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Basic Research—Technology

Antimicrobial Activity of Triantibiotic Paste,

2% Chlorhexidine Gel, and Calcium Hydroxide
on an Intraoral-infected Dentin Biofilm Model
Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, DDS, MSc,* Clovis M. Bramante, DDS, PhD,*
Paloma Gagliardi Minotti, DDS, MSc,* Bruno Cavalini Cavenago, DDS, MSc,*
Roberto Brand~ao Garcia, DDS, PhD,* Norberti Bernardineli, DDS, PhD,*
David E. Jaramillo, DDS,† and Marco A. Hungaro Duarte, DDS, PhD*

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to eval- Key Words
uate the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide, Antimicrobials, bacteria, biofilms, dentin, root canal dressings
2% chlorhexidine gel, and triantibiotic paste (ie,
metronidazole, minocycline, and ciprofloxacin) by
using an intraorally infected dentin biofilm model.
Methods: Forty bovine dentin specimens were in-
I nfection of the pulp canal space of immature teeth is considered a challenging and
complex problem. The thin dentinal walls of these teeth limit the mechanical instru-
mentation with traditional techniques, and the disinfection process is only dependent
fected intraorally using a removable orthodontic device on the antimicrobial properties of the irrigant solution and the intracanal medications
in order to induce the biofilm colonization of the (1). Classically, calcium hydroxide has been used to treat necrotic immature teeth in
dentin. Then, the samples were treated with the medi- a procedure called apexification (2). This procedure aims to create an environment
cations for 7 days. Saline solution was used as the that favors the placement of the root filling materials by the induction of an apical calci-
control. Two evaluations were performed: immediately fied barrier. However, this therapy does not favor the formation of dentin deposition on
after the elimination of the medication and after incu- the radicular walls of immature teeth, which can lead to an increased risk of radicular
bation in brain-heart infusion medium for 24 hours. The fracture (3).
Live/Dead technique (Invitrogen, Eugene, OR) and Several case reports have shown that dentin deposition in root canal walls and
a confocal microscope were used to obtain the continued root development of immature necrotic teeth can be possible by a treat-
percentage of live cells. Nonparametric statistical tests ment-denominated revascularization (1, 4). This treatment includes root canal
were performed to show differences in the percentage disinfection and placement of a matrix for cell ingrowth and a coronal seal to avoid
of live cells among the groups (P < .05). Results: recontamination (5, 6). In these cases, the aim of the intracanal medication is to
Calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel did not only promote disinfection. In order to support revascularization, sodium
show statistical differences in the immediate evalua- hypochlorite disinfection and the use of a triantibiotic paste have been
tion. However, after application of the brain-heart infu- recommended based on clinical results and biologic biocompatibility (5–7).
sion medium for 24 hours, 2% gel chlorhexidine The use of calcium hydroxide is commonly used for the apexification technique or
showed a statistically lesser percentage of live cells the standard 2-visit treatment of necrotic mature teeth, but it is not indicated for revas-
in comparison with calcium hydroxide. The triantibiotic cularization procedures, except in isolated clinical reports (8). In order to evaluate the
paste significantly showed a lower percentage of live antimicrobial activity of triantibiotic paste against biofilms, the evaluation of medica-
cells in comparison with the 2% chlorhexidine gel tions such as calcium hydroxide that are not commonly used for revascularization
and calcium hydroxide groups in the immediate and procedures is also necessary for comparative purposes.
secondary (after 24 hours) evaluations. Conclusions: Another common antimicrobial substance used in endodontic therapy includes
The triantibiotic paste was most effective at killing 2% chlorhexidine. This antimicrobial substance in its gel form has been proposed as
the bacteria in the biofilms on the intraorally infected an intracanal dressing (9–12). It presents low toxicity and effective antimicrobial
dentin model in comparison with 2% chlorhexidine activity especially when compared with calcium hydroxide (11, 13). Despite
gel and calcium hydroxide. (J Endod 2013;39:115–118) previous reports addressing the antimicrobial activity of triantibiotic paste (14) or
2% chlorhexidine gel (12), its effect against microbial biofilms in comparison with
commonly used antimicrobial dressings such as calcium hydroxide has not been

