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Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (2011) 21, 362e371

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Distinct signalling mechanisms are involved in the

dissimilar myocardial and coronary effects elicited
by quercetin and myricetin, two red wine flavonols
T. Angelone a,*, T. Pasqua a, D. Di Majo c, A.M. Quintieri b, E. Filice b,
N. Amodio d, B. Tota a, M. Giammanco c, M.C. Cerra a,b

Lab of Cardiovascular Pathophysiology, Dept of Cell Biology, University of Calabria, 87030 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy
Dept. of Pharmaco-Biology, University of Calabria, 87030 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy
Dept. of Medicine, Pneumology, Physiology and Human Nutrition, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Dept. of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Catanzaro Magna Græcia, Catanzaro, Italy

Received 29 July 2009; received in revised form 29 September 2009; accepted 19 October 2009

KEYWORDS Abstract Background and Aims: Moderate red wine consumption associates with lower inci-
Quercetin; dence of cardiovascular diseases. Attention to the source of this cardioprotection was focused
Myricetin; on flavonoids, the non-alcoholic component of the red wine, whose intake inversely correlates
Myocardial contrac- with adverse cardiovascular events.
tility; We analysed whether two red wine flavonoids, quercetin and myricetin, affect mammalian
Vasoreactivity; basal myocardial and coronary function.
Nitric oxide Methods and results: Quercetin and myricetin effects were evaluated on isolated and Langen-
dorff perfused rat hearts under both basal conditions and a- and b-adrenergic stimulation. The
intracellular signalling involved in the effects of these flavonoids was analysed on perfused
hearts and by western blotting on cardiac and HUVEC extracts. Quercetin induced biphasic
inotropic and lusitropic effects, positive at lower concentrations and negative at higher
concentrations. Contrarily, Myricetin elicits coronary dilation, without affecting contractility
and relaxation. Simultaneous administration of the two flavonoids only induced vasodilation.
Quercetin-elicited positive inotropism and lusitropism depend on b1/b2-adrenergic receptors
and associate with increased intracellular cAMP, while the negative inotropism and lusitropism
observed at higher concentrations were a-adrenergic-dependent. NOS inhibition abolished
Myricetin-elicited vasodilation, also inducing Akt, ERK1/2 and eNOS phosphorylation in both
ventricles and HUVEC. Myricetin-dependent vasodilation increases intracellular cGMP and is
abolished by triton X-100.

* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ39 (0)984492906.

E-mail address: (T. Angelone).

0939-4753/$ - see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

Cardiovascular actions of quercetin and myricetin 363

Conclusions: The cardiomodulation elicited on basal mechanical performance by quercetin

and the selective vasodilation induced by myricetin point to these flavonoids as potent cardi-
oactive principles, able to protect the heart in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
ª 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction system under standard conditions. Animals had food and

