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Automation medical testing, such as AI diagnosis and robotic testing, will increase efficiency in

the health sector. However, the role of automation is to complement human skills and abilities.
Automation assists in analyzing and evaluating processes, thus enabling humans to be creative,
and have a high level of thinking in making decisions. Automation is beneficial because it
increases efficiency as well as saving time and costs.

Automations are machines and not people. Therefore they are not able to interact with their
environment. Automation cannot replace medical testing officers. Patient care involves having
empathy and emotions. Therefore automation will be detrimental to the medical practitioners
because human interaction is vital in the medical field.

Automation ensures that more patients are screened, increasing more productivity. However, it
impacts the jobs of lab technicians where they will have to change roles to interventional
testing. Automation will enable the patient to test the diagnosis, and the lab officer's work is to
confirm the diagnosis. I believe that the health institutions will invest in the career
development of the lab technicians in gaining more skills for the benefit of the organization.

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