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A New York Minute – Michele Palermo HARRY enters the room, dressing.

HE finishes tying
his tie, puts on his jacket and sits down at his desk to
MELISSA BURNS: 32 years old and single, Melissa is begin his day. HE picks up the Wall Street Journal,
Harry’s best friend, and has been for ten years, since which is on the desk, he looks at it and opens his day
they met in college. She is a successful attorney who planner.
spends more time working than playing and to whom HE pages through it for a moment, and stops dead on a
Harry was practically her only social contact. Melissa certain page. HE stares at the page for a moment, then
is warm, sensitive, and intelligent, but at curtain’s rise, becoming visibly emotional, HE looks up as if HE has
she is “angrier than Hell” at Harry. realized something for the first time.

HARRY CONNER: Harry was 32 years old when he BLACKOUT

committed suicide by throwing himself in front of an
oncoming subway train. At the time of his death, Harry Scene 2
was a successful Wall Street broker with a carefully-
conceived plan for success. Harry is very handsome, a SETTING: Harry’s bedroom, two days later.
look of corporate success and promise. He has a
tremendous sense of humor and loves to tease Melissa, AT RISE: Everything is the same as it was at the end of
whom he loves with all his heart as his very dearest the previous scene, minus Harry. The lighting is still
friend. In his funy moments he is irreverent and “over- dim, but the haziness is no longer there; it merely looks
the-top”; in his serious ones, he drops all ceremony and like a darkened room. The sound of a KEY turning in a
“lays it on the line.” look is heard offstage, followed by the sound of a DOOR
opening and shutting.
Time and Place MELISSA enters the room, carrying a box. SHE looks
Scene 1 – Harry’s apartment, Monday morning, 8:00 around for a moment, then turns on the LIGHT.
AM Setting the box down on the floor near the door, SHE
Scene 2 – Harry’s apartment, Friday afternoon, 1:30 walks around the room, looking at everything. SHE
PM picks up several objects, putting them back down.
Finally, SHE comes to a picture of herself and Harry.
Scene 1 SHE sits down, looking at it for a long moment, then
places it, face down, and stands up, walks over, picks
SETTING: Harry’s studio apartment. up the box, and walks to the closet. SHE opens it and
looks inside for a moment. Then, as if in a trance, SHE
AT RISE: The room is dim, hazy, quasi-dreamlike, and beings to take clothes off of their hangers and place
remains this way during the entire first scene. The them in the box. This action continues until SHE
room is sparsely furnished. There is a closet along one comes to a royal blue silk shirt, which can’t help but
of the walls. A full-length, freestanding mirror (frame catch her eye. This is Harry’s favorite shirt. SHE puts
only) is downstage. the shirt on the bed and takes off her own shirt,
replacing it with the blue one. SHE walks down to the
mirror and gazes at her reflection has SHE buttons the HARRY. You’re not losing anything, Mel. I’m right
shirt, very slowly. At this moment, from the other side here.
of the mirror, out of the darkness, emerges HARRY,
still dressed in the clothes from the previous scene. HE (MELISSA turns to the spot where Harry is standing,
stands, as if her reflection, watching HER. obviously hearing his voice. SHE does not see him.
Beat. MELISSA hurriedly starts to clear things off of
HARRY. Hello, Melissa. the desk downstage.)

(Beat. MELISSA looks up, into the mirror.) HARRY. Mel, I know you can hear me.
MELISSA. (To herself hearing Harry’s voice.) Just put
HARRY. I knew I’d find you here. (Beat.) I never your coat on and get out of here.
realized how beautiful you are until this moment. HARRY. I need to talk to you.
(HARRY gets an idea. Slowly, cautiously, HE steps MELISSA. Melissa, you know what this is.
through the mirror.) I did it. (HARRY walks around HARRY. Just give me one minute, Mel.
the room, looking at everything.) Mel? (Beat.) You MELISSA. You have having a nervous breakdown.
don’t know I’m here, do you? HARRY. Please, Mel.

