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Members: Farha Addina Binti Masazhar (PISMP 1.03)

Siti Hajar Binti Khalid (PISMP 1.03)

Exercise 1

1. The danger of alcohol

2. Drug

3. Alcohol is a drug and the effects of it on a person are diminished self-control. When it use too
prolong and excessive, can damage the brain liver and other internal organs and can change the
personality of the alcoholic.

Exercise 2

1. The process of snow

2. Frozen raindrops

3. The main idea about the definition is made up of water vapour particles that have been
transformed into crystals, without first passing through the liquid state.

Exercise 3

1. Population

2. Phenomenal growth

3. The increase is because there has been more food because the farmers of the world have enjoyed
a uniquely favourable warm, wet and stable climate.

Exercise 4

1. c. during the battle

2. b. either seriously injured or dead

Exercise 5

d. a certain amount of cheating is to be expected

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