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yeigre International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 12, sour Ha tna — 75008 Paris 1984 Session — 29th August-6th Septembor 22-13 COMPACT VERSUS CONVENTIONAL EHV LINES : TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL COMPARISONS M. BARBARITO, A. CLERIC! R. GIGLIOLI, L. PARIS B. MARS! Sadelmi University of Pisa Sade Brazil (italy) (italy) (Brazil) Inteoduet ion The study of the so-celled “compact Lines* was originally dictate by the need to Increase the power density over s given corridor in order to Ellon the transtiseion of suitable powers in hgh Gensity populates areas,ana to minimize the effect fon the landscape. in the sixtles-seventies the study of possible future UAYsystens gave an Impact to the Geveloprent of new structural concepts for transmission tines covering electricel, mechanical ang environsental aspects. Considering that’ the size of _canventional structures is controlledprinsrily by the elesrances between conductors and steel tower, new lines without structure monbers between phases have been Draposed by many authors (1-2-3-4-5). Nowadays, various utilities are considering the adoption of these compact Tines even when there are no stringent constraints due ta land. sccupation; Unis takeing into account thet compaction of the ine ineraases the surge inpedance loeding and therefore the trananission capacity for” tong atstance. On the basis of sone rationalized criteria, in this paper compact Lines are compared to convantlo- nal ones for sifferent structural solutions and for Spplications both in’ strongly Interconnected systens and In long distance transmission. The conparison is extended to alx-phase lines which represent 2 further step in compaction. Asties of compact Lines In recent years many solutions for compact EHV and UM ines have been proposed and realized. on table 1 ve have tried to give s classification of the ost typiesl ones ins way, to. facilitate conperisons and to distinguish clearly the Advantages deriving fron the compaction and those deriving fron the adopted structural types. Evidently table 1 core not exnaust al] possible ‘The structurel types are the following: » 3° Self-supporting towers: composed of Lattice Structure slenants, sll resistent to bending. This Ls the most common solutlan for conventio- hal applications and it is also the wost expen sive; the cost inereases even nore for the compact solutions. cuyed tovers; the beat only which supports conductors resins sesistant to bending. The body of the tover {a substituted by clenents resistant only £08 compression and trection They alow seit hyorta lover cost with respect to supporting towers; Nowever they require Tand at” toner site and they Introduce elenents (guys). Solutions 28 end 2c (guyed toners for conpact ines) are unusual end are suggested here by ‘the authors. a1 the structure Le composed ‘ststent only t0 compression and circus towers: traction. They are only epplicable for Configurations and allow sdéitiona? cost Savings; however the conductor welgnt imposes Dermenent stresses to all the elenents end. in Aocition maintenance may be more dirricult. compact phi three types may have a oifferont aspect if realised with » » 2 vertice! insulator strings; edopted when the Tecuction of the ROR (width of the right of way corridor) is fot so ieperative to request constraints to Interal phases. This includes the classical Ivf solution thet is assumed gs ype a) with ¢) phese configuration (invertes aeite) ts unusual and 1s suggested here by the ve strings; adopted in ease of desired reduc tion of Rol cooperative strings: edopted when one wishes to a3 —2- A B Cc ogre. 95 56 5O 98 ar 72 a 101 124 128 | \) 103 152 178 il 85 56 47 ar 68 56 b | 103 124 131 127 A 182 234 100 56 50 100 ar 72 e 100 \ 124 128 100 152 |/ 178 \ \ 2 91 56 47 83 68 56 b \ 102 124 131 \ 123 182 234 56 50 81 72 Aine tour figures beside the| 124 1/ 128 fetches ingieate in the sréors 162 178 co -ceonetrie wean bistence tetreen phases re i 68 56 Jno tant of nian of ay alee ts | rca 31 fre movctranansaton capacity es xe _ 69 56 c \ 123 131 / \ 177 234 \ Table 1 = classification of Jittorent types of tovers according to thair structure (12,3), their insulator arsangenent (4,8,c) and their