(MELISSA walks over to the bookshelves and takes his (MELISSA runs to the door. HARRY picks up the box.)
sailing cup down. SHE looks at it for a moment.)
HARRY. Wait! You forgot this!
HARRY. Remember when I won that, Mel? Saturday
afternoon, June 20, 1990. Montauk Yacht Club sailing (MELISSA stops at the door. SHE turns, sees Harry,
race. First place. You took me to dinner at that little and walks over to get the box.)
restaurant in…
MELISSA. Thank you.
(MELISSA throws the cup into the box.) HARRY. You can see me?
MELISSA. Of course I can see you, Harry.
HARRY. Hey, easy with that! HARRY. That’s amazing.
MELISSA. No it’s not. I’m hallucinating. (MELISSA
(MELISSA sits down, crying now. HARRY goes to her sits on the end of the bed.) You’re not really here,
and crouches down.) Harry. I’m having a nervous breakdown.
HARRY. (Sits down next to her.) You’re not having a
HARRY. God, I wish you could hear me, Mel. Just long nervous breakdown, Mel.
enough for me to tell you I’m sorry. MELISSA. Wanna bet?
MELISSA. (Looks up, as if she has heard him. Harry? HARRY. Sure.
(SHE looks around, realizing that she is along in the
room. SHE doesn’t see Harry. Then, to herself.) Oh (HE stretches his hand out to her. MELISSA cautiously
yeah, Mel, you’re really losing it now. reaches for his hand. This is a moment filled with
magic. Then, realizing that she is touching him, SHE MELISSA. I got it, Harry. I definitely got it. Trouble
looks at him again, this time slowly, as if it were the is, by the time I got it, you were all over the Columbus
first time she were really seeing him.) Circle subway station. Your timing sucks.
HARRY. No, it doesn’t. You never check your
MELISSA. (Almost a whisper.) Harry… messages until after your ten o’clock partners’
HARRY. Hello, Melissa. meeting.
MELISSA. (Stares at him. Still in shock.) … but you’re MELISSA. What are you saying?
… dead. HARRY. I’m saying I didn’t want to give you a chance
HARRY. I know. But I’m here. to try and stop me.
MELISSA. I can’t believe it. MELISSA. Stop you? If I had known you’d been lying
HARRY. Believe it. to me all these years, I would’ve pushed you.
MELISSA. No, I mean … Harry, there’s something … HARRY. I never lied to you.
I’ve been wanting to tell you. MELISSA. You didn’t? Then what about all of the time
HARRY. I know. we spent together, all of the things we shared?
MELISSA. I’ve been thinking about it all week … just HARRY. What about it? That was friendship, Mel.
wishing I had a chance … MELISSA. Was it? (SHE looks at him for a moment,
HARRY. Go ahead, Mel, say it. then turns and goes to the door once again.)
MELISSA. (Walks up very close to Harry.) FUCK YOU! HARRY. (HE speaks loudly, firmly, convincingly.) You
(SHE turns and goes back to the box, picks it up, and in know it was. You were my best friend, Mel. I never
one sweep, cleans everything off of the dresser and into trusted anyone as much as I did you.
the box.) MELISSA. (Turns, breaking down.) Then why didn’t
HARRY. (After a moment.) I sense anger here, Mel. you tell me? You sat in my living room for four hours
MELISSA. (Not looking at Harry.) Very good. (SHE on Sunday night, just like it was any other night, eating
picks up the box.) Now if you don’t mind, I have a pasta and drinking Chianti. You even toasted ten years
three o’clock meeting and it’s already one-thirty. of our friendship, Harry. The next morning you walk
Goodbye, Harry. Have a nice death. (SHE walks to the down the steps at Columbus Circle and throw yourself
door.) in front of a subway train? Why, Harry? Why didn’t
HARRY. You can’t just bail out on me like this. you tell me?
MELISSA. (SHE turns on him.) Why not? I’m simply HARRY. I didn’t want you to feel responsible.
returning the favor. (SHE starts out again.) MELISSA. (Angry.) I am responsible, Harry! I was the
HARRY. Wait, Mel. Please. Let me explain. last person to see you alive.