water access ad libitum. Animal care, sacrifice and
Flavonoids are present in fruits, vegetables, nuts and plant- experiments were supervised according to the Guide for the
derived beverages such as tea and wine. Most flavonoids Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by US
share a common three-ring structure in which two are National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication No. 85-23,
aromatic rings and one is heterocyclic [1]. Quercetin and revised 1996).
myricetin, two flavonoids belonging to the flavonol class, are
important dietary constituents. Quercetin is significantly Isolated Langendorff heart preparation
present (70% of flavonoids daily intake) in the human diet,
being contained in green tea, onions, apple skin and red Rats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal injection of
wine [1,2]. Contrarily, myricetin, a constituent of black- ethyl carbamate (2 g/kg rat, i.p.) and the hearts, rapidly
currants, red wine and grape juice, etc, is less consumed [3]. excised, were immediately cannulated at the aorta and
Flavonoids inhibit platelet aggregation, scavenge free connected to the Langendorff apparatus to start perfusion
radicals, prevent cell proliferation and reduce levels of with buffered KrebseHenseleit solution (KHs) at constant
plasma low-density lipoproteins [4]. Some flavonoids produce flow rate (12 mL/min) [15]. A water-filled latex balloon,
concentration-dependent relaxation responses in contracted connected to a BLPR gauge (BLPR, World Precision Instru-
arterial rings [5]. Accordingly, there is a growing interest in ments, Sarasota, FL, USA), was inserted through the mitral
their use for treating cardiovascular diseases. Quercetin valve into the left ventricle to allow isovolumic contrac-
possesses vasodilator activities [6]. Indeed, chronic oral tions and to continuously record mechanical parameters.
treatment with quercetin protects against impaired vascular Another pressure transducer located just above the aorta
endothelial function in various experimental hypertensive recorded coronary pressure (CP). The perfusion solution
models [7]. Quercetin exposure improves endothelium- consisted of a modified non-re-circulating KHs containing
dependent vascular relaxation and reduces a1-adrenoceptors (in mmol/L) NaCl 113, KCl 4.7, NaHCO3 25, MgSO4 1.2, CaCl2
(ARs) mediated contractions of isolated spontaneously 1.8, KH2PO4 1.2, glucose 11, mannitol 1.1, Na-pyruvate 5
hypertensive rat (SHR) aorta. These effects probably depend (pH 7.4; 37  C; 95% O2e5% CO2). Haemodynamic parameters
on endothelial nitric oxide (NO) protection [7]. In in vivo were assessed using a PowerLab data acquisition system
studies on SHR, orally administered quercetin reduces blood and analysed using a Chart software (both from ADInstru-
pressure, and cardiac and renal hypertrophy, presumably ments, Basile, Italy).
thanks to its antioxidant properties [8]. Also myricetin has
several therapeutic applications, such as anticancer [9],
Basal conditions
antiviral and antimicrobial [10], platelet antiaggregatory
[11], antioxidant [12] and cytoprotective [13]. In rats, myri-
cetin inhibits the Isoproterenol(Iso)-induced cardiotoxicity Cardiac performance was evaluated for inotropism by
and possesses a significant therapeutic value in myocardial analyzing the left ventricular pressure (LVP, in mmHg)
infarction prophylaxis [14]. (index of contractility), the rateepressure product (RPP)
Except for this promising information, nothing is known (index of cardiac work), the maximal value of the first
regarding the effects directly elicited by quercetin and derivative of LVP [þ(LVdP/dt)max] (mmHg/s) (index of the
myricetin on myocardial contractility and relaxation. maximal rate of left ventricular contraction), Ttp (Time to
We investigated whether these flavonoids affect the Peak Tension of isometric twitch), and for lusitropism by
basal inotropic, lusitropic and coronary performance of the analyzing the maximal rate of left ventricular pressure
mammalian heart. For this purpose, we utilized the isolated decline of LVP [(LVdP/dt)max] (mmHg/s), the half time
and Langendorff perfused rat heart preparation. Since relaxation (HTR) (s) (time required for tension to fall from
quercetin and myricetin often associate in foods, cardiac the peak to 50%) and T/t ratio obtained by þ(LVdP/
performance was evaluated in the presence of the two dt)max/(LVdP/dt)max. Mean CP (mmHg) was the average of
flavonols administered both alone and in combination. We values obtained during several cardiac cycles [15].
also evaluated the signal transduction pathways involved in Quercetin and myricetin stimulated preparations:
their cardiac effects. Preliminary experiments (data not shown) obtained by
repetitive exposure of each heart to one concentration of
either quercetin or myricetin (109 mol/L) revealed no
Materials and methods desensitization. Thus, concentrationeresponse curves were
generated by perfusing the hearts with KHs plus increasing
Animals concentrations of either quercetin or myricetin (from 1012
to 106 mol/L) for 10 min.
Male Wistar rats (Harlan Laboratories s.r.l. Udine, Italy) Involvement of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors:
weighing 180e240 g were housed in a ventilated cage rack Hearts were perfused with KHs enriched with the specific
Author's personal copy

