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Acute Pelvic Fractures: I.

Causation and Classification

Marvin Tile, MD


Acute pelvic fractures are potentially lethal, even with modern techniques of poly- bis, the posterior sacroiliac com-
trauma care. The appropriate treatment of such fractures is dependent on a thor- plex, and the pelvic floor (Fig. 1).
ough understanding of the anatomic features of the pelvic region and the The anterior structures, the sym-
biomechanical basis of the various types of lesions. Although the anterior struc- physis pubis and the pubic rami,
tures, the symphysis pubis and the pubic rami, contribute approximately 40% to contribute approximately 40% to
the stiffness of the pelvis, clinical and biomechanical studies have shown that the the stiffness of the pelvis; the poste-
posterior sacroiliac complex is more important to pelvic-ring stability. Therefore, rior structures, approximately 60%.
the classification of pelvic fractures is based on the stability of the posterior lesion. The posterior part of the pelvic ring
In type A fractures, the pelvic ring is stable. The partially stable type B lesions, can remain stable even if portions
such as “open-book” and “bucket-handle” fractures, are caused by external- and of the anterior pelvis are removed
internal-rotation forces, respectively. In type C injuries, there is complete dis- or absent, such as may occur after
ruption of the posterior sacroiliac complex. These unstable fractures are almost tumor surgery or in cases of exstro-
always caused by high-energy severe trauma associated with motor vehicle acci- phy of the bladder. Clinical and
dents, falls from a height, or crushing injuries. Type A and type B fractures make biomechanical studies have shown
up 70% to 80% of all pelvic injuries. Because of the complexity of injuries that that the posterior sacroiliac com-
most often result in acute pelvic fractures, they should be considered in the con- plex, also known as the posterior
text of polytrauma management, rather than in isolation. Any classification sys- tension band of the pelvis, is more
tem must therefore be seen only as a general guide to treatment. The management important to pelvic-ring stability
of each patient requires careful, individualized decision making. than the anterior structures.9,10
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1996;4:143-151
Sacroiliac Complex
Pelvic stability is dependent on
an intact posterior sacroiliac com-
The past two decades have seen saving the patient’s life, the first plex (Fig. 1, A). The posterior liga-
major advances in our knowledge priority in polytrauma manage-
of pelvic-ring disruptions occur- ment, is closely related to accurate
ring due to high-energy injury. The diagnosis of the type of fracture
Dr. Tile is Professor of Surgery, University of
forces necessary to disrupt the and stabilization of the pelvic ring. Toronto School of Medicine, and Surgeon-in-
pelvis of a young person with nor- Chief, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre,
mal bone are massive; hence, the Toronto.
injury cannot be considered in iso- General Concepts
lation, but must be viewed as part Reprint requests: Dr. Tile, Department of
Surgery, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre,
of the spectrum of polytrauma. Anatomy 2075 Bayview Avenue, North York, Ontario,
Such injuries are potentially lethal, The pelvis is a ring-like structure Canada M4N 3M5.
with mortality rates of 10% to 20% made up of the two innominate
for unstable pelvic fractures.1-5 In bones and the sacrum. Because The author or the department with which he is af-
the case of open fractures, the mor- these bones have no inherent stabil- filiated has received something of value from a
commercial or other party related directly or in-
tality can be as high as 50%,6-8 even ity, the stability of the pelvic ring is directly to the subject of this article.
with modern techniques of poly- due mainly to its surrounding soft-
trauma care. The key to logical de- tissue envelope. Copyright 1996 by the American Academy of
cision making in such cases is The stabilizing structures of the Orthopaedic Surgeons.
understanding the injury, since pelvic ring are the symphysis pu-