MELISSA. No need, Harry. I got the message. Nice HARRY. No, you weren’t. The last person to see me
touch, reading your suicide note on my answering alive was some guy with no teeth, trying to sell me a
machine. Very nineties. copy of Street News.
HARRY. I wanted to make sure you got it. You never MELISSA. That’s so funny, Harry.
read your mail. HARRY. It wasn’t a joke. All I’m saying is that guy was
no more responsible for what I did than you are, so
stop trying to figure out which clues you ignored, which
signals you didn’t pick up on, because there weren’t HARRY. You.
any. Stop blaming yourself. MELISSA. Me?
MELISSA. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. HARRY. Yeah.
MELISSA. They all blamed me, Harry. HARRY. I never knew how you felt about me until you
HARRY. Who? were up there giving my eulogy.
MELISSA. At the funeral. They were all looking at me, MELISSA. Oh, come off it, Harry. I said all of those
like I had some answer I wasn’t telling them, like I was things to you when you were alive.
keeping some sort of sordid secret for you. And your HARRY. It’s what you weren’t saying that surprised
mother. That was the worst, standing next to your me.
mother as they carried the casket out. She looked me MELISSA. What?
straight in the eye and said, “I can’t believe he never HARRY. Why do people talk, Mel?
mentioned anything about this to you, Melissa. He MELISSA. What do you mean, “Why do people talk?”
always…” HARRY. I mean, why are human beings given the gift
HARRY. (Finishing her sentence.) “…told you of speech?
everything.” MELISSA. What kind of question is that?
MELISSA. How did you know? HARRY. Just answer it.
HARRY. You don’t think I’d miss my own funeral, do MELISSA. People talk … to communicate their
you? thoughts, their feelings.
MELISSA. (Beat.) So, what did you think? HARRY. Really?
HARRY. I was… surprised. MELISSA. Of course.
MELISSA. So was I. I couldn’t believe all the people HARRY. But when you were up there on Wednesday,
that showed up on such short notice. Even the gang talking to all of those people, you weren’t
from college was there. communicating what you were thinking, Mel.
HARRY. Yeah. Boy, was that weird, seeing them MELISSA. I was, too.
MELISSA. You’re telling me. Could you believe Bob (Beat. HARRY shakes his head.)
Zolner? Wearing a toupee?
HARRY. And Jeanine? She got so fat. MELISSA. OK, then. What was I thinking?
MELISSA. Oh, come on, Harry. She was always fat. HARRY. That I was a selfish son of a bitch who had
HARRY. She wasn’t fat when I dated her. cheated you out of your only chance for happiness.
MELISSA. She was fat then, too. MELISSA. You mean … you can hear my thoughts?
HARRY. Do I detect a note of jealousy in your voice, HARRY. Loud and clear. (Pause.) Mel?
Melissa? MELISSA. What?
MELISSA. You wish. HARRY. Why didn’t you tell those people how angry
HARRY. (After a beat.) You know what really you were with me?
surprised me, though? MELISSA. That’s not the purpose of a eulogy, Harry.
HARRY. OK, I accept that. (Beat.) But then why didn’t maybe I’ll just auction this off to the highest bidder. A
you ever tell me that you were in love with me? person could learn a lot from studying this thing,
MELISSA. (Looks at Harry.) You’re not playing fair, Harry.
Harry. HARRY. I won’t argue with you there.
HARRY. Neither were you. MELISSA. (After a moment, SHE puts the day planner
MELISSA. Did you always tell me every single thing down on the bed and turns to him.) What’s it like,
that you were thinking or feeling? Harry?
HARRY. No, I didn’t. HARRY. Being dead?
MELISSA. All right. So stop making me crazy and MELISSA. Yeah.
worry about yourself! HARRY. You’ll have to wait and see.
