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Three brave adventures set out answering the call from Professor Hammond for some trouble he

was having with the locals, Gustaff, Ierene and Gherod. They came upon the lush jungle island of Isla
Nubar and stayed the night in Hammonds large walled house after feasting on native fruits, goat and
dinosaur steak. That evening they observed the wonderous pens of dinosaurs, being tended by
Hammonds skeletal labourers and the pit filled with trees and vicious raptors who were fed a steady
diet of live goats. The next morning they set off to the foot hills to seek out the tribe of native
halflings who had been attacking Hammonds workforce and releasing his captured dinosaurs. It
wasn’t long before the tribe found them and took them to their village of huts and platforms in the
trees where they meet Chief Jimala of the Yujleda tribe. This halfling resplendent in his raptor skull
hat and raptor tooth necklace would not budge as his tribe wanted their ancestral lands back,
needed more land to expand and to remove the blight of the undead without incurring a cursing as
had happened the last time necromancy had arisen on the island. On the way back from these
negotiations, the brave adventurers and their guide Mallood, were ambushed by a pair of raptors
but quickly dispatched them largely due to raptors inability to strike their prey and Gusstaff’s fancy
sword play. Upon returning to Hammonds compound he was quite willing to avoid bloodshed with
the tribe and was willing to stop using his skeletons if the halflings were willing to work his farm. And
so the next dawn a deal was struck. The Yujleda tribe would work the land in exchange for goats,
weapons and the removal of all the undead from Hammond’s farm. As well as this Hammond
promised the finest big stick would be made for Jimala and gave him a pike to use in the mean time
as wise people say “speak softly and carry a big stick”. And so our brave adventurers having solved
this issue diplomaticly said goodbye to the quaint island and sailed back to the mainland of
Apos’trophe aboard the White Dove captained by Jerome the elf. But Gusstaff had one last present
for Jimala , the fancy hat from his head placed ontop of Jimala’s raptor skull.

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