Vol 4, No 3, May/June 1996 143

Acute Pelvic Fractures: I. Causation and Classification


sacroiliac Pelvic brim
Sacrospinous ligament
True pelvis
Ligament ligament


L5 transverse Iliolumbar Posterior

process ligament superior


Fig. 1 A, Major posterior stabilizing structures of the pelvic ring. Top, Posterior view. Bottom, Transverse view illustrates the suspension
bridge–like arrangement of ligaments binding the posterior sacroiliac complex. Note vertical direction of the interosseous posterior sacroil-
iac ligaments, which are the strongest in the body. Transverse process acts as the suspension joining the pillars, represented by the posterior
superior iliac spines, to the sacrum. B, Major ligamentous structures of the pelvic floor. Top, Sagittal view shows attachments of sacro-
tuberous and sacrospinous ligaments. Bottom, Sacrotuberous ligament, which joins the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity, resists a shearing
rotatory force (arrows).

mentous structures that create the iac crest, further enhancing the sus- joint is relatively small and is
major tension-band effect of the pensory mechanism, as do the shaped like an ear. The anterior
pelvic ring may be likened to a sus- transverse fibers of the sacroiliac sacroiliac ligaments afford some
pension bridge, with the posterior ligaments, both anteriorly and pos- stability by limiting external rota-
superior iliac spines being the pil- teriorly. The strongest ligaments in tion.
lars, the interosseous sacroiliac lig- this complex—indeed, in the hu-
aments acting like suspension bars, man body—are the interosseous Pelvic Floor
and the sacrum being the bridge. sacroiliac ligaments, which prevent The two major ligamentous
The iliolumbar ligaments join the the sacrum from displacing anteri- structures on each side of the pelvic
transverse processes of L5 to the il- orly. The articular portion of the floor are the sacrospinous ligament

144 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Marvin Tile, MD

and the sacrotuberous ligament

(Fig. 1, B). The sacrospinous liga-
ment, an extremely strong band
that runs transversely from the lat-
eral edge of the sacrum to the
ischial spine, resists external rota-
tion. The sacrotuberous ligament
arises from the posterior aspect of
the sacroiliac complex and extends
to the ischial tuberosity. In the
sagittal plane this ligament resists A B
vertical-shearing and rotational
forces applied to the hemipelvis.
The entire pelvic floor is covered by
muscle and investing fascia.

Types of Anatomic Lesions

If a ring structure is fractured in
one area, it must be broken in an-
other, the only exception being a
greenstick injury in a child. There-
fore, if an anterior fracture is
noted, there must be a concomitant
posterior injury. The literature, es- C D
pecially the general surgical litera-
ture, has failed to recognize this Fig. 2 Anterior pelvic lesions. A, Disrup-
tion of symphysis pubis through soft tissues.
fact, classifying pelvic fractures as B, Avulsion of entire symphysis (arrow)
either anterior or posterior, when from one pubic bone. C, Locking and over-
in fact both types of lesions must lapping of symphysis (arrow) due to lateral-
compression injury. D, Fracture of superior
occur in all cases of major pelvic and inferior pubic rami on same side. E, Dis-
trauma. ruption of symphysis associated with ante-
rior avulsion of insertion of rectus abdominis
muscle. (Reproduced with permission from
Anterior Lesions Tile M [ed]: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetab-
The anterior pelvic lesions ulum, 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams &
(Fig. 2) include disruptions of the Wilkins, 1995.)
symphysis pubis, overlapping E
and/or locking of the symphysis pu-
bis, unilateral fractures of both rami
(superior and inferior), bilateral frac-
tures of all four pubic rami, and com- the foramina.11 The highest incidence spectrum is the intact pelvic ring; at
binations of ramus fractures with of nerve injury (40% to 50%) occurs the other end is a completely unsta-
disruption of the symphysis. with sacral fractures, especially those ble pelvis, virtually an internal
medial to or through the foramina.12-14 hemipelvectomy. Other fractures
Posterior Lesions of the pelvis fall between these two
Posterior fractures (Fig. 3) may be Biomechanics extremes. In the pelvic classifica-
through the ilium, through the The type of anatomic lesion is tion based on the assessment of sta-
sacroiliac joint (either as a pure dislo- important, especially when consid- bility, which will be discussed later
cation or a fracture-dislocation), or ering surgical management, but in this article, the fractures at the
through the sacrum. Anatomic le- stability is more important for stable end of the spectrum are des-
sions in the sacrum have been classi- overall decision making in patient ignated type A; those at the unsta-
fied as being through the lateral mass, care. As is the case with other frac- ble end, type C; and those in the
lateral to the sacral neural foramina; tures, pelvic fractures vary in de- middle, with partial stability, type
through the foramina; or medial to gree of stability. At one end of the B. Stability is also related to the di-