HARRY. I’m dead, Mel. MELISSA. Come on, I’m your best friend. I promise, I
MELISSA. God, you were annoying me so much I won’t tell a soul.
forgot! (Beat.) Tell me something, Harry. If I had told HARRY. I can’t. Privileged information, available only
you what I really felt, would things have been different to those who have no other option.
between us? Honestly? MELISSA. Can you at least tell me if it’s good or bad?
HARRY. (Thinks a moment.) Probably not. I’d like to HARRY. It’s good.
say “yes,” but knowing me, I wouldn’t have been able MELISSA. Better than being alive?
to deal with that kind of honesty. It would never have HARRY. Better is a word which can only be used to
fit into my plan. weight things which are comparable in nature. It’s
MELISSA. Harrison Conner. The man with a plan. irrelevant in this case.
HARRY. Yeah. MELISSA. You sure seem to know a lot more now than
MELISSA. I gotta hand it to you, though, you really when you were alive.
made it work for you. HARRY. I don’t know if I know more. I realize more, I
HARRY. Did I? understand more, I care more.
MELISSA. Come on, Harry. When I met you in college, MELISSA. Are you happy?
you already have everything worked out for graduate HARRY. Yes.
school. And by the time you got your MBA, you were MELISSA. Then why did you come back?
on staff at Merrill Lynch, complete with a five-year HARRY. To save your life.
strategy of vertical corporate mobility. Three years MELISSA. Why? Am I in danger?
into it, you had already mapped out your ten-year plan HARRY. Yes.
for financial expansion. (SHE goes to the box, takes MELISSA. Is someone trying to kill me?
out the day planner, and opens it.) I mean, look at this HARRY. Mel, you saw Ghost one too many times. Who
thing. You’re the only person I know who actually has would want to kill you?
detailed stuff written in the “future goals” section. You MELISSA. My senior partner, for one. He thinks that
know something? You really missed your calling. You dealing with the death of a loved one means taking the
should have written a book on “how to use your day day off for the funeral. I haven’t been myself at work
planner to improve your life.” Come to think of it, this week.
maybe I’ll write it, using this as my prototype. Or
HARRY. You’re wrong. This is the first week you have MELISSA. Like what? Call him up?
been yourself. It’s the one hundred and fifty-six weeks HARRY. That’s a good start. His card is in my day
before that you should be worried about. planner.
MELISSA. Harry, if there’s one thing I’d think you MELISSA. OK, so say I call him up. Then what? What
would understand, it’s not bringing your personal life if he doesn’t want to go out with me? OR what if we go
into work. out and we don’t like each other? Worse than that,
HARRY. How do you do that, Mel? Do you take your what if we fall madly in love and he breaks my heart?
body and mind into the office and tell your emotions to HARRY. Then you’ll get over it, in all of the above
stay home? Separate your life into little compartments cases, counselor.
and deal with them on a schedule? Eight to six, work – MELISSA. No guarantees?
six to eight, deal with my feelings, eight to ten, enjoy HARRY. No guarantees.
life… MELISSA. Then forgot it. I’m not calling.
MELISSA. You did it. HARRY. Why not?
HARRY. You’re right. I did. (Beat.) So, what did you MELISSA. Because I’m thirty-two years old, Harry. I
think of Paul? don’t have time to take a chance on a relationship that
MELISSA. Who? might not work out. Besides, I’m in love with you. You
HARRY. Paul. The guy on my sailing team. I heard said so yourself.
you talking to him at the funeral. HARRY. I’m dead.
MELISSA. I don’t know, he seemed like a nice guy. MELISSA. Well you’ve only been dead for five days.
HARRY. He is a nice guy. I think you should go out Give me a little time.
with me. HARRY. It’s not up to me to give you time, Mel.
MELISSA. What? (Pause.) And if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll
HARRY. I’m just giving my approval. realize that the reason you thought we belonged
MELISSA. For what? together is that all the time had already been invested;
HARRY. For the way you were feeling when you were all the work was already done.
talking to him. You liked him. MELISSA. How can you say that? I loved you, Harry.
