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Goals :

1. To receive of the accumulation of secretion

2. Pulled a test on the diagnostic test on the lab
3. Reduce asphyxiation due to accumulation of secretion


1. Tools preparation
 Handscoon
 Masker
 Pot sputum ( like a glass )
 Tissue
 Crock and platform
 Warm water
 Dishtowel
 Nierbeken
2. Patient preparation
I. Orientation stage
 Say hello and say the patient name
 Starting the purpose and execution prosedur
 Requesting patient approval
II. Stage of working
 Wash hand
 Wearing a handscoon
 Maintain patient privacy
 Preparing the patient
 Put a dish towel over the patient shoulder
 Place crock and platform close to the patient
 Put nirbekenon the cracker ad the platform
 Asking patient to place two hands over the abdomen
 Teach patien to breathe deeply form their nose and then breathe trough their
 Ask the patient to breathe 3 times and for the third one to hold up tp 3 second
and then cough violently
 Offering a warm drink to the patient
 Asked the patient if he could repeat a procedure or not
 Pack the tools
 Tidying up the patien
 Wash hand
III. Stage termination
 Conduct an action evaluation
 Say good-bye to the pasien
 Keep track of the activities in the patient medical record

1. Kata caugh seharusnya cough.
2. Seharusnya dijelaskan dulu pengertian singkat tentang effective coughnya sendiri.
Baru setelah itu Goals.
3. Gunakan kata-kata yang mudah dipahami orang awam, apabila itu memang bahasa
medis tulis dibawah 'note' atau semacamnya. Seperti: asphyxiation, nierbeken.
4. Kata masker seharusnya mask. Lalu bisa juga ditambahkan jumlah masing-masing
alat sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
5. '2. Patient preparation' sampai 'III. Stage termination' apakah itu termasuk
resources? Seharusnya sudah masuk ke procedure, mohon diperhatikan lagi.
6. Perhatikan juga penulisan kata, apakah typo masih dalam penulisan bahasa
Indonesia. Seperti: prosedur, nirbekenon, dan sebagainya.
7. 'Wash hand' seharusnya 'wash your hand' karena procedure text menggunakan
kalimat dengan sudut pandang orang kedua ataupun ketiga.
8. Perhatikan grammar, perlu diingat procedure text menggunakan simple present
tense. Seperti: wearing, asking, asked dan sebagainya.
9. 'Patient privacy' seharusnya 'patient's privacy' atau 'privacy of patient'.
10. Perhatikan pula tanda baca.
11. Terimakasih :)

Heru Iswanto

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