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- Is it possible to know if it’s a good or bad

The 4 Disciplines of result only with a quick view?: If this can’t be
Execution: Discipline 3 verified in five seconds, the test will be a fail.
Essay 4 The commitment produce results but also it
Proyectos I+D II | Primavera 2020 is true that the results produce commitment.
Vladimir Pedraza Durán
There’s nothing more useful to grow up
moral to participants that the feeling of
Keep up to day a measurements integral winning.
People work for money and quit for money,
The third discipline is everybody needs to but there are so many teams made by
know the score in every second, so they can people who are well paid but unhappy with
be sure if they’re winning or not. This is the their work.
commitment discipline. If the strategy and
results indicators don’t settle in a visual box A winning team doesn’t need an artificial
or if they’re not up to day will dissapear in moral grow-up, This is never as effective as
chaos. People tend to unlink when do not the satisfaction of reach with excellence a
know the score. Goos teams know all the really important achievement.
time if they’re winning or not. They need to
The result of discipline three is a indicators
know, otherwise they can’t know what to do
box that keeps the commitment of the team.
to win the game. The box says where the
What motivates the commitment is the
team is and where should be.
feeling of winning and will come out every
When everyone in the team can see the time the indicators box refresh.
score, the game level goes up, not just
because they see what is working and the
adjustments required to keep that way, also
because they want to win now.

There are four questions that should be

answer in order to know if a indicators box is
good or not for the players and the team.

1.- Is it simple?: The indicators box must

show only the most relevant information to
keep on the game.

2.-Is it easily to see?: the team will only take

it serious if anyone can see the score and
results indicators.

3.- Does it have the leading and results

measurements?: The leading indicators are
affected by the team and players actions and
the results indicators are the goals.

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