Vol 4, No 3, May/June 1996 145

Acute Pelvic Fractures: I. Causation and Classification


Fig. 3 Radiographs (top) and computed tomographic (CT) scans (bottom) depicting posterior pelvic lesions (arrows). A, Fracture of the il-
ium. B, Fracture-dislocation on the right side and dislocation on the left. C, Fracture of the sacrum, with instability due to avulsion of the
transverse process of the L5 vertebra. (Reproduced with permission from Tile M [ed]: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum, 2nd ed. Balti-
more: Williams & Wilkins, 1995.)

rection of the injurious force possible. The pelvic ring retains par- Instability (Shearing Forces)
(Fig. 4). Retention of some soft-tis- tial stability by virtue of the intact Shearing forces are generally per-
sue support results in partial stabil- posterior sacroiliac ligament com- pendicular to the soft-tissue struc-
ity; loss of this support results in plex. tures and the bony trabeculae and
complete instability. may therefore overcome the liga-
Partial Stability (Lateral- ments of the sacroiliac complex and
Partial Stability (External-Rotation Compression Forces) the pelvic floor, resulting in an un-
Forces) If a lateral-compression (internal- stable hemipelvis (Fig. 4, D). This
External-rotation forces through rotation) force is applied to the can occur irrespective of the direc-
the intact femur and anteroposte- pelvis, the anterior rami often break, tion of the original force. External-
rior-compression forces acting di- and the pelvis rotates internally (Fig. rotation and vertical or posterior
rectly on the anterior or posterior 4, C). If the posterior ligaments re- shearing forces disrupt the liga-
iliac spines tend to open the pelvis main intact, the anterior sacrum will ments more commonly than inter-
like a book (hence the term “open- be compressed. If the bone of the nal-rotation forces, but I have seen
book injury”) (Fig. 4, B). Anteriorly, sacrum is stronger than the posterior major translation with internal-rota-
the symphysis pubis may be dis- sacroiliac ligaments, the ligaments tion forces. Therefore, the surgeon
rupted or, less commonly, the rami may tear, but with this implosion- must be vigilant for this possibility;
may fracture. As the external-rota- type force, the pelvic floor remains otherwise, errors in diagnosis will
tion force continues, the pelvic floor intact, affording partial stability to lead to faulty decision making.
ruptures, and the anterior sacroiliac the pelvis. With intact pelvic floor
ligaments tear until the posterior il- ligaments, further internal rotation Effect of Force Direction on Soft
iac spine impinges on the sacrum. If may occur, but in some cases the Tissues
the force stops at that point, the sacral compression is so great that External-rotation and shearing
pelvis may externally rotate unilat- no rotation is possible. In both sce- forces tend to disrupt soft tissue,
erally or bilaterally, but major poste- narios, major posterior or vertical and resultant injuries are likely to
rior or vertical translation is not translation is not possible. cause damage to the visceral and

146 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Marvin Tile, MD

ability to trace the fracture lines on

Interosseous Interosseous a model pelvis, and a thorough un-
sacroiliac sacroiliac derstanding of the resultant soft-
ligaments ligaments
tissue injuries.
For the purposes of this classifi-
cation, the pelvis is divided into the
posterior arch (located posterior to
the acetabular surface) and the an-
terior arch (located anterior to the
acetabular surface). The type of
fracture is based on the stability of
the posterior pelvic arch (sacroiliac
Sacrospinous Sacrospinous
complex), with stability being de-
ligament ligament fined as the ability of the pelvis to
withstand physiologic force with-
out deformation. As mentioned
previously, the spectrum of pelvic
fractures ranges from type A le-
sions, which are stable, to type C le-
sions, which are unstable. Anterior
lesions are denoted by modifiers
and include symphyseal disrup-
tions and combinations of ramus