364 T. Angelone et al.

drug before and after quercetin addition. The antagonist Solutions and drugs
concentration was based on preliminary doseeresponse
curves as the first dose which does not significantly affect Quercetin (3,5,7,30 ,40 -pentahydroxyflavone); myricetin
heart performance. (3,5,7,30 ,40 ,50 -hexahydroxyflavone); nadolol; phentolamine;
To verify the involvement of adrenergic and cholinergic atropine; NG-monomethyl-arginine (L-NMMA); selective eNOS
receptors in the mechanism of action of quercetin, dosee inhibitor, N5-(1-imino-3-butenyl)-L-ornithine (L-NIO); triton
response curves were produced by perfusing the hearts X-100 were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (Sigmae
with KHs enriched with increasing concentrations of quer- Aldrich, Milan, Italy). All solutions were prepared in double-
cetin (from 1012 to 106 mol/L), plus a single concentra- distilled water; quercetin was prepared in small amounts of
tion of either nadolol (107 mol/L) or phentolamine NaOH solution (50 mg/mL), nadolol in methanol. Stock
(107 mol/L) or atropine (107 mol/L), b1/b2-ARs, a-ARs, solutions of each drug were obtained by adding double-dis-
muscarinic receptors selective antagonists, respectively. tillated water; dilutions were made in KHs immediately
Nitric oxide involvement: The involvement of NO on the before use.
myricetin vascular action was evaluated by doseeresponse Preliminary experiments showed that equivalent
curves produced by perfusing the hearts with KHs enriched amounts of NaOH and methanol in KHs without drugs
with increasing concentrations of myricetin (from 1012 to unchanged basal cardiac performance.
106 mol/L) plus a single concentration of L-NMMA
(105 mol/L), NOS inhibitor. Statistics
Endothelial involvement: To evaluate the involvement
of the coronary vascular endothelium, coronary artery Data are the mean  SEM. Since each heart represents its
endothelial dysfunction was achieved by a brief perfusion own control, the statistical significance of differences
with triton X-100 (1:200 dilution) administered after 30 min within-group was assessed using the ANOVA test (p < 0.05).
of equilibration. Triton X-100 infusion was equivalent to 1% Comparison between groups was made by using a one-way
of the flow rate delivered into the KH buffer immediately analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Bonferroni
above the aorta for 1 s [16,17]. Subsequently, hearts were correction for post hoc t-tests. Differences were considered
perfused for 25 min with normal KHs before the coronary to be statistically significant for p < 0.05.
actions of myricetin were examined as described above.
cGMP and cAMP measurements: Extracts of frozen heart
tissue obtained after perfusion with a single concentration Results
of quercetin (106 mol/L) or myricetin (109 mol/L) were
used for cGMP and cAMP determinations (200e300 mg). Basal conditions: After 20 min of stabilization, the following
Homogenates were treated with 6% trichloroacetic acid at basal recordings were measured: LVP Z 89  3 mmHg, heart
0  C and centrifuged at 10,000g for 10 min. The supernatant rate Z 280  7 beats/min, RPP Z 2.5  0.1  104 mmHg
was extracted three times with 3 mL of diethyl ether beats/min, CP Z 63  3 mmHg, þ(LVdP/dT )max Z 2492 
saturated with water, and the aqueous phase was collected 129 (mmHg/s), Ttp Z 0.08  0.01 (s), (LVdP/dT )max Z
and stored at 80  C. cGMP and cAMP concentrations were 1663  70 (mmHg/s), HTR Z 0.05  0.01 (s) and T/t or
measured using a commercial enzyme immunoassay (Bio- þ(LVdP/dT )max/(LVdP/dT )max Z 1.49  1.84 (mmHg/s).
track Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) System; Amersham Endurance and stability of the preparation, analysed by
Biosciences). measuring performance variables every 10 min, showed
Western blotting: HUVEC cells were bought from ATCC stability for up to 180 min.
and grown in EGM-2 endothelium supplemented medium
(Lonza) containing penicillin and streptomycin at 37  C and Inotropic, lusitropic and coronary actions
5% CO2. Early passage HUVEC cells were treated with
myricetin (106 mol/L and 109 mol/L) and with myricetin Quercetin: Quercetin effects on basal cardiac performance
(106 mol/L) plus L-NIO (107 mol/L) and then collected, were evaluated by exposing heart preparations to
PBS-washed twice and lysed in ice-cold RIPA buffer. increasing concentrations of quercetin to generate con-
Ventricles obtained after perfusion with a single concen- centrationeresponse curves. Since quercetin effects
tration of quercetin (106 mol/L) or Myricetin (109 mol/L) remained stable until 15e20 min, cardiac parameters were
were homogenized in ice-cold RIPA buffer (SigmaeAldrich, measured at 10 min.
Milan, Italy) containing a mixture of protease inhibitors Quercetin caused: i) concentration-dependent biphasic
(1 mmol/L aprotinin, 20 mmol/L phenylmethylsulfonyl inotropic and lusitropic effects, shown by significant
fluoride and 200 mmol/L sodium orthovanadate). Then increased LVP, RPP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/dt)max,
homogenates were centrifuged at 200g for 10 min at 4  C to from 1011 mol/L to 108 mol/L; ii) a significant decrease of
remove debris. Protein concentration was determined LVP, RPP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/dt)max at 107 mol/L
using Bradford reagent (SigmaeAldrich). Equal amounts of and 106 mol/L; iii) no effect on HTR and T/t; iv) a non
whole protein extract were resolved on a 10% SDS-poly- significant increase of CP (Fig. 1).
acrylamide gel, transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane Myricetin: Myricetin effects on basal cardiac perfor-
(GE Healthcare, Milan, Italy), probed overnight at 4  C with mance were evaluated by exposing heart preparations to
antibodies against p-eNOS, p-ERK1/2 and p-Akt (Santa-Cruz increasing concentrations of myricetin to generate con-
Biotechnology, DBA, Italy), and then revealed using the centrationeresponse curves. Since the effects of myricetin
Enhanced Chemiluminescence system (GE Healthcare, remained stable until 15e20 min, cardiac parameters were
Milan, Italy). measured at 10 min.
Author's personal copy

