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Report of Celebration of World Environment day

Many species, One Planet, One future

Make, “Galle Clean & Green Bio Energy City”

The most important significant event of
the Galle city is developing to “Clean
and Green Bio Energy City.” Since last
few years many organizations and
government institutes are implementing
many programs to environment
conservation. HELP-O is a leading
organization that implements newly
things and demonstrate many programs
to world.
The organization expect to implement
new concept that is Make Galle, Clean &
Green Bio Energy City” under that concept establish a monitoring committee and have
action plan to reach to that goal. And 01st June 2010 gather this committee and discuss
about World environment day and related activities that we can jointly implement as a
city level. The committee members discuss about this event and how all stakeholders
can contribute for city level program and what the activities we propose to implement
are. HELP-O was looking the outside support for this program and Sri Lanka Nature
Forum agreed to provide some financial support for the city level program that expect
to implement with the Galle Municipal Council and HELP-O. The 2010 world
environment day theme was many species, One Planet, One future. HELP-O is
dedicated to reach to that theme and protect the environment and working in actively
to reach to that theme.
On 15th June 2010 HELP-O and Galle Municipal Council (GMC) jointly organized a
program to celebrate it. The main stake holders agreed to provide the contribution that
can provide by them for the city level program.

Environment day Activities

 Organize a Tree Planting program in identified places of the city

 Organize a Cleaning Program with involvement of stakeholders to clean the costal

area and the identified places

 Conduct awareness programs for the school children

What is the necessity for tree planting?
Great hop of the HELP-O is to Make Galle “Clean &
Green Bio Energy City”. In 2002 HELP-O implemented
tree planting program with the support of UNDP /
SGP/ GEF program and this is a continue step of the
tree planting program. HELP-O introduced a concept
name “Make Galle Clean & Green City”. We have
developed that concept. On the Tsunami time many
people could able to save their lives because of those
trees and some trees were destroy because of the
Tsunami disaster.
On the meeting many members express their ideas about planting new trees within the
city and got a common decision to plant the trees in identify places. With the active
involvement all participants could able to identify the places which suitable for tree
HELP-O agreed to provide plants and cover to
protect the trees and GMC agreed to provide
the labors and tools for tree planting. Even
Galle Prison and Navy camp Galle agreed to
provide the people to help tree planting
program. SLNF also agreed to provide the
cooperation for this activity too and with the
combination of all stakeholders.
Finally able to plant the trees identified places
with support and active involvement of the all
stakeholders. As a first step we planted the trees in Coastal Road of the city and one

Great Combination for Make Galle Clean and Green

Effect of the activity
 Able to implement integrated sustainable
program in city level
 Reach from one step to “Make Galle Clean and
Green Bio Energy City” Concept
 Able to implement sustain solution for carbon
dioxide problem
 Able to get many organizations and people
attraction for this work
 Citizens agreed to expand this activity to many
 Identified more places to plant the trees
 Able to give strong message to community about
environment conservation and important of trees

Significant step for reach Make Galle “Clean & Green Bio Energy City”
As one of demonstrate and important activity
planned is Clean the city with involve of the
committee. GMC, Galle prison and Navy
camp was helped to provide the people for
this work and jointly implement this valuable
work. Even they helped to plant the trees.
On that day they clean the Galle city and this
is the beginning step for that this was join
effort to world environment day.
The all activities conducted in same day in
the city and same time with the chair of the
Hon. Galle Mayor. From this activity could
able to segregate the waste and clean the
roads cut the grasses of the roads. The all
stakeholders were actively participate for
this program and participated people also
were much interest to get chance to
participate for this program.

Even this was huge message for citizen that

could able to give in one day because many places had various programs in one time
with combination of many stakeholders.