Type A Fractures
Type A pelvic-ring lesions do
C D not fracture through the pelvic ring
Fig. 4 Forces acting on the pelvis. A, Cross section of the pelvis depicts the stabilizing lig-
or pelvic soft tissues, but may
amentous structures. B, External rotation or anteroposterior compression through the left fe- avulse portions of the pelvis or
mur (arrows) disrupts the symphysis, pelvis, and anterior sacroiliac ligament to the fracture only the iliac wing. Be-
impingement of the ilium against the posterior aspect of the sacrum. If the force stops at this
level, partial stability of the pelvis is maintained by the interosseous sacroiliac ligaments. C,
cause the pelvic ring is stable, it
Lateral-compression (internal-rotation) force implodes the hemipelvis. The rami may frac- cannot be displaced by physiologic
ture anteriorly, and posterior impaction of the sacrum may occur with some disruption of the forces. Type A1 lesions are avul-
posterior structures but maintenance of partial stability by the intact pelvic floor and com-
pression of the sacrum. D, Shearing (translational) force disrupts the symphysis, pelvic floor,
sion-type fractures, which usually
and posterior structures, rendering the hemipelvis completely unstable. occur in adolescents and do not in-
volve the entire pelvic ring. Type
A2 fractures are caused by a direct
blow and can involve either an il-
arterial structures. Because nerve pathoanatomy. Although no classi- iac-wing fracture or an anterior-
injuries associated with these fication system can provide an- arch lesion. Type A3 fractures are
forces are usually due to traction, swers to all the questions regarding transverse lesions of the sacrum
the prognosis must be guarded. a specific injury, the comprehen- and coccyx and should be consid-
Lateral-compression forces may sive classification of fractures of the ered spinal injuries rather than dis-
puncture viscera and compress pelvis shown in Table 1, which was ruptions of the pelvic ring.
nerves. first published in 1988, 15 has been
modified and accepted by the AO Type B Fractures
group.16,17 Type B lesions are partially sta-
Classification of Fractures Like all classification systems, ble. They may be displaced by ei-
this one should be used only as a ther external- or internal-rotation
The classification of pelvic frac- guide to treatment. The manage- forces, may exhibit rotational insta-
tures is based on the concepts of ment of the individual patient re- bility (Fig. 4, B), or may be stuck in
stability, force direction, and quires a careful assessment, the the displaced impacted position,

Vol 4, No 3, May/June 1996 147

Acute Pelvic Fractures: I. Causation and Classification

pelvis, usually through the sym-

Table 1 physis pubis but occasionally
Classification of Pelvic-Ring Lesions
through the pubic rami. If the sym-
physeal disruption is less than 2.5
Type A: Stable (posterior arch intact) cm (1 inch), the pelvic floor remains
A1: Avulsion injury
intact, as do the sacroiliac joints.
A2: Iliac-wing or anterior-arch fracture due to a direct blow
This is the same situation that occurs
A3: Transverse sacrococcygeal fracture
Type B: Partially stable (incomplete disruption of posterior arch) with the passage of the fetus during
B1: Open-book injury (external rotation) labor. This particular injury is at the
B2: Lateral-compression injury (internal rotation) stable end of the spectrum. If the an-
B2-1: Ipsilateral anterior and posterior injuries terior disruption is greater than 2.5
B2-2: Contralateral (bucket-handle) injuries cm, the pelvic floor is disrupted, and
B3: Bilateral the anterior sacroiliac ligaments rup-
Type C: Unstable (complete disruption of posterior arch) ture. However, if the posterior liga-
C1: Unilateral ments remain intact, partial stability
C1-1: Iliac fracture is maintained, and translation is not
C1-2: Sacroiliac fracture-dislocation
C1-3: Sacral fracture
C2: Bilateral, with one side type B, one side type C
C3: Bilateral Type B2 Lateral-Compression Injury
(Internal Rotation)
Type B2 injuries involve partial
disruption of the posterior arch
(Fig. 6, A). A lateral-compressive
especially as a result of lateral com- Type B1 Open-Book Injury (External force directed at the pelvic ring can
pression (Fig. 4, C). Because the Rotation) cause two types of injuries: ipsilat-
posterior arch retains some inher- The unilateral open-book injury eral (type B2-1) injuries, which are
ent stability, posterior or vertical (Fig. 5, A) is characterized by dis- characterized by anterior and pos-
displacement is not possible. ruption of the anterior arch of the terior lesions on the same side of

Fig. 5 Open-book injuries.

