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Outcome 1: Market Research

Outcome 2: General Analysis (using SWOT)

Activity 1: Decide on 5 competitors as a group that we will be deep diving into. Each team
member will have 1 competitor to do
Activity 2: General analysis of value points between competitors
Activity 3: General analysis of key statistic points between competitors

Outcome 3: Culmination of research

Activity 1: Overall findings

Activity 2: Overall analysis
Activity 3: Overall insights and recommendations

Resources Required:
Performance results
Research reports
Internal Stakeholders (client, people working on the project and employees)
Information on Technology
Planning documents

Project Constraints:
Time (managing and planning meetings)
Continents – getting in touch with organisations with only the internet to rely on
Not enough information on the websites as it is a new technology
Discrepancies on the internet
Different ways plastic is primarily used eg in Europe they burn plastic for power not some much
to recycle

Week 1
5/05/19 – 07/05/19
- Discussing Project Plan and activities

06/05/19 Mon – Alex fixes appointments with client and mentor for the next 3 weeks

07/05/19 Tue
- Finalizing project plan (Alex, Keshav and Prashu to put together the project plan)
- Submitting to the Group for review
08/05/19 Wed
- Submission of Project Plan to Mentor before 4pm

09/05/19 Thu
- Zoom Meeting with Group at 6pm
- Implementing Mentor feedback
- Decide on 5 competitors

10/05/19 Fri
- Submission to client before 8am

Week 2

11/05/19 Sat
- Receive feedback from client
- Start outcome 2 and 3

12/05/19 Sun
- Zoom meeting with Group 11AM
- Start drafting Competitor analysis for Mentor
- Start working on Presentation

15/05/19 Wed
- Submission of draft report to Mentor before 4pm

16/05/19 Thu
- Zoom meeting with Group 6pm
- Implement Mentor feedback

17/05/19 Fri
- Submission of draft report to Client before 8am

Week 3

18/05/19 Sat
- Feedback from client

18/05/19 – 21/05/19
- Work on finalizing report
- Work on coordinating and beginning practice of presentation

19/05/19 Sun
- Meet up with Group in person 11AM
22/05/19 Wed
- Submission of final report to Mentor before 4pm

23/05/19 Thu
- Meet in person to discuss and implement feedback
- Final practice before presentation

24/05/2019 Fri
- Submission of final report to Client before 8am
- Assuming presentation is on the same day – Present

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