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Name :Assamarqhandi W. Kusuma Date of Test : 25/10/2018

Student Number :20170310124 Lecturer :
Faculty :FKIK Signature :
Department :Kedokteran Umum

Doctor Distribution In Indonesia

You know how people say when grown up they want to become a doctor? A lot of people at the
point of their life wanted to became doctor, policeman, lawyer and etc. When they think about that, we
found examples that a good doctor has a lot of income, get respect on society, get a bright future,
helping other people in need and etc. However, the reality is not like that. There are so many doctors
that don’t get occupied. Also, did you know that doctor has higher suicide rate than those who working
on military, which is considered a very stressful occupation and lead to depresion because of that i
didnt agree with that
One study show that depression affects an estimated 12% of male doctor and up to 19.5% of
female doctors. Depression is more common on medical students and residents. Around 15% to 30% of
medical students have symptoms of depression due to the pressure that put medical student has in order
to achieve high grade and usually they have to study really hard because doctor standard around the
world has gone up ever since. To keep it up, medical students have to study harder. This occasion
makes some of them quit in middle of their medical education.
In Indonesia, there are around 95.976 doctors that have been registered on March 20th 2014.
While at the same year, Indonesia has 255.1 millions of residents on this country. Therefore, the ratio
is 1 doctor for every 2.536 people. It’s a higher ratio than WHO suggests that 1 doctor for every 2.500
people. Doctor in Indonesia is cramped up in 1 island, which is on Java. In 2015 (100.561 doctor) ,
there 53,98% or around 54.281 doctor from Java, meanwhile the lowest availability of doctors is in
Papua and Maluku, which is only 2,439 doctors

There is a problem in distribution of the doctor all around Indonesia. This is a problem
because place such as Papua doesn’t have enough doctor compared to Java. It lead to difficulty on job
seeking in Java. Surely, it explains why there so many doctor that don’t get occupied in Java.

Also, unfortunately, since doctors aren’t well distributed on Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua,
they demanded to put much bigger effort on their working with very minimal equipment. This is
making doctor job very hard and because of this doctor cant work efficiently to heal his or her patient

In conclusion doctor is carmped up in 1 island and equipment and tools distribution by

goverment is not good, because of this doctor is having a hard time and this can be solved by
distributing doctors all around Indonesia equally. Additionally, with help from government, solution
can be achieved by building more hospitals or local health centers with decent equipments and
specialists. With plan like this, we could improve national health and ease doctor burden during their
duties on hospitals or local health centers. It will cut the stress level on doctors that have a long shift
since someone will be available to replace them on the next shift although this hard to achieved but
with enough support from both goverment and society but there a problem with living expenses and
transportation because the road on for example in papua its hard to get around. But if we can distribute
doctor properly, doctor doesnt have to suffer much from long shift and overall performance will
improve and everybody want this and i want the best for my country
pg. 1

Total score: Plagiarism:

Scoring*: 5 4 3 2
Introductory paragraph
Body paragraphs 5 4 3 2

Concluding paragraph 5 4 3 2

Organization 5 4 3 2

Style 5 4 3 2

Mechanics 5 4 3 2

pg. 2
*Circle the appropriate score based on the rubric

pg. 3

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