compaction Level (A,B,c)+ reduce neignt of tover, particulerly in UAV systene. This olution” de” normally nose expensive than the others and depends on the insulators for inportent static functions. ‘The phese configurations whten ay be edopted and that “have an influence on the level” of electric conpaction of the lines era the following: A) Conduetore sn Flat configurationynith structure between the ohases. The level of compaction depends on the type of structure. Indicating witn 100 the GMD (Ceoneteie Hoan Distance) between the phases of the reterance solution 2a)" that gives the minor anount ef compaction, than the others give: 9 for la); @ for ib); 31 for 20). 5) Conductors in fist configuration, structures between” the phases; the cD is Fedueed to 36 percent of the reference value (ee 22) for type of Insulation 2) and b) end to 59 for type €). without ©) Conductors in inverted deite without structures between the phases; the CHO Detween the phases. 1s further reduced te 50 for” the type of insulation «) and to 47. for type b} and’). configuration ‘The comparisons that follow between the different. solutions of table 1 were perforned with towers designed according to predetermined rules. These design rules are finalised to the conparicon of the solutions and consent = rigorous valerization of the relative differences; in absolute terms. they have @ significance of mean values around which the Feel values of the design are placed. For sake of simplicity ne do not List nere al) these rules for rationalized dimensioning; they can be found in reference (6). tk is worthentle to wtton thet only those lines without Lee loadings ste considered in the paper. In” table 1, every solution ts provided with = sketch of the tangent toxer (geometrical dimensions are correspondent to those of the S25 KY) and. upbers representing percentage velues relative to the loss compact solution which is the 2e/t. These nunbers refer to the 325 KY but de not vary substantiatly in the voltage range fron 342 kV to 00 Kk =the first number indicates the level of compaction between the phases, that is, GND between the phasess =the second nusber Indicates the level of compaction of the ROW, that ie the width of sate corridor in percentage of the least compact solution, 2a/a; =the third number is en indication of the power capacity of the Line expressed se percentage velue "or the surge tnpedance loading with feference to 7a/A line that has the least surge Impedance loading. In thts light, one should Femenber that we nave considered for conpact. Lines, a higher number of subconductars then a conventions tines. this in order to ssintain corona disturoances (RI & AN) siniler for el! the Mines (in particular the 362 and 420 KY dines nich normally nave 2 conductors per phase pase to 3 conductors, 25 kv from 3 to 4 and the 763 tnd 900 KY from 4 to 6 in esse of compact lines); 2.13 = the fourth nunber proviger an indication of the transmission capecity per meter of the ROM this “number 1s glven by the ratio setveen the thize and the second number and 1s expressed tn percentages. An econonte comparison between the difrerent solutions is indiested in table 2 where for. every solution nunbars are reported representing again percentage values relative to solution 20/A: = the first nunber Indicates the cost of the erected tangent tower (that includes foundations, metallic structures and guys, insulators and Fittings). This “Index Is calculated in the nypnotests that the conductors ere the sane for all the solutions Inssmuch as one Wishes to evidence the effect on the “costs of the tower solution pre-chosen and not of the conductor types; = the second indlestes the cost per ka of the erected Line,alnays presuming that the conductors sre the sane! = the third Indicates the cost per kn of the Line presuning that the conductors are adequate by having 2 number of subconductors adspted to saintain. the Buy inthe level of the corona effects (Rt wanted limits and a section Table 2" Gast indexes relevant to the line types elaseitiod in table i. The Tour figures indicate the in this order: © cost of the erected tangent tover cost of the erected line with the sane conductor cost of the erected line with the appropriate conductor ‘© cost per Mw af trensmission capacity tettowing