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List of Fifteen dimensions to Generate items that indicate Emotional Intelligence

This investigation pertains to PhD research that aims to develop an indigenous scale of
Emotional Intelligence for children ( age 8 to 13 years).
First, Emotional Intelligence will be defined on the basis of Bar- On Model of Social and
Emotional Intelligence which will be followed in the current research study.
“Emotional Intelligence is a cross section of inter related emotional and social competencies,
skills and facilitators that determine how effectively we understand and express oneself,
understand others and relate with them, and cope with daily demands”. (Bar- On 2005)

Following are different dimensions of Emotional Intelligence. Generate at least five statements
(English or Urdu) indicating Emotional Intelligence of Children.

1.Emotional Self Awareness

The ability to identify one’s different emotions and discriminate among different emotional
states along with the understanding of it’s casual factors. e.g: If an individual is happy, he is
able to identify his happiness, can discriminate it from contentment and know the causes of
his happy state.
1. If a boy or girl is sad, he or she can detect the reason of his/ her sadness.
2. The child identifies body signals (rapid pulse, tight throat) with their emotions (fear).
3. The child realizes that he gets angry when a toy is taken away.
4. The boy or girl know their weakness strengthens and how they react in different contexts
5. he or she should know the repercussion of the act against general rules of the class.
6. when solving a difficult problem and never get frustrated and use different methods to
solve it.

2. Assertiveness
The ability to constructively express one’s feelings, beliefs and thoughts, stand for one’s
rights and follow one’s principles confidently and straightforwardly. An individual following
his rules, expressing his feelings without becoming aggressive.
e.g; An individual saying “No” to unacceptable behavior like rule breaking.
1.he or she wants to convey message what out bothering them.
2. correcting others wrong doing with altering them
3. Aware about his /her own rights and the rest of the class.
4. He/she use wording very carefully when expressing himself and others.
5. he /she knows how to respect others and others should respect them.

3. Self- Regard
The ability to look inside and evaluate oneself. It is the acceptance of one’s strengths and
weaknesses and respecting oneself with a well-developed sense of self identity. It is the way
how we carry and project oneself.
e.g: An individual with an optimal self- regard tend to feel, accept and talk about his positive
attributes and accomplishments with good interpersonal skills.

1. he/ she is ready for self-evaluation.

2. always ready for positive criticism from others.
3. he / she knows their strengths and weaknesses.
4. he / she know how to respect others and others respect them.
5. He / she convey his or her positive image to the people whom around them.

4. Independence
The degree of inner strength and self confidence that enable an individual to plan and act
without emotional dependency. They consider others’ opinion but work autonomously to
achieve their goals.
e.g; An individual who is self- directed to control and influence group task effectively and
proves to be a cooperative team member. Emotional Self Awareness The ability to identify
one’s different emotions and discriminate among different emotional states along with the
understanding of it’s casual factors. e.g: If an individual is happy, he is able to identify his
happiness, can discriminate it from contentment and know the causes of his happy state.

1. He /she knows their role in a group.

2. he /she are open to listen to others and do what they thing is good for them.
3. He/ she is able to solve their problems on their own.
4. He/ she convey message to the other group members about his or her importance.
5. he/ she knows when they need help.

5. Self- Actualization
The ability to realize one’s potential by self- motivating oneself to work persistently for the
achievement of long term and enjoyable goals. It is performance at the highest level of one’s
capacity, mobilized by one’s interest in the goal that directs him to actualize his inner
potential for the attainment of goal.

1. he / she is enjoying doing the work.

2. He / she want to achieve their goals.
3.he / she is always looking forward to improve their knowledge.
4.he / she is always active member of the class.
5.Always listen others to update their knowledge

6.Interpersonal Relationships
The ability to establish and maintain meaningful social relations and to feel satisfied with
social relations. It is the ability to be aware of and understand feelings so as to show and
receive warmth and affection within those relations.
e.g; An individual who has the ability to foster friendly and warm atmosphere by being
affectionate, outgoing and pleasant to be with.
1. he is always ready to make new friends.
2.having good time with their friends.
3.know their role in the group or in the society.
4.they welcome others ideas and convey their owns ideas.
5. he is ready to share his belongings with others.
7. Empathy
The ability to be sensitive for other’s feelings. To show concern for others while putting aside
one’s own interests and become a loyal and responsible group member. It is the ability of
taking and delegating responsibility thus examples oneself as a cooperative group member.
e.g; An individual who take care of other fellows in the group, putting ahead their interests
and appreciate their feelings.

1.he is ready to know what is happening among groups members.

2.if someone is having bad time, he feels it.
3.he helps others when they do not understand.
4.he is very sensitive to the circumstances
5.if some students have problem in some subjects, he is ready to help them.

