DnDScreen v2 PDF

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Strength Intelligence Wisdom; Charisma
Athletics Arcana • History • Nature • Religion Insight • Perception Deception
Climb a wall or a rope, swim or jump high. Insight: Read the intentions of a creature; check if it the truth Fast-talk or con someone, adopt a disguise or
Arcana: Spells, magic items, planes of existence Contest vs.
Normal wall; tread in rough condition water; Perception: Spot/recognize a location; hear a sound impersonate another creature, tell a
Easy History: historical events, old kingdoms, legendary people Insight
clear obstacle while jumping read a child convincing lie or otherwise hide your true
Nature: terrain, plants and animals Easy prominent landmark or structure; hear the far- intentions
Medium Rope from overhang; swim in rough water Religion: deities, rites and prayers, holy symbols off sound of thunder signaling a coming storm
Wall with rare handholds; catch on a rope; Discern the leader of a group; the intended
Hard Scare a spineless noble in to handing over their
violent water Easy Recall widely known information (common) message of a non-verbal talk Easy
Medium coin purse
spot a natural-obscured object or feature; a
Very Hard Slippery wall; clip vertically; stormy waters Pry information out of an uncooperative
Recall more obscure or specific information conversation in the next room
Medium guess at the enemy’s next action; Medium prisoner, convince street thugs to back down
Feats of Strength • Other (uncommon)
Hard well-hidden object or feature; a hushed from a confrontation
Any attempt to lift, push, pull, or break something, to force
your body through a space, or to otherwise apply brute force Recall truly esoteric or precise information conversation through a heavy door Advise a guard that it might be best to look the
to a situation. (rare) nearly-invisible object or feature; read the lips Hard other way this time around, coerce an official
Very Hard
Struck/broken door; weak bindings; pull of a creature you can see but not hear in to signing a document
Easy Very Recall information that is known only by a
stuck/wedge object loose Hard privileged few (very rare) Survival
Frighten a creature larger than you, causing it
Follow a trail / track; forage food for a day; navigate in Very Hard
Medium Reinforced wooden door; hang on a wagon to flee; stop an agitated mob in their tracks
Investigation • Other wilderness
Hard Heavy locked/barred door; topple stone statue well-worn trail in a forest; tracks of a creature Performance
Identify a trap or a secret or coded message; communicate
Easy through snow or mud; forage in a plentiful area;
a idea with an creature you don't share a language with; Routine performance such as telling a story in a
Very Hard Heavy reinforced door; hold door against water navigate on a clear night Easy
discover the true nature of an illusion. tavern or around a campfire
abandoned or forgotten trail; track a creature
through a forest; forage in a sparse area; Professional performance such as an inspiring
Dexterity Easy
Obvious trap or a secret; simple idea with an navigate on a cloudy night; predict an oncoming Medium
speech or an impressive musical display which
intelligent creature; low-level illusion storm; identify the signs of nearby creatures may attract the attention of a local troupe and
Acrobatics lead to regional fame
Track over barren terrain; forage in a harsh
Walk across difficult surface; hold balance; land safely. Hard area; navigate through an alien area on a Memorable performance which may attract
Typical trap; determine time or cause of death
otherwise fall / take damage cloudy night; predict tomorrow’s weather Hard the attention of a local patron and lead to
Medium of a recently deceased creature; estimate the
Icy surface; turbulent situation; land on Track after rainfall; navigate an alien area on a national fame
Easy material worth of an item; mid-level illusion
difficult terrain Very Hard
stormy night Extraordinary performance which may attract
Narrow edge; swing from chandelier and
Moderate Well-hidden trap, object, or area; forge a Animal Handling • Medicine • Other Very Hard the attention of distant patrons and even
land Hard document or identify such a document; extraplanar beings
Animal Handling: Interact with or train an animal
Hard Cross a wildly swaying rope bridge high-level illusion
Medicine: cure or stabilize a creature, diagnose ailments Persuasion
Walk across a tightrope; vault over/under Magically-hidden trap, object, or area; discern domesticated animal Convince the mayor to allow your party to
Very Hard Easy stabilize a dying creature outside of combat; Easy
an enemy the purpose and process of a complicated help, calm a distraught person
Very common ailment
device or system; determine the integrity of a
Sleight of Hand Hard Persuade a group of highway thieves to leave
structure, construct, or formation and identify wild but otherwise peaceful animal; perform a
Contest vs. Medium in peace, convince a friendly acquaintance that
Plant or steal an object on or from a target any exploitable weak points complex maneuver while mounted
Perception Medium you know best
set a broken bone; stabilize a dying creature in
Convince a chamberlain to let your party see
Stealth the middle of combat; uncommon ailment
Contest vs. Conceal from enemies; sneak past targets;
Constitution Intuit a hostile animal’s next action; control an Hard the king, inspire or rally a crown of townsfolk,
Hard untrained mount negotiate a peace between warring tribes
Perception slip away while others are distracted Concentration
rare ailment Convince a sphinx that you are worthy of the
Pick lock & Disarm trap (+ tool prof) Variable After taking damage while an active Calm a dangerous wild animal Very Hard secrets it guards, assure a dragon you’re worth
max(10,x) concentration spell. Very Hard more alive than dead
Easy Simple lock; simple trap diagnose magical and divine ailments