mas proportional to the current correspondent to the surge impedance Ioading of line. In other words, the current density 1s equel for the sane Grage’ of use oF the tranentasion capacity of the = the fourth number gives the cost per ww of transmission capacity relevant to the considered solution (alnays in percent of that corresponding to solution 24/8). Also, in this case, the nuabers refer to the 525 ky’ but are indicative for the other voltage levele;the economy ef the guyed solutions an the. self supported and those of the circus type on the guyed ones tend to increase slightly with the voltage 3s Mechenteat proviens arising from the adoption of compact Tines New mechanical probions arise from the adoption of compact lines. The first of these problons 1s the valuation ot the possible reduction in the clearance between phases for the wind effect. The experiments on this” phenomenon are very few and do not appear to be based an very convineing theories (7-6-9). For the aonent we have based the cimensioning of Gistances between the phases on the hypothesis that we. belleve prudent cue to precedent’ experiences (io); the phase approach has been considered equal to that caused by a wins pressure which is 1/8 of that usec” to determine the clearence to still objects (Ro¥) sre seting only on one of the two phases. nls {2 for both the verifications of the Lsozation to power frequency (wind having # return period of 50 “years) ans to switehing™ surges (ind. with duration of 100 n/year). The distance between the phases Ss detersineg for a span of 50K superior to the mediun span in order to consent a sufficient Texibitity Inthe use of supzorts even on rough profiles, A good dimensioning of the distances between phases is more inportant on the lower voltages asin the higher voltages the dimensioning to switching surges 1s prevailing (the novenent of the consuetars plays @ sinor role). The second problen that merits attention regards the behaviour of the suspension systen adopted for the solution type 8/€ under the action of strong winds. The nedest opening of the V that susteine the inferior conductor (40°) provides thet with a wind having a retusa period very inferior to that Accepted for the break af support, the leeward leg of the V becomes unloaded. ft 4s not videly Known hat effects these circurstances nave on fittings Gnd “insulators; epparently the possible Gonsequences on the insulators (flesing of pins, ise breaks) are quite serious; on the other hand, a large experience of the use of v strings in nich “siatlae phenoaena snoule grout ha shown ne aperationel proviens. rer example the 38) xv Htalian Lines are with v strings in wnien the leeward leg becomes Unloaded for wing pressures of L/3 oF those foreseen For the break of towers (and in particuter cases approxtnately at 1/6); these are "winds that have Nigh possibility of apparition and Ghuse therefore # frequent appearance of the phenomenon. However no dangerous consequences have been notices up £0 now. in order to get the maximum adventages tron conpaction, additiona) reseerch ené experimental test cate ‘on interphase distance end on string 45 areenbiies should be very fruittul. Az Gonpect Lines in strongly interconnected systens Normaily, strongly interconnected systens are developed "in terzitories with high population Gensity;, in these networks the land occupation factor 1s of primary importance. ‘Apart fron those calculated In the previous paragraph the two indexes of major importance are: = the transmission capacity ser meter of ROW corridor (last index of table 1) = the cost per MW of transmission capacity (last index oF table 2 ). in these networks one generally considers self - sunporting towers with WWW strings and 0 one aust assume as reference line the Lb/A. The use of Lines with triangular disposition of the phases end V strings (e.g. type 6/0) doubles ‘the amount of power per neter of corridor, and this result Is largely positive The cost per MY of the tranantssion capacity increases by approximately 3% in the case where for compaction one uses the self-supperting tovers (ib/e versus 10/8); It ts reduced instead by 10K If jane uses the circus towers (3b/¢ versus 1b/A). ‘The latter has the disadvantage of occupying” auch space at the ground level; Jt