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My name is Isabel Martinez and my senior project is on the link between

animal abuse and violence. Animal abuse has a strong connection with child
abuse and domestic violence, as well as other types of violence. The
connection between animal abuse and violence can be seen in and starts
with children and young adults. Children are very impressionable, so when
they see an adult abusing an animal, usually the household pet, it has a
large impact on them. In some cases the child will believe it is normal to
abuse animals, which then leads to the child abusing animals. If a child or a
young adult continuously abuses an animal, they will start to lose their sense
of empathy towards animals and humans. This can lead to them harming or
killing humans when they are older. Animal abuse can also help determine if
child abuse is occurring in a household. The majority of the time children
feel uncomfortable talking to the authorities. Officials will often ask the child
if an animal is being abused. In most cases the answer is yes, which the
official will then ask questions about the animal. This gets the child talking
about the abuse happening to the animal. The child then starts to open up
about the abuse they are also receiving. Animal abuse can also help identify
if domestic violence is occuring in a household. If a person is abusing an
animal, it is more likely than not that they are also abusing a person. Most
people wonder why victims of domestic violence don’t just leave the house.
Well in most cases it is because they love their pet. The victims fear that the
abuser will only continue to harm their pet or the abuse will worsen once
they leave. Studies show that 18%-65% of female victims hesitate leaving
and going to a shelter. Another study shows that 20%-50% of female
victims will leave their pet behind. A study was done on 23 school shooters
by a professor of sociology and anthropology. The study showed 43% of the
school shooters had​ ​abused animals and 90% of them had​ ​made the abuse
personal. This means they strangled, burned, or bludgeoned the animal. This
study also corresponds to studies done for serial killers who abused animals.
A few serial killers who abused animals at a younger age are Jeffrey
Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and John Gacy. Kip Kinkel, Eric Harris, and Dylan
Klebold are a few school shooters who abused animals at a younger age as
well. Since the link between animal abuse and violence starts at a young age
it is important to teach children and young adults to treat animals in a kind
and loving way. The more activities you do with your pet, such as the
obstacle course can help teach children and young adults how to treat
animals in a loving way. Purple is the color that used to raise awareness of
domestic violence and animal abuse. By raising awareness of the link
between animal abuse and violence, we can help bring light to this issue and
help prevent it. Thank you for supporting the awareness of animal abuse and
violence. If you have any questions you can ask in the comment section.

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