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I have been performing magic and mentalism for over 25 years now and more than

anything, the experience has taught me how to deal with any kind of person, from
around the world. It has also taught me one very important thing: people in general
want to be touched emotionally. What you are about to read are the results of lots
research, practice and study, which will give you the chance to be different to all
rest and deliver that special touch.
In this book you will not find �magic tricks� but �pure touches of emotions� that
keep you remembered forever. My past works (books and DVD's) are completely
different in nature from what you are going to read now. Here we will deal with
energy, dreams, psychic visions and much, much more. I doubt that many of you are
aware that I am a professional, certified crystal Therapist and Energy Worker and
knowledge has helped me a LOT to understand people and their behaviour.
In this book, I will share with you my closest secrets to creating unforgettable
moments of wonder. I have invested time and money in courses, specialization's and
hundreds of hours of live performances and now my work is here, in your hands!
One important point: I won�t try to make you believe in certain things. However,
we do know from our experience as "mystery performers" is that if WE believe in
what we do, we will make it BELIEVABLE for spectators, so, please be open minded
to the following studies and try to see beyond what they are. All of the routines
explained in this book have to be presented as 100% REAL, especially as some of the
things are real, and you will see how you can become a "memorable entertainer".
Before we start, let me just say a big thank you to my mentors and friends Kenton
Knepper and Jerome Finley, for their support and inspiration, and obviously, if you
haven�t done so already, I highly suggest that you start to read their work,
Most of the routines in this book will involve the use of crystals, which for me
are the
purest and most beautiful gifts we have from nature. Therefore, I want to give you
basic knowledge of the power of crystals, and their basic uses.
Crystals were used for many purposes, which include:
- Energy work/healing
- Dowsing
- Awakening and developing psychic abilities
- Increasing mental capacity and clarity of thought
- Meditation/connecting with source
- Working with magnetic fields/forces
- Storing records and other knowledge (much like a computer)
- Huge crystal tower used as power generator
- Communication : Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to
maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit it over great distance.
Crystals received power from a variety of sources, including the sun, the Earth
grid system, or from each other.

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