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Niños San Isidro 2007

....Noticias sobre mi en UNED

Misterios1.¿Luz en Egipto,

Misterios 2.,Pila de Bagdad

Misterios.3.El sofisticado
mecanismo de Antikhithera

.Misterios 4.Aviones en la
Ver estadísticas de esta página Misterios.5.Mecanismo de

Misterios 6.Lentes asirias

Misterios.7.Calendario sumerio

Misterios.8.Zigurat con cuernos

Misterios del mundo antiguo.9


A scientific paper was presented during the time of Seti I to define the ability to understand the science of
predicting outcome. The Hunefer Papyrus was the Occam’s Razor of the 17th Dynasty. website/EGIPTO/MISTERIOS/ZODIACO_DENDERA.htm 1/4


Figure 1: Denderah Circular Zodiac

Denderah Zodiac, Table of Icons

Icon Denderah Constellation Constellation
Latin Name
# Description Mythological Meaning (*Ptolemy) Figurative Meaning
1 Draco Tauret, Material Mother Draco* The Dragon
2 Construction Angle Angle Code, 666 Years Circinus The Compasses
3 Little Dipper Plow of Truth Ursa Major* The Great Bear
4 Lupus Anubus, Material Grave Lupus The Wolf
5 Taurus Past Age, Leg of Bovine Taurus* The Bull
6 Aries Dieing Age Aries* The Ram
7 Triangulum-Falcon Cognition Triangulum* The Triangle
8 Triangulum-Baboon Sensual Triangulum* The Triangle
9 Triangulum-Goat Rational Triangulum* The Triangle
10 Pisces-Ucthat Tabernacle of Sun, Equinox Pisces* The Fishes
11 Perseus Angel of Death Perseus* Rescuer of Andromeda
12 Hercules Warrior, Alexander Hercules* The Son of Zeus
13 Cancer Khephera, Father in Heaven Cancer* The Crab website/EGIPTO/MISTERIOS/ZODIACO_DENDERA.htm 2/4
14 Gemini I Think Gemini* The Twins
15 Auriga Shepherd Auriga* The Charioteer
16 Aries I Am Aries* The Ram
17 Pisces-Rock/Lizard Bondage, I Believe Lacerta The Lizard
18 Aquarius I Know Aquarius* The Water-Bearer
19 Pisces Austrinis Carries Phallus of Osiris Piscis Austrinus* The Southern Fish
20 Cetus Massive Physical Strength Cetus* The Whale
21 Capricorn I Use Capricornus* The Goat
22 Centaurus Barabbas, Piracy Centaurus* The Centaur
23 Sagittarius Archer Sagittarius* The Archer
24 Corona A. War Crown Corona Australis* The Southern Crown
25 Aquila Reason Aquila* The Eagle
26 Scorpio I Desire Scorpius* The Scorpion
27 Little Dipper-Antinous-Corona B. Material-Body Birth Virgo Minor* The Dreaming Youth
28 Lynx-Leo Teacher of Righteousness Lynx* The Lynx
29 Bootes Husband of Virgo Boötes* The Herdsman
30 Big Dipper Plow Ursa Major* The Great Bear
31 Cassiopeia-Corvus Queen, History Lesson Cassiopeia* The Queen
32 Corvus Crow, History Corvus* The Crow
33 Crater Vessel of Responsible Love Crater* The Cup
34 Sextans Selket, Youthful Motivation Sextans The Sextant
35 Canes Major-Argo Hathor, Laurels, Mother Earth Canis Major* The Big Dog
36 Columba, Bough of Tree, Truth Dove, Falcon, Son of God Columba The Dove
37 Phoenix Phoenix, Resurrection Phoenix The Phoenix
38 Orion Son of Man, Cock Sure Fear Orion* The Hunter
39 Sculptor-Lioness Venus, Sensitivity, Dominion Sculptor The Sculptor
40 Pegasus-Great Square Word of God, Temple Door Pegasus* The Winged Horse
41 Andromeda-Pegasus-Centaurus Personal Sacrifice Andromeda* Daughter of Cassiopeia
42 Grus Stork, Rebirth Grus The Crane (bird)
43 Ophiuchus-Cepheus-Argo-Antila Ra, Father, Judge Ophiuchus* The Serpent-Bearer
44 Cepheus Chronos, Ruler of Time Cepheus* The King
45 Argo-Antila Pilot of Sun Boat Antlia The Air Pump
46 Libra-Antinous I Balance, Trial of Youth Libra* The Balance
47 Virgo I Analyze Virgo* The Maiden
48 Coma Berenices Wheat, Manna, Seed of Tomorrow Corona Borealis* The Northern Crown
49 Leo I Will, Kingdom of Heaven Leo* The Lion
50 Corona Borealis-Leo Minor Prince of Peace, Son of God Corona Borealis* The Northern Crown
51 Hydra Subliminal Accomplishment Hydra* The Water Snake (female)
52 Taurus Abundance Taurus* The Bull
53 Sculptor-Woman Human Love, Sentiment Sculptor The Sculptor
54 Ara-Argo Physical Beginning, Reincarnation Ara* The Altar
55 Hydrus Compressed Wisdom Hydrus The Water Snake (male)
56 Lepus Intuitive Self, Selfishness Lepus* The Hare
57 Pleiades Seven Sisters, Feminine Spirits Taurus* The Bull
58 Aries Rational Conviction, I Am Right Aries* The Ram
59 Great Square, Serpens Subliminal Word of God Pegasus* The Winged Horse
60 Coma-Antinous New Aeon, Zion, Seventh Heaven Coma Berenices Berenice's Hair
61 Cepheus Tyrannical Ruler, Chronos Cepheus* The King
62 Great Square, Aries Rational Word of God Pegasus* The Winged Horse
63 Ptah, Rock of Andromeda, Sculptor Creative Word, Law, Pure Light Lacerta The Lizard
64 Anubis, Lupus Materiality, Star Light Lupus The Wolf
65 Aries I Am a Great Shepherd Aries* The Ram
66 Cygnus Satisfaction Cygnus* The Swan
67 Eight Kings, Rational Bondage Self Limiting Paradigms Lacerta The Lizard
68 Pavo Thoth, Rational Wisdom Pavo The Peacock
69 Aries I Am a Humble Shepherd Aries* The Ram
70 Serpens Seshat, Spiritual Wisdom Serpens* The Serpent
The Child in Swaddling
71 Antinous Enlightenment, Solstice Antinous Cloths
72 Ara-Red Crown Wisdom of Experience Ara* The Altar
The Child in Swaddling
73 Antinous Father Image, Yesterday Antinous Cloths
74 Virgo Minor Mother Image, Tomorrow Virgo Minor The Dream of Eternal Youth
Letters A-Z and a-k represent 36 Decans and one Epagomenal period beginning with Instinctual Wisdom and Osiris.