Cardiovascular actions of quercetin and myricetin 365

40 50

30 * * * 40

* 30

Δ %)
Δ %) 10 * 20

-30 * * -20

40 *
* * * 40
Δ %)

Δ %)
30 30
** *
+(LVdP/dt)max (Δ

-(LVdP/dt)max (Δ
20 * 20 **
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20 * *
-30 -30

40 40
30 30
Δ %)

Δ %)



10 0
0 -10
-20 -40

-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6

[Quercetin], log mol/L [Quercetin], log mol/L

Figure 1 Isolated Langendorff heart: Concentration-dependent response curves of quercetin (from 1012 to 106 mol/L) on LVP,
CP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/dt)max, HTR, T/t. For abbreviations and basal values see Section 2. Percentage changes were
evaluated as means  SEM of 7 experiments. Significance of difference from control values was done by one-way
ANOVA:* Z p < 0.05.

Myricetin unchanged inotropic and lusitropic parameters To verify the involvement of cholinergic receptors,
while inducing a dose-dependent coronary dilation at the hearts were perfused with atropine (107 mol/L), non-
lowest concentrations tested (Fig. 2). selective antagonist of muscarinic receptors, in the pres-
Inotropic, lusitropic and coronary actions of quercetin ence of increasing concentrations of quercetin. Atropine
and myricetin co-administration: Possible synergic and/or did not change the inotropic and lusitropic effects induced
additive and/or antagonistic effects of quercetin and by quercetin (data not shown).
myricetin were evaluated by exposing rat cardiac prepa- Nitric oxide involvement in the myricetin-dependent
rations to increasing concentrations of a mixture of quer- mechanisms: NO signalling in the myricetin-dependent
cetin and myricetin to generate concentrationeresponse effect was examined by perfusing the hearts with L-NMMA,
curves. Co-administration of the two flavonols did not a selective NOS inhibitor. Under basal conditions, L-NMMA
change cardiac contractile and relaxing performance while (105 mol/L) alone reduced LVP of 5.13  2.48%, a varia-
inducing a significant vasodilation starting from 1010 mol/L tion which was not significantly different from control.
(Fig. 3). L-NMMA abolished the myricetin-mediated vasodilation at all
Involvement of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors concentrations tested (Fig. 5A).
in quercetin-dependent effects: Nadolol (107 mol/L), Endothelial involvement in the myricetin-dependent
b1/b2-ARs antagonist, abolished the positive inotropism mechanisms: The involvement of vascular endothelium in
and lusitropism on LVP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/ the myricetin-dependent vasodilation was examined after
dt)max but unchanged the negative inotropism and lusi- endothelial inactivation by triton X-100 [16]. The deter-
tropism observed at higher concentration. It did not gent abolished the myricetin-dependent vasodilation
affect CP (Fig. 4A). Phentolamine (107 mol/L), a-ARs (Fig. 5B).
antagonist, abolished the negative inotropism and lusi- Effects of quercetin and myricetin on cGMP and cAMP in
tropism on LVP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/dt)max at whole hearts extracts: cGMP and cAMP content was
higher concentrations tested as well as the coronary measured on cardiac extracts after treatment with quer-
