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FULL NAME: _________________________________________________ XII F

Midterm paper, ladies! * wink* RESULT: / 100

Key Word Transformations: For each sentence, use between three and eight words in the space provided so that the second sentence has the same
meaning as the first sentence. You must use the word given in bold without changing it in any way. (30 x 2 = 60 points)

1. She wants nothing less than to get that job. It would be a dream come true.
She has __________________________________________________________________ getting that job.

2. If they ever discover your role in the incident, you will go to prison.
If your role in the incident ___________________________________________________________________, you'll go to prison.

3. Harry plays tennis much better than I do.

I am not _______________________________________________________________________ tennis player as Harry is.

4. Both candidates for the job are strong. They are both equally good.
There is ______________________________________________________________________________ the two job candidates.

5. The bank robbers had disappeared completely by the time the police arrived.
There _________________________________________________________________ robbers when the police arrived.

6. Give me a call only if you have to buy gas for the car.
Unless ______________________________________________________________________ gas, don't call me.

7. Watch the new secretary carefully this week to make sure she doesn't make any big mistakes.
Keep ________________________________________________ secretary this week to make sure she doesn't make any big mistakes.

7. You shouldn't be surprised at Kevin winning that tournament.

It _____________________________________________________________________ that Kevin won that tournament.

8. There is no doubt at all that the government will win the election.
It is ______________________________________________________________ that the government will win the election.

9. This is certainly not the last time you will be needed here on a Sunday.
It is ____________________________________________________________ you won't be needed again on a Sunday.

10. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without proper identity.
_____________ should you let anyone into the building without proper identity.

11. If it wasn't for your arrogance, you would have gotten your promotion a long time ago.
_____________ arrogance, you would have gotten your promotion a long time ago.

12. I presume you are coming to the party Miriam.

Can I _____________ you are coming to the party Miriam?

13. You are not a bad lawyer Martin, but I don't think it is a very suitable job for you.
I just don't think you _____________ a lawyer.

14. I don't have the foggiest idea whether he will be coming or not.
I have ________________________________________________________________________ he will be coming or not.

15. He failed the exam as he didn't work as fast as the rest of the class.
His failure was blamed on his inability ___________________________________________________ rest of the class.

16. Everyone is criticising the government for its poor unemployment record
The government ______________________________________________________________ over its unemployment record.

17. He was always going to leave that house after the divorce was finalised.
He __________________________________________________________________________ the house after the divorce.

18. I don't find it at all surprising that nobody came to the party.
It's ____________________________________________________________________________ nobody came to the party.

19. Please don't tell anyone else what I told you about Elizabeth.
_______________________________________________________________ yourself what I told you about Elizabeth.

20. Our boss is absolutely determined not to give us that pay rise.
Our boss ____________________________________________________________________________ the pay rise.

21. I could only afford that house because of the loan you gave me.
Had _______________________________________________________ money, I wouldn't have been able to afford the house.

22. You don't have to come and see the new house if you don't wish.
You are ____________________________________________________________ and see the new house if you don't wish.

23. You should have seen the boss as soon as you arrived. You knew he wanted to see you.
You ______________________________________________________________ boss when you arrived.

24. She is already married and you knew! I wish you had told me.
You __________________________________________________ she was married!

25. I went in to work for an hour even though I knew it was a holiday.
I need _________________________________________________________________ into work but I did anyway.

26. The headmaster will give a prize to the top student of the year.
The ______________________________________________________________________ a prize by the headmaster.

27. Police arrested Johnson because they think he was involved in the robbery.
Johnson was detained _____________________________________________________________________ in the robbery.

28. You don't need to concern yourself with the new tax laws till October.
The new tax laws ____________________________________________________.

29. She still hasn't really recovered from losing her job in August.
She still really hasn't got ___________________________________________________________________ in August.

30. I'm afraid I believed his fake story completely!

I regret to say that I ___________________________________________________________________________ his fake story.

Multiple Choice Cloze (1x 10= 10 points)

For each question below, choose the best answer from the four possibilities.

1. The old house was ____________ furnished and we had to buy almost everything new.
a. thinly
b. sparsely
c. mildly
d. rarely

2. The main way into the building is via High Street but there is also a(n) ____________ at the back used for deliveries.
a. access
b. way
c. passage
d. direction

3. You shouldn't have bought so many ____________ presents on this holiday. You won't have any money left when you go back home.
a. rich
b. lavish
c. worthy
d. invaluable

4. It's a long walk tomorrow. We need to ____________ as early as possible.

a. set up
b. set in
c. set off
d. set about

5. Sometimes, we don't appreciate the ____________ pleasures of life such as a beautiful sky, a cup of coffee with a friend or seeing a good film at the cinema.
a. sheer
b. simple
c. normal
d. plain

6. The captain decided to ____________ ship even though he thought there was no real danger of it sinking.
a. abandon
b. evacuate
c. desert
d. evict

7. The accidental ____________ of four listed buildings near the city centre caused a huge outcry and the manager of the building company was jailed for three
a. disruption
b. demolition
c. injuring
d. squashing

8. My company has just spent two million dollars, ____________ a world famous artist to paint a huge mural for the main entrance foyer.
a. asking
b. ordering
c. consulting
d. commissioning

9. During the riots, hundreds of people broke into the city's main department store and ____________ it. There was almost nothing left after the night had
a. stole
b. looted
c. mugged
d. conned

10. The new government group will ____________ the effects of smoking on the academic abilities of people under 18 years of age.
a. report
b. research
c. inform
d. invent

III. Discuss the following quotation in your own words: Teens think listening to music helps them concentrate. It doesn't. It relieves them of the

boredom that concentration on homework induces.   (Marilyn vos Savant) - 20 points

















10 points granted cause I’m feeling generous, mf!

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