has, however, to its Sdvantage, the fact thet it has minor ispact on the ‘environsent than the self-supporting tover. It 4s interesting to note that the introduction of compact lines = in an existing systen ate Gertain voltage level = constitutes a valid mean for improving the potential capacity of the Lines to the ever groring neess of the system. his Is an alternative to the introduction of a new voltage level with the advantage af posing no problems for the load fo In parallel Tines the load repartition follows the proportionsiity with sit; 1? phase sections Proportional to sit are adosted, the natural load Fepaztition ts close to the ecosonic optinun. S: Conpact Lines in Jong transmission eystene For long transmission systens the Lang accupation if not generally a stringent requirenent ang therefore the tvo most significant indexes = the tranaaiseion capacity per circuit Cthire index of table L) = the cost per MF of transmission capacity (last index of table 2) Fig.1- Transmission system with series compensation, 750 km long ~ Basic scheme Nowadays, for these systems, quyed tovers in IVE string configuration are meinly employes, and thecefere,for the conparisens with compact 1ines we will aszune a2 8 reference solution the For conpact ines we will choase a @ reference Solution 22/C wnich ts the sort conventional sang the ones having the saJor advantages vith reference to the abave inaoxes. the comparisons here reported refer to to cirterent systens at 60 Hz connecting a concentra~ tee production site to a consumption area and in particulai system with two so of = 2 750 km tong transmission intermediate substations and a aaxinue series compensation (11g. 1); = a 1500 ka long transmission system with & Internectate substetions and voltage "support dosed on SvS‘s ang a series cenpensation of 30% (Hig. 5). For each power the purpose of the study vas to examine the number and charecteristies af 8 group Of Tings that would allow the transit of that power within the basic constraints, the main astunptions sno criteria forthe detatied tecnniesl-econoales! conparisons are here below liste: tne cost of the overall transniesion system (from step-up transformers to receiving en autotrasto- tere at indicated by dotted Lines of Figures 1 ang 3) has been based on present international values for prices of the various components, and fan average values for cost of losses and capital eharge rates; the conptete system nas been considered installed ina one year period and not staggeres over a period of several years = the single Station the Faulted line (0.1 second for fault tine); transient stability nes seen veriries for ine to ground fault near the sanding eng tollowed by @ definitive elimination of elesring been chosen in initial load order to rejection control sppropristely averveltage to 1.33 pus = in the case of the vottage support syste, the SYS!s nave been dimensioned in order to nave ® leveiiec voltage for pover floxs ranging Fro OF to 1008 of the naxinum pover and to mest tren. stent stability requsrerentsy = the number of subconauctors per phase ond overall Aluminum section have been optinized with respect to the transmission system cost within the constraints aaoptes for nechansesl rensont (nini- nun Musings section of 250 nn2), end, edniasible Gisturbance limits (60 a8 for AN wet conductor sed 70 8 for RIV 50% foul vaetner et the Sorder OF 2 ROW of 36 - 47 and 65 m reepoctively for 362 2525 ane 00 kV), Suls 780 kn long system with series conpensetion Many comparisons neve been performed on this systen; in Fig. 22 end Fig. 2b of this” paper we nave summarized, for sake sinplicitys", cone 2243 Fig.2- Transmission system with series compensation 750 km long. Cost per kv/year of traneait— ted power” (in percentages). Comparisons Detweon use of conpect Lines 2a/0. (dashed curve), conventional Lines 2a/n (solid cur ve) and six phase Iines (seni dashed curve) The “vertical dashes Indicate Linits with no series conpensstion. Dotted curves are with simaeinun oF 4 subconduetors Two, three and four elreuits at 525 Ky Zoe Two etzeults at 362-925-600 ky’ of the most Important results. in particular, for different transmissible powers’ up to 6000 MW and fora 525, KY aysten voltage, Fig. 2 compares the power casts per year In both the eases