Moderate Typical lock;

Hard Elaborate lock; average trap

Very Hard Masterwork lock; complex trap

Size Categories Character Advancement
Size Space Examples Lv. XP Lv. XP Lv. XP Lv. XP
Conditions & States
Tiny 2.5 x 2.5 ft. Hawk, Imp, Rat, Sprite 1 0 6 14,000 11 85,000 16 195,000 Automatically fail any check requiring sight. Disadvantage on attack rolls.
Small 5 x 5 ft. Giant Rat, Goblin, Kobold Blinded
2 300 7 23,000 12 100,000 17 225,000 Attackers have advantage.
Medium 5 x 5 ft. Gnoll, Orc, Werewolf
3 900 8 34,000 13 120,000 18 265,000
Large 10 x 10 ft. Chimera, Hippogriff, Ogre Cannot attack the charmer or target them with harmful abilities or effects.
Huge 15 x 15 ft. Cyclops, Fire Giant, Treant 4 2,700 9 48,000 14 140,000 19 305,000 Charmer has advantage on interacting socially with the charmed creature.
Gargantuan 20+ x 20+ ft. Ancient Dragon, Kraken 5 6,500 10 64,000 15 165,000 20 355,000 Deafened Automatically fail any ability check that requires hearing.
Exhausted 1=Disadv. on ability;2= ½ Speed;3= Disadv. all;4= ½ HP;5= 0 Speed;6=Death
Random Encounter Chances Weather (1/day)
At the end of a fall a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet
Area Examples Roll 1d20… Encounter they fell (max 20d6) . A creature who takes damage this way is knocked prone.

Well-traveled overworld Disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of the fear is
A major trade route • Once a day-night Cycle 20 Frightened
within sight. Cannot willingly move towards the source of the fear.
Speed reduced to 0. Ends when grappler is incapacitated, is no longer within
Uncivilized, unsettled, 17-20 Grappled
Dothraki Sea, American • Once during the day reach, or fails a skill contest.
or unknown overworld or
Frontier • Once at night Incapacitated Cannot take actions or reactions.
area 18-20
Considered heavily obscured for the purposes of hiding. Advantage on attack
• Once per hour of rolls. Attackers have disadvantage.
travel 18-20 Incapacitated and cannot move or speak. Automatically fail Strength and
Dangerous overworld Mordor, Underdark,
• Once per 20 minutes or Paralyzed Dexterity saving throws. Attackers have advantage and any attack that hits and
area Zombie-infested swamp
of Rest during the day 19-20 is made from within 5 feet is a crit.
• Once at night
Weight increases by a factor of ten and no longer age. Incapacitated cannot
move or speak, and unaware of surroundings. Automatically fail Strength and
17-20 Petrified Dexterity saving throws. Attackers have advantage. Resistance to all damage.
Structure or formation Enemy encampments, • Once per 15 minutes
or Any poison or disease already afflicting the target is suspended and the target
populated by hostiles creatures’ lairs of Rest or Idle. become immune to poison and disease.
Poisoned Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
NPC Names Only movement option is crawl until standing up. Disadvantage on attack rolls.
Prone Attackers within 5 feet have advantage, otherwise they have disadvantage.
Can stand up by using half of your total movement speed.

Speed reduced to 0. Disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws.

Attackers have advantage.

Considered one size category smaller for the purposes of movement through
Squeezing tight areas. Every foot of movement costs an extra foot. Disadvantage on
attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws. Attackers have advantage.

Incapacitated and cannot move. Ability to speak is impaired but not lost.
Stunned Automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws. Attacks have
Location names advantage.

Type Names Incapacitated, cannot move or speak, and unaware of surroundings. Drop any
held items and fall prone. Automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving
throws. Attackers have advantage and any attack that hits from within 5 feet is
a crit.
Weapons Armor & Shields Goods / Services

Languages Player characters

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