MELISSA. So? HARRY. And I loved you. But neither of us was in love
HARRY. So, I think you should make every effort to with the other, and that’s the best part. Don’t cheat
start up a relationship with him. yourself out of that chance, Mel.
MELISSA. Look, Harry, I like lots of people. That MELISSA. I don’t have time.
doesn’t mean I have to start up relationships with all of HARRY. Sure you do. You have twenty-four hours
them. every day for the rest of your life.
HARRY. I’m not talking about lots of people. I’m MELISSA. Most of that time doesn’t belong to me.
talking about Paul. HARRY. It all belongs to you. Every minute of it.
MELISSA. OK, so I liked him, so I thought about the MELISSA. How do you figure that? Monday through
fact that he might be a nice person to spend some time Friday as well as most Saturdays, I’m at work at 8:30 in
with, so what? the morning, and I can’t remember the last time I left
HARRY. So do something about it. the office while it was still daylight.
HARRY. I can. It was last Monday. “pencil in” or “put off until next week.” Something so
MELISSA. That doesn’t count. important it turns your world upside down, as you said.
HARRY. Thanks. Do you know what that something is, Mel? It’s life,
MELISSA. You know what I mean. That was slapping you in the face, saying “stop trying to avoid
important. me, I’m out here and I’m sick of happening around
HARRY. And you’re not. you.” No, Mel. The only thing you have control over
MELISSA. That’s not what I’m saying. when it comes to life is the extent of your commitment
HARRY. What are you saying? to living it.
MELISSA. I don’t know. I mean, last week everything MELISSA. (Angry.) How can you sit here talking to me
was in place and then boom, all of a sudden it’s about my commitment to life when yours is gone?
Monday morning and the whole world is upside down. HARRY. Because I don’t want the same thing to
Everything I thought was one way isn’t that way at all, happen to you.
it’s something completely different. All week I’ve been MELISSA. You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not
trying to put my life back in some kind of order, but it weak, Harry, I’m not stupid. I know that no matter how
keeps falling apart again. bad things seem, there’s always tomorrow.
HARRY. Maybe your life doesn’t like the order you’re HARRY. What is there wasn’t always tomorrow? Or
trying to put it in. even if there was tomorrow, what if the next day wasn’t
MELISSA. What? such a sure thing? What if there was no next week as
HARRY. Maybe it knows what you need better than you know it, what if they rest of your life was going to
you do. live you instead of you living it? Then what? Would
MELISSA. That’s ridiculous. My life doesn’t live me. you be strong and smart? Or would you be weak and
I’m the one that determines what happens. I’m in stupid like I was?
control. MELISSA. What are you trying to say, Harry?
HARRY. Seems that way, doesn’t it? You plan every HARRY. Listen, Mel, and you’ll know.
step, schedule every minute, so that you can say to MELISSA. Would you stop doing that?
yourself “I’m in control. I know where my life is going HARRY. What am I doing?
and I’m going to take it there.” And days go by, even MELISSA. You’re talking in circles. Nothing you’re
years, where everything goes by the book, nothing is saying makes any sense.
out of place. A good day is one where you keep to the HARRY. What do you want? Straight answers?
schedule, when every item on the “to do” list is MELISSA. That would be refreshing.
checked off and a new list is set for tomorrow. HARRY. Why? So you can attach a definition to
Knowing whether or not you are able to do something everything you’ve been feeling? So you can qualify
with your life is as easy as turning to a page in your day each emotion as valid or invalid and then stuff them all
planner. If there’s an empty space, you fill it in; if back inside where they’ll sit for the rest of your life or
there’s not, you pass. And just about the time you think until someone else you love dies?
you’ve mastered this incredible control over your own MELISSA. No. So that I can have some peace, Harry.
existence, something happens. Something unplanned, So that I can finally either absolve myself of this guilt
unscheduled, unavoidable, something that you can’t
that’s been hanging around me since Monday or throw HARRY. The game show image. You like game shows,
myself into it full force. I’m ready to go either way. right?