constriction (Fig. 4B). cetin and myricetin. cGMP levels were increased by
Author's personal copy

366 T. Angelone et al.

20 30

Δ %)
Δ %)

-10 * -10

-20 -20 **
* * *

40 40
Δ %)

Δ %)
30 30
+(LVdP/dt)max (Δ

* * *

-(LVdP/dt)max (Δ
20 20
10 * 10
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20
-30 -30

40 40
30 30
Δ %)

Δ %)

10 0
0 -10
-20 -40

-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6

[Myricetin], log mol/L [Myricetin], log mol/L

Figure 2 Isolated Langendorff heart: Concentration-dependent response curves of myricetin (from 1012 to 106 mol/L) on LVP,
CP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/dt)max, HTR, T/t. For abbreviations and basal values see Section 2. Percentage changes were
evaluated as means  SEM of 7 experiments. Significance of difference from control values was done by one-way
ANOVA:* Z p < 0.05.

myricetin (109 mol/L) and unchanged by quercetin quercetin induces a biphasic inotropism and lusitropism:
(108 mol/L). Contrarily, only quercetin increased cAMP positive at lower concentrations, and negative at higher
intracellular levels (Fig. 5C and D). concentrations, while it constricts coronaries. Contrarily,
p-Akt, p-eNOS, p-ERK1/2 expression in cardiac ventricle myricetin does not change both contractile and relaxing
and HUVEC: AkteeNOSeERK phosphorylation was analysed performance, but it strongly dilates the coronaries, being
in both perfused hearts and HUVEC treated with either effective starting from low concentrations (10e12 mol/L).
quercetin or myricetin. Myricetin (109 mol/L and Notably, the flavonols’ concentrations which affect heart
106 mol/L) elicits eNOS phosphorylation in both perfused performance are within the same range of the plasma
hearts and HUVEC (Fig. 5E and F), and Akt and ERK1/2 flavonol levels on habitual diets (from 0 to 43.7 ng/mL).
phosphorylation in perfused hearts (Fig. 5G and H). The quercetin-induced hormesic effect on myocardial
Contrarily, Quercetin (106 mol/L) did not induce eNOS performance agrees with the biphasic influence elicited on
phosphorylation (Fig. 5E). other experimental system, such as degenerating retinal
pigmental epithelial cells in which dietary quercetin exerts
the strongest protection at lower concentrations and
Discussion a lower protection at higher concentrations [17]. Although
quercetin was already shown to be cardioactive, being
Quercetin and myricetin effects on myocardium positive chronotropic on guinea-pig pacemakers [18] and
and coronary reactivity positive inotropic on guinea-pig papillary muscles [19], we
are the first to describe the acute effects of this flavonol on
In this study we demonstrate that quercetin and myricetin, a whole mammalian heart.
two flavonols present in various foods, including red wine It is normally assumed that the vascular effects of
[3], importantly affect myocardial and coronary perfor- quercetin consist of a vasorelaxation of precontracted
mance, showing dissimilar effects and mechanisms of vessels [6,20]. In our cardiac preparations, high concen-
action. On the isolated and Langendorff perfused rat heart trations of this flavonol contract the unstimulated coronary
Author's personal copy