of conventional end Compact Mines and optinizing the number of persiiel circuits (2-3-4). The costs ere in percentages of that relevant to the transmission of 1600 MK with tyo conven tonal 325 ky lines (just for infornation the 4300 percent value Is In the renge 32-42” $/4" per year according te possibie eifferent and Feasonable cost hypotheses, ours oF utilization ete.) In Fig. tn he circuits ‘evel ss 20 the sane comparison is perforned hypothesis of using always a two systen and optimizing the voltage Fonction of tranaeitted power; in 213 particular ine voitages equal to 362-523 anc 00 xy have been considered Even if systens with 3 end 4 clrculte are less economic than two circuit systens having higher’ rated voltage (compare f49,28 with figs 20), fig. 2a nay be a useful reference in those casts here the voltage choice nas sone con Streints and where the expansion of = systen Staggered over period of several yeart Se consiceres. The typical trend of cost per kv of transmitted pover for s given aysten voltage ands given’ number of circuits es shown in Figures Ze and 2b can be explained as follows: for the snailest gover velues, the conductor dimensioning is dictated by RE ang AN Limits fang by the wechanical 1ialt; the economic Section is in fact very snail. Series Conpensation fs not necessary to sect stabili- ty tequirenents, The tranenission cost per Ki Gecreeses continuously with power increase; cvith the further increase of trananittes power, the stability requirements are eet Unrough an increase of series conzensation up to the saxiaun value considered (30% in Our case), The musber of subeonductors Ls Still dictates by RT and aN limite sue the Qvereil flusinus section starts to be econo ically optimized, The cast per k¥ continues to decrease with pover increase, but less sharply. “for the highest pover values, the stabiiity requirements are net by Incroasing the nunbor of susconsuctara in order to reduce the Line Foactance. The "steps" in transmission cost show the change in the number of subeondue- tors. ‘The transmission cost per k¥ increases fans. very s00n the solution becones not conze- tltive with thet corresponding to an increase either of the number of eizeuite oF of syst voltage. In spite of the considered strong increase in Line cost with nunber of suseoncuctors (in the range fron 74'to 15% of the total Line cost for the doubling of subconductors nunber Giving the sana overall aluninur section per phase) the nurber of suveonduetors econonieel- Ly acceptable is higher than the ususl one. dhe showlg take that mentioned stave into consideration, even if the purposes are otf ferent fron those specified in this paper. ‘The economic comparison between normal and compact lines ts in favour of the conpact ones in those intervals of power vhere the stability Hunlts becore determining factors in conductors optinization and where they require nore circuits (Fig. te) of higher voltage (Fig. 26). fon the contrary where the sane nunber of 1ines fand the sane voltage ere requized ang RE and Ati Iinits are determining factors In subeonductor nunber Optimization, the ifference in cost between the two solutions 1s negligible and slightly in favour of conventional Lines In those renges of paver where the compact Lines are convenient, tne ecoronic advantage it vertaple from zero up to 20%; In this Tast case the saving is substantial These results do not chenge If one modifies the series compensation limit; the only consequence Is that the range of power values where the compact Lines are convenient, moves ta the left or to the Tight. | 1 -f-4 $ eel -#1_EL Fig.3- transmission system with voltage suppart end series compensation, 1300 kn long - Basic, Fig.4- Transmission syster with voltage support and series compensation, 1500 ka Jeng. Cost per ki/year of transnittea power Cin percentages). Comparisons between use oF conpact lines 23/c (dashed curve) and conventions? Lines 2a/a (solid curve) sa. Two, theee and four ciroulte at 525 Kv Abe Two elroutts at 362-505-000 ky The results donot change substantielty 1+ fone considers a 1init in the number of subcon- ductors; the two curves with dots of f1g.28 are valid In case of 3 naxinun number of subcondue- tars equal to &. The intervals oF power were conpect lines ze convenient are reduced in Size but the eavings Tenain around 20% in all the intervals. compact As a partial conclusion it 1s quite that the possible advantage in using —7- 243 Lines should be eazeruliy analysed case by ease. “The econonle savings in trensaisaion cost due to tho adoption of compact lines depends on the power to be transmittes end on the various design 1iaite; these savings may be negligible in sone cases out in other ones may be rubetantiel. 