massive meteor shower destroys the orbiting Space Shuttle Atlantis, before

entering the atmosphere and bombarding New York City. NASA discovers that the meteors
were pushed out of the asteroid belt by a Texas-sized asteroid that will impact the Earth in 18
days, causing an extinction level event that will wipe out all life on the planet. NASA scientists
plan to drill a deep shaft into the asteroid and plant a nuclear weapon into it that, when
detonated, will split the asteroid into two halves that will fly safely past Earth. NASA contacts
Harry Stamper, considered the best deep-sea oil driller in the world, for assistance. Harry
departs for Houston with his daughter Grace, where they are told about the asteroid and Harry
agrees to participate in the mission, but explains that he will need his team as well, including
Chick, Rockhound, Max, Oscar, Bear, Noonan and Grace's lover A.J. They also agree to help,
but only after their unusual list of demands are met

Knot: As NASA puts Harry and his crew through 12 days of rigorous astronaut training at
the Johnson Space Center, Harry and his team re-outfit the mobile drillers, named
"Armadillos", they will use on the asteroid. When a piece of the asteroid wipes out part
of Shanghai, NASA is forced to reveal their plans to the world. Two advanced Space
Shuttles, called Freedom and Independence, are launched from the Kennedy Space
Center in Florida. Once in orbit, the shuttles dock with the Russian space
station Mir manned by Lev Andropov to refuel. A fire breaks out during the fuel transfer
and the station is evacuated before it explodes, with Lev and A. J. making a narrow
escape. 60 hours later the shuttles slingshot around the far side of the Moon to land on the
rear of the asteroid. As they travel through the asteroid's debris field, Independence's hull
is punctured and crashes, with most of its crew killed. Grace, watching from Mission
Control, is distraught by A.J.'s apparent death.

Ending: As the asteroid approaches Earth, the surviving crew is struck by a rock storm,
which kills Gruber and damages the bomb's remote trigger, meaning someone must stay
behind to detonate it manually. After the non-flight crew draw straws, A.J. is selected. As
he and Harry exit the airlock, Harry rips off A.J.'s air hose and shoves him back inside,
telling him he is the son he never had and would be proud to have him marry Grace.
Before preparing to detonate the bomb, Harry contacts Grace to say his last goodbyes.
After the Freedom moves to a safe distance, Harry successfully pushes the button at the
last second, detonating the nuclear weapon and splitting the asteroid in two at the cost of
his own life. Both halves safely fly past Earth. Freedom lands, and the surviving crew
return as heroes. Sometime later A.J. and Grace are married, with portraits of Harry and
the other lost crew members present in memoriam.

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