From the *Department of Endodontics, Bauru Dental School of Bauru, University of S~ao Paulo, Brazil; and †Department of Endodontics, Loma Linda School of
Dentistry, Loma Linda, California.
Supported by the Brazilian Funding Agency FAPESP (grant no. 2010/16002-4).
Address requests for reprints to Dr Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru–USP, Al Octavio Pinheiro Brisolla, 9-75-CEP 17012-901, Bauru, S~ao
Paulo, Brazil. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2013 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume 39, Number 1, January 2013 Antimicrobial Activity of Intracanal Medications 115
Basic Research—Technology
previously addressed. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the 5 mm of the scanning included the subsurface level of the dentin.
antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel, In total, 20 stacks (4 operative fields  5 samples) were obtained
and triantibiotic paste on the intraorally infected dentin biofilm model. for each medication immediately after the removal of the medica-
tion, and 20 stacks were obtained after 24 hours of incubation
with BHI. For quantification purposes, bioImage_L software
Material and Methods ( was used (17) to calculate the percentage
The evaluated medications were calcium hydroxide (Biodinamica, of the volume of live cells found after the antimicrobial treatment.
Ibipor~a, Parana, Brazil), 2% chlorhexidine gel (Biodinamica), and tri- Statistical analysis of the percentage of live cells in the samples
antibiotic paste. The medications were left in contact with the infected evaluated after 7 days of contact or after an additional 24 hours of re-
dentin for 7 days. A saline solution was used for 7 days for control incubation was performed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and
purposes. Dunn tests (P < .05) by the absence of a normal distribution confirmed
Forty sterile bovine dentin sections (2  2  2 mm) were used in the preliminary analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to
(n = 10). The samples were treated with 17% EDTA for 3 minutes to compare the effect of an immediate and a 24-hour evaluation. Prisma
eliminate the smear layer produced during the sectioning process. To 5.0 software (GraphPad Software Inc, La Jolla, CA) was used as the
test the antimicrobial activity against oral bacteria, an in situ model analytic tool.
of intraorally dentin infection was selected. The dentin samples were
fixed into the cavities of a Hawley’s orthodontic device with sticky Results
wax. The dentin surface in contact with the oral cavity was fixed 1 The median and range of the percentage of live cells in the evalu-
mm above the surface to favor the accumulation of plaque. The device ated groups are shown in Table 1. Overall, calcium hydroxide showed
was used by 1 volunteer for 72 hours in order to induce the plaque the weakest antimicrobial activity, and the triantibiotic mix showed the
formation and the subsequent surface infection of dentin. Regular highest with or without 24 hours of additional reincubation in BHI.
oral hygiene practices were maintained (Human Committee for Ethical Calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel did not show statis-
Research, CEP134/2010). After the intraoral infection process, each tical differences (P > .05) in the immediate evaluation; however, after
sample was incubated in 2 mL brain-heart infusion (BHI) medium at the application of BHI for 24 hours, 2% chlorhexidine gel showed
37 C for 24 hours in aerobic conditions. Then, 1 mL saline solution a statistically (P < .05) lesser percentage of live cells in comparison
was used to eliminate the culture medium and the nonadherent cells. with calcium hydroxide. This effect was observed because the calcium
For the direct contact test, the infected dentin samples were hydroxide–treated dentin significantly increased the percentage of live
immersed in the medications using 12-well tissue culture plates for 7 cells from 63.71% to 83.88% after the additional BHI treatment (Mann-
days at 37 C. The calcium hydroxide paste was prepared by using 1 g Whitney U test, P < .05). The additional BHI treatment did not show any
calcium hydroxide powder mixed with 1 mL distilled water. For the effect on 2% chlorhexidine gel or in the triantibiotic paste–treated
2% chlorhexidine gel medication, 1 mL was used. Metronidazole dentin (Mann-Whitney U test, P > .05). The triantibiotic paste showed
(250 mg; Flagyl Aventis Pharma, S~ao Paulo, Brazil), minocycline the lowest percentage of live cells in comparison with the 2% chlorhex-
(minocycline cloridrate, 100 mg; Ranbaxy, Jacksonville, FL), and cipro- idine gel and the calcium hydroxide groups in the immediate and
floxacin (ciprofloxacin cloridrate, 250 mg; Neoquimica, Anapolis, secondary (after 24 hours) evaluations (P < .05). Representative
Goias, Brazil) were used to prepare the triantibiotic medication. Five pictures of the evaluated samples are shown in Figure 1A–D.
hundred milligrams of each antibiotic was homogenized to obtain
a uniform powder. Propylene glycol was added to the antibiotic powder
in an approximate proportion of 7:4 powder/propylene glycol and then Discussion
mixed to obtain a paste-like consistency. The saline solution was used Disinfection of immature teeth can be considered a challenge that
for 7 days for control purposes. Ten dentin blocks were used to test needs specific disinfection procedures when compared with conven-
each medication and the control; 40 blocks were analyzed. tional endodontic treatment. In this context, the use of triantibiotic paste
After 7 days, the medications were washed with saline solution for has been previously reported for the treatment of necrotic teeth with
5 minutes. Five treated dentin blocks were immediately evaluated by open apexes (4, 6). For methodologic purposes, this study was
confocal analysis, and 5 blocks were immersed in 2 mL fresh BHI designed to test the isolated effect of 3 root canal medications used
and incubated at 37 C. These last samples were evaluated after 24 hours for disinfection purposes in endodontic therapy. However, during
of the elimination of the antimicrobial substances. These samples were clinical situations intracanal dressings are only one of the steps to
used to test if the residual microflora has the ability to recover from the treat endodontic infections. The antimicrobial control stage also
antimicrobial stress. After 24 hours, the samples were washed with the includes the use of irrigant solutions and mechanical instrumentation
saline solution, stained, and evaluated in a similar fashion to the first to treat the previously infected dentinal biofilm.
samples. Two percent chlorhexidine gel has been proposed as an intracanal
The analysis of biofilm viability was performed by using the dressing (10) because of its effective antimicrobial activity (11, 18).
SYTO 9/propidium iodide technique (Live/Dead, Bacligth, Invitro-
gen, Eugene, OR) (15, 16); SYTO 9 is a green-fluorescent stain TABLE 1. Median and Range Values of the Percentage of Live Cells after
that labels both live and dead microorganisms. Propidium iodide Contact with the Experimental Medicaments for 1 Week Evaluated Immediately
(Green) and after an Additional 24 Hours of Incubation in BHI (Green 24 h)
is a red-fluorescent nucleic acid stain and only penetrates the cells
with damaged membranes (dead microbes). A confocal laser scan- Green (%) Green 24 h (%)
ning microscope (Leica TCS-SPE; Leica Biosystems CMS, Mannheim, Saline (control) 93.36 (45.87–98.98) a
82.69 (35.49–97.74)a
Germany) was used to perform the analysis. The respective absorp- CaOH2 + DW 63.71 (9.20–99.23)ab 83.88 (55.46–96.51)a
tion and emission wavelengths were 494/518 nm for SYTO 9 and 2% CHX 28.33 (0.00–78.32)b 18.70 (5.53–74.69)b
TRIMIX 1.37 (0.00–13.18)c 1.57 (0.00–25.68)c
536/617 nm for propidium iodide. Four confocal ‘‘stacks’’ from
random areas were obtained from each sample using a 40 oil CHX, chlorhexidine; DW, distilled water; TRIMIX, triantibiotic paste.
lens, a 1-mm step size, and a format of 512  512 pixels. At least Different superscript letters in each column represent statistical significance (P < .05).