5.2. 1500 jm Jong aysten vith voltage support ‘ime series compensation In f1g.da and ab we have summarised some of the “most Important results of the analyses performed on this long transmission syston. These figuzes ‘show the trend of the transmis ston cost per uw versus the trananitted powers this tor the cases previously considered, i.e. for 2a3e4 chrevite at 525 KV in fig. sa and 2 circuits at 362 ~ 525 and #00 kY in fig. 4b. The costs ere in percentages of that. relevant to the transeission ef 2300 Me with two conventional 325 kV Tinea (Just for Information the 1008 valve ts In the range 30 70 $/kW per year depending on the cifterent hypotheses). The general trend of the cost per kW versus power in tnis aysten Js sintlar to the previous one of the 730 km systen but the typical steos" corresponding te” the subconduetor runber change, which disappear. This is because stabiiity requtranents are net not only vith e reduction of the reactance OF the Line (ineresse of sudconductor nunber) but also with an increase of the Svs Installed Dover which 1s 9 continuos variable while. the umber of subconcuctors is discontinuaus. ‘The savings obtainable by means of compact Lines are low because the influence of the stability limit on the transmission cost is Jess substantial. Fig.da shons that when the system voltage ts fixes, the saving Is extended to s large range, of povers but it is never higher than about 7%. When the cholce of voltage Is possible (see tig. 4b) the intervals of paver where the compact lines are eonventent. tesvit dees extended and the cevings less evident. 1x = phase ines Stx-phase Lines are siso compact lines and it is not possibie to complete this subject without taking then inte consideration even briefly. For both three-phase and sixzchese systens, ve have essuned a5 rated voltage the maximum phase to ground voltage multiplies by V3; this even if for the sixcphase systems this veltage hes not Physical slgnirieance as for the three-phase ones. ‘he only solutions to realise conveniently sia- phase ines are those of type tb (self-supporting with v strings) ang 3e (elzeus wien cooperative Strings). These solutions aze “illustrated in Figures ‘of tabie 5 and they exploit the fact that the phese to phase voltages in six-phase systems are recused of VF tinct allowing «substantial reduction in Length of phase to ohase strings. 1bE Sek / percent values percent values fatative te 39: relative to 396 525 kV|800kV 525kV | 800KV tbc | 1bC 3eC | acc 106 | 83 | row] 106 | a3 235 100 sit 235 100 221 | 120 |-g5w | 227 | 120 208 | 126 | cet | 278 | 137 cet a9 | 126 |S | 93 | 137 Table 3 = Conparison between $25 kV aix-phase: Lines and 525 ky=800 k¥ three-phase lines. The figures indleste in the ode BON = wigth of Right of Way corridor SIL = surge repedsnee Loading SIL/MOY = Transmiseson Capscity Denedty cet’ = cost of the Erected Line CeL/stt = cost per MY of Trenenteston Capacity Possibie other solutions with steel structures between phases vould not emphasize the advantages fof Sixcphase Tines ang shoule make then equivalent to a double circuit tneee phase Tine. Table 3 reports the folloring indexes relevant to 525 ky eixephase Lines: + Index relevant to land occupation expressed az wath of right of way corridor in percent of that. of 8 three phase compact line of sane type and et 525 xy and 800 ey = Index of tne power capacity (surge tapedance: loading in percent oF thet of a three pose conpact line of Sena type and at 525 KY and” 600 Ws = Index giving the transmission capacity per meter of the Row corridor expressed in percent of that corresponding to a three-phase compact line oF Seno type and at 925 KY and 800 Ki = Index giving the cost per ka of the erected Line in percent of that of & three phase compact line of Sane type at 528 KV and ao0 KY. the coats are calculated supposing