HARRY. I don’t think you are, Mel, I already told you, MELISSA. Well, yeah…
it wasn’t something you could stop. HARRY. Wait. (HE assumes the voice and persona of a
MELISSA. Then what was it? game show host.) Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
HARRY. I can’t tell you. Welcome to “The World Beyond Your Own Reality,” the
MELISSA. Why not? game nobody wants to play. Let’s welcome our first
HARRY. It’s against the rules. contestant, Melissa Burns! Melissa? How do you feel?
MELISSA. That’s bullshit. They don’t have rules in MELISSA. Really stupid.
heaven. HARRY. Good! Now, on with the game! You’ll see up
HARRY. Who said anything about heaven? here on this board …
MELISSA. Isn’t that where you came from?
HARRY. No. (HARRY gestures to an area in front of Melissa, but try
MELISSA. (Horrified.) You mean…? as she may, MELISSA can see no board.)
HARRY. No, I didn’t come from their either. Let’s just
say I’m on my way. MELISSA. What board?
MELISSA. To where? HARRY. (Laughs teasingly.) Hah! Hah! What board.
HARRY. That depends. Isn’t she something Ladies and Gentlemen? Now, as I
MELISSA. On what? was saying, you’ll see up here on this board five
HARRY. You. categories: Obstacles, Hurdles, Absolutes, Abstract
MELISSA. Oh, now this is getting a little too weird, Concepts, and Pleasures. Each of these categories
Harry. Not that it wasn’t already very weird to begin have hidden within them particular pieces which
with. So what you’re telling me is that I am not in any played a part in the suicide of your best friend, Harry
way responsible for your suicide, but I am the person Conner. Great guy, Harry. We’ll all miss him. NOW!
who will determine … what happens next? Your task is to put it all in the right order and come up
HARRY. Exactly. with the right answer. If you do this, Harry will be
MELISSA. But you can’t tell me what I need to know in sitting pretty with the big guy. If not … well, let’s not
order to do what I have to do. think about that right now.
HARRY. Right. MELISSA. What’s the question?
MELISSA. Then why are you here? HARRY. That’s not important. Are you ready?
HARRY. Because you need me. MELISSA. No.
MELISSA. But you just said you can’t help me. HARRY. No one ever is. Let’s start anyway, we always
HARRY. No, I said I can’t give you the answer you’re do. Pick a category.
looking for. That doesn’t mean I can’t help you find it.
MELISSA. I feel like I’m on some kind of metaphysical (SHE stares at him in silence.)
game show or something.
HARRY. That’s good, Mel. Go with that. HARRY. Pick a category, Melissa.
MELISSA. What? MELISSA. “Abstract concepts”?
HARRY. (HE looks at the “board.”) We’ve got time. HARRY. Seems like the obstacles got in the way of
Time. Time. Time and time. Looks like your friend Harry getting over the hurdles.
Harry had a little trouble with the concept of time, MELISSA. OK, I’ll take “Hurdles.” (The BUZZER
Melissa. sounds again.) What did I do now?
MELISSA. What are you talking about? You always HARRY. Wrong order.
managed your time extremely well. (A BUZZER sounds MELISSA. Who says?
very loudly. MELISSA is startled.) HARRY. The judges.
HARRY. I’m sorry, Melissa. Our judges seem to think MELISSA. But I want to know what you were trying to
there’s been a misconception on your part. Harry get past, that’s why I’m playing this game. (The
didn’t own time, therefore it wasn’t his. He was just BUZZER sounds again, this time louder and longer.)
borrowing it, shall we say? WHAT?
MELISSA. What does that noise mean? HARRY. The judges disagree with your perceived
HARRY. It means wake up and smell the coffee little purpose in playing. They want you to stop trying to
lady. Next category. control the game and just play it. You have to take
MELISSA. I don’t like this game. things in the order they come. If you jump ahead …
HARRY. That’s because you’re trying to figure out how (The BUZZER sounds again.) Let’s just say it’s not
to play it. good.
MELISSA. But how am I supposed to find the answer if MELISSA. OK! I’ll take “Obstacles.”