Cardiovascular actions of quercetin and myricetin 367

20 30

Δ %)
Δ %) 0


-10 -10

-20 -20 *
-30 * *

40 40
Δ %)

Δ %)
30 30
+(LVdP/dt)max (Δ

-(LVdP/dt)max (Δ
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20
-30 -30

40 40
30 30
Δ %)

Δ %)



10 0
0 -10
-20 -40

-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6

[Quercetin + Myricetin], log mol/L [Quercetin + Myricetin], log mol/L

Figure 3 Isolated Langendorff heart: Concentration-dependent response curves of quercetin and myricetin co-administration
(from 1012 to 106 mol/L) on LVP, CP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/dt)max, HTR, T/t. For abbreviations and basal values see
Section 2. Percentage changes were evaluated as means  SEM of 7 experiments. Significance of difference from control values was
done by one-way ANOVA:* Z p < 0.05.

vasculature. These differences may be explained by either together with the diet, being associated in many flavonoid-
a district-specific effect (i.e. coronaries vs aorta or uterine rich foods [3].
vessels) [6] or by the functional state of the vessels
(unstimulated vs precontracted). However, the involve- Quercetin-dependent signalling
ment of a-ARs cannot be excluded since quercetin-
dependent vasoconstriction disappears in the presence of Analysis of the mechanism of action responsible for
phentolamine. the quercetin-elicited cardiotropism indicated an
Different from quercetin, myricetin acts as a potent involvement of b1/b2-ARs, a-ARs, cAMP. Quercetin-
selective coronary dilator without myocardial effects. This induced positive inotropism and lusitropism, being abol-
coronary modulation may be of great importance in relation ished by nadolol, appear to require b1/b2-ARs. Contrarily,
to cardioprotection. As shown on contracted arterial rings in the presence of phentolamine, the negative inotropism
[5], a major part of the flavonoids concentration-dependent and lusitropism observed at high quercetin concentrations
relaxation is directly attained on vascular smooth muscle disappear, indicating their dependence by a-ARs. These
[6,21]. Several molecular features of myricetin account for results suggest for quercetin a double interaction with a-
this notable vasodilatory ability, the 5 and 7 hydroxyl groups and b-ARs, as already reported [23,24]. In fact, the
in the B ring, the 40 hydroxyl group in the A ring, and the catechol structure of the ring A and the hydroxyl group at
double bond at 2, 3 in the C ring being the essential position 3, which correspond to the hydroxyl group at b-
substituent groups for a good relaxation activity [22]. carbon of catecholamines [25], may account for this
Notably, the coronary dilation persists if quercetin and interaction.
myricetin are co-administered, although the other cardiac The quercetin-induced positive inotropism is accompa-
parameters remain unchanged. This indicates that the nied by an increase of cAMP levels, strengthening the
myricetin-dependent coronary effect dominates on the involvement of the b-ARs-cAMP signalling. Alternatively,
cardiomodulation elicited by quercetin. This is of particular and/or additionally, as suggested by Bhansali and co-
relevance since these two flavonols are frequently assumed workers [24], quercetin positive inotropism may require the
Author's personal copy

368 T. Angelone et al.

20 20

Δ %)
Δ %) 0

* -10
-20 *

40 40

Δ %)
Δ %)


-(LVdP/dt)max (Δ
+(LVdP/dt)max (Δ

-30 *
-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6

[Quercetin], log [Quercetin], log

B *
20 * 40
Δ %)


Δ %)

0 10

-10 -10
-20 -20

40 40
Δ %)
Δ %)

