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How to Manifest Abundance with this

Powerful 6-Phase Meditation

This video inspired me to give meditation a try. Not because it is inspiring (you really can’t call it that), but
because it made meditation sound fun.

My life has not been the same ever since.

Want to Unlock Your Superpowers? Try Meditation.

Like all Harry Potter fans, I eagerly waited for my magic to kick in when I was 11.

It didn’t.

So I waited for my 18th birthday, hoping against hope that something would spark at midnight. (I am not
kidding. I was really that crazy.)

Unfortunately, that didn’t work either. But surprisingly, what did work was meditation.

Did it happen the first time I tried it? Nah! But after a few weeks of meditating for just a few minutes every
day in the morning, I started to notice a significant change in my baseline emotional state.

Meditation made me feel like a superhero.

It was magic!

How else will you describe the feeling of being in sync with the entire world, and feeling stress-free and
happy on a daily basis?

And if you feel this is some spiritual mumbo jumbo subjective to me, I recommend you read this excellent
(and detailed) article . It will clear a few things up.

76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare

We all have heard that "meditation is good for you". But good in what terms? Is that just reports from
people doing it…

The 6 Phase Envisioning Meditation

I am attending an online course at MindValley Academy right now. It’s called Extraordinary by Design.
That’s where I was exposed to this technique.

The 6 Phase Envisioning method is a powerful meditation that only needs a minimum of 15 minutes to do.

Personally, I feel this meditation is extraordinarily good. So I wanted to share it with you. You can try it and
judge for yourself.

Here’s how you can do it —

Step #1: Close your eyes and breathe in.

Start by finding a peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed for a while. And make sure the ringer of
your phone and gadgets are set to silent.

Then find a comfortable place to sit in, and close your eyes. Do not lie down on your back while doing this.
You will fall asleep.

Once you are comfortable (and your eyes are closed), take a deep breath and settle in.

Fill your lungs with this breath. Let it expand your stomach. And then release it slowly and completely.

Do this one more time, and then continue breathing at your natural pace.

Step #2: Relax from head to toe.

Focus your attention on your natural breathing and center yourself.

If you find this difficult to do, or if your mind keeps wandering away, just count your breaths in your mind.
You should count a minimum of 5 full breaths. Just keep breathing and center yourself.

Once you are centered, focus your attention at the top of your scalp, and breathe in deeply. And as you
release this breath, imagine all your stress flowing out with it.

Imagine a wave of relaxation pouring down from the top of your scalp, down your face, and then the back
of your head.

Now breathe in again.

As you breathe out, feel the wave relax your forehead, eyes, cheeks, and jaw. Feel it pour down your throat
and unburden your shoulders.

Repeat this process and feel the relaxation travel down your entire body. Through your arms, hands, and
fingers. Through your chest, spine, and pelvis. Through your butt, legs, and feet.

When you are fully relaxed, remain in this state for 5 natural breaths. Count the numbers in your head if
your attention strays.

Now you are ready to start the 6 Phase meditation.

Step #3: Phase I — Compassion

Needy people seek out others to fill a void in their heart. They need someone to give them love.

Unfortunately, all the love in the world cannot heal them because their void is a bottomless pit.

This phase of the 6 phase method is designed to help you connect with the compassion already within you
and heal the void in your heart.

Remember: Only those people are capable of receiving love whose cups are already overflowing with it.

To start this phase, imagine a ball of white/golden light above your head. Feel its warmth and energy. Feel
its love and kindness.

Now imagine this light entering your body through the top of your head.
Feel it travel down your body and light up every inch of your being: Your head and brain. Your throat and
chest. And then the rest of you.

Feel it lighting you up from the inside. And feel the love and compassion grow in your heart.

Now imagine this light expanding out of you and enveloping your whole house. Imagine a cord connecting
your heart to the hearts of the people living in your house. Send them love down this cord (even if you are
angry at them at the moment).

Then see this light expanding out and filling your neighborhood. Imagine you are connected to all the
strangers in your neighborhood.

Now feel the light expand and cover your entire city.

Then your country.

And finally the whole world.

See the Earth floating in space, and see the light of your love and compassion making it glow like a bulb.
You are now connected to every soul in this world.

Big or small. Rich or poor. You are all connected.

Send love to all. You may even choose to send love to those people whose lives you specifically want to

Once you have done this, there are two places for you to go — move onto the next step, or rouse yourself
from meditation.

If you are a beginner, or have never meditated before, I recommend you read the last step and learn how
to stop meditating. This much is enough for one day. You can repeat the steps tomorrow and move onto
Phase II then.

Step #4: Phase II — Gratitude

People who practice daily gratitude are happier than their counterparts.


Because instead of complaining about what they lack in life, they choose to focus on the awesome things
and people they already have in it.

They are happy now so they are capable of attracting even more happiness.

This phase of the 6 Phase meditation taps into gratitude and helps you start your day with a sense of
fulfillment and happiness.