I don’t know how to play the game? HARRY. Let’s see. “Incognizance, Obstinance, Fear,
HARRY. You’d be surprised. Just pick another The Unknown, and The Day Planner.”
category. MELISSA. The Day Planner?
MELISSA. OK. I’ll take “Absolutes.” HARRY. That’s what the board says.
HARRY. What have we got? “Work, Taxes, Melissa, MELISSA. But you lived by your day planner. It wasn’t
Mom and Dad, and Death.” Looks like Harry was an obstacle, it was a finely tuned instrument. (The
pretty secure in your friendship, Melissa. How does BUZZER sounds again.) Let me guess. I’m wrong.
that make you feel? HARRY. You’re getting better at this. And it’s a good
MELISSA. Confused. thing, too, because there’s only one category left. Are
HARRY. Good! Let’s move on to the next category. you ready to take it on?
MELISSA. “Pleasures.” MELISSA. Sure. Why not? I’ll take “Hurdles.”
HARRY. “Melissa, Sailing, Melissa, Sailing, and HARRY. And we have … “Death.”
Melissa.” Harry must have really liked you. You beat MELISSA. Death?
out sailing by a three to two margin. How does that HARRY. Death.
make you feel? (SHE stars to answer, but HE cuts her MELISSA. I don’t get it. (The BUZZER sounds again.)
off.) That’s not important. All right, we only have two WOULD YOU STOP DOING THAT? I’m telling you, it
categories left. “Obstacles” and “Hurdles.” doesn’t make sense. Why would you have killed
MELISSA. Aren’t those the same things? yourself if death was an obstacle?
HARRY. Not to Harry. HARRY. It wasn’t an obstacle, it was a hurdle.
MELISSA. What’s the difference? MELISSA. Why was it a hurdle and not an obstacle?
HARRY. Why do you think you’re playing this game? HARRY. (HE celebrates, as the game show host.)
That’s it! You win! Let’s hear it for our contestant,
(A little SONG starts to play.) ladies and gentlemen!
MELISSA. (Not celebrating.) WAIT A MINUTE! (The
MELISSA. What is that? MUSIC stops abruptly.) What do you mean, “that’s it”?
HARRY. It’s Harry’s time running out. HARRY. (As himself.) I mean, you figured it out. You
MELISSA. But I’m not ready! I don’t know the got your answer. Congratulations.
answer! (The MUSIC continues. SHE turns to Harry.) MELISSA. That’s the answer? You were going to die
Harry, help me! whether you killed yourself or not?
HARRY. (As himself.) I’m trying. HARRY. Eventually. (Beat.) I had cancer, Mel.
MELISSA. Well you’re not doing a very good job. MELISSA. Cancer?
HARRY. Neither are you. (Beat.) But take my advice, HARRY. Yeah, cancer.
you have to look at the whole picture, otherwise it’ll MELISSA. I still don’t get it.
never make sense. HARRY. Why not, Mel?
MELISSA. Cancer is … well it’s not … I mean, it’s
(SHE stares at the “board” for a long moment, something people deal with Harry. It can even be
frustrated that it’s not there. The MUSIC stops. The cured.
BUZZER sounds again.) HARRY. If you have the time for it.
MELISSA. Jesus, Harry, you make the time! We’re
HARRY. (As the game show host.) All right, Melissa, talking about your life here!
your time is up. What is your answer? HARRY. No we’re not. My life’s over. There’s nothing
MELISSA. I don’t know. to talk about.
MELISSA. Like hell there isn’t. You should have been
(The BUZZER sounds again.) able to make time for that Harry, that’s all there is to it.
