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In the preparation of acetylene, it is crucial to remember that there should be no fire lighted when
performing the task—considering that acetylene is highly explosive. Acetylene was generated through the
chemical reaction of water and calcium chloride. Although there are several methods on how to produce
acetylene (by means of other reagents or laboratory contraption), this procedure produces low amounts of
heat thus preventing the gas from exploding. Furthermore, it is important to take note of how the gas
ought to be collected. Water displacement is a commonly used way to collect gases because of how the
gas can be sealed in a container together with vapor. In order to collect the gas successfully, the
experimenter must first allow a few bubbles to escape to release any impurities. After the collection, the
carbide must be decomposed and dissolved for proper disposal and cleaning.

There were five properties of acetylene which were observed in the laboratory. The first one was
the physical properties of the said gas. Most gas are unseen therefore are difficult to describe. However,
there were several identifiable properties of acetylene that may be observed through human senses such as
its physical state and odor. The proceeding property to be observed was the flammability of acetylene.
The experimenters are highly encouraged to perform the task under a hood and to take caution of every
procedure to avoid fire hazards. Another property to be observed was the reaction of acetylene with
bromine and Baeyer’s Test for Unsaturation. The experimenters must take note of the visible chemical
changes of acetylene when combined with bromine and dilute solution of potassium permanganate
(compare with alkane and alkene to know the difference between the three). Last to be observed in the
experiment was the formation of acetylides. Experimenters ought to be careful in handling the reagents
since the ammoniacal cuprous chloride is an irritant and ammoniacal silver nitrate may produce hazards
when not handled properly.

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