30 30
-(LVdP/dt)max (Δ
+(LVdP/dt)max (Δ

20 20
10 * 10
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20
-30 -30
-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6

[Quercetin], log [Quercetin], log

Figure 4 Isolated Langendorff heart: Concentration-dependent responses of quercetin (from 1012 to 106 mol/L) plus nadolol
(107 mol/L) (A) or phentolamine (107 mol/L) (B) on LVP, CP, þ(LVdP/dt)max and (LVdP/dt)max. For abbreviations and basal
values see Section 2. Percentage changes were evaluated as means  SEM of 7 experiments for each group. Significance of
difference from control values was done by one-way ANOVA:* Z p < 0.05.

inhibition of Naþ/Kþ-ATPase, like in the case of cardiac of intracardiac signalling which controls vasodilation as well
glycosides (Fig. 6). as the myocardial performance. eNOS is expressed in
endothelial cells and releases NO which targets soluble GC,
Myricetin-dependent signalling negatively affecting smooth muscle and inducing relaxation
[26]. Our experiments on both cardiac and HUVEC extracts
The signalling associated with the selective myricetin- suggest that myricetin induces PI3K-Akt/NOS and ERK1/2
induced vasorelaxation was analysed on isolated rat hearts phosphorylation, agreeing with the Akt-dependent NOS
and HUVEC. In the heart, myricetin-dependent coronary phosphorylation observed by Westermann and co-workers
dilation was blocked by both eNOS inhibition and triton X- [27]. Active phosphorylated eNOS generates NO which
100 and positively correlates with intracellular cGMP. strongly contributes to vasorelaxation. The involvement
Mammalian cardiac NOSeNOecGMP system is a key mediator of the endothelial-derived NO in flavonol-dependent
Author's personal copy

30 * 30

Δ %)
Δ %)


-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6

[Myricetin], log [Myricetin], log


8 ** 5
7 4

cAMP(103 fmol)
cGMP (104 fmol)

5 3
2 1
0 0
control Quercetin Myricetin control Quercetin Myricetin

E F p-eNOS


80 120
Densitometric units [%]

Densitometric units [%]

*** ***
*** 100

40 60


Control Myr

pAKT 30

100 Control Myr *** ***

Densitometric units [%]
Densitometric units [%]

80 20


40 10


0 0

Figure 5 Isolated Langendorff heart: Concentration-dependent responses of myricetin (from 1012 to 106 mol/L) plus L-NMMA
(105 mol/L) (A) or triton X-100 (B) on CP. For abbreviations and basal values see Section 2. Percentage changes were evaluated as
means  SEM of 7 experiments for each group. Significance of difference from control values (ANOVA); * Z p < 0.05. Extracts of
whole rat hearts: cGMP and cAMP concentrations in heart extracts (n Z 8). Open columns (Control; filled columns (cGMP)) (plus
quercetin 108 mol/L or myricetin 109 mol/L) (C), filled columns (cAMP) (Control and plus quercetin 108 mol/L or myricetin
109 mol/L) (D). p-Akt, p-eNOS, p-ERK1/2 expression in cardiac ventricle and HUVEC: Panel E: representative western blot
experiment showing that myricetin (109 mol/L), but not quercetin (106 mol/L), increases PSer1179eNOS expression in cardiac
ventricle. Panel F: representative western blot experiment showing that PSer1179eNOS expression is increased by myricetin
(106 mol/L and 109 mol/L) and is strongly reduced by L-NIO (107 mol/L) in HUVEC. Panels G and H: representative western blot
experiment showing that P-AKT and P-ERK1/2 expression is increased by myricetin (106 mol/L) in cardiac ventricle. Comparison
between groups (one-way ANOVA): * Z p < 0.05, ** Z p < 0.01.
Author's personal copy

370 T. Angelone et al.

Figure 6 Representative scheme showing the proposed intracellular signalling of quercetin and myricetin in the rat heart.

vasorelaxation is well known [3,21]. Presumably, the References

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