HARRY. You’re right, Mel. I should have been able to
HARRY. I’m sorry, Melissa, that’s not a valid answer. make the time. And I tried, believe me. I tried to fit it
MELISSA. But I really don’t know. in, but somehow “The Unknown” just didn’t look right
HARRY. (As the game show host.) Oh, Harry is going in the “future goals” section. And how much time do
to be so sorry to hear that. you allot for something like that? An hour a day? One
MELISSA. Oh, oh I don’t know, I don’t know! day a week? You can’t do it. Truth is, you’d have to
HARRY. (As himself.) Take a stab at it, Mel. throw out the whole damn schedule. The whole fucking
MELISSA. Well, the only thing I can think of is that plan would be shot.
you already knew you were going to die before you MELISSA. So?
killed yourself, but that can’t be it … HARRY. So, I always believed I was living my life. If I
tossed the plan, I’d be giving in. Life would be living
(Triumphant, happy MUSIC plays.) me. And I was too scared to let that happen. I did
commit suicide, Mel. But throwing myself under that
train was just the end of a very long road, one I started
down a long time ago. I couldn’t deal with a destiny I HARRY. I’m sorry, Mel. I never wanted to hurt you.
could not define for myself. MELISSA. I know.
MELISSA. But why didn’t you tell me? I could have HARRY. I love you.
helped you. MELISSA. I love you, too.
HARRY. You think so? You won’t even help yourself, HARRY. I’ll be watching out for you.
Mel. MELISSA. Oh, wait. You can’t go yet. I’m not ready.
MELISSA. But I’m not dying. HARRY. Oh, yes you are.
HARRY. Sure you are. Every day. MELISSA. I still need you.
HARRY. I hope so. (Beat.) Remember me, Mel.
(Beat.) (HARRY walks through the mirror and disappears.)
MELISSA. Wait! HARRY! What about saving my life?
MELISSA. What am I supposed to do? Quit my job and You didn’t tell me about that part yet? Harry? (SHE
wander around the world looking for adventure? stands there for a long moment, looking around the
HARRY. Is that what you want? room. SHE slowly starts to put things away in the box.
MELISSA. No. I don’t know. I don’t know what I The last item she comes across is the day planner.
want. SHE stops for a moment, the opens it, looking for
HARRY. Then find out. Paul’s card. It is there. SHE slowly goes to the
MELISSA. How? telephone and dials.) Paul Iehl please. (Beat.) Paul?
HARRY. I can’t tell you that. This is Melissa Burns, Harry Conners’ friend? I spoke
MELISSA. Don’t tell me, it’s against the rules, right? with you at Harry’s… Yes, that’s right. I’m doing much
HARRY. Worse. It would take away all the fun you’d better, thank you, how are you? Listen, the reason I’m
have finding out. calling it… well, I hope you don’t think this is too weird,
MELISSA. Would you really have gone to hell if I but I was wondering if you might like to get together
hadn’t figured out the cancer thing? for a drink sometime next week. You would? Great!
HARRY. No. But I know you. You always work better Tuesday night? I don’t know… I’m going to have to get
under pressure. back to you one that, Paul, I’ve left my day planner at
MELISSA. I miss you, Harry. the office… (SHE stops.) No, Tuesday night will be
HARRY. I miss you, too. fine. Seven sounds good. (SHE looks at her watch.) I
MELISSA. If you could have told me about it you might don’t know, what about J.G. Mellon’s? (SHE is still
still be here. looking at the watch.) Paul? Do you have the time? I
HARRY. If I could have told you about it, I wouldn’t think my watch must have stopped… Oh, come one, it
have been me. (HE raises his hand in front of her in a can’t be one thirty-one! No, I mean… No, never mind, I
mock toast.) To ten years of friendship. guess I just lost track of time… I’ll see you on Tuesday,
MELISSA. (Raising her had to touch his.) To ten years Paul. Goodbye. (SHE hangs up the phone. SHE looks
of friendship. up at the mirror and smiles. SHE picks up the day
HARRY. (HE grabs hold of her hand.) And the rest of planner and is about to put Paul’s card back in when
your life. SHE stops. SHE walks over to the garbage can and
MELISSA. (After a beat.) And the rest of my life. throws the day planner away, and puts the card in her
pocket. SHE walks over to the box, picks it up, and
turns to look at the room one last time.) Goodbye,
Harry. (SHE turns off the light and shuts the door.)


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