Effect of the activity

 Integrated step for Make Galle Clean & Green Bio Energy City”
 Citizens also involved to this cleaning program
 Got huge attention this program
 Able to give strong message to public that should clean the city
 Able to give strong demonstration for our concept among the people

New Milestone on Galle City Environment day

School children are the focal point of
tomorrow world because they will get
responsible tomorrow. HELP-O decided to
conduct many activities in school level with
the great combination of school environment
club. “Sangamitta Girls College” has been
chosen for this program. Why we select this
school because we already constructed a
biogas unit for that school and on the other
hand they have experience about waste
management and already they involve to our
concept too. The school is dedicating to protect the environment and already
implementing many activities for reach that goal with involvement of the School
Environment Club.
We have been organized below activities in
school with great combination of school
environment club
 Tree Planting program inside of the School
 Drama about environment conservation and
bad effects of tree cutting and air pollution
 Awareness creation program about world
environment day importance and its benefits
 Exchange the previous environment
activities which have done by the
Environment Club
The whole program conducted on the same day according to the city program. Through
this could able to give strong message to School children as well as for the school
HELP-O sponsored to trees and covers to Sangamitta
School and Mr. Chathura Welivitiya conducted the
awareness program about the importance of the day and
benefits of the environment conservation. Basically he
aware the children about how human activities are been
effect to environment and how its reaction for human
being and environment. Even aware how we can protect
the environment for our tomorrow and its important.
And he aware the participants about global warming,
climate change and its bad effects and what we can do
today from our scale to minimize it and bad effects of the
pop gas. Specially he explained about the bad effects of
burning the polythene and plastic and how we can
protect the environment.

Then Environment club present about their

previous activities and experience about their
working area. The drama about environment
conservation was much effective for the school
children to learn about that. The whole program
was success and able to give a strong message
about world environment day. The ceremony
activities are well planned and organized and
able to cover all areas of environment day.
This was a good opportunity for the
school children to show their talents
to teachers and for the distinguish
guests who came to the world
environment day ceremony.
This program was effective to
increase their talents as well as for
give strong message to other
students of the school.

Effect of the Activity

 Give a strong message to children about important of environment day and

environment conservation
 Get involvement of children participation to plant the trees
 Change the attitudes about burning polythene and plastic
 Increase the skills of school children
 Increased the knowledge of Global warming and Climate change and important of
the celebrate of world environment day
 Aware about the Air Pollution and bad effects of Tree cutting
 Integrated approach for environment conservation programs
 Reach by one step from Make Galle Clean & Green Bio Energy City concept
 Got requests to conduct this kind of programs to other schools of the city
 Expand the tree Planting program within the School area
 Stop the polythene burning of every house and school
Special moments of City Program

A part of Participated guests Hon. Galle Mayor planting a tree

Mr. Chathura planting a tree

Part of planted trees of city Good effort to protect environment

Teacher’s involvement to plant trees and protect the environment

About the Environment day program …..

This program is an integrated approach to Make Galle Clean & Green Bio Energy City.
HELP-O and Galle Municipal Council (GMC) jointly organized this program as a city
program for this year. The program was success because many stakeholders were
participated and contributed to this program. This city level program was success
because we got many institutes and organizations contribution for this program.
Under this program we could able to implement many activities in city level and this
was a good example to other cities how celebrate and implement programs with the
coordination and contribution of others. Public and Private sector also participate for
this event. This step was a beginning and we expect to expand this program on few
stages within the City. Our final destination is to develop the Galle City as a Clean and
Green Bio Energy city and we expect to reach that goal with involvement of all citizen
and institutions and organizations of the city.
Finally we want to thanks to all participants to contribute their strength to make clean
and green this city. Especially for Central Environment Authority (CEA), Road
Development Authority (RDA), Wild Life Conservation Society, Forest Department,
wild-life department and Chamber of Commerce On the other hand also HELP-O and
GMC would like to thanks to the institutions and organizations who contributed for
this program to success this program. As citizen and organization our wish is
“Make Galle Clean & Green Bio Energy City” and we are
working on it as integrated process…..

HELP-O, Galle Municipal Council,

No.364/18, Samagi Mawatha, Dangedara, Galle, Sri Lanka
Galle, Sri Lanka Email -
Email – T.P +94 – 91 - 2234276
T.P /Fax: + 94 – 91- 4380121 91- 2226818

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