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Present Continuous


Intero gativul inseamna a pune intrebari.

La afirmativ este : They are reading a book.

Pentru a forma interogativul se face o inversare – are vine in fata substantivului

Are they reading a book?

Un exemplu la toate persoanele:

Am I playing tennis?

Are you playing tennis?

Is he playing tennis?

Is she playing tennis?

Is it playing tennis?

Are we playing tennis?

Are you playing tennis?

Are they playing tennis?

Acum treceti la interogativ urmatoarele doua verbe: write si go.

Nu uitati la write –writing (fara e)!

Si un exercitiu.

Complete with the interrogative form:

Eg: (you/do) Are you doing your homework?

1 (Tom/study).................................. for the History test?

2 (we/listen) music?

3 (they/ wear)..................................glasses?

4 (Dave/watch)............................ a show on TV.

5 (Dad/sleep)....................................on the sofa?

6 (you/go) the cinema?

7 (she/write).................................a story?

8 (Mum/work)

9 (it/rain).....................................?

10 (I/sit).....................................on your chair?

11 (Brian/drink)..............................lemonade?

12 (the cat/run).......................................?

13 (the girl/take)..............................a photo?

14 (the dogs/ jump)..............................................?

15 (Julie/eat)............................................a banana?

16 (he/ play)...........................................the piano?

17( she/dance)

18 (I/swim)

19 ( Mona/walk) school?

20( they/come)..........................................with us?

Homework: Write 7 examples with the present continuous interrogative.(Scrieti 7 example la interogativ)

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