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Topic one: Many of us love watching movies. Name the best film you have
watched recently and narrate what happens in the film.
-Many of us living in this world have seen the television. We all know what television
means. From my opinion television is an electronic gadget which is used to telecast
news and entertain our self by watching live shows and movies. There are millions
and millions of movies in the film industry. And every year there are more than
thousand plus films promoted throughout the world. In our country also maximum
of houses have television at home. Many of the citizens watch films, live shows, news,
and sport events. From them I am also one of them who use to watch television to
pass my time or to entertain myself when I am bored. Recently I have watched a film.
The film was one of the best films I ever watched.

The title of the film which I watched was known as Dangle. It is a film by the star
motion group. The main character in the story was played by Amir Khan. One of the
best actors in bollywood among many of other actresses and actors. The title Dangle
is a Hindi term which means wrestling. If I summarize the story. Amir Khan plays the
role of a wrestler and a father in the beginning he wanted to get a gold medal in
wrestling world champion but he couldn’t. To fulfill his dream he wanted to have
sons as his children. But it always came as a daughter. So losing hope after three time
he left his dream behind. Few years later his daughter beats two boys so badly and
there after he made a thought that gold is gold whether it is taken or received by a
boy or a girl.

So with that thought in his mind, he trains his daughter for the national champion.
After the national champion there was lot of opportunity but his daughter failed all
the time as she was knocked out at the first round so, her father[Amir khan] got
irritated to the new coach, he comes to the training center and changes the
momentum of his daughter by giving her instruction to follow. The climax comes
when new coach, not liking his way, locks him in a room. His daughter losses her
momentum at the beginning but she strikes back remembering her father’s
instruction I won’t be there to help you all the time. And the story ends after she wins
the gold medal.

I liked the film as it is promoting the values of a woman. What a women can do if we
have the thought that they can do it and we must support them. Because everyone is
promoting gender equality throughout the world and creating a value of the girls and
making their value equal to the boys. If you all liked the story I told, please do watch
the film.
So lastly, I would like to tell something to everyone in this world that do not watch
too much television as it has lots of effects with the advantages. And do not ever
think that the girls/woman cannot do anything and are only to be a house wife.
Because who knows, they might do better than the boys. So change your thought and
support the woman, and help the world in changing the future of the woman.

Topic two: Describe an interesting that you enjoyed the most.

Being a human being we use to go out and have fun with our family and friends.
During which we used to have fun and enjoy a lot by playing games and other
entertaining stuffs. An interesting event can be in a form of holidays, sporting events,
and outing with friends and family. And everyone might have more than one
interesting events. I am also one of them who got ample of memorable events. Those
include my valuable time spent with my loved ones and events conducted by school. I
do have many interesting events but today I want to share you all an interesting
event whereby I enjoyed with both my family and friends.

I want to share about my time during the last year tsechu. That day the morning
seemed to be the one I have waited for so long. Not wasting any time, I woke up and
went to refresh myself for the day. After having my breakfast, I went to call my
friends so that we could go together. Since the dzong was destroyed by fire in 2012,
the tsechu was conducted in the military training ground which is famously known
as Tencholing.

I reached the ceremonial ground few of my friends. We were delighted to make it to

such an auspicious event. For the first day, we all loitered a lot around the shops and
played so many games and many sorts of things made available by the shop holders.
For the lunch we all gathered to a place and enjoyed the food brought from our
home. Although we used to eat together all day at school, that feeling of joy was a
total different thing. As we were done with the lunch, we went back to revisit the
stocks. It seemed like a never ending of joy that we awaited for so long. We bought
some clothes and played some games as well. As the fall was near, all of our friends
departed for the next day.

After the much awaited night, finally the morning arrived. I quickly got ready for the
second day. With excitement, I went to call my friends. We marched towards
Tencholing. After we reached there we didn’t go for the shops this time. As advised
by our parents, we directly went to witness some traditional programs usually called
chham and receive blessings. After we successfully got the blessings, we decided to
go and watch a movie.
The movie was just awesome. We couldn’t stop our self from talking about it that
whole day. I thought for once what if this could be forever. I was being silly that day.
Then we departed for the day to spend some time with the family. I meet my family
around the evening. Then we all went to check the stocks again. This was a total
different experience though. We all went to a stall where we enjoyed some good food
together. We shared some jokes with each other and enjoyed our own company. As
the night fell upon us, we hurried towards home. I must say that I really enjoyed that

The last day of the tsechu was as fun as the two other days. In the morning I woke up
a bit tired. Though I woke up hastily and soon was ready with different level of
excitement in my mind. For the last day, all of us gathered to a common point and
then went on to explore the new things. To say we were visiting the place for couple
of times but every time it seemed to be a total new thing. We played those games
which we never dared to play before and had some awesome tasting food. The day
ended soon. But we decided to come for the night show since it was the last day. After
we changed our attire, we gathered again hoping to have a beautiful night. The night
was also as awesome as it can possibly be. We did crazy things and watched the best
performances possible for that night. Then we went for our dinner. And to say that
would be one of the best I ever had. After the dinner we took few more rounds
around playing games and tasting different foods. Then around 10 PM we all
departed for our home.

Lastly but not the least, I would like to share something from my experience that
nowadays the peoples, almost 70-80% of them doesn’t goes to tsechu to witness the
very honoring chham being performed by the monks. They only go there with their
only intention of enjoying, playing games and all. I am not saying we shouldn’t enjoy,
we should but at the same time we should also witness the traditional chhams and
have a little information about them. So that we can proudly answer when asked by
foreigners. As a Bhutanese we should take pride in our traditional values as these
are the only valuable thing that we own. And help then kingdom preserve our unique
cultural heritage for which we are known to the world.

Thank you.

Student information:

Name: Tshering Pem.

Class: VII “B”

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