8. Social Responsibility
The ability of an individual to identify with the social groups to which one belongs and try to
become a constructive and contributing group member. Such an individual work for and with
others according to agreed upon standards of the group with interpersonal sensitivity.
e.g; An individual who accepts the responsibility of the group activities in a professional
manner for common good of the group and not just the self.

1.he is aware of his role in the society.

2.he takes care about the environment.
3.he actively participate in the group.
4. he knows his role and try to fulfill what he promised.
5.he treats equally all group members.

9. Problem Solving
The ability of an individual to adopt a complex cognitive process that involves flexible,
spontaneous, methodical and conscientious approach in coping with challenging situations.
The ability to pay attention to a problem, gather information to define and formulate the
problem, generate and prioritize solutions to implement the best possible solution.
e.g; An individual who encounters problem at workplace will first identify his problem and
will systematically follow the problem-solving approach to manage his problem and reach a

1. he aware of his ability.

2.he carefully read all problems and prioritize them.
3.he assign time to each problem according to its difficulty.
4.he makes different strategies to solve problem.
5.he extracts information from different resources.

10. Flexibility
The ability to accept change and adjust to new situations. It is the degree of resilience in
beginning new tasks and making adjustments in unpredictable situations. It is the cognitive
processing of emotions in which an individual is able to accommodate the way he feels, think
and act to changing scenarios for improvement.
e.g; An individual whose department is changed without prior intimation, tries to cope with
the new task on hand positively and easily.

1. he / she change his opinion according to the situation.

2. He/ she is always ready to face new challenges.
3. He/ she ready to make new friends in new environment.
4. He / she is ready to learn new topics and ready to solve new problems,
5.He / she adopt his/herself according to the situation.

11. Reality Testing

The ability to comprehend the immediate situation in the accurate perspective without
fantasizing. It is experiencing the situation authentically. It is the degree of perceptual clarity
when trying to assess and cope with the situation. An individual who fill in gaps between his
perception of the world and the actual existence of reality.
e.g; An individual’s subjective feelings of being superior in the group shows problem in his
reality testing.

1.he is ready to face what is happening in his surroundings.

2.In his group if one has exceptional ability in some subjects, he is ready to accept it.
3.His aware in which subject he has problems.
4.he comply all the rules in the society, and this is the way to live in.
5.when he did not study hard, he will have bad marks.

12. Stress Tolerance

The ability to stand against stressful life events without being carried away by it by actively
participating and coping with the situation. It is the ability to choose better options, expect
positively to overcome the problem and feel confident to control the situation. Such individual
remains composed in adverse situations and anticipates positively in new situations.
e.g; An individual who can cope with the demanding situation of work, influence the stressful
situation positively and actively control the situation by right decision making.

1.When some topic needs more efforts, he is willing to accept it.

2. He knows failure in life is the only way to move forward.
3. he is ready to face stressful environment, in reasonable way.
4. a lot of work load he can manage in handy way.
5.When some things is happen inside his group he handle it quietly.

13. Impulse Control

The ability to accept one’s impulses and become composed to control one’s aggressive/
disruptive behavior in highly demanding situations.
e.g; An individual who control his hostility (at work, play) by identifying and accepting his
impulses and try to get control over his emotions, leading to conflict resolution.

1. in a hostile situation is able to handle it.

2.When someone want to provoke him, he knows to face this situation.
3.he get bad marks; he knows how to control his impulses.
4.when some one bully in a class, he knows how to face this situation.
5During examination he hold his nerves to concentrate on his examination.

14. Optimism.
The ability to adopt a positive approach towards problems, try to cope with upsetting life
events confidently and hope for the attainment of goals. Such an individual remains hopeful
and motivate himself in face of problems and believe in his abilities to reach the desired end.
It is the ability of an individual to learn from his mistakes rather than loosing hope.
e.g; A child who get low grades in a subject, try to adopt a new strategy and believe that he
will do the best in the next sessions rather than getting disappointment.

1.He is willing to improve his knowledge, in order to get success hurdle can not impede his success.
3.he knows continues struggle is way to get success in life.
4.When his group perform bad once, he hopes will do better next time, and struggle for it.
5.he know failure and success are part of life and hard working is key to success.

15. Happiness
The ability to feel satisfied and feel contented in one’s own life pursuits, feel good about
others and enjoys life in general. Happiness motivates an individual to perform well efficiently
and leads to a sense of well- being.
e.g; A child who feels happy about himself work efficiently resulting in enhanced sense of
well- being.

1.he knows the relation between happiness and success.

2.when he faces hurdle, he knows success is coming.
3.He knows value of success.
4.he knows when to celebrate success
5.he shares his happiness with others.

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