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LESSON 1 - Introduction


WebCR acts as a centralized server that enables monitoring, deploying, and scheduling of Bots anywhere, anytime.
 The highlights of WebCR include:
 Browser-based Access
 Interactive Dashboard with Real-Time Data
 Multiple Admin Support
 Role-based Access Control
 Version Control Integration with SVN
 Centralized Licensing
 Audit Trail & Analytics
 Credential Vault
 App Management
 Monitor and administer large, multi-site complex automation infrastructure using the simplified
 Web-based Control Room
 Access and manage tasks and Clients/Users anywhere, anytime
 Monitor task progress and status to enforce internal compliance regulations, as well as to prevent tampering with mission-critical processes
 Facilitate an environment for increased collaboration to optimize productivity
 Accommodate scaling of multiple Client and Users environments (machines)
 Enable an environment to enforce controlled edits using SVN
 Upload and/or download MetaBots and MetaBot-enabled tasks
The components of WebCR include:
 Control Room Settings
 License Management
 Support Site
 User Profile
 Features Panel
LESSON 2 – Control Room


 Control Room Settings enable users with admin privileges to configure and update the Control Room Settings, such as:
 Repository Path
 Web Socket Service
 Control Room Access URL
 Version Control
 Outgoing Mail Server
 Email Notifications
 Credential Vault
 URLs for App Management, and so on.

LESSON 3 – License Management


 Let’s revisit the key points of this lesson.

 License Management enables the Control Room administrator to manage the installation, distribution, and allocation of licenses to Clients.
 The two aspects of Licensing in the License Management console include:
o New License Installation
o License Allocation
 The components of License Management include:
o Notification
o Client Usage Status
o Install New License
o App Usage Status
o Licence Allocation

LESSON 4 - Features Panel


 The components of the Features Panel include:

o Audit Trail: View log of activities done with respect to WebCR.
o Task Schedules: which lets you view the tasks planned on Runtime Clients as well as schedule the new tasks on Runtime Clients via WebCR.
o Security: Create new roles as per the requirements.
o Clients: Which help view the Development and Runtime Client registered with the WebCR.
o Credential Manager: which helps to store and manage Credentials on the SQL Server Database, and
o App Management: Which helps register Analytics and Bot farm applications.

LESSON 5 - Dashboard


The key highlights worth remembering by the end of this topic would be that the Dashboard presents a bird's eye view of task-relevant activities.
 Tasks completed successfully
 Upcoming tasks
 Tasks in progress
 Repository details
 Tasks that have failed

LESSON 6 – Features Panel - Repository Manager


 Let’s revisit the key points of this lesson.

 The Repository Manager allows you to run and schedule tasks on BotRunners; that is - client users with Runtime license.
 It also allows the control room administrator to delete redundant files and sub-folders.
 The components of the Repository Manager include:
o Repository
o Body of the Repository
o Actions
o Run
o Schedule
o Manage Dependencies
o BotRunners

LESSON 7 - Features Panel - Operations Room


 Let’s revisit the key points of this lesson.

 The Operations Room serves as a powerful monitoring console that provides detailed information about all the automation on the network.
 The Operational Analytics component enables the tracking of Bot activity as well as logging and monitoring of Users.
 While the Tasks in Progress component displays information related to the execution status of the currently running tasks, the Tasks History displays
the history of all the tasks that were executed through the WebCR.
LESSON 8 - Features Panel - Security


 Activities of and access to the Control Room for Users (Administrators, Clients, and Non-Clients) are governed by the role defined for each.
 The role-based accessibility model ensures that each User has console access to view information or data relevant to the role assigned by the Control
Room Administrator.
 Admin, Basic, Analytics Consumer, Analytics Expert, and Validator roles are defined by default in the Control Room. The permissions to these roles are
also pre-defined and cannot be edited.
LESSON 9 - Features Panel - User Management


 Client User Management involves creating Users after defining specific roles.
 You can create either Non-Active Directory or Active Directory Users—Users with Windows credentials.
 You need to input information based on the type of User.
 An email link that the User receives can be used to verify the email, and also to set the Control Room Access password.
 Licenses are allocated based on the type of Role.
 Setting User Password is applicable to Non-Active Directory Users with SMTP Configuration enabled.
 The User details can also be exported to CSV.

LESSON 10 - Features Panel - Audit Trail


 Audit Trails provide an administrator and/or user important data to monitor task progress and status to enforce internal compliance regulations, as
well as to prevent tampering with mission-critical processes.
 You can export and save the Audit Trail data to a CSV file by selecting “Export to CSV.”
 You can filter the “Audit Trail” data as per your requirement and apply filters to view activities for a specific week and data types. You can also sort
the data in “Ascending” or “Descending” order.

LESSON 11 - Features Panel - Task Schedules


 The Control Room Administrator can:

o Schedule tasks to play on Runtime Client(s) machines.
o Export the upcoming task schedule details to a CSV file.
 The components of Task Schedule include:
o Create Schedule
o Export to CSV

LESSON 12 - Features Panel - Clients


 The Clients feature displays information related to the clients registered with the Web Control Room.
 While green indicates that the Client is connected to the WebCR, red indicates the client is disconnected.
 The Client details can be exported to a CSV file for data-sharing
 by the Control Room administrator or a User with the Client Management permission.

LESSON 13 - Credentials Manager


 Let’s revisit the key points of this lesson.

 Credential Manager allows you to add Credential Key and Attributes in the Control Room Credential Vault, which can be assigned in Commands as
Credential Variables.
 The components of Credential Manager include:
o Credential Variables List and Details:
 Credential Name
 Variable Description
 Attribute Name, Description, and Value
o Actions include:
 Add/Edit/Delete
 Save/Cancel

LESSON 14 - App Management


 Let’s revisit the key points of this lesson.

 App Management links the BotInsight and the BotFarm applications to WebCR.
 App Management can be used to edit registered apps and register new apps.
 The App Management screen displays the list of registered apps.
 You can use the Register Apps button to register new apps.

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