116 Ordinola-Zapata et al. JOE — Volume 39, Number 1, January 2013

Basic Research—Technology

Figure 1. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of biofilms treated with (A) saline solution, (B) calcium hydroxide, (C) 2% chlorhexidine gel, and (D) triantibiotic
paste. Live cells are seen in green, and dead cells are seen in red. Each picture represents an area of 275  275 mm. Bars represents 20 mm.

However, a previous clinical study showed a limited ability of this test whether the residual bacteria could recolonize the chemically
medication to kill bacteria (19). In the present work, contrary to the treated biofilms or not. In order to reach this hypothesis, an additional
results found in the triantibiotic paste, the variability of live cells found evaluation of the stressed biofilm after 24 hours of incubation in a rich-
in 2% chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide was higher. This probably medium was performed (BHI). The results showed that the triantibiotic
could be explained by the effect of neutralizing substances (20, 21) that paste– and 2% chlorhexidine gel–treated dentin do not significantly
can be found in the biofilms as dead cells or an exopolymeric matrix. increase the number of live bacteria in comparison with calcium
However, the antimicrobial effect of 2% chlorhexidine gel was superior hydroxide. It is known that minocycline (a tetracycline derivate) present
to calcium hydroxide, which does not show a significant effect against in a triantibiotic paste formula and chlorhexidine presents substantivity
the biofilm. effects (18, 30, 31). This could explain the difficulty of residual live
According to previous studies, an alkaline microbial effect is not bacteria to repopulate in the triantibiotic- and chlorhexidine-treated
effective in killing bacteria in the form of biofilms (22–25). The biofilms. In contrast, calcium hydroxide–treated dentin significantly
findings of the current research are consistent with the cited increased the percentage of live cells from 63.71% to 83.88% after
studies. The reason for this is that the amount of hydroxyl ions an additional BHI treatment. This result shows the following:
reached after 1 week is probably not suitably high enough to
1. The alkaline effect can be neutralized.
promote antimicrobial activity. These results suggest that previous
2. The biofilm can increase the proportion of live cells if new nutrients
disorganization of biofilm by sodium hypochlorite treatment could be
are available.
a necessary condition to enhance the effect of intracanal dressings.
Triantibiotic paste includes metronidazole and minocycline. These The inactivation of medications is essential for culture-based
antibiotics have been used in periodontics in order to suppress subgin- methods. In culture plate methodology, the antimicrobial activity is
gival microbiota as an adjunctive therapy (26, 27). Previous studies measured by the ability of surviving bacteria to produce clones. This
have shown the antimicrobial activity of these medications against procedure is evaluated after the detachment of the surface-associated
oral bacteria, and its ability to sterilize infected dentin has been biofilm, suspension in a transport media, and inoculation in agar plates.
confirmed (14, 28, 29). Our findings showed a good ability of the If residual antimicrobial compounds are introduced during these
triantibiotic paste to kill bacteria inside the biofilms in comparison procedures, the conditions could not be permissive for the growth of
with calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel. new cells or clones. On the other hand, an advantage of confocal meth-
The antimicrobial medications evaluated in this study could not odology is that it can evaluate in situ by direct observation the viability of
kill 100% of the bacteria inside the biofilm. Thus, it was important to microorganisms on the infected dentin by assessing the membrane

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