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Lo Nakhonn Earl of Heartland

The five Eras of jing

the purple highpriestess was the Sole Guardian of the adolescent Earl's spirit as her mother and her
mother mothers used to Guard the heart of their noble protege in their youth. When they were
thrown into the realms dirty reality of ever accerlating wealth and deeply divided social conditons
they became by divine order the sole keepers of their spiritual integrity, which naturally was a
travesty as the worldly matters and the enticment of lust and the constant hunt to fulfill endless
desires tainted their hearts and haunted them running through their reign like wolfs hunting a deer,
their minds an open wound to be infected through dishonest flatter briven by carefully concealed
selfinterst of the influencials to expand their wealth and Power beyond all need and use for as a
someone from a realm far away observed "All Lust Wants eternity, deep profound eternity". But why
would anyone care about some strange realms order? Nobody would if it wasn't for Earl Lo Nakhonn
the magi.

He was born in the realm of jing nia-mundi, the bastard realm at the mountains peak. It was called
that for it unified the teachings of the northwestern isles with those of the southeastern lands much
to the dismay of their respective cultures who despised the lack of spiritual and philosophical
holiness in the realms eclectic abomination of thought and action, which, despite all contradictions
and compromise, lead to jing nia-mundi conquering the 7 prosperous and cultured lands in the world
(known as the seven sthernsheinstätts) and having a firm diplomatical grasp on the Rest of it, that
they of course kept underdeveloped and exploited in favor of the sthernsheinstätts. At the time of
prince Lo Nahkonns birth the world was late in the fifth era and Jing Nia-mundi was ruled by the 7
Earls of the sthernsheinstätts. He was born as the son of the central southeastern power: heartland.
The first era was the era of creation, when the whole world was subject to the first incarnation, K.os
the void's blackbeast, until life came to be in the planetary soup which lead into the second era and
K.os incarnated as Nud-ne the wild daughter of growth. Her reign ended in the shadow of the first
agricultural ventures and settlements where the third incarnate povormag was born whose three
faces and names were dedicated to the farmers, warriors and mages in their conquest of the world.
And his three faces furthermore embodied the Split between the northwestern isles, the
southeastern lands and the violent clashes in between, the era of porvormag is also known as the old
days, where civilisation and culture came to be. The fourth era began with the fall of the
southeastern realm of sein which lead to northwestern barbarians invading the southeastern lands,
ravaging them so violently they took twothousand years to recover. This dark age of the southeast
was the fourth age incarnating foystgeset the blind a vengeful, anarchistic lord who thirsted for gore
and praised forceful actions.

The fifth era of Sorahenshu began slowly when old Texts reappeared in the lands and the first
printing machines gave rise to the age of the magi, whose spiritual and intellectual pursuits certainly
were an Integral Part of the civilised lands, but never in such potency. They transformed the lands
machine by machine and by the Power of their tongues.
Lo Nahkhonn Earl of Heartland II

The cataclysm of decadence I

-turn of years-

Prince Lo Nahkonn II the illfated magi, was born in a time of neverseen wealth in the crown-lands of
jing niamundi, the 7 sthernsheinstätts. The digital network was born not long ago and its connective
omnipotence began to grasp the world like a coccoon from which a new one would emerge. But jing
nia-mundi was in a complicated Phase that every realm eventually faces, decadency: moral and social
decline of the declining Generation in their Last breath and their spoiled offspring generation in
control. Lo Nahkhonns father the king was a drinking, drug-consuming, gambling DJ who was in
Power only formally and his mother was, well someone who would fall in love with such a man. She
died of a overdose of stimulants in her late pragnency and it was mere luck that Lo Nahkhonn
survived. Lo Nahkhonn was an intellectually gifted child and his teachers came to like the illfated
Prince of heartland, despite his impulsive Nature and his lack of manners, which arose through the
neglect of his father, his lack of a mother and the neurological deficits of a drugfueled pregnancy.

The light of his life was a mere Flash: the purple highpriestess, who was of roughly the same age and
fated to guard his spirit throughout of the young Earl until he would claim the crown. They first met
when he was 17 and she was just 14 at the Springcarnival that was celebrated ecstatically to greet
the new year. He was enticed by her soft graceful facial structure, the white porcelaine-skin, her
purple hair and the thin lips of a pale pink. And she was enamoured as well, they enjoyed each others
company, until her protective Brother, a lesser but oder and physically intimidating royal interfered
in envy, which lead to a Situation where they barely ever saw each other for five years.

It was around the end of the year in Honor of Richard-the-wicked-Scientist when she called him from
his tower, where he was kneedeep in stimulant-fueld studies to visit her in her first own Apartment
not for from his tower. Although they hadn't talked in years, for which they both yearned so deeply,
it was almost as if they never had parted and a glicening fulfilled their eyes. The time when only
distant prayers and blessings would caress the young Earl's spirit were over. But he already hoped for
too much as he found out she had promised herself to one of his old rivals as a woman. He left her
with mixed feelings.

One night before the year would turn to honor doge-the-yellow-jester she called Lo Nahkhonn in
tears for her fiance did unspeakable horrors to her in bed. He came over as quickly as he could and
she found comfort in his presence. He also brought the chemical substance he consumes to collect,
stimulate and emotionally flatten himself and shared it with her and it might have been that but his
doom came closer.

For like an actor dropping their mask she dropped her civilised masquerade, talking with wild,
widened eyes how she cherished all the little time they had before and how she couldn't quit telling
everyone she met about him and that all she ever wished was for the Earl's recognition as intellectual
equal. And she recited incantations that put fire to Lo Nahkhonns heart that was already so weak in
her presence until the both drifted off in madness until she was on the ground moaning while he had
his hands wrapped firmly around her dainty neck. He screamed in terror as he felt, the dark barrier
around her heart and a demonic presence behind it, it was so horrifyingly clearly visible in his mind
and he ran breathless into the years last, cold and grayish day, completely convinced to find such
terror in her pure divine beauty is worlds end and he has to take his life.

...which of course he did not.

He wandered aimlessly through the urban jungle lost within his racing until his tired legs Carried him
into his lonesome tower.

He fired up his computer to access the net archives in search for solace and chose the great teaching
of the void from the land of Pjingheng in the third era. He was absorbed by the teaching of empty,
mindless tranquility and left himself behind in the old year stepping into the new one as a ghost.

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