conductors have the cane current density in correspondence ef SIL and comparable values for disturbance levels (RE i au) at the border of RoW. 22.13 = Ande giving the cost per MW of transntssion capacity in parcent of that of = three phase compact Line oF the same type at 525 KY or” 600 From table 3 It Is possible to note that witn = 525 kV sixephase Line ft is possible te convey the sane power of an 800 KY three-phase line in 8 Corridor 17% narrover, giving « nore efficient use fof lands the cost per MY transmitted 1s hovever appreciably higher (25-324) ang therefore this Compaction is not effective from en ecanonic. point of view in case of long trensnisaien systens This 4s confirned by the results of the studies carried out on the sane 750 xn ong system in chapter 4.1; In flgures 2a and 2b bts in fact Feported the dingran of the trensmission cost versus. transnitted power also for six-phase Lines. sonclus ion Eine compaction inplics not anly reduction of trananiesion corridors put also the increase of rurge, Smpedance loading and therefore of power cartying capsetty With respect to conventional ines naving structural conponents betwaen phases, the adoption Sf non conventional structures with no” steel between phases cen practically double the power density in sene corricor. compaction of Lines therefore can be very userul In nigh density populated areas where they can compete also. vith the raising of voltage in expansion of transntssion aystens Even where no stringent constraints tor land occupation exist, conpect lines can present an economic interest. This Se" the case of long transnission systems where. the limits for transmissible power” are deeply affected” by Line series reactance. In aystens where Geries compensation aight cause problens, line compaction can be an interesting Slternative te series capacitors. ‘The eeonomie advantages of the compact Lines in tong tranenission systens without voltege support 4s strongly dependent on the requestes transmission capacity; ‘they can reach 20X saving in some cases but they ean” be negligeabie In wide ranges oF transnitted pover. in vary long systens with voltage support devices the maxinun savings odtainadle with compact systens are a moen to increase the fa Line of 20% in respect to snase Lines honever Six-phase power density of Eonpact three ghase line; six Seply costs per transmitted kW appreciably higher than’ three-phase Lines; they 0 not represent therefore en econoale solution” for long trensniseion aystens. in the authors! opinion, in order to obtain agvanteges “fron possible | further conpaction, additional resesren and experinental test dats 0% interphase inaulation are required. The sana applies to special insuletor assemblies for Snverted galte chase configuration toners. 12, References 1)+ Es PARIS = The Future of UMY Transmission Lines SPECTRUM = Sept. 1969 WB. WHITE = Les supports des Lignes pour Rescaux UT = Synposiun fiydre Quebec courant alternatst a TAT et UNT, Montreal October 1973 3)= E.S. ZOBEE, ALF. ROWLES, RW. FLUGUN = Mazrower Thansnission coreidors Made Possible with New Conpacted Conductor support Systems for Ely and Unt lines = CYGRE 196 ~ Report No. 22-08 ADs Pe ncoe rit, C.D NEDEIROS, M. FINZE, M. BARSARITO, G1 MAZZAET ~ Solucces ne Lonstiucss de Torres para Einha a Altissina Tense. -V! SWPTEE-1961 ~ Srezsl 5) eM. HAIDU, CARDOSO, oF. TEIVELIS = Ectruturas Nao-Convencionais: Analise Teenico- Econoaica ~ VI SWPTEF 1961 ~ Srazil 6) A, CERICE, 8. MARSI, kL. ARIS = Competitiveness of compact’ Lines For tong Distance Transmission = cIGRE nen conference Hv and UMY Transmissian Lines = Rig De Janeiro e-9 August 1965 7)= H. MORS, K.W. BRER and M. ERICH - vind Pressure Bh Overhead Transaiasicn Cine Conductors Hernisgrinde Testing Station - cIaRe 1956, Report no. 220 8)- Ls panes = aztone Meccantca del Ghieecto e del Vento au gif Elettrodottt = tndagini —Sperinen- teli - Facoltat df architettura del Politeenica Gi Milena = Dec. 1963, 9)= EPRI = Transnfesion Line Reference Book 1157158 KY Compact Line Design 1O)AENEE = Statisticne delle Perturberions Funsionsnento delle protesioni nella Rete 360-220-150-150 KY. Anni 72-81 [Exers fom ItmationalConerace or Large Migh Voge Eerie Seems We LOUS.UAN ~ 0502 GAP

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