This was done at the Leo-Cancer boundary. On the D.Z. there is the giant crab who like the sun faces the
little prince riding upon the back of Leo. The little prince is none other than Apollyon, the physical
embodiment of a psychic ruler who has faced reality in order to rule; the ruler who resorted to the senses.

The pattern that humanity will discover about Facing Reality is that Truth is made up of organic moments
that are first DNA driven, then Virginalized through our ability to use memory to re-create and re-cognize
what we can know. In Revelations 13 John had been told These secrets and wrote of this truth as a moral
of the celestial story:

“The Leo-Cancer Boundary is the most distorted boundary on the D.Z. The monument to Hathor told those
entering the temple to prepare to follow one’s feelings from outside the realm of Truth in order to acquire
The Manna from Heaven (Word of God), which is Cosmic Truth. The Manna comes down from the top of
creation. The placement of Cancer as Khephera tells us that our feelings reveal the outcome of our
journey from the Kingdom of Heaven at Leo. Cosmogenesis was the instrument for John to write about
the four beasts and create a metaphor for truth seekers to get their feelings straight in order to pass
through Heaven’s Gate. website/EGIPTO/MISTERIOS/ZODIACO_DENDERA.htm 3/4


‘The foot of the bear (Ursa Major), the leopard (Lynx), the Mouth of the Lion (Leo) and the beast on the
shore (Cancer) whose power was received from the dragon (Hydra from Scorpio) that has two heads, one
crushed and one rising through the Leo-Cancer boundary. When Revelation was written under the
pseudonym of John the Divine, he was placed inside the constructs that are part of our modern
understanding of how old-world-orders become new-world-orders. For John he was receiving orders from
an holistic science that was passed on from the wise priests before the time of Solon and the Fall of

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