A, External rotation of
the left hemipelvis through
the femur causes unilateral
disruption of the left hemi-
pelvis. Top, Note the disrup-
tion of the symphysis and
pelvic floor, but maintenance
of partial stability through
the intact posterior tension
band. Bottom, Computed to-
mographic (CT) scan. B, Bi-
lateral open-book fracture.
Top, Anteroposterior radio-
graph shows wide disrup-
tion of the symphysis and
anterior opening of the
sacroiliac joint. Bottom,
Same bilateral fracture is bet-
ter visualized on CT scan.
(Radiologic images repro-
duced with permission from
Tile M [ed]: Fractures of the
Pelvis and Acetabulum, 2nd
ed. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins, 1995.)

148 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Marvin Tile, MD

the pelvis, and contralateral (type pacted fracture. Type B2 injuries symphysis disruption (tilt frac-
B2-2), or “bucket-handle,” injuries, can be further categorized on the ture). The posterior injury may be
in which there is an anterior lesion basis of the site and whether the in- a sacral impaction, best seen on
on one side and a posterior lesion jury is anterior or posterior. computed tomography (CT) (Fig. 6,
on the other. In both types, there In ipsilateral type B2-1 injuries, C), or a sacroiliac joint impaction
may be internal rotational instabil- the anterior lesion is on the same involving either the ilium or the
ity or a compression fracture in the side as the posterior lesion (Fig. sacrum.
posterior arch rigidly holding the 6, A and B). The anterior lesion In type B2-2 (bucket-handle) in-
hemipelvis in the compressed, dis- may be unilateral superior and in- juries, the anterior lesion is on the
placed, internally rotated position. ferior ramus fractures on the same side opposite the posterior lesion
Stability is maintained by a rel- side as the posterior injury; an (Fig. 6, D–F). The affected hemi-
atively intact pelvic floor and/or overlapped, locked symphysis; pelvis rotates not only internally
retention of the posterior ligamen- or a combination of injuries, such but also superiorly. In this injury,
tous structure, as well as the im- as a superior ramus fracture and a the affected hip joint is elevated, in-



Fig. 6 A, Mechanism of ipsilateral type B2-1 injuries. Lateral-compressive force directed against the iliac crest causes the hemipelvis to rotate inter-
nally, producing a posterior compressive sacral lesion and injury to the contralateral or ipsilateral (as shown here) anterior structures. B, Typical type
B2-1 injury. Anteroposterior radiograph shows fracture of the superior and inferior pubic rami with internal rotation of the right hemipelvis. Note
overlap of the superior ramus fracture, compression fracture on the left side of the symphysis pubis, and crush injury to the sacrum. C, Compressive
nature of the sacral fracture is better seen on CT. D, Mechanism of type B2-2 bucket-handle injuries. Posterior injury is on the side opposite the an-
terior ramus fractures. Displacement is not only internal but also superior in rotation. E, Typical type B2-2 injury is illustrated in this anteroposterior
radiograph of a 16-year-old girl struck from the side in a motor-vehicle accident. Note that the left hemipelvis is internally rotated. Superior rotation
is indicated by the superior position of the femoral head, also indicating leg-length discrepancy. F, The lesion is more clearly seen on CT, which shows
internal rotation of the left hemipelvis, anterior crush at the sacroiliac joint, and avulsion of the posterior apophysis (arrow). (Parts B, C, E, and F are
reproduced with permission from Tile M [ed]: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum, 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995.)

Vol 4, No 3, May/June 1996 149

Acute Pelvic Fractures: I. Causation and Classification

dicating superior rotation of the Type C Fractures (C1-1); through the sacroiliac com-
anterior hemipelvis. Although all In the type C pelvic-ring lesion, plex, usually fracturing the ilium
four rami may be involved anteri- posterior disruption is complete, as with the dislocation, but occasionally
orly, the displacement is on the side is disruption of the pelvic floor. This affecting the sacrum (C1-2); or
opposite the posterior lesion. Ver- allows posterior and vertical transla- through the sacrum (C1-3). Sacral
tical stability is maintained by the tional displacement, resulting in a fractures may be through the foram-
relatively intact pelvic floor and the completely unstable pelvis, either ina, lateral to the foramina, or medial
impacted fracture. This fracture unilaterally or bilaterally. to the foramina.11 Type C2 injuries
pattern is best seen on a CT study Type C fractures are almost al- are characterized by an unstable frac-
and the three standard views of the ways caused by high-energy severe ture on one side and a type B par-
pelvis. trauma associated with motor-vehi- tially stable lesion on the other. Type
Regardless of the direction of the cle accidents, falls from a height, or C3 lesions are bilaterally unstable.
inciting force, a lesion can be char- crushing injuries (Fig. 7). Complete
acterized as a type B injury only if disruption of the posterior pelvic
there is inherent stability in the ring occurs with posterior or vertical Relative Incidence
posterior arch. If the force of lateral translation, with a gap often greater
compression overcomes the soft tis- than 1 cm seen on the initial radio- In virtually all literature reports,
sues of the pelvis, causing instabil- graph. However, the surgeon may even those from major trauma cen-
ity, the fracture is, by definition, a be misled by the lack of displacement ters, type A and type B fractures
type C lesion. It is only by careful shown on the initial radiograph. make up 70% to 80% of the total
vigilance in the posttrauma period This injury is usually associated with number of pelvic injuries. Type C
that the exact nature of the lesion marked anterior disruption through unstable fractures are much less
can be determined. the rami or the symphysis. In the common. In a major study from 14
most extreme cases, a closed unsta- German trauma units, Gansslen et
Type B3 (Bilateral Injury) ble type C lesion may be considered al19 recently confirmed these values.
Type B3 lesions are bilateral and an internal hemipelvectomy. Cases
partially stable. They include the of true traumatic hemipelvectomy
classic bilateral open-book (B3-1) have also been reported.18 Summary
injuries (Fig. 5, B), bilateral lateral- Type C fractures may be unilat-
compression (B2) injuries, and eral or bilateral. The unilateral type The past two decades have seen
combinations thereof. C1 injury may be through the ilium major advances in our knowledge


Fig. 7 Type C injuries. A, Drawing illustrates disruption of the symphysis, the pelvic floor on the left, and a completely unstable left sacral frac-
ture. Avulsion fractures of both the ischial spine and the transverse process are telltale signs of complete instability of the hemipelvis. B, An-
teroposterior radiograph demonstrates slight vertical and posterior displacement of the right hemipelvis. The exact pathologic nature of the
lesion was difficult to determine on this radiograph taken at the time of the patient’s admission to the trauma unit. C, A CT scan better demon-
strates the grossly unstable fracture through the right sacrum with bone fragments in the cauda equina and through the sacral foramina. (Parts
B and C are reproduced with permission from Tile M [ed]: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum, 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995.)

150 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Marvin Tile, MD

of pelvic-ring disruptions due to although the classification of pelvic d i vi d ua l i z ed d eci si on m a kin g

high-energy injury. Because these stability on the basis of patho- remains essential. The key to logi-
potentially lethal fractures often anatom y , for ce d i r ect i on, a nd cal d e c i s i o n m a k i n g i s u n d e r -
occur in the context of multi - stability has become more stan- s t a n d i n g the anatomic and
ple trauma, they cannot be consid- dardized, it can still serve only as a biomechanical basis of acute pelvic
ered in isolation. Therefore, general guide to treatment, and in- fractures.

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Vol 4, No 3, May/June 1996 151

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