Once you have compassionately sent your love to every soul on Earth, return your focus to your inner self
and count 3 to 5 things you are grateful for in your past. Say them in your mind or visualize the events as
they occurred.

Once you have done that, count 3 to 5 things you are grateful for in your work life.

Finally, count 3 to 5 things you are grateful for about yourself.

Some people tend to focus on others when they count the things they are grateful for about themselves.
Don’t do that. Focus on your characteristics. Your talents. Your gifts.

Count 3 to 5 things about yourself that you are truly grateful for.

If you can’t find any, please read the book The 6 Pillars of Self Esteem by Dr. Nathaniel Branden. There is no
way you have nothing in you to be grateful for. You just need to raise your self-esteem and see your gifts.

Once you have completed this, either move on to the next phase, or if you are a beginner, move onto
phase III the next day.

Step #5: Phase III — Forgiveness

You cannot move on in life if you are holding on to painful experiences and people from your past. This
phase is designed to help you let them go.

Once you have counted all the things you are grateful for in your life, bring to your mind one person who
you feel has wronged you in the past. For some people it can even be their shadow self.

Imagine this person is sitting before you.

Now say to them(within your mind) — “I forgive you. And I ask you to forgive me.”

Don’t overthink it or get angry. Just repeat this phrase in your head, and then imagine this person saying it
back to you — “I forgive you. And I ask you to forgive me.”

When they have said this, feel the hurt and pain flow out of your body.

If this is the first time you are working with forgiveness, choose a person whose transgression is small.
Don’t choose the family member who you feel has ruined your life. That will destroy all the work of the
previous two phases.

Choose a small target for now. And focus on them every day during your phase of forgiveness. You will
learn to forgive in time.

The Buddha once said this —

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”.

Forgive and let go.

Step #6: Phase IV — Envision your future

Once you have completed the last phase, choose one area of your life where you want to see accelerated

It can be your career, your love life, or any other goal. Just focus on this goal and imagine where you want
to be with regard to it 3 years down the line.

Imagine yourself 3 years older, and engage with this vision with all your senses.

For example, when I do this I imagine myself holding a physical copy of the book I am working on right now.

I feel the smoothness of the book’s cover, its matt finish, and the crispness of the pages inside.
I see myself holding it up to my nose and taking in the heady scent of the pages.

I see people lined up before me at a book signing.

I feel their applause vibrate through me as I walk onto the stage in a talk show.

I feel the heat of a thousand cameras flashing, and the sound of clinking glasses in a party thrown in my

I imagine all this and more.

Do the same during your envisioning phase of this technique. Imagine your future in full detail. Every vivid
inch of what you want your life to be like in that area 3 years from now. And use all five senses while doing

Step #7: Phase V — See the perfect day

Once you have envisioned your future, imagine what the rest of your day (in present) will be like.

Imagine the perfect day.

If you meditate at night, do this for the next day.

Imagine yourself enjoying a good meal for breakfast. See yourself completing the tasks of the day. Feel
yourself relaxing later by watching a movie or reading a book. Then see yourself going to bed with a smile
on your face.

Feel the happiness of having lived a perfect day, and imagine yourself being grateful for it before you go to

Step #8: Phase VI — Blessing

This is the last phase of the 6 Phase meditation technique.

Once you have visualized your perfect day, focus inward once more and imagine a golden orb above your
head. Imagine the light of this orb seeping through the top of your head.

Feel it flow down gently through your body and reach your toes. Imagine this light blessing you with love,
luck, and prosperity.

If you are a religious person, you can imagine this light originating from your source of faith.

If you are not religious but have faith in something greater, imagine this light originating from that source.
This can even be your higher self.

Bask in this love and blessing for as long as you want.

Step #9: Rouse from the meditative state.

When we are in the meditative state, our brain waves become slower. It is the same state we are in before
we fall asleep.

That’s why you should never jar yourself awake from the meditative state. Doing so causes drowsiness and
lack of focus for a long while afterwards.
Therefore, once you have finished the last phase of the 6 Phase meditation, say to yourself in your mind
that you will open your eyes and be alert on the count of five. Then slowly count up from 1 to 5, and feel
your senses becoming alert with every passing count.

When you reach 5, open your eyes and be alert.

You should feel calm, peaceful, and happy.

Do What You Love and Love What You Do

There are many kinds of meditation. The most popular being mindfulness and visualization. Just remember
that meditation only works if you enjoy doing it.

So if this one doesn’t sound all that fun to you (which is very likely if you are not good at visualization), then
I recommend you find the method that really intrigues you.

The best results are only seen when you do what you love and love what you do.

Happy meditating!

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Read next —

A Humbling Lesson in Spirituality

The reason why you can never have it all figured out.

Valeria Black is an author and eccentric thinker. Follow her for more in-depth articles and guides on living
better, growing independent, and becoming the legend you were born to be.

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