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Full Day School: Why I Strongly Disagree?

The President of Indonesia on Thursday (10/8), at the Merdeka Palace said that five-day
school policy or Full Day School is not compulsory. As we know that this new education system
will force the students to stay at school for long time, so they have difficulty to do other
activities outside the class. Although Mr. Jokowi delay this regulation for all schools, it doesn’t
mean that the schools which have already implemented can follow this system well. Now, this
new regulation is still hot topic because some people disagree and they can not affirm why this
education system should be implemented. I am as one of them who disagree with this
regulation will explain several opinion about this.
First of all, this education system will force many students to study hard almost all day
long. The student should study in the class start from 7.00 am untul 4.00 pm. Can you imagine
it? Even though they have two times for break, I believe that their brain is so tired and under
pressure. Based on a research about possibility to maintain concentration said that human’s
brain can focus on something just for 45 minutes. Focus in this case means the concentration
for thinking hardly and solving some problems. It means that students’ concentration will
decrease after 45 minutes. Now, 8 school hours means 480 minutes to focus, think hard, and
solve some exercises in the class. Is it effective? I think, it is extremely not effective.
Secondly, the students need quality time for themselves. The world is too wide outside
the classroom therefore, they will get a lot of experiences in their real life. Learning process is
not always inside the classroom, so they should improve their ability outside of the class, for
they need to explore and discover all kinds of knowledge. The students also need family time to
guide them how to learn about social environment because a lot of experiences will be their
real teacher for their real life. So, giving them quality time outside the class is really needed.
At last, the length of time they learn can not determine their successfull life. In this
modern era, people’s success is decided by their creativity, innovation, and personal skill. These
factors which the students can get by honing their emotional quotient (EQ) outside of the class.
Nowadays, Full Day School’s system will increase the level of stress which can impact the
decline of students’ creativity. So, is successful life only determined by the length of time you
learn in the class? I don’t think so. The students not only establish their IQ but also improve
their EQ to make sure that they are ready to face this wide world.
In conclusion, some assumptions above are the causes why I totally disagree with Full
Day School. I do hope the Ministry of Education in Indonesia not only think about the quantity
of learning but